China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 529 Zhou Yi, are you going to ruin campus folk songs?

"Is it possible that Liang Jingru is also a candidate for the female lead?"

"That's right. Liang Jingru's new album "Beautiful Life" released in February this year can be regarded as her best album so far. In terms of concept and unity, it is comparable to Zhou Yi's "Lianshan" last year. All the songs in the album can be connected into a whole."

"But there are no popular songs, and they are not popular."

"No, I'm talking about the artistry and the concept of the album. Zhou Yi has been able to stand out from others since his debut because he has always played like this. Why don't you bring Liang Jingru?"

"What you said is that Zhou Yi takes both into account in every album. Concepts and hit songs are what make him superior. Liang Jingru's "Beautiful Life" was released in February. It's already late August. Is there a song that can catch up with her past hit songs? "

"Fuck your mother! Not popular? !"

"Compared to ranking or sales? You decide whether it's popular or not."


"I tell you, Yanzi is--"

Zhen Junjie, who fought hard on the Internet, was restrained by the last second when he was shut down. He wrote a long article to prove "Why Sun Yanzi is the No. 1 Chinese Female Artist", but before he sent it out, the computer screen jumped back to the initial interface of the Internet cafe client...


It wasted!

Damn it!

"Ajie, did you buy the tickets for Sun Yanzi's "Unfinished" new song concert? My scalper is out of stock."

"No, the scalpers I know are out of stock, but he said that if I add 800, he can get me a back row ticket."

New song concert, commonly known as new album concert. Only top-tier popular singers can hold such concerts when they have just released a new album and are not widely sung yet, because the repertoire of such small concerts is fixed to be songs from the new album, and no old songs will be sung.

A typical example is that when Li Wen just released "Dama Dan" that year, she also held a new album concert and invited the fledgling Jay Chou to sing with her, which can be regarded as a disguised support.

After getting off the plane, Zhen Junjie, who pushed his bicycle out of the black Internet cafe with his classmates, shook his head: "It's too expensive, I can't bear it."

He can still grit his teeth for the price of 100 yuan, but he can only do nothing for the price of 900,000 yuan.

He is now a high school student, and the 200 yuan he saved was originally saved by his frugal life in the past, often skipping breakfast and eating less at night.

I originally thought that before school started, I would take the new album "Unfinished" I just bought to watch a new song concert held by Yanzi in Guangzhou, but unfortunately, I still watched the TV broadcast.

"I heard that the heartthrob will also appear at Yanzi's concert. I really want to go."

"Really? Didn't the heartthrob retire?"

"What do you mean? Didn't she appear at Zhou Yi's concert before?"

The classmate curled his lips and said disdainfully: "The three of them live in the same building, so they must have a good relationship. It is said that the song "One Like Summer and One Like Autumn" in Yanzi's new album is specifically sung by her and Cheng Hao..."

"No need to hear it. I saw Cheng Hao's friendship in the MV. I bought the album..."

"It's a pity that Zhou Yi won't go. I watched Zhou Yi's fan meeting in Japan. Damn, he's so handsome!"

Thinking of the video he downloaded from the Internet at risk, Zhen Junjie couldn't help but feel excited -

He didn't know about others, but at least Zhou Yi was the first Chinese singer he knew who enjoyed preferential treatment in this special land of Japan.

Contrary to many Zhou Yi fans, he didn't feel much about Europe and the United States, which were too far away. Instead, he was very excited by the Japanese's respectful attitude towards Zhou Yi.

"He is handsome, but I still don't like him. I only like Yanzi. He cuts off his past too much. I don't understand. Is it shameful to sing folk songs? He even picked up rock again, but still doesn't touch folk songs."

Facing Zhen Junjie's irrepressible excitement, the classmates were extremely contemptuous.

Folk songs and rock songs, Zhou Yi has never touched folk songs. Look at his current title, "Son of Rock", what is the blood of rock flowing in his bones, bah!

Isn't this a complete cut?

Even if he writes a folk song for others, you have to know that Maitian Music was one of the leaders of folk songs in the mainland before the merger with Warner. You may not find other singers in the company, but there are definitely a lot of people who play folk songs.

"Is it possible that Ai Dajin disgusted him? So he doesn't want to do folk music at Warner."

"Forget it, Ai Dajin is gone, he ran to the United States in disgrace. Now I don't know what Lao Lang and others should do, eh..."

As a representative of campus folk music, since Ai Dajin was ruined by Zhou Yi and fled to the United States to avoid the limelight, he has no place in the domestic public opinion field, and the positioning of Lao Lang and others under the original Maitian has become awkward.

"It can only be said that it's a good thing that Song Ke is here. Lao Lang and other campus folk music leaders at least have a pretty good next home."

Thinking of Song Ke who was expelled by Warner, the classmate with thick eyebrows and big eyes was still relieved--

Unfortunately, before he could put his heart back in his stomach, he saw a "small news" mixed in with multiple news such as "Double J Love", "The Heartthrob is suspected of combining with Sun Yanzi", "Zhou Yi's Rock Son", etc.: Song Ke is gone.

After nearly a year of litigation, the case between Taihe Media and Warner Music suddenly came to a conclusion. Song Ke no longer resisted the charges and admitted the crime in court.

Taihe Media also expressed its approval and will not appeal.

This also means... Taihe Media's original plan to rebuild New Wheatfield and take over singers such as Lao Lang and Pu Shu declared bankruptcy.

In the foreseeable future, their days at Warner Bros. can be imagined...

"Holy shit! Is Warner crazy?! Or is Taihe crazy?!"

"No, is Warner trying to ruin campus folk songs?"

"Is there a possibility that Zhou Yi ruined it? Who doesn't know that Song Ke and Gao Dajin wear the same pants? This is not Zhou Yi's retaliation for me washing my hair upside down."


Since the influence of campus folk songs on the mainland music scene had not completely dissipated at that time, those folk fans and singers who had never taken this so-called case seriously were all upset on August 27.

Originally, everyone expected Song Ke to revive the glory of the wheat field and continue to shine after leaving Warner, so that folk songs would not completely lose ground in the music world. It's good now, the mountains of folk songs and campus folk songs are all gone in the blink of an eye...

"Damn it! I really can't take the blame!"

In the Warner Building, Zhou Yi, who was working on a new album, also noticed the criticism of himself by these young men and women while surfing the Internet, and was filled with indignation——

Although it is true that he is not easy to deal with the short and tight Song Ke, he has never been the kind of person to engage in tandem.

What about Lao Lang Pu Shu? Although he and these people are in the same company, they have nothing in common. These people didn't come out to support him when he was jumping, so naturally he wouldn't blindly expand it.

“There are really no pushers this time, and no one dares to commit crimes against the wind.

"It's purely because the young people you talk about think you've gone too far. If they thought you just forgot your roots before, now they think you're going to ruin campus folk songs."

Also noticing the public opinion that had not yet spread, Qian Jiang took the investigation results and informed Zhou Yi of the details.

Although he didn't know why just two people did something wrong on their own, in the mouths of this group of young people, it turned into Zhou Yi trying to ruin the campus folk song.

Old Wolf Pu Shu hasn't spoken yet, but this group of people feels that Warner is suppressing them and wants to speak for them.

"But the solution is easy. The company won't pressure Lao Lang Pu Shu and the others. When the time comes, they will sign a singer who is also a representative figure of folk songs. If they tell the outside world that you invited them to come to Warner, the doubts about you will naturally be dispelled."

Qianjiang thought about it and thought of the fastest solution.

He didn't want Zhou Yi to be called "ungrateful". This was a dereliction of duty for him as an agent.

There is no real scandal in Zhouyi that needs to be covered up by this kind of scandal.

"Have you just thought about it?"

Zhou Yi, who originally planned to call Qian Jiang to ask what was going on, was surprised.

Qian Jiang smiled and patted his shoulder: "I told you, Ayi, just prepare your new album with peace of mind. Other trivial matters are my responsibility as a manager. I not only thought about it, I even selected the candidates." Found it."

Zhou Yi, who was adjusting his headphones, asked curiously: "Who are you looking for?"

"You also know Li Jian, the former member of Shuimunianhua."

Qian Jiang reported the name: "Isn't the song "I Will Be With You" that they combined previously very popular, but because Li Jian did not agree with his partner's ideas, he voluntarily quit the Shuimu Nianhua group, and then signed the album contract with TEDA.

"The company will just poach him when the time comes, and we can also make a show of sympathy with you, one from Tsinghua University and the other from Peking University."

Baoyuan from Tsinghua University and Peking University is definitely the academic ceiling in the entertainment industry.

Li Jianzheng, an eight-year-old graduate of the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University, isn’t his academic qualifications several floors higher than those of the short and tight Tsinghua graduate?

Not to mention that the external statement at the time was that Zhou Yi took the initiative to invite Li Jian, a folk singer, to join because he admired his music, and he properly "remained true to his original intention."

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