China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 532 Two bullies serve me alone

As the founder of Foxmail, Zhang Xiaolong originally thought that after Cheng Hao acquired Boda, he would start to split the company structure like many investors who had entered Internet companies in the past, especially the Foxmail team he created.

But what I didn't expect was that after Cheng Hao took over, not only did he not "voluntarily resign" or "voluntarily transfer", but he was valued and became the leader of the company's business group, with a higher voice than when his former employer was there, and even had He has the right to directly contact Zhou Yi and Cheng Hao, the two leaders of Gui Yi.

Considering that his little trouble is nothing to mention to a rich man like Zhou Yi who makes a lot of dollars every month, so when something happens, Zhang Xiaolong's first choice is to contact Cheng Well done to this general manager.

"Okay, I get it."

After listening to Zhang Xiaolong's explanation, Cheng Hao hung up the phone and leaned on the back of his seat, lost in thought.

Driven by the strong appeal of the name "Gray Avatar" and "Zhouyi", the QQ team, which celebrated its third anniversary some time ago, successfully solved the crisis. The sudden influx of huge users was even willing to pay for various additional functions. The number of paying users directly allowed QQ, which was already in danger, to leave its competitors by a large margin again.

While Xiao Ma was talking happily on the board of directors, he naturally began to prepare to use this wave of traffic from image ambassador Zhou Yi to continue to conquer the city for QQ. Then, they met a brand new opponent head-on——


To be precise, it is Microsoft China, which has begun to investigate the domestic instant messaging market.

The key point is that this is not just a general survey, even the MSN China team is already being formed. The continuous recruitment is obviously a big move, which is undoubtedly extremely stressful for QQ, which has just been reborn.

That's Microsoft, a global dominant player, and MSN has achieved major success abroad.

In order to cope with the pressure, Xiao Ma naturally wanted to integrate resources that could be integrated on the market to continue to increase QQ's selling points, and the email business naturally came into his sight.

Foxmail, a subsidiary of Guiyi, was put on his desk.

As one of the few domestic companies at this stage that can maintain a certain market share despite the heavy pressure from giants such as NetEase and Sina, Foxmail has received new capital injections after being acquired by Guiyi, and the update and iteration speed has been guaranteed to the maximum extent.

Tencent wants to acquire it.

Then their family became numb——

There is no other reason than that Gui Yi is too rich.

To be precise, Zhou Yi was too rich.

Tencent's year-end settlement profit last year was 144 million yuan, while Zhou Yi's annual income last year according to Tencent's channel information was a guaranteed minimum of 150 million yuan after tax, and he earned fucking US dollars...

This year's English album is aiming to sell more than 30 million copies worldwide. Taking into account the income from various copyright channels, the new sales revenue of each album, the new Apple store revenue and subsidy sharing, it is very likely to go straight to sales this year. After tax, it was over US$200 million.

This is just for music, not counting his added value in the investment market.

Even though this is the acquisition of Foxmail, Zhou Yi gritted his teeth and was able to form a bureau and take the lead in acquiring Tencent.

Under this situation, Xiao Ma had no choice but to change his idea of ​​a direct acquisition with a rough offer and talk to Gui Yi first. At the very least, he had to stabilize Zhou Yi behind Gui Yi first.

They are afraid of Microsoft.

"Microsoft made so much money with Zhou Yi's PPT template that it almost made them smile. PPT is now truly popular all over the world. Many of Zhou Yi's opening practices have been directly used as textbooks, making PPT accepted by more people. use.

"They now have a good foundation for cooperation with Zhou Yi. In the future, no one can guarantee that Microsoft will not cooperate with Zhou Yi again after entering the Chinese market..."

Xiao Ma asked himself, if he were from Microsoft, he would definitely approach Zhou Yi during the promotion stage.

Because an international giant was involved, Cheng Hao, who was undecided after one night, still called Zhou Yi——


Zhou Yi, who was preparing to produce the new album "Return to Tibet", picked up the music video material list handed over by the assistant at the desk, checked it over and paused in a cold voice: "You mean Microsoft?"


"That's okay. You can slowly talk to Tencent later. You can use Microsoft to lower the price and gain more benefits. It won't be a problem for a year."

Zhou Yi has no intention of cooperating with Microsoft.

It’s not that he is unwilling, it’s because the Microsoft China team that was formed shortly after is too overwhelming. The MSN market has not even been established yet, and everyone is more focused than popping the champagne, thinking that they are the global hegemon. Destined to be invincible, he is obsessed with internal struggle for power and gain and cannot extricate himself.

QQ regards MSN as its most powerful opponent since its birth, and has prepared multiple backup plans to deal with possible attacks. However, it did not expect that the Microsoft China team was so vulnerable.

The final result was that this battle not only completely established QQ's dominant position in the country, but also allowed Ma Ge to breed his increasingly expanding ambitions, and the prototype of the future Internet bully was born.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

Not long after Zhou Yi and Cheng Hao finished chatting, Qian Jiang knocked on the door of the recording studio, pushed the door open and entered, telling Zhou Yi with excitement that Microsoft wanted to "renew their relationship" with him in China. mean.

"Microsoft came with sincerity this time. The image ambassador contract they offered is very generous. They must have tasted the sweetness of the last cooperation with you."

"Talk slowly, slowly pull, send an ambiguous signal, but don't agree, I have no intention of cooperating with Microsoft China."

Before Qian Jiang could be happy for long, Zhou Yi's answer made his good mood come to an abrupt end--


Qian Jiang almost thought he had heard it wrong.

That's Microsoft!

Even if Chenglong received the invitation, he would probably pay unprecedented attention. Why do you still disdain it?

Didn't we cooperate happily in the United States before?

"I'll leave the matter of pulling with Microsoft to you, Lao Qian. I have an appointment to meet someone today, so I'm leaving first."

Raising the list handed over by the assistant in his hand, Zhou Yi smiled and patted his agent on the shoulder, and walked out of the recording studio under his puzzled and puzzled gaze.

Twenty-seven minutes later, in a teahouse box in the capital.

Jiang Wen, who was invited by Zhou Yi to drink tea here, glanced at the folder on the man's side: "You said you have something about the MV, you want to ask me?"

"Hey, it's not a big deal, I'm just a detail control, so I like to focus on details."

Zhou Yi took a sip of tea, put down the porcelain cup, and chuckled: "You know me, I don't want to start work if the details are not perfect."

"Come on, tell me, let me hear what can stump you, a great talent." Jiang Wen, who didn't take it seriously, raised his hand to adjust his cuffs and took the folder--

When he opened it, it was all some... information about trucks?

"What is this?"

"There is a song called "Sorrow of Ending the War" in my new album. The content of the MV is against the invasion of the United States, but I don't know much about the brand and tone of the trucks there, but they are needed in the MV to show the transportation of supplies and the like.

"I was thinking if you could come to help guide the transformation of these props. I know that you have done a lot of detailed research on war scenes. You are a moviemaker, so you must know a lot of props channels, right? ”

Finally, Zhou Yi added righteously: "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. The cars in this MV may need to hit people, so these cars need to ensure the effect of hitting people after modification, but they cannot really hit people to death."

"Hey, you asked the right person."

Hearing this, Jiang Wen immediately became excited, and waved his hand to express his own insights: "If you want to hit someone, if you want to ensure the effect, then I definitely recommend a near-real collision. You know, I always pay attention to real shooting when filming.

"So this car head, you have to ask someone to modify it like this, so that it can hit..."

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