China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 537: All the fucking farts

"Warner's top brands come together to promote the movie! 》

"When Sun Yanzi "meets" Fan Bingbin, what kind of sparks will collide? 》


"It is reported that the premiere of "Go Left, Go Right" in the Imperial City was star-studded. Not only did the two stars appear on the same stage, but Warner singer Zhou Yi also made a rare appearance to support..."

As the first stepping stone for Warner Films to enter the Chinese market, "Go Left, Go Right", a literary romance film, can be said to have invested a considerable amount of publicity and marketing.

Sun Yanzi was invited to sing the theme song "Meet" and Zhou Yilai was asked to help with the platform. Even Aaron Kwok and Sammi Cheng, whose status has declined, were not spared. Both of them publicly expressed their opinions on this movie on various occasions. expectations.

The former brothers and sisters of Warner and the current brothers and sisters are all on board to help out. Regardless of the quality of the movie itself, at least the early attention will be full.

"Instead of going to Yanzi's new song concert, I went to attend the movie premiere. Damn it, Fan Bingbin, the vixen, is really going to be in the spotlight, right?"

"You're a big boss. This must be Warner's arrangement. Didn't you see Yanzi's smile when he mentioned Zhou Yi at the concert?"

"When did Yanzi move out of Zhouyi's upstairs, I'll believe they had a falling out."

"Why do I think Li Bingbin seems to be having a good time chatting with Zhou Yi?"

"It's broken. Is this pig going to collect all the ice?"

"Fuck you! My Fan Bingbin is pure and pure!"


Thanks to the strong early attention, in the following week or so after the premiere, there was a lot of marketing, reports and discussions about the film, both online and in real life.

There was a "chaos" in public opinion, including those who were watching the excitement, those who were naysayers, those who praised Sun Yanzi's theme song for being great, those who scolded Zhou Yi for being inappropriate, etc.

But without exception, the premise that drives these discussions is the movie "Go Left, Go Right"——

At the same time, the popularity of the song "Meet" has also driven the song "Meet" to further success.

Since its release with the album on August 20, the popularity of "Meet" has eclipsed all the songs released by other female singers this summer. It was finally officially listed on the weekly charts of major radio stations across the Taiwan Strait and three places on September 8. All climbed to the top——

"Sunny Day", which only completed its No. 1 achievement on the weekly charts last week, has officially been kicked off the throne.

Media reporters who thought that Jay Chou could persist until Zhou Yi or Wang Lihong released a new album were somewhat stunned.

Some fast-moving Hong Kong reporters kept questioning Jay Chou, who was doing publicity in Hong Kong, and asked him about his views on this in an attempt to provoke a "war." Unfortunately, Jay Chou's smooth and smooth handling was somewhat disappointing -

"I really haven't paid much attention to this, but Yanzi's new song is normal, right? Why are you making such a fuss?"

Jay Chou was a little dumbfounded.

The national sales of his new album "Ye Huimei" exceeded one million as early as August 26. With this sales volume, it really doesn't matter to him whether the song wins the radio championship or not.

He continues to capture popularity, sales, and artistic depth with this album. Even within the industry, his album's evaluation is among the highest.

"Then what do you want to say about someone accusing you of plagiarizing the cover of your new album "Ye Hye-mi" from the Korean horror and suspense movie "Rose and the Red Lotus" promotional poster released last year?"

Seeing that the path of sowing discord was not going to work, the reporter decisively changed the track and asked about the plagiarism rumors that had gradually gained momentum with the success of Jay Chou's album——

Sure enough, the smile on Jay Chou's face, who was cheerful just now, disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye: "I don't know why some journalist friends said this. The album cover of "Ye Huimei" is 100% not plagiarized. I haven't even heard of it. That Korean movie.”

In mid-August 2003, after several so-called film and television experts suddenly accused Jay Chou of plagiarizing the cover of Jay Chou's new album from the poster of the 2002 Korean horror and suspense movie "Rose and Red Lotus", remarks about "Jay Chou's plagiarism" began to spread on the Internet. attracted some attention.

In this age where so-called expert filters have not yet faded, their words are very influential.

As a large number of media followed suit, this matter soon caused quite a stir. By the beginning of September, many people on the domestic Internet had ridiculed Jay Chou and published statements that they had known for a long time that he was Plagiarism, etc.

Sony was caught off guard and started public relations in confusion, but the situation was already established. No matter how hard they proved themselves, Holaday and Sony could not stop the speed of information flow on the Internet - this is why Jay Chou was so embarrassed.

This should be a forbidden topic, and these reporters in Hong Kong are so rude.

Jay Chou was a little aggrieved.

He looked at the cover of his new album from side to side and saw that there was nothing similar to the promotional poster of that damn Korean movie - oh, if they were both sitting on the sofa, they were similar.

"Eh? Jie Lun! Jie Lun!"

Seeing that Jay Chou was about to leave with a dark face, the anxious reporter hurriedly caught up with him——

"Jie Lun, do you have anything to say about the title song of Yanzi's new album of the same name, "Unfinished", which is suspected of plagiarizing the song "Cloak" by Japanese female singer Aiko?!"

"Jie Lun, do you also think that the title song of Sun Yanzi's new album of the same name is really suspected of plagiarism?"

"Jie Lun..."

Jay Chou, who was blocked in his way, slowly typed a question mark: "?"

Why was she also said to have plagiarized?

On September 8, 2003, 18 days after the release of Sun Yanzi's new album "Unfinished", the actual sales nationwide exceeded 870,000, and the sales in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand together exceeded 340,000, and the total sales exceeded 1.2 million, becoming the second album this year. Jay Chou's "Ye Huimei" is another album with real sales exceeding one million copies across Asia.

Warner has begun intensive preparations to hold a celebration party for Sun Yanzi.

But at this juncture, the title song "Unfinished" of Sun Yanzi's new album of the same name was also revealed to be plagiarized by so-called experts and netizens - it was plagiarized by Japanese singer Aiko...

Sun Yanzi himself was confused.

No, where was this song plagiarized?

"That's not right, Yanzi. Recently, you have to refuse reporters' questions on this topic and not give them a chance to ferment. Someone from the company will deal with these rumors." Chen Zeshan, who is well versed in marketing, noticed this. Notified her immediately after the incident.

In principle, he chose to believe in the Li Sisong brothers. After all, they were top music producers who had long been famous in the industry.

But to be conservative, he still had to find the Japanese female singer's "Cloak" to authenticate it.

However, before he could investigate clearly, Zhou Yi's interview on September 9 directly triggered the plagiarism controversy currently being discussed on the Internet——

On the afternoon of September 9, outside the Warner Building.

As soon as Zhou Yi walked out of the building after exchanging all the requirements for his MV with director Ning Hao, he was surrounded by reporters who were stationed there. Ning Hao, who wanted to leave but failed, was directly squeezed to the back...

At the age of twenty-six, I stood like a slave...

"Zhou Yi, do you know about the alleged plagiarism of the title song of Yanzi's new album of the same name?!"

"Zhou Yi! What do you think about Yanzi and Jie Lun's alleged plagiarism?! Will you cover them up?!"

"Zhou Yi, will you kill your relatives out of justice..."

The buzzing reporters rushed forward one after another for the big news. Thanks to the bodyguard's timely response, they didn't let them rush Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yiting frowned: "Plagiarism? What plagiarism? Can you explain it clearly?"

"It's Yanzi——"

"It's all fucking farts!"

Before the reporters had finished speaking, Zhou Yi's "groundbreaking" words made the reporters' eyes light up and their hearts suddenly became ecstatic!

Ning Hao, who was squeezed out, raised his hand several times to remind Zhou Yi to pay attention to his words, but after hearing these words, he couldn't help but swallow back the words that had surged into his throat...

Forget it, this man has always been so willful...

"Zhouyi Zhouyi! What do you mean by this? Do you think the experts are spreading rumors and slandering? Or are you choosing to side with Yanzi?"

"Zhouyi, some experts have clearly pointed out that Yanzi's new song has been plagiarized. Are you going to use your credibility to support her?"

"Zhou Yi, do you clearly support plagiarism?"

"Book of Changes..."

Zhou Yi, who raised his hand to indicate that the bodyguards didn't need to stop them, sneered disdainfully: "The experts tell you to die, but you won't die?"

Reporters: "..."

You seem to be overly aggressive.

"You're still plagiarizing. If you're allergic to Chinese characters like that expert, get the hell out of China and stop being like your parents here."

Reporters: "..."

You are not suspicious, you have really gone too far!

The reporters who had not seen Zhou Yi open fire in the country for a long time not only did not feel humiliated by the scolding, but all of them had gleaming eyes and wished they could set up a light for Zhou Yi on the spot and put the microphone in his mouth.

Let’s just say that interviewing Jay Chou and Sun Yanzi is totally ineffective. It has to be Zhou Yi!

Do you understand the value of the Holy Body of Innate News?

"Zhou Yi, as a law graduate, if you cover up Yanzi's plagiarism——"

"Copy your mother."

Zhou Yi didn't even bother to turn his head and responded to the excited questioning coming from the left.

Ning Hao felt that Zhou Yi might have been hanging out with Jiang Wen for a long time recently, and he was a bit too open-mouthed.

"First of all, there is no connection between the two songs "Cloak" by AIko and "Unfinished" by Yanzi. The reason why some idiots say plagiarism is because there is a dialogue scene in AIko's song..."

Zhou Yi pointed out the so-called plagiarism with disdain——

In the MV of Aiko's song "Cloak", there is a scene of a Japanese conversation between herself and herself——

"Who are you?"

"Who am I? I am you, 12 years old."

Then in the middle, and finally at the end, the child Aiko asked, "What are you doing at the age of 26?"

Answer: "Singing."

In essence, this is a common period of self-analysis and self-affirmation.

No matter what country it is in or what works it is, there are so many aspects like "What will you be doing when you are XX years old in the future? Have you persisted in your childhood dreams?" are all things that need to be appreciated.

The ending of Sun Yanzi's new song "Unfinished" MV also ends with this way of talking to oneself, which echoes the theme of the entire album "because the road of music is not completed, so it is always on the road" -

"Who are you?"

"I am you when you were a child."

"So will you still like music when you grow up?"


Then, this scene was spliced ​​together by someone with ulterior motives——

Without mentioning other factors in the album, I simply extracted these four sentences from Japanese and translated them into Chinese for so-called comparison with the four lines of dialogue in Sun Yanzi's MV, and finally came to the conclusion of "plagiarism" .

Because Aiko's albums are not purchased and sold in China, even if someone wants to ask for a certificate, they can't get it. In the end, they can only read it again with the so-called authoritative experts.

The media that likes hot topics saw that this plagiarism was untenable, so they omitted the so-called plagiarism point and directly started reporting that Sun Yanzi's new song "Unfinished" plagiarized a Japanese singer's song——

The public's blind obedience and love of creating and destroying gods were fully released at this moment, which instantly promoted the formation of this public opinion field.

It was evaluated as a prosthetic eye thimble and identified as someone who studied journalism.

The reporters are numb——

Bad dish!

Did this guy really watch that Japanese singer’s album? !

Oh, yes, I forgot that this piece of shit just came back from Japan not long ago...

"...What about the plagiarism of Jay Lun's new album cover?"

The reporter who was silenced by the refutation turned to attack from another angle.

Sun Yanzi's plagiarism remarks cannot stand in front of this guy. That Jay Chou album cover was plagiarized——

"That's complete nonsense. The only thing they have in common is that they both sit on European-style sofas."

Zhou Yi sneered, his eyes full of disdain: "It's just that Jie Lun is sitting alone on a single sofa, but in "Rose and Red Lotus" there are two children slumped on the two-seat sofa, and two adults standing Family portrait composition behind them.”

Reporters: "..."

Something's wrong, something's wrong with you, why have you seen it all?

"But experts say -"

"What experts say must be right? I have been to Japan and South Korea and know people there. How can you be more knowledgeable and expert than me?"

Zhou Yi glanced at the reporter who obviously wanted to make a big news: "Don't just listen to the wind and rain every day, always want to make a big news."

If the question was about plagiarism from "Besieged on All Sides", he would really be able to point it out.

After all, the arrangement of this song really cast a shadow of plagiarism on Jay Chou. Although he finally explained it with string samples, he still couldn’t convince the public——

Everyone thinks that if Jay Chou hadn't come up with this song, he would have been trolled to death.

So many people later still questioned that the sampling range had exceeded the limit. The cello passages used to lay the foundation in your arrangement are very similar, so it doesn’t matter in terms of sampling, but the violin used as the finishing touch later appears at exactly the same time and rhythm. That doesn't make sense.

Although the arranger of this song is not Jay Chou.

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