China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 560 Dear Zhou, you are my father

For those who have not seen it with their own eyes, it is hard to imagine that a singer from China can be so popular in the United States without talking about family matters, trying to get close to others, or bending over to cater to American propaganda.

Zhang Ziyi is one of them.

This time she accompanied Zhang Yimou and Li Lianjie to discuss the release of "Hero" in the United States. She can be said to have clearly seen that Zhang Yimou, a great director with a high status in China, has lost the halo of being surrounded by thousands of people in the United States.

Li Lianjie can eat at the table in a domineering manner, but as far as she knows, Li Lianjie also encountered the humiliating history of his salary rising from 1 million US dollars to 500,000 when he first ventured into Hollywood.

And in terms of the importance of Americans alone, Li Lianjie is obviously not comparable to Zhou Yi.

Not to mention the Warner executives, Robert Iger, the most popular executive of Disney recently, and Steve Jobs, the creator of the miracle of paid online music media in the United States and the helmsman of Apple, these two well-known big capital representatives personally appeared at the airport to welcome Zhou Yi.

Several people even talked and laughed, which was simply unique.

"Ayi's popularity in the United States is like this. He has taken a completely different path from us." Li Lianjie, who was already accustomed to this, smiled and took a sip of wine: "I have never suffered."

That arrogant attitude would probably not be very good if it was him or Chenglong, but it was just right for Zhou Yi.

It is a beautiful thing to be successful at a young age, no matter in ancient and modern times, in China or abroad.

"Spike! Why did you wait a few months to come to the United States? I love your predictions. You are simply a god! You beat everyone in the bet about "Pirates of the Caribbean"!"

"Well, maybe you can just treat me as a god."

Zhou Yi, who turned the scene into a fan meeting, wrote with great speed. After leaving his name on the man's clothes, he raised his hand, slightly pulled down his sunglasses, and joked, "I don't mind."

The global box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean" has reached 700 million US dollars. It can almost be said that Zhou Yi was the only one in the industry who predicted this situation at the beginning -

Or, he was the only one who dared to say so publicly.

This is also the reason why Robert Iger, a senior executive of Disney, appeared at the airport.

This ambitious man who aspires to be the helm of Disney urgently needs the support of strong allies, both in the board of directors and in the public opinion field. And Zhou Yi is the ally he chose in the public opinion field.

As for Jobs, he came purely to discuss business. The popularity of Apple Music Store and iPod has made Jobs taste the sweetness.

Although Apple not only cannot make a penny from Zhou Yi, but also has to pay him a bonus every month according to the staircase contract, this does not prevent Apple from making a lot of money through other singers' song libraries.

On September 16 this year, Apple launched a new 15-inch notebook PowerBook G4.

Previously, Apple specially invited Yao Ming, a Chinese Great Wall artist who is very popular in the United States, to endorse the 12-inch PowerBook G4. And this time, Jobs still wants to find Zhou Yi for the new 15-inch.

There is no way. After working together once, he is really greedy for Zhou Yi's commercial realization ability.

His fans can spend money, and his popularity is also top in the world.

"Spike, I heard that you came to the United States this time to shoot an MV. Do you need our help? You know, Disney has a lot of experience in shooting sets."

"Of course. I am criticizing and condemning the US war against Iraq, and I need your help."

After a round of greetings, facing the olive branch thrown by Robert Iger, Zhou Yi smiled and accepted it without hesitation, and also offered his position.

No one had any objection.

"Dear Zhou, you really surprised me. I didn't expect you to have such a compassionate side..."

Warner's American senior executives did not have any intention of objecting. Instead, they knelt down to lick Zhou Yi's decision to criticize and condemn the United States - all for performance, not shabby.

As for condemning and pressuring the United States, who cares?

As long as you, Zhou Yi, as a foreigner, have the courage to do it, they dare to follow.

The Black Eyed Peas scolded in their album released in June this year, and even scolded the CIA as terrorists in the song "Where Is The Love", and the album still sold well and became popular all over the United States.

Even if we take a step back, didn't Madonna also take advantage of the war?

Although this American old lady who was highly expected by countless Americans failed to defend the country in the end and was topped by Zhou Yi.

The Warner executives who were about to be sold were extremely humble and cooperative.

There was no way. If Zhou Yi regretted it, they would have to reduce a large part of the acquisition amount of Warner.

Chinese song?

It's fine for Chinese songs, and you can continue to criticize English songs in the future. Anyway, Zhou Yi, as long as you are happy, that's the most important thing.

This happy atmosphere and attitude directly shocked Li Bingbin for a hundred years.

This is a bit of a reversal in her cognition.

I have only heard that the domestic entertainment industry fawns on foreigners, so why is it the other way around when it comes to Zhou Yi - he has become the father of foreigners?

When it was determined that Zhou Yi still needed to go to Iraq to shoot, Warner joined forces with Disney and Apple to form a security team and lobbying team to make full safety preparations for Zhou Yi.

In the face of Zhou Yi's various requests, Warner never said a "NO" throughout the process.

Don’t ask, just do it for your father!

The war series of songs on the A side of “Return to the Tibetan Stories” were enriched to an unparalleled degree.

Although they were just shooting an MV, Li Bingbin felt like she was shooting a blockbuster co-produced by China and the United States. After a few days, she almost got lost in the thoughtful service of capitalism.

If she hadn’t seen the ruins when she flew to Iraq, she might have really gotten lost.

What is the shape of hope in the eyes of children;

Whether there is bread for breakfast and a bowl of hot soup when they wake up.

What is the shape of hope in the eyes of children;

Whether there is a swing in the yard and candy in the pocket.

These are the four lines of lyrics in Zhou Yi’s “The Sorrow of Stopping the War” that touched her heart the most. Combined with the cruel and real reality, she first experienced what Zhou Yi meant by writing this song -

“We were not born in a peaceful world, but we are lucky to live in a peaceful country.”

This is the message Zhou Yi wrote on the last single page of the lyrics book of “Return to the Tibetan Stories”.

"Now I know why people who make music become more charming when they get serious."

After Ning Hao called the stop, Li Bingbin, who was wearing a military uniform, jumped off the military vehicle and patted the body of the vehicle: "But this one is still not as good as the ones Jiang Wen found in China."

"Nonsense, Jiang Wen's was specially customized by me, and I kept it for him as a surprise in Hong Kong. After using it in Shanghai and Didu, I took it to Hong Kong to lend it to the Chenglong crew."

Faced with Li Bingbin's deliberate flattery and praise, Zhou Yi knocked on her and chuckled, "Are you really not going to stay in the United States for a few more days? Zhang Ziyi and Tao Zhe have arranged a dinner party."

"I do want to, but who can blame me for having to film a movie? Not everyone can be held in the palm of the hand of the Americans like you."

Li Bingbin, who was wearing a military uniform, sighed, and his dashing look with a little sadness made Zhou Yi take a picture with a camera--

"Don't mention it, in this posture, you are quite suitable for wearing this kind of uniform."


"War Relics! Zhou Yi went deep into the war zone to shoot! 》

《Love in wartime? Zhou Yi's new album theme is suspected to be leaked! 》

《Kung Fu fighting? Zhou Yi's new song MV is suspected to have Kung Fu elements! 》


During the days when Zhou Yi started working hard abroad, the domestic media chasing him were not idle, and began to speculate on the type of Zhou Yi's new album. Even the words he said when he visited Sun Yanzi on the set of "Kung Fu" to amuse him were chewed over and over again.

Wang Lihong, who started the promotion of the album "Incredible", also played his own world peace song "You and Me" on the radio.

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