"What did she do? What does she want to do?"

Yuan Li's first reaction was to call Lu Yu, and she was furious. But she found that the other party's phone was not connected at all - even the agent could not be contacted.

The meaning was very clear.

"Fuck! This bitch who sells her ass!"

Yuan Li directly cursed.

In her opinion, Lu Yu found her American ex-husband just for the green card, so it was reasonable for her to curse.

We are all in the same circle, and we see each other every day. What's the point of you leading people to scold me?

Don't you feel that you are also scolded?

Yuan Li didn't understand, and even thought that this big-headed doll was fucking crazy.

The meaning of the name of colonizer is simply a face-to-face output. As a highly educated intellectual who has been successful in various news fields in the past, this is the first time she has encountered a freak like Zhou Yi.

You know, although she is indeed preparing to resign and immigrate to the United States to join the Wall Street Journal, she has not resigned yet. She is still a senior reporter and editor in the International News Editorial Department of Xinhua News Agency!

Xinhua News Agency!

The Chinese character head!

What do you mean, Zhou Yi?

"Crazy, crazy! All crazy!"

In the capital, Cheng Hao almost blacked out when she saw the news——

Originally, she was curious about whether Zhou Yi had left any tricks behind by telling her not to interfere. How can this be called tricks?

This is called face-to-face attack!

At the same time, Fan Xiaopang, who was shooting an advertisement, Qin Lan, who became famous for her role as Zhihua after the broadcast of "My Fair Princess 3", Sun Yanzi, who was shooting in Shanghai, Jay Chou, who was practicing magic in Taiwan, Tao Zhe, who had just got off the plane and returned to Taiwan, and Xiao Yaxuan, Lu Yi, Zhou Xun, Ren Quan, Li Bingbin, Huayi and others who were participating in the event, were all stunned.

Not a buddy?

Are you really not afraid of being banned for firing so hard?

Is the company title on the head of the good guy's document ok?

On the Internet, it was boiling at the first time! Whether it was Tianya Mop or major campus BBS forums, they all exploded because of the episode of "Lu Yu You Yue".

"Zhou Yi is awesome!"

"Can any great god enlighten me on why Zhou Yi said that? Why can't I see clearly?"

"Colonial people? Colonial people? Is that an abbreviation? Interesting, Zhou Yi."

"Zhou Yi is just an idiot!"

"This bastard, I used to treat the albums I bought as dog food, I didn't expect Zhou Yi to be such a disgusting person."


Compared to the popular forums that are still eating melons and having fun, it was Zhou Yi's base camp, Peking University BBS, that started the conflict and took sides first.

As a university forum that can interpret "A Chinese Odyssey" again, the proportion of literary youths among this generation of Peking University students is naturally not low. As we all know, as long as there are many literary youths in a group, the evaluation of that man will be divided into two or even three factions, and a war will start from this.

Although it sounds ridiculous, this is the reality in 2003.

This is an era when celebrities will be sprayed if they publicly praise him, an era when Japanese craftsmen are immortals and American summer camp prodigies are endless.

"Good OP, I'll live in America in my next life."

This is a common phrase used in comments.

Even the comments under this type of post are like this, so you can imagine the power of the sheepdogs and their subtle influence on the general public.

Originally, those who supported the administrators were at a disadvantage, but Zhou Yi suddenly intervened and directly brought a huge cheering force-

Not everyone likes forensics, but there is no doubt that forensics is something engraved in a man's bones, especially for college students who have a lot of time.

And Zhou Yi's main consumer group is precisely college students and office workers.

What's more terrifying is that those born in the 1990s, especially the new generation born after 1995, are also the potential largest audience for Zhou Yi's songs.

Even if one person out of every 100-no, it should be said that one out of every 1,000 or 10,000 people learns about history and that man because of Zhou Yi's album, it means that the sheepdogs have worked a little less hard.

The only thing that Yuan Li is thankful for is that no music industry bigwigs should be willing to touch this hot potato.

In this way, she will be able to take over the right to interpret this album sooner or later.

She dared not mention the man's name, but she could muddy the waters and make Zhou Yi's behavior of breaking the window paper useless.

"I promise you, John, I will handle this matter."

After finishing the communication with the editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, Yuan Li, who was relieved, had a gloomy look in his eyes, and immediately began to contact his accomplices--

Everyone is paid in US dollars, it's time to work.

The first step: pretend to be a vulnerable group and accuse Zhou Yi of bullying from a female perspective.

The second step: throw dirty water on Zhou Yi again and lead him to prove himself.

The third step: continue to find people to continuously attack the actual loopholes in the lyrics of "Blue and White Porcelain" and break Zhou Yi's golden body of talent.

She wants to regard this as her first achievement of immigrating to the United States.

Yes, she has passed the immigration review. In theory, she is already a real American. She just needs to go to Washington next year to swear to change her nationality.

Coincidentally, Zhou Yi also has many people in the United States who don't like him.

If Zhou Yi had not considered the impact in the United States, he might have encountered a psychopathic gunman.

However, before she could make plans, the appearance of a person directly disrupted all the arrangements in her mind——

Huang Zhan.

A master figure in Chinese pop music, a top boss who was hired as a consultant on Hong Kong affairs before the handover of Hong Kong and had substantial communication with the higher-ups.

In terms of official status alone, it is still above the ballast stone Luo Dayou in the Chinese music scene.

On November 29, 2003, "Ming Pao" published a music review by Huang Zhan - "The Future Has Come: Zhouyi, the Hope of Chinese Music"

This was a scene that no one had thought of beforehand.

Huang Zhan hasn't written a music review for a long time, and last time he only verbally praised Zhou Yi. For the new generation in the Chinese music scene, he only praised Zhou Yi.

"I was lucky to see the hope that could carry the future of Chinese music at the last moment of my life. Zhou Yi, he is really an interesting young man.

"I remember when I first listened to the album "Book of Changes", I scoffed, thinking that this young man who played hip-hop fusion was ruining what his ancestors had left behind, especially the song "Hua Tian Cuo".

"The Book of Changes is a cultural treasure that a young boy like him can touch?

"Then, his second album was "Jiangnan", "By the Plum Blossoms", "East Wind Breaks", "Susan Said", and "West Chamber". It was also at this time that I began to think that this young man was a bit interesting, especially "Susan Said" and "East Wind Breaks".

“Immediately afterwards, he released his third album, Mountains.

"To be honest, I was very disappointed when I first listened to this album because I didn't like the songs "Fairy Tale" at all. But when I carefully studied the title of this album and the concept hidden in the song list, I came back again. He retracted his comments and chose to shut up for the time being.

"Now, he has released his fourth album. As expected, it is named "Gui Zang", which corresponds to "Gui Zang"..."

In this extremely detailed music review, Huang Zhan stood at an absolute level and analyzed why Zhou Yi named the album such a name and why he arranged these concepts for the album.

"Zhouyi", "Lianshan" and "Guizang" are the three Yishu in China since ancient times. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, which is to understand and grasp the world from a holistic perspective, and to regard man and nature as an organic whole that responds to each other.

According to legend, in the Zhou Dynasty, the three Yis (Book of Changes), "Lianshan" and "Gui Zang" were all controlled by diviners to predict personal fortunes, social fortunes and national wars.

And this exactly corresponds to Zhouyi’s four albums——

"The first album "Zhouyi" corresponds to his personal fortune. This was the beginning of Zhouyi's meteoric rise in the music world, and the starting point for him to change his original fortune.

"The second album "Jiangnan" is an extension of the first album and an improvement of one's personal fortune. Because it is an extension, the only song "Huatian Cuo" in the first album directly derived from five different types of songs in the second album. New songs in a different direction.

"Facts have proven that this album is also the key to Zhou Yi standing at the top of the Chinese music pyramid. "Jiangnan" maximized his personal fortune and brought him to the top.

"When it came to the third major "Lianshan", Zhou Yi, who had reached the pinnacle of personal fortune, chose social fortune. He showed his understanding of the changes in the social environment and the differences in family education, corresponding to the possible consequences of different social fortunes. as a result of.

"This year's fourth album "Return to Tibet" naturally fills in the last piece of the puzzle - national war.

"The U.S. war in Iraq shocked the whole world and inspired this genius. Based on the starting point of the war, criticizing U.S. imperialism for its unjust war is in sharp contrast with the love and homesickness that highlights domestic peace and tranquility, which highlights the significance of modern history. The efforts of heroes.

"It is because of him and them that we have a hard-earned life. Just as Zhou Yi's last sentence in the lyrics book: We do not live in a peaceful world, but we are lucky to live in a peaceful world. country.

"Four years since his debut, four years, four years of albums, Zhou Yi has used his talent to complete his musical transformation, and has also connected his four albums together with a tight concept -

"This is a love letter, a love letter dedicated to all listeners and all singers in the Chinese music world. It spans four years and completes the closed loop at this moment.

“They are four albums, but you can also call them one album.

"If you want to name this album, I think it might be most appropriate to call it "The Book of Changes". Because this is the starting point of the Book of Changes, his name, and the representative of the Book of Changes——

"At the same time, it also represents a summary of Zhou Yi's journey in the music industry over the past four years."

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