China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 595 Gardenias are blooming

"I don't know Japanese, so why would you ask me to kill it? I can try my best to kill the actresses in a small movie that can be completed by two people on a sofa and a bed. I still know a few Japanese words."

"The name of the Japanese actress before was Masami Nagasawa, Princess Toho. Can't she teach you Japanese? If not, there will be another little fan girl of yours."

"You fucking know this? You're bugging me, right?"

"No, I just know you."

"Get lost."

Zhou Yi laughed and kicked him, but Qian Jiang laughed and dodged it nimbly: "Okay, I won't bother you anymore. You should practice the improvisational music mode suggested by He Jiong. I have a lot more." Things are going to be busy.”

Many of the improvised musical performances that are fixed segments in variety shows were actually performed during rehearsals.

Because the risk of improvisation is too great, especially for musicians. If you really improvise, the unpredictable upper and lower limits are somewhat like Schrödinger's cat. Even I don't know what I can knock out in the next second.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, these variety show improvisations that require the use of various equipment often have a fixed routine and are rehearsed in advance.

Of course, there are some people who can really improvise, but they are all based on their own talents.

If you are not confident about yourself and are overconfident, you will end up being laughed at by the crowd until you die.

Logically speaking, given Zhou Yi's current market performance, there is no problem in improvising on a recorded program like "Happy Camp". But the bad thing is that he has just won the 500 greatest albums in the world, which can be said to be a mountain-like achievement for the domestic music scene.

The position is here. Once he is not in good condition and improvises well, it will undoubtedly have an impact on his personal reputation.

You must know that Zhou Yi has been working continuously during this period. Qian Jiang cannot guarantee whether he will be able to improvise a good scene without adequate rest. He Jiong also meant the same thing, and he was even the first person to propose rehearsal suggestions in this regard, in order to take care of Zhou Yi's state.

Although Zhou Yi thought it was not necessary, Qian Jiang still agreed to this guaranteed "improvisation" for the sake of safety.

"It's so late and you have something to be busy with."

Zhou Yi turned his head and looked at the clock hanging on the wall of the living room with disdain.

It’s almost 12 o’clock at night, are you busy ordering takeout?

"I don't know."

Facing Zhou Yi's disdain, Qian Jiang did not refute, but raised the corners of his mouth uncontrollably, and glanced at the man who still knew nothing: "Okay, I'll go do my work first, don't you either. It’s too late, take a good rest, you still have to hold a concert in front of your folks.”

As someone who has returned with honor, the actual number of tickets released to the public at the Zhouyi Shangrao Field is not 5,000.

Those classmates, teachers, family members and relatives with whom I had good relationships in the past were all given one and invited.

After watching him leave without comment, Zhou Yi turned the cup in his hand, and soon he played a crisp and sweet melody——

Very fresh and nice to listen to.


Thursday the 18th.

After two rounds of rehearsals, "Happy Camp" officially started recording this afternoon.

As a program that is transcribed from live broadcasts, Base Camp now has more ample production time. Correspondingly, the recording time has also been extended——

It doesn't matter if mistakes that are not allowed during the live broadcast occur several times during the recording. The worst thing is to start over. Anyway, the mistakes can be cut out later.

But for the viewers who participated in the recording, this would be life-threatening.

If it weren't for their love for idols, it would be difficult for ordinary people to insist on sitting in such a scene for several hours.

Zhou Yi couldn't sit still anyway.

His butt almost hurts just sitting backstage waiting for his appearance.

"Okay, okay, no more joking. What about the guest we are going to invite next? I think as long as you say his name, I am afraid there will be no one in China or even the world who has not heard of him. ”

On the stage, after the opening dance, He Jiong held the microphone and looked happily at the fan club members in the audience holding Zhouyi posters, slogans and even albums. He smiled and said: "He has been in the audience for four years since his debut. Making history, step by step to get to where we are now——"


"Book of Changes!!!"

"Book of Changes! Book of Changes!"

"Book of Changes!!!"

Before He Jiong finished speaking, the fans in the audience screamed and interrupted him repeatedly, making him unable to connect several times. In the end, he could only wave his hands helplessly, smile and let the fans vent their hearts. of excitement.

"I have told you about Teacher He. Today's guest does not need too much introduction. His name is already known to everyone."

Li Xiang, who was on the side, controlled the situation calmly, and took up the topic with a smile: "Then, let us invite today's special guest - the singer who broke the historical album sales record in the Chinese music scene, and the man who created a new history of Asian music: Zhouyi!"

As the melodious music of "Blue and White Porcelain" opened, Zhou Yi, wearing a long burgundy trench coat, sang and walked out from behind the wide-open stage door. His side-backed head, which was ahead of the current popular version, looked more capable and handsome against the backdrop of the trench coat, attracting the attention of the audience. There were screams and cheers.

"The plain embryo outlines the blue and white brush strokes, which are thicker and lighter.

“The peony depicted on the bottle is just like your first makeup~

"The sandalwood slowly shines through the window and I understand my thoughts

"The pen is half written on the rice paper~"

A song that has been popular among all walks of life across the country since it came out, and has been listened to by everyone from an 80-year-old woman to an eight-year-old child. It directly made the whole audience sing a chorus——

The sentence "The sky is blue waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you" is fascinating.

When the song ended, Li Weijia, who played the role of the clown, immediately came forward and praised with all his exaggeration: "Welcome, welcome! Welcome Zhou Yi. Wow, the singing was really great. I just listened to it in the audience. It really feels like hearing the music of immortals.”

Li Xiang, who returned to the stage, also turned the microphone to the audience at the right time: "Did Zhou Yi sing well?"

“Sounds great!!!”

He Jiong promoted his new album: "Have you all listened to Zhou Yi's new album "Gui Zang"?"

"I heard it!"

"Isn't it great?"


To be honest, the person who was really good at cheering was feeling very happy.

Zhou Yi, who was cooperating with the show's effect, was sulking, raising his hand and pressing it down in the air.

"Then let us welcome Zhou Yi to the base camp with applause again, okay!"

He Jiong's response was the sudden and fierce applause from the audience - which lasted for a long time.

"Thank you everyone, I am Zhou Yi."

"Zhou Yi, I like you!"

"Thank you, but I like women."

Facing the passionate confession from his male fans, Zhou Yi smiled and waved his hands repeatedly, and even took the initiative to tease himself: "Look at all the scandals I have had in the past four years, which one is a man?"

This kind of behavior that likes to make fun of one's own "scandal" makes it easier to win the favor of others. The screams of female fans are endless, just shouting "Choose me, choose me".

After the simple greeting process, we officially entered the game session of "Happy Camp".

To be honest, there were not many changes in the game aspects of the base camp from the last time he came to participate in the base camp. At most, there were minor repairs and modifications. Some aspects could even be said to be mentally retarded.

But this did not prevent the audience from watching with gusto.

Compared with other celebrities who come to the show, Zhou Yi is relatively unique - because he doesn't care about winning or losing at all, and he doesn't have the concept that if I am a guest, I must win.

The stage without the pressure of rematch actually seemed smoother. Even if he lost in several rounds, Zhou Yi still accepted the punishment happily. There was no shame, and there was no need to repeat the recording of the game session.

When it came to the talent show, when they saw the program members coming up with a bunch of pots, pans, cups, fans at the scene thought that Zhou Yi was going to recreate the out-of-print on-site stir-fry, but they didn't expect it. He Jiong said "making things difficult" as soon as he opened his mouth——

"Well, we all know Zhou Yi's achievements in music. You can't beat us normally, but what about another path?"

He Jiong, who tapped the stainless steel basin twice with his chopsticks, smiled brightly: "How about we use these most common things in life to knock out our favorite music and see who can knock it out better?"

Li Weijia on the side is already eager to try.

As a guaranteed buffoon, he is the one who gives the worst impression by banging randomly. He chose a pot lid, and when he impromptu knocked it, two tigers appeared, flashing and shining, crackling and merging into four different shapes. The whole audience burst into laughter.

"Forget it, Weijia, you better stop hurting our ears."

When Li Weijia was still reluctant to leave, He Jiong quickly grabbed him, and then pulled out Zhou Yi naturally: "You should just watch Zhou Yi's performance honestly."

Sometimes, comparison can hurt.

Only in sharp contrast with Li Weijia's "ugliness" will Zhou Yi's performance be more deeply rooted in people's hearts and more effective.

"Yes, Zhou Yi, come on, teach him a lesson from the front." Li Xiang's eyes lit up and she pushed the man's shoulder, urging him as if he couldn't wait.

Zhou Yi, who seemed to be playing drums, turned his chopsticks several times in his palms. After thinking for a moment, he first tapped the cups closest to him - tapping each note twice, which seemed to be Soundchecking.

The unaware audience below the stage were still looking forward to it, but the three hosts on the stage who had already had rehearsal experience flashed a look of astonishment at the same time.

Is this...really impromptu?

Don’t you want to record the guarantee first?

"Okay, that's almost it."

Under everyone's gaze, Zhou Yi, who had finished adjusting, twirled his chopsticks between his fingers and said with a smile: "Although I can't think of the lyrics for a while, it doesn't matter."

Accompanied by the crisp sound of "ding ding ding ding", the glasses filled with water were lined up one after another. Zhou Yi held chopsticks in both hands and slowly knocked the rims of their cups - the different sounds gathered into a series of musical notes, like The warm sunshine in winter sounds extraordinarily warm.

"La la la la la la, la la la la la la~

"La la la la, la la la la~"

The acapella melody made people's eyes light up, and Li Xiang's eyes were filled with brilliance during the entire process. After being stunned for a moment, He Jiong's face opened wide in surprise——

Although it was an exaggeration, the surprise in his heart was real.

Zhou Yi really improvised a melody?

This was not something that was knocked out in rehearsal.

It's this melody... why does it sound a bit like a folk song?

"Gardenia blooms and blooms, gardenia blooms and blooms~

"Gardenia blossoms, gardenia blossoms~

"Gardenia blooms and blooms, gardenia blooms and blooms~

"The crystal waves bloom in my heart~"

First, he repeated a verse of Gardenia, as if he was thinking about what lyrics to sing, and then he sang another verse and everything fell into place.

This is...a ballad? !

In the audience, a woman who claimed to be a ten-year-old fan of Zhou Yi suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the idol on the stage who was knocking and talking nonsense. When she came back to her senses, she was excited and emotionally excited.

It was so pitiful that Zhou Yi actually knocked out a song - oh no, a few ballads? !

Sure enough, he is not a traitor to folk songs!

He still has folk songs in his heart!

Long live folk music!

Unfortunately, the Book of Changes came to an abrupt end after this section.

He Jiong, who couldn't help humming along with "La La La", immediately came back to his senses and immediately took the lead in applauding with a bright smile: "Wow~ sounds good~"

After that, he did not forget to interact with the audience: "How is it? Do you think it sounds good?"

"Sounds good!"

"Finish it, Zhouyi!"

"Is this a new song? Zhouyi!"

"Book of Changes..."

Even though there were staff to help, the excited fans in the audience still kept the fans quiet with words and words. The excitement level of the chatter made the atmosphere heated.

"Is this a new song you haven't released yet, Zhou Yi?"

After regaining consciousness, Li Xiang couldn't hold back and asked immediately.

Did their show become the premiere venue for their new song?

Zhou Yi's sincerity in participating in the show was so great.

"It probably doesn't count."

Zhou Yi smiled and shook his head: "This is not even a semi-finished product. It has just been knocked out, and it is still far from a finished product."

"Then why do you sing Gardenia Blossoms?"

"You can't keep cheering, right? I'm not Uncle Zhan's kind of guy who can finish a whole paragraph."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi also did not forget to cue Huang Zhan, who sang with him at the Hong Kong concert. He was overjoyed: "After finishing a few lines just now, I thought I should sing something. Gardenia is something I have seen growing up. , it’s everywhere in Shangrao, and it’s quite impressive.”

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Huang Zhan seemed to have said that he was willing to bet and gave you a Ferrari, right? Did you accept it?"

"Collect it, why don't you collect it? If you don't collect it, it will be for nothing."

Zhou Yi made a joke: "It's just that when I returned to the mainland, I went straight to Changsha to participate in the base camp. Ferrari had to ask Yanzi to help sign for it. She was very greedy and kept saying that I was unlucky."

"Zhou Yi, please finish singing!" In the audience, a ten-year-old fan couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly howled, "I just want to hear you sing folk songs!"

"Okay, okay, there will be opportunities in the future."

Zhou Yi, who was interrupted, drew a pie with a smile.

After recording a show, Zhouyi fans were extremely excited until the end——

Damn, Zhou Yi’s impromptu new song from the future!

Or a folk song!

Is this not allowed to take off?

Gao Yingchun, who couldn't wait to share the good news, turned on the computer when she got home and shared her excitement with her friends in the QQ group——

Zhouyi is returning to folk songs!

He said he would sing folk songs in the future!

There is hope for folk music again!

After a round of forwarding, the meaning of this passage has changed slightly: Zhou Yi composed a folk song live on "Happy Camp" and said that he would sing it in high school.

After the second round of forwarding, the meaning changed again - Zhou Yi is coming back to reorganize the folk song circle!

After three rounds...

"Zhou Yi said that the current folk music scene is rubbish, and he couldn't stand it anymore, so he wanted to go up on his own and teach these people what folk music is.

"It's true, my seventh aunt's second uncle's neighbor's daughter was at the base camp, and she said it herself."

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