China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 109 Returning to China, Peaceful 41

Chapter 109 Returning to China, Peaceful 4.1


Huang Bo had dinner and returned to school with several classmates.

As a vocational course, the time spent in school is less than that of an undergraduate course.

There were no classes today, but the teacher informed me that I would watch Lu Ping An’s Oscar short film tonight.

A few days ago, Lu Pingan won the Oscar. Even if it was a short film award, it also caused a wave of buzz in the country.

Breakthroughs from scratch will always have some meaning.

While the Oscars were being discussed, a documentary about Lu Ping An's Olympic bid was also broadcast on CCTV.

It's probably Lu Ping'an's past introduction, where he went to junior high school and high school, and what the teacher said about him.

By the way, he introduced Xialu Ping'an's life experience.

At this time, many people knew that Lu Ping'an had gone through such a painful experience.

Just how painful it was, Lu Pingan himself said calmly: "It's over long ago."

But his eldest sister-in-law and school teacher were all full of tears and snot, which made Lu Ping an old and pitiful person.

Then came the road of Lu Ping An’s short films, from Berlin to Cannes and then to the Oscars.

During this period, I introduced several movies, and in short, my resume is impressive.

Finally, I will introduce how Shangmei Factory makes it, and then I will praise you.

But the problem is, CCTV has revealed nothing about what the short film is, not even a clip.

This is what the media and the public are most concerned about at the moment.

What kind of film is "Memory Block House"?

Now, Nortel students are blessed.

The teacher said that it will be played first in the Nortel Cinema Hall tonight, and everyone can watch it together. Lu Ping An will also be there.

The short film will not be broadcast on Six Princesses until 8 p.m.

So Huang Bo couldn't help but sigh, this college is just different!

At this moment, he felt a sense of pride as a Nortel student.

When I arrived at the school gate, I looked up and saw the banner at the school gate.

"Warm congratulations to Lu Ping'an, an outstanding third-year student in the directing department of our school, for winning the Best Animated Short Film Award at the 75th Academy Awards."

The dozens of meters long banner, placed in the middle, is very eye-catching.

A class 01 senior who was traveling with me laughed and said, "Our Nortel tradition is here. Watch it carefully. We will come here once every year."

Everyone smiled knowingly.

Lu Ping An has appeared as a banner at the main entrance of the school for two consecutive years.

This is called one of Nortel's new traditions by a small group of people.

But at the time it was mostly just a joke.

But after today, the situation may really be different.

Won international awards for three consecutive years.

Even if it is a short film, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

Huang Bo sighed: "Director Lu has really become the number one serious person in the country."

"Isn't it?"

The classmates around me also expressed emotion.

The first person they talked about was not the film industry or anything else, but the Oscar award.

They had learned about Oscars in class before.

So far, there are several Chinese people who have won Oscars.

But strictly speaking, there is no one from the Mainland who has seriously won an Oscar as a filmmaker.

Su Cong, who played "The Last Emperor" in 1987, relied on music.

Wu Yongliang, who won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film "Bonnie" in 1999, is the chief engineer of digital animation, and his works are not domestic, so he cannot be forced to be involved.

Therefore, Oscar, who is now on a safe road, is really serious, with good roots and a bright future.

Screenwriting, directing, and production are all handled by one hand. If you win an award, no one can question it.

There has always been a tradition in China of advocating "first", so Lu Ping An's Oscar is probably more valuable than the previous Palme d'Or and Golden Bear.

"Director Lu is flying higher and higher. Hey, you said he is only a junior in college. Will he go back to school to make movies?"

A classmate asked this, and someone quickly answered: "That's not necessarily true. Isn't it said on the Internet that he is working as a director in Hollywood? His first Hollywood film was a hit. I'm afraid he will have to stay in Hollywood in the future."

"What a pity. I wish I had passed the exam a year earlier."

Some students couldn’t help but sigh.

If you pass the exam a year earlier, you can catch up with "Source Code", let alone win the main role. Even if you join the team and do odd jobs, you can get to know Lu Ping'an.

Huang Bo even said: "Why didn't you come three years earlier? If you came here in 2000, you would be friends with the road guide, and you might be in Hollywood now!"

"Fuck you, can I decide this? It depends on my mother!"

"Your dad can't decide?"


While chatting, everyone entered the school and came to the screening room.

There were already many people in the screening room at this time.

Huang Bo looked around and saw many familiar people.

"You're here too."

"Hey, long time no see."

"Oh, she looks beautiful again..."

Huang Bo was good at sociability and knew many people, but that was just acquaintances. Not many people had close friendships or really looked at him.

Huang Bo didn't care. He found a seat with his classmates and sat down. After a while, various teachers and star seniors came in.

Hai Qing at level 97, He Lin and Yan Danchen at level 96, Xiao Yanzi, Chen Kun, Huang Xiaoming, etc.

There are also earlier stars such as Jiang Qinqin and Zuo Xiaoqing.

In addition to these more famous ones, there are many less famous ones that have not been recognized one by one.

The classmates around Huang Bo sighed again: "It's even better than the school anniversary."

Huang Bo also lamented: "If you were a road guide, so many people would come."

"Will you come then?"

"Let's see if you can arrange the main seat for me."

While the two were chatting, the principal, Secretary Dong, the director of the directing department, Hu Qingquan and others entered the scene. After a while, the 00-level senior Yiwei Yi, who was temporarily serving as the host, began to speak.

"Everyone, let us welcome you, the 00-level juniors, and have a safe journey!"

There was a roar, the audience applauded, and their eyes turned to the door.

After a while, he saw Lu Ping'an wearing casual clothes and entering the venue with a little golden man in his hand.

"Lu Dao Niu Bi!"

"Senior is so handsome!"

"Lu Dao, I love you!"


The scene suddenly erupted into cheers and cheers.

This was at a school, and there were no reporters. Reporters could not enter the school. Most of the people there were acquaintances, so the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Lu Ping'an also likes this atmosphere.

This is our home court, so there is no need to pretend like that.

"Director Lu, come and say hello to everyone."

Zhou Yiwei handed over the microphone.

Lu Ping'an smiled and asked everyone, "Have you all eaten?"

Ha ha ha ha. . .

The atmosphere in the entire theater was high again.

Then someone quickly suggested: “A treat!”

This caused another round of uproar.

"Okay, okay, come back to my crew next time and add chicken legs!"

The crowd cheered again.

After the simple activity, Lu Pingan said directly: "Let's watch the movie first. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it after watching it. I haven't eaten yet."

Still so straightforward.

In fact, he doesn't want to take Oscar too seriously.

After watching the movie, just chatting briefly, that's about it.

Then, "Memories" started playing.

Fifteen minutes later.

The atmosphere at the scene was completely different from the beginning.

This is also the effect that a good work can have.

At this time, everyone finally understood that short films that can win Oscars are indeed different.

At the same time, I was even more surprised that Lu Ping An was so capable of controlling new styles.

This is a good thing. The wider his "acting career" is, the more themes he will produce in the future.

There will be more opportunities for Nortel students.

So in the next question and answer session, someone asked again: "Director Lu, will you still make movies in school in the future?"

Lu Pingan smiled when he saw that person. It was Huang Xiaolei again. This girl hasn't graduated yet?

The matter she asked about was actually discussed by Secretary Dong and Principal Zhang just now.

One advantage of cooperating with schools to film is that it’s cheaper.

But no matter what, you have to follow your own pace.

It is definitely unrealistic to make a movie specifically for cooperation with schools.

So Lu Pingan's answer was the same: "I should still be able to take pictures."

I will look for current students in the school, but not all of them. This is the answer.

Despite this, stars appeared in the eyes of everyone in the audience.

Then came some questions about the Oscars.

There are also some Hollywood issues.

Lu Pingping answered them one by one.

Currently, "Chainsaw" is a hit, and in the eyes of Chinese people, Lu Ping'an still breaks into Hollywood as a director.

Lu Ping'an didn't want to clarify, so he just misunderstood, otherwise there might be some problems if the wealth is eye-catching.

It's very good now. Directors who have made great achievements in Hollywood have much higher qualifications than ordinary directors. If there are more directors who have Hollywood's share, it will be unnecessary.

After a brief chat, Lu Ping'an sent the little golden man to the school showroom, where it will stay for a month for everyone to visit.

This statuette is also the only one currently on public display in China.

This meaning seemed to rise immediately.

Lu Ping'an wanted to refuse, but it was inconsistent with everyone's expectations, so he let them go.

After the screening, Lu Pingan and the leaders had a meal together in the school cafeteria.

On the way, Lu Pingping met some students from Grade 02.

Liu Qianqian came up and said hello: "Brother Ping'an."

"Ah, Sissi, come to my place tonight and bring you some gifts."

"Thank you, Brother Ping An."

The short conversation made the surrounding students envious.

Lu Ping'an didn't forget them either: "You really got in."

The one who was called was Zhu Yawen, and Zhu Yawen was excited again: "Yes, Senior Lu, you encouraged me."

"What can I encourage you to do, study hard."

"I certainly will."

Then came the other students, Zhou Yang, Luo Jin, etc., who all had a brief chat.

In the end, Lu Pingan's eyes locked on Huang Bo, who was watching from a distance.

Well, he looks really ugly, especially when he is with these handsome men and women.

Just chatting was out of the question, and he didn't come up.

But Huang Bo was keenly aware that Lu Pingan was looking at him just now, and stayed on him for several seconds, longer than anyone else.

Suddenly, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

Basically, it is the story of Chollima meeting Bole.

But before the flash was over, the students on the side were a little excited and said, "Director Lu was looking at me just now, right? Oh, what a pity, I can't act."

Huang Bo gave him a roll of his eyes, and then turned around. Lu Ping'an had already gone far away from the leaders.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, we were joined by some Nortel alumni who came today. The most famous among them was naturally Xiao Yanzi.

It's just that Lu Ping'an's attitude was cold, but in Chen Kun's opinion, Yan Danchen's family was very strict, and he showed admiration.

Yan Danchen also misunderstood, so he felt very proud.

Only Xiao Yanzi really felt that Lu Ping'an had a problem with her, but she didn't dare to ask. After all, there was still some gap in identity.

After dinner, Lu Pingping went home directly.

After returning to China this morning, the whole morning was filled with interviews with the Six Princesses, various portals, and an exclusive interview with the little paparazzi brother Feng Ke.

After finishing one set and having dinner in the evening, I was already tired.

Liu Qianqian came over and sat down. After taking some gifts, she wanted to chat more, but Lu Ping'an kicked her away.

Then Yan Danchen came back and very thoughtfully sat on his butt and massaged his back. But after not seeing him for a long time, the little girl seemed to be a little unable to bear it, and then started to move.

Lu Ping'an turned around and changed his offensive and defensive postures.

. . . . . . .

When he arrived at the company the next day, Wu Guohua began to report on the current situation.

The first installment of "Source" and "Time and Space" has been received, adding up to about 23 million yuan.

Subtracting the expenses of "Goddess Dragon" and adding the previous retention, Lu Pingan's domestic funds are still about 30 million.

Compared with the accounts in the United States and the stock market, these are just pocket money.

Lu Ping'an immediately decided to buy the other two courtyard houses that he had targeted earlier.

Then there is the project aspect.

"Hungry Platform" was reviewed and approved, and it was approved after winning an Oscar.

It seems that the top is also very flexible, so this face must be continued.

At the same time, the preparation work for "Hunger Platform" has been completed. It is in the capital and will be ready for use after the project is approved.

Next came the screenwriter team. After Lu Pingan read 16 scripts, he finally decided on 7 people.

It's just that the script they adapted didn't really impress him, so he probably won't film it.

"Let them come to the company to join the company first, and then formally start the project in a few days."


Then there are invitations from brokerage companies, investment companies, advertisers, etc.

Lu Pingping dealt with them one by one.

The most important one is the promotion of "Goddess Dragon".

Dong Xuan is not the most important, the announcement of the first TV series is the most important.

After processing, invitations to various film festivals followed.

The BJ College Student Film Festival invited him to be a short film judge this year.

The same goes for the Shanghai Film Festival.

Huabiao and Jinji also said hello in advance that "Yuan" will be shortlisted this year. Lu Ping'an felt that he would be rewarded this time.

The Hong Kong Film Awards have already sent invitations.

The Academy Awards starts on April 6th, which is already very close.

Thinking of this, Guorong is naturally a topic that cannot be avoided.

April 1st is already very close.

As a friend, I naturally have to care.

After handling the matter, Lu Ping'an called Guorong, but there was no signal and he couldn't get through.

Lu Pingan called the base instead, but got some news that surprised him.

So after waiting for two days to deal with various matters, Lu Ping'an went to Bashu again.

. . . . . . . . .

When Lu Ping'an comes to Bashu again, he will still feel relaxed and happy with the fresh air here.

Back at the production center, Bao Qingqing had already continued working.

Lu Ping'an checked the production progress of the Venice short film.

It's very good. It's about 80% completed now. The rest can be completed in about half a month, and then another half month will be spent on post-production sound effects.

And the picture fineness is slightly better than what was originally decided.

Bao Qingqing said: "Director Lu, you have won three of the top four in the world. If you fail to win the last one and achieve the Grand Slam, all of us will be unable to hold our heads high."

"Where are these words?" Lu Ping'an smiled.

He sighed in his heart, these people are really cute.

In fact, the significance of making this short film is more to train the team for the future "Kung Fu Panda".

Even "Kung Fu Panda" is used to develop teams.

So whether he wins an award or not, and whether he can achieve a short film Grand Slam, is actually not very important to him.

But apparently everyone doesn't think so.

Lu Pingan then expressed his condolences: "The three major awards in Europe are also very magical, and luck is mostly involved, so whether I win or not, I am mentally prepared. Don't put too much pressure on me."

After saying that, everyone said they understood, but I don’t know what they actually thought.

Lu Ping'an didn't say anything more, as long as his attitude was made clear.

Then he asked about Guorong.

Bao Qingqing's father, Lao Bao, smiled and said, "My brother now runs to the mountains every day."

Guorong's fate with this mountain is getting deeper and deeper.

First, he worked as a poop shoveler for pandas.

Later, I became familiar with a few children who always appeared at the entrance of the production center.

They are children who come to the junior high school not far from the production center.

Then Guorong discovered that these children actually had to walk 5 kilometers on a mountain road to go to school, and the furthest one even had to walk 13 kilometers.

Guorong naturally knows what a 13-kilometer mountain road is, and he also knows what a 13-kilometer mountain road is in the Bashu region. He has experienced it when he was a shit shoveler.

So I immediately expressed doubts about the current learning environment for children in mountainous areas.

It's not that he hasn't heard of the backwardness of the central and western regions of the mainland, but hearing about it and seeing it are two different things.

So when I became curious, I wanted to go and have a look.

Looking at the results, we found more areas where educational resources are scarce.

He found that only a few were able to go to school, and most of them could not afford to go to school, or their parents were unwilling to let them go to school. A large part of the reason was that the supporting teachers were absent for a long time.

But the students want to go to school.

Chen Shufen, Guorong's agent, said: "Leatherli cried when he came back that day. He said that when he entered the village, the first thing the children said was to ask him if you were our new teacher."

So fate unfolded like this.

“What can Guorong teach?”

Lu Ping'an asked curiously.

Comrade Lao Bao on the side said: "Music, Chinese, mathematics, in short, everything can be taught. There is a shortage of teachers in that place."

"Then he walks on the mountain road every day?"

"Of course not. You have to drive for an hour first and then walk on a mountain road. Educational resources are not lacking everywhere here. What is lacking is only in more remote places. His assistant Kenneth complains every day."

"What about Guorong, how is his mental state?"

"I look very good. I am full of energy every day and have no intention of giving up."

Lu Pingan nodded, and he decided to go and take a look now.

See this different national glory with your own eyes.

After putting on the hiking equipment and bringing some fruits and snacks, we set off with a few security guards after a while.

More than two hours later, Lu safely arrived at his destination: Xia Niupeng Village.

When I got there, I asked the uncle at the entrance of the village and found out that Guorong was in the old school building in the back mountain.

Along the way, the village is still relatively new.

It can be seen that there is a reason why the village primary school can be located here.

As for the ones farther away, I guess they won’t be worth seeing.

Lu Ping An had been to Yunnan in 2010.

At that time, poverty alleviation and other policies had been implemented for a while, but their living conditions were unbearable.

This is something that many people living in the city cannot imagine.

Many people always feel that there are still such backward places in China?

The fact is, there are, and there are many.

It's 2003 now, and I'm afraid things will be even worse.

But precisely because of this, we need more support and help.

The country does not belong to a small group of people, but to the vast number of people living here.

Lu Pingan felt that he did not have the determination and perseverance to support teaching.

But if he could help, he was totally willing.

Besides, this is still the Wenchuan area.

Wenchuan actually does not lack educational resources, but there is a lack of educational resources in the surrounding areas, so everyone is concentrated here.

So it would mean more if it could be spread out a little bit.

Came to Houshan Village.

The sound of reading was heard in the distance.

"Bright moonlight in front of bed"

It was Guorong's voice that led the way.

Then I listened to the sound of a small number of children reading.

Lu Pingping stopped and waited outside the ruined village.

Half an hour later, Guorong and a dozen children under the age of seven or eight left the classroom, and then everyone saw Lu Ping'an and other outsiders at a glance.

"Peace, you're here!"

When Guorong saw Lu Ping'an, his face was bright and his body was a little thinner, but he looked very healthy.

Lu Ping'an asked him with a smile: "Brother, is this what you call happiness?"


Guorong proudly pointed to the children around him and said, "Don't look at it. There are only 12 now, the oldest is 13 years old and the youngest is 7 years old. But by the second half of the year there will be more. I have decided to build a primary school." , find teachers for them.”

"Have you talked to the local people about building a primary school?"

"Of course, I'm not stupid!"

Guorong looked proud, "I have consulted relevant people to know how to help for a long time. Do you think I acted on a whim?"

"That's good, let me join too. Now I'm always rich."

"Okay, I'm just waiting for you to speak."

Guorong laughed, his mental state no longer seemed like he was pretending to be cheerful, but he was truly happy from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Ping'an saw it and felt happy in his heart, then handed him the snacks he brought.

Guorong didn't stay too long with Lu Ping'an. When the time came, he started class again, looking like a famous teacher.

Assistant Kenneth on the side sighed: "Letherly is determined."

It’s good to be determined.

This kind of thing is most taboo.

But we still need to talk more about the details. Who knows if Guorong will have other plans.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the day's classes ended, and the children happily went back with their snacks.

Guorong shook his head and said: "The snacks you brought created a problem for me. You are not allowed to bring them anymore. It is not a good habit to form a habit."

"It seems you are already an expert."

"Of course, my IQ is not low."

Guorong said, picked up his backpack and said, "Let's go back to eat!"

Two hours later, back at the production center, Guorong started to eat in a hurry.

After eating, he started talking about his plans.

And Lu Ping'an finally confirmed that Guorong was really not a random person.

He planned to conduct a thorough inspection in the Bashu area and build at least ten or eight schools, or dozens of them, so that the children would have convenient access to education.

Lu Ping'an took advantage of the situation and suggested: "I will also spend 10 million first to build a better school that can prevent a 9-magnitude earthquake."

Guorong smiled and said: "Where can I use it so well?"

"It's a century-old foundation, so spend more and be practical."

"That's true. Once built, it can be used for decades and save money in the future."

The matter was decided in a few words. The Rongan Hope Primary School Construction Fund was established with an initial capital of 20 million, with Guorong and Lu Ping'an each holding half. In the future, Guorong and his friends will continue to raise funds.

Anyway, money is just a number to him now, and the most important thing is to be happy.

This is a way to accumulate merit, and the money will be safe and you will indeed spend it happily.

Of course, it is one thing to do charity, but another thing is exactly how to do it and whether it is done well.

Some local governments are actually darker than imagined.

Lu Ping'an decided to pay more attention to this place in the future.

In the next few days, Lu Pingan will follow Guorong to the mountains.

There is more than one place where Guorong teaches, and it changes to one every three days, for a total of three places.

Obviously, he has really done a lot of work in Bashu these days.

Time passed like this.

It’s April 1st.

Lu Ping followed Guorong into the mountains without leaving.

Fortunately everything is fine.

Return to the park in the evening.

The closer it gets to that time, the less Lu Ping'an is prepared to let him out of sight.

So I simply invited him to have a drink and chat.

Guorong hasn't drank for a long time.

But Lu Pingping was interested, and he didn't refuse.

A few glasses of wine.

Lu Ping'an looked at the time, 18:30.

It seems that the fate is definitely changed.

He couldn't help asking Guorong: "Actually, I'm still very curious, why did you make such a decision?"

Guorong took a sip of red wine and replied with a smile:

"That's something to say."

Lu Ping'an smiled and continued to ask: "Then tell me slowly."

Guorong looked at the sky, which was a little cloudy.

He sighed: "Actually, when I saw them for the first time, I was thinking that in the face of the hardships of life, what I experienced seemed not worth mentioning. Similarly, in the face of their tenacity to study, I thought The light on his body also seemed dim.”

After speaking, Guorong sincerely thanked Lu Pingan: "Ping An, I am very grateful to you for bringing me here."

Lu Pingan shook his head: "I didn't bring you here, you found it yourself."

"It's the same. Without you, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now."

"You know, I once talked with some professional boxers, and they said that their hearts would be very tight every time before going on the field. It was a feeling of fear of failure, fear of injury, and even fear of death."

"Actually, I would feel this way every time before a movie or album was released. It wasn't until I became a star and a famous singer that I began to enjoy this feeling of suffocation. When you start to enjoy it, the feeling of suffocation It will no longer exist. It will become extremely warm and soft. You will be obsessed with this feeling. Gradually, you will be lost in this feeling. Then you will become more and more dissatisfied and you will need more. Then you will have to go higher and higher."

"Later, when you encounter failure and your career starts to decline, you will start to be anxious, start to panic, start to be irritable, start to deny everything, and finally deny yourself."

"Then, as your career goes up and down, your mood will also multiply. And when it goes up, you won't feel much happiness, and when it goes down, you will feel twice as painful."

"I was under a lot of pressure when I was filming "Source Code". I was afraid that the box office would not be good. I was afraid that people would say that my acting skills were not good. I was afraid that everyone who cared about me would be disappointed in me, including you who I just met at that time. I was afraid that If the film goes bad, your losses will be greater than mine.

This feeling of suffocation is really uncomfortable. "

"It's been 26 years since I debuted, and this feeling has been with me for at least half of that time."

Guorong shook his head, and then smiled casually: "But it's okay now, I have looked away."

After saying that, he locked his eyes on Lu Ping'an.

Lu Ping'an smiled when he saw this: "How can I hear what you are reminding me?"

Guorong laughed: "You heard it, just hear it."

Lu Pingan also smiled and shook his head.

Guorong really never forgets to care about others.

He promised: "Don't worry, I won't float."

"Well, if you really feel something is wrong, come here, touch fish, pick vegetables, pick fruits and flowers. If you can catch Kuai Luo home (Sichuan voice)."

After Lu Pingping heard this, he laughed.

Time passed slowly at 18:41.

Guorong took the last sip of wine and went to the cafeteria to stare at the pastries that would be given to the students as rewards tomorrow. Tomorrow was said to be the midterm exam.

Lu Pingan looked at all this with a smile.

When the frogs began to sing, the clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and the moon and stars became sparse, indicating that tomorrow will be a good day.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Guorong walked out of the cafeteria with satisfaction, took a shower, returned to his small office room in the production center, poured a cup of hot tea, and read books quietly under the light. Everything seemed so leisurely and peaceful.

At 10 o'clock, the surroundings of the production center fell into silence. The production team finished the day's work and began to rest. Guorong followed everyone back to the living area talking and laughing.

Soon, all the lights in the park gradually dimmed, and April 1st in history passed quietly.

13,000 words are sent today.

The scenes about Guorong are here for now.

Reality cannot be perfect, so let’s have one in a book.

Next comes a new phase.

Finally, I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

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