China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 11 The second script, Spring Festival travel

According to the current rules of Goldfinger, whether a project can be rewarded is actually related to whether the project can be completed.

The decisive factor is actually money.

Lu Ping'an did the math and found that he still only had about 100,000 spare cash at his disposal.

Although the two Burger Kings have made a lot of money in more than a month, they actually don't spend it as fast as he does. The "Tuner" alone has cost nearly 100,000.

So I still had to make a short film.

Anyway, there will still be rewards, short films and long films are almost the same.

Lu Ping'an plans to make a few short films to hone his skills during his freshman year.

Of course, big movies must be made, but this must take into account the current actual situation.

In fact, in addition to funds, the current domestic film market is also a problem.

At this time, "Hero" has not yet come out, and there are less than 2,000 screens in the country. A single movie with a box office of more than 30 million can already rank among the top five or even top three of the year. Even so, it is not cost-effective to carefully calculate the income.

So unless the time is really right, for example, the short film "The Tuner" really brought him fame, then it will depend on the situation and start making big movies.

So, if you are making short films now, what will you make next?

Lu Ping'an didn't think about whether the system's reward types were related to the movie itself.

Because there are not many short films that he can remember.

So count every one you can remember and write it down first.

Get whatever reward you can get in the end. It's free anyway, so don't mind it.

So he quickly dug out a film from his memory.

"Black Hole" is a humanistic short film of more than two minutes. It tells the story of a man who gets a piece of paper with a circular black hole printed on it in a printer. Through the black hole, he can cross physical boundaries and do whatever he wants, and finally traps himself in it.

In my memory, this short film has won many international awards and is very famous. That's why Lu Ping'an was able to watch it and remember it deeply.

The film is very interesting, just over two minutes long, and looks very cost-effective, but the actual difficulty of filming it currently seems to be about the same as the short film "The Tuner".

Because it involves special effects.

Fortunately, this film does not require many special effects, and due to the overall running time, it should be easily obtainable within 100,000 yuan.

In addition, the film will not appear in my memory until a long time later, so there is no risk in copying it.

Soon, he wrote a brief outline of the story of "Black Hole".

Not surprisingly, the golden finger rewards popped up on the paper.

[Based on the story summary, the most suitable movie retrieved is the 2008 short film "Black Hole". Preview or not: Yes/No. 】

Lu Pingping clicked "Yes".

Soon, the short film in my memory appeared in my mind.

"This is it!"

[Ding~Whether to lock: Yes/No]


[The script has been locked and the original film has been loaded. Rewards can be obtained after completion. The host is required to complete the production within one year, and the restoration degree must not be less than 90%, otherwise the rewards will be cancelled]

"System, is this reward random?"

[It will be slightly related to the video, but overall it will be random]


To put it bluntly, it is a blind box.

This is not bad, otherwise it will only increase worries.

For example, it's almost 2001 now. If there is a reward for a film that I like very much, but the filming is about to start in a few days, and I don't have the strength to pry it away, wouldn't I be anxious?

Now he feels good about it.

He still likes blind boxes.


"So now, we just need to finish "Black Hole" first. The difficulty of this film is the special effects, so we have to prepare well for this."

Now in 2001, special effects are actually not new.

Beijing Film Academy also has related equipment and talents, and Lu Ping An can still get subsidies if he applies.

However, after calling the school, I learned that the equipment is currently under maintenance and if you want to borrow it, you will have to wait until next year.

"Don't worry. Anyway, the film won't be released for a year. Next year will be next year."

Business happens to be very busy at this time, so I will wait until next year to shoot.

. . . . . .

After confirming the project, the next day started and Lu Ping An continued his usual busy schedule.

Filming a movie in school was as if it never happened, and no one knew him.

In fact, this is normal. Those who study acting are not famous, so naturally no one knows them.

The same goes for those who study directing, unless those who direct long-term movies like Ning Hao can still attract attention.

Like Lu Ping An, even if everyone knew about it, they wouldn't think much about it.

What can a short film be used for? Right.

In addition, Lu Ping'an didn't go to school very often, so except for a few students, few people in the school knew him.

Lu Pingping is also happy with this.

The days passed like this. The semester was over, the final exam results came out, and Lu Pingping passed the passing line smoothly.

The teacher is very considerate, and I get 60 points in every test.

This makes Lu Ping'an feel embarrassed.

However, he also knew that, regardless of his relationship background and the like, he was a student with practical experience after all, and he was already much better than his classmates at the same level. It was reasonable for the teacher to take appropriate care of him.

After the exams, the school also ushered in the holiday and the wave of going home.

Going home for the Chinese New Year these days is a big battle.

In 2000, the railway speed increased for the third time, and the ticket format also changed, from hard-plate train tickets to soft paper tickets.

That is, the kind of red tickets that can still be seen occasionally on green cars in later generations.

But no matter how the ticket changes, buying a ticket is still a physical matter.

Ning Hao and Yiwei Yiwei had already bought their tickets, but Zhang Songwen didn't. He originally wanted to stay, but something suddenly happened at home, so he joined the crowd of ticket buyers.

Lu Ping'an drove Zhang Songwen to the station, followed by Yiwei Yiwei and Ning Hao. After arriving at the place, everyone saw the terrifying black crowd from a distance.

In the noisy square, whistles to maintain law and order sounded from time to time.

The crowded scene is just a good thing, but seeing those women carrying huge luggage on their backs and holding children in their arms makes the scene unbearable.

But this is the Spring Festival travel of this era.

People worked hard for a year, and at the time of year exchange, the call from their hometown touched every heart of returning home, so everyone gathered at the station, and the darkness turned into a sea.

It's spectacular and poignant.

After experiencing the high-speed rail era, Lu Ping'an really didn't want to join in and queue up.

This is just to buy the ticket, you have to come again while waiting for the bus.

It’s so painful!

There is also a high risk of encountering pickpockets.

In this era, even in the capital, security is actually very worrying.

It can be said that the battle between the pickpocket army and the anti-pickpocket brigade is going on all the time.

But Zhang Songwen and the others must be used to it, isn't it the case during the Spring Festival travel season?

Zhang Songwen only felt that the incident happened suddenly. If he had known earlier that he had to go home, he wouldn't have had such trouble.

It's already the 12th, there are only ten days until New Year's Eve, and his home is in Guangdong, so it's really not sure whether he can buy tickets.

But there is no other way, I have to buy it.

More than an hour later, Zhang Songwen came back with a sigh.

“There are only tickets available for the 24th, and it’s in the afternoon.”

The 24th is the first day of the Lunar New Year. After buying the ticket, I had to sit for more than 20 hours to get there. I was afraid it would be the third day of the Lunar New Year when I arrived home.

Lu Ping'an asked: "Then did you buy it?"

"Did not buy."

"Then why don't you go back?"

"Forget it, I won't go back."

"If things are urgent at home, you'd better go back."

"I wanted to, but it was too late to vote."

"Let's take a plane." Lu Ping'an suggested directly.

"too expensive."

"I'll lend it to you."

"I can't afford it."

"You can't afford it in 20 years? Buy it, go back and have peace of mind, and go to Berlin together."

Lu Ping'an didn't let him refuse anymore and called directly to book the tickets.

In the end, BJ's round-trip tickets to Guangdong totaled 2,800 yuan, which moved Zhang Songwen very much.

However, Zhou Yiwei exclaimed that it was a pity: "If I had known it, I wouldn't have bought a ticket. I haven't even flown on a plane."

Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "Then I'll buy a bus ticket for you."

"No, how can we treat them differently?"

"What, discriminating against cars?"

"Young Master, who dares to sit on a bus these days?"

"That's true, then I'm sorry."

"Hey, let's discuss it."

"Then call me big brother."

"...Forget it, the train is pretty good."


. . . . . .

Before going home on Monday, the foursome had a meal together.

It was also at this time that everyone finally noticed the changes that had happened to Lu Ping'an.

Zhou Yiwei said in surprise: "Ping An, why do I feel that you have grown taller?"

Zhou Yiwei is 186cm tall and Lu Pingan is originally 172cm tall. In the past, he could easily see the top of Lu Pingan's head.

But now it's different.

"It must be 175 or 176."

Zhang Songwen, who is 176, also gestured with his hands on the heads of Lu Ping'an and Ning Hao: "It's true, you used to be the shortest among us, but now you are a little taller than a mouse."

Ning Hao was the most heartbroken: "I've become taller and my skin has become whiter. Damn it, what did you eat?"

Lu Ping'an smiled and said: "Second growth, I have just grown up not long ago, how normal this is."

The internal repair and optimization of the body has been completed, now it’s time to begin external optimization.

Two months have passed since he got the reward. He has grown more than 3 centimeters, but Lu Pingan feels that nutritional supplements are not enough in the past few days, and he will have to exercise more and eat more in the future.

Ning Hao looked dissatisfied and said: "Damn! It turns out you are still a little kid!"

Lu Ping'an: "This is called youth!"

Ning Hao continued to be unhappy: "Your development is so weird that your myopia has completely disappeared."

Lu Ping'an, who is over 600 years old and wears glasses, originally looked like him in terms of looks and a rather unsophisticated hairstyle. But now that he has taken off his glasses and cut his hair, his dressing style has become more fashionable. Good guy, this is inappropriate. People.

Zhang Songwen explained at this time: "It seems to be pseudomyopia. I used to have more than 200 degrees of myopia."

"If you understand, you still need to see Awen. Indeed, that's what the doctor said. I'm actually still more than 200 degrees short-sighted and have a little astigmatism. Looking at you without glasses now is almost like looking at a dog." Lu Ping'an smiled. road.

Ning Hao pointed his finger and couldn't listen anymore: "Listen, this is human language? No need to say it, everyone?"

Zhou Yiwei answered directly: "Understood, give him a good meal first, and then let him pay for it!"

Zhang Songwen: "Then order more hard dishes!"

While everyone was laughing and joking, the meal for the Lunar Year of the Dragon was ushered in.

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