China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 114 Fixed angle, power on, kill

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Wen took out the script.

Lu Pingan picked it up and looked through it carefully.

It turned out okay.

The plot structure has not changed, and two main plots have changed, but this does not affect the overall theme.

What has changed the most is the lines.

This was what Lu Ping'an needed Jiang Wen to do.

Now it seems that Lu Ping'an is probably getting another super reward for nothing.

The last time I got a super reward was in 2001, and almost two years have passed.

It seems like my progress is really limited.

But again, the more excellent the work, the harder it is to surpass it. This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lu Pingan saw the final ending of the new script.

He frowned immediately.

Jiang Wen changed the ending.

Fortunately, not many changes have been made.

In the original version of "Hungry Platform", the final ending was that the male protagonist finally sent the complete plate of cake above the 0th layer.

But the chefs above thought the cake was returned because there was hair in it.

This is a plot with great irony, symbolizing the struggle and resistance below, which is completely invisible from above.

In Jiang Wen's ending, the cake was just replaced by another dish. The cake that appeared in the previous plot was still the same.

Lu Pingan thought for a while. He felt that Jiang Wen didn't want to just show the hero's single struggle in the ending movie, but wanted to convey to the audience that the tension in the "vertical self-management center (prison in the film)" has become normalized. , after the male protagonist died, someone else did the same thing?

Thinking about it, it seems true that this small change makes the whole movie's straightforward simile metaphor become a more complete movie. While it still has simile metaphors, it also leaves more blank space at the end of the movie, making the movie world more interesting. People have more possibilities.

"How about it?"

Jiang Wen asked at this time.

Lu Ping'an was interrupted from his thoughts. He thought for a while and said, "Take pictures of both and see which one is better."

Lu Ping'an himself really couldn't say which one was better.

But when both versions are shot, when finishing or editing, you can see which one has the highest degree of completion and use which one. This is the most fool-proof operation.

Jiang Wen actually had no choice. Lu Ping'an's script was extremely complete. If he really wanted to change it, except for the lines and some plot points, it was really difficult to change anything else.

The same goes for "Hunger Platform" this time. He watched it for a long time and wrote many versions before finally deciding that this version was just a version with a slightly changed ending. As for the other versions, after much thought, he still felt that they were not as good as Lu Ping'an's original version. The ground is naked.

So it can be said that I like the script of "Kiao Lu Ping An".

What you want is this feeling that makes you unable to start!

I don’t like the ones that are too simple.

Of course, one day I have to change it and convince him!

Putting away his thoughts, Jiang Wen smiled and said: "You see, this is the difference between you and them. You know the goods. Even if you don't know which one is better, you will stick to your own ideas. At worst, you will spend money to take pictures and then take a look. Use whichever one is better.”


"How can we produce good works like this? What can we accomplish by always looking at those sesame seeds?"


"Okay, let's shoot like this. When will we start?"

Lu Ping'an put down the script and said, "The filming location is ready and casting can start tomorrow."

"Okay, then tomorrow."

Jiang Wen suddenly seemed to have come back to his senses, and then asked: "I heard Awen said that you also have a Venice short film?"

"Yes, I just finished it. I will give it to Teacher Hu to take to Venice tomorrow."

"have a look."


The next day, Lu Pingan asked Hu Qingquan to send the short film and Ning Hao's "Incense" to Venice.

Looking back, it was the establishment of the "Hunger Platform" project.

The project's scenes, production team, and Fuhua Road have all been prepared for two months.

Before filming starts, all that's left is casting.

Regarding the casting, Lu Pingan and Jiang Wen discussed it and decided to first look at Lu Pingan's favorite person. If it didn't work, then Jiang Wen would come. If it worked, Jiang Wen would not only be an assistant director, but he would also enjoy other roles along the way.

Working with Lu Ping'an was actually very relaxing for Jiang Wen. He didn't care about the salary or the role. Anyway, the script was good and he was happy to do whatever he wanted.

Lu Pingan has no objection to this. The script and theme remain unchanged, and he is not worried if Jiang Wenyan does not play the role.

So the audition invitation for the lead role was sent directly.

The protagonist selected by Lu Pingan is Duan Yihong. We didn't cooperate with him last time, but there are still good reasons for cooperation this time. The system score is 10.1, which is a very good result.

Duan Yihong agreed to come over on the spot after receiving the audition invitation.

He had seen the role he missed in the movie last time. "Terrorist" was not particularly outstanding, but it was a box office hit. Who wouldn't be happy if it could raise his profile?

Audition invitations for the role of the male protagonist's first roommate were also sent out. This character had to be older, kind-hearted in appearance, and strong-willed in ruthlessness.

Lu Pingan originally wanted to find Ni Dahong, but his schedule conflicted. In the end, Lu Pingan settled on two targets, one was "vet" Luo Jingmin, and the other was Niu Ben.

The former is over fifty and the latter is over sixty, both are suitable.

In the end, Luo Jingmin decided to audition, but Niu Ben had some health problems and said he might have to rest for several years.

As for the rest of the roles, since they involved many foreign characters, Lu Pingan let Jiang Wen take care of them.

As a result, Jiang Wen attracted a group of acquaintances.

The most famous ones are Cao Cao, Koji Yano and Canadian Oyama. The first two only decided to come to China for development in recent years.

The role that impressed Lu Ping'an the most about Cao Cao was the "National Assistance" in "My Commander, My Regiment".

If Duan Yihong and Luo Jingmin can act this time, our group can become a three-person fighting team.

Needless to say, Yano Koji, Oyama came to make a guest appearance. He had already become famous in China, and he didn't have much time. Lu Ping'an simply let him make a guest appearance as the chef at the end.

There are 6 other foreign actors, some are black, white and brown. The brown one is an Indian student from Nortel.

With these foreigners, all that is left is for some yellow people to fill in the gaps.

Among them, the most important roles are "the woman looking for her daughter" and "the former manager suffering from cancer".

For the former, Lu Ping'an directly sent audition invitations to major universities. After watching it once, he felt that the scale was acceptable, the acting skills were good, and it was cheap, so he decided. There was nothing to hesitate about.

For the latter, Lu Pingan chose Yan Ni because he didn't know if she was willing to act in such a heavy drama.

So the next casting notice was sent out directly.

For a time, Shanghai Theater, China Theater, Nortel and major brokerage companies were all attracted.

Jiang Wen was also present in Lu Ping'an's new drama for winning prizes, and these two points were already very attractive.

Sister Hua was attracted immediately, but she was a little hesitant after reading the script.

Lu Ping'an said to her: "This character basically doesn't show his face, and the bonus is not big. If it doesn't work, we can make another movie."

Sister Hua chose the next one. Lu Ping'an's drama really didn't add much to the character, and it might even have a reverse effect. She was an agent, not a school teacher, so she had to consider this.

As for the protagonists, Jiang Wen and Lu Pingan had their own choices, so she gave up in the end.

Lu Ping'an likes this kind of understanding, so she will indeed take care of her in the next movie.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't know where she got the news, and she also called to ask. She would call her every three to five days after the last phone call to talk about trivial matters. Lu Ping'an didn't refuse, how could he refuse? Anyway, he didn't take it seriously. .

But this time he refused: "There is really no one suitable for you. Let me tell you a plot. If you want to eat people, can you."

Gao Yuanyuan said "Ah~" for a long time, as if she was sick, and then asked Lu Pingping for a meal to make up for it.

Why do women like to blackmail men so much?

In addition to her, Dong Xuan also called. Lu Pingan gave the same reason, but she also gave up.

Yan Danchen also called, not asking if he could act, but asking her to consider her little sister Qin Lan if she could.

Qin Lan is still very beautiful, but Lu Pingan still refuses for the same reason.

Finally, on May 5th, auditions began.

After entering the scene, without any nonsense, Lu Pingan first gave the script to a few selected actors.

The male protagonist Duan Yihong, the old roommate Luo Jingmin, and the former employee Yan Ni who has cancer.

After the three of them read it, they all thought the script was great, and at the same time it was very violent and very naked.

Lu Ping'an didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the audition.

Needless to say, the result was that Jiang Wen lost to Duan Yihong.

The reason is that Jiang Wen saw a better seedling than Zhang Songwen.

Zhang Songwen stood aside: "..."

Lu Ping'an didn't expose Jiang Wen's real reason because he was afraid of losing weight. He directly asked Duan Yihong: "Senior Duan, your character needs to lose weight during the filming process, at least ten pounds. Please consider it."

Duan Yihong decided directly: "No problem!"

Duan Yihong's eyes seemed to light up when he talked about his acting skills, which was completely different from his usual socially fearful look.

Yan Ni looked at it and realized that this person was probably a lunatic.

Without thinking much, Lu Ping'an asked her: "Senior Yan, you have to hold a dog in your scene, is that okay?"

"I'll be fine, as long as it's not a big dog."

"Okay, then you and the show manager will go pick one out and develop a relationship first."


In the end, there were no requirements for the role of Luo Jingmin, so Lu Pingan directly asked Wu Guohua to discuss the salary with everyone.

They are all unknown actors, and the main roles add up to 100,000 yuan. Prices in 2003 have increased a bit compared to last year.

The three of them were decided, and the rest of the characters were basically decided.

The black man fighting alongside the male protagonist is the only black man in Laowai, which gives him an advantage.

There are several other soy sauce characters, including Bao Qiang and Zhang Songwen.

Zhang Songwen is really like a TVB actor now. He takes on all kinds of roles and doesn't care whether he shows his face or not. In short, he is very dedicated. Because Baoqiang is a bit silly, Lu Ping'an asked him to play the "idiot" in the film.

What is left in the end is "the woman looking for her daughter."

Jiang Wen recommended Zhou Yun, a female Chinese opera student in the same class as Lu Pingan. Lu Pingan knew that this girl was Jiang Wen's future wife.

He agreed directly and regarded it as Jiang Wen's reward for changing the script for him.

Finally, there is the little girl. Lu Pingan asked Teacher Beidian to provide one, just a few shots, just be good and don't pay too much attention.

Things are settled, "Hunger Platform" will be launched on May 10th.

On June 22, the filming of the last few shots to determine whether it can be surpassed began.

I got home late in the evening. It rained heavily in Hangzhou and the car rear-ended me. It delayed a lot of time. I will update again at noon tomorrow to make up for it. It will not affect the normal update tomorrow.

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