China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 128 Did Lu Ping’an hang up the phone?

Next to Nortel, the tavern.

Huang Bo picked up a piece of meat from the dining table and put it into his mouth. Like his Nortel friends at the same table, he stared at the TV in the corner of the restaurant.

What was playing on the TV was Deng Chao's new TV series "Young Emperor".

This movie is very popular recently, and the leading role, Deng Chaohong, is amazing.

And after the performance, the classmates looked back and said with emotion: "Deng Chao's star road was really smooth."

Another classmate followed closely and echoed: "Isn't it? He is good-looking, signed with a big agent, and has been the leading actor all the way. He is a winner in life."

Another classmate retorted after hearing this: "You can't say that. Deng Chao has starred in many projects before, but none of them made waves. He only became popular after starring in "Source Code"."

"Indeed, "Source Code" has such a high box office, everyone who has appeared in it is lucky, isn't it our senior Huang Xiaolei, who can't even get roles now, and Dong Xuan, Goddess Dragon Oh, Huodi is in a mess. "

"Where is this? Goddess Long filmed it first. You can't just rely on "Source Code" for everything."

"Then you can't deny that "Source Code" is a hit, right?"

"That's true. After all, movies are more advanced than TV series."

A group of people at the dinner table argued and quickly reached a consensus.

Then they all began to envy those lucky people who starred in blockbusters.

At this time, someone suddenly received a text message, and then suddenly became excited. He held up his mobile phone and announced to everyone: "The old class text message said that Director Lu is going to make a new film again. He is looking for someone in the school. There are places for both vocational and undergraduate students in the acting class. !”


"Let me see!"

"I'll go, it's true."

Everyone was excited. The text message said that they are looking for extras. Those who want to experience it can come over. This time, 50 people will be recruited, and the places will be evenly distributed among the performance classes of each grade.

It's just a pity that Director Lu is launching a new film without finding the main actors.

A classmate was there to comfort him: "This is a commercial blockbuster, and the protagonists we are looking for are all with box-office appeal. How can it be our turn to be rookies? It would be great if we can go exercise and see the world!"

Huang Bo then asked: "Are there any places in the dubbing class?"

The classmate asked back: "Did you receive the text message?"

Huang Bo checked his phone and shook his head: "No."

"That means no more. After all, dubbing is not a performance."

Huang Bo was a little disappointed when his classmate said something.

I also want to take the acting test. What can I do if I fail in three years?

At this time, the classmate's cell phone rang with a text message again: "If you are interested, come to the cafeteria now."

Several classmates stood up immediately: "Let's go, let's go now, there won't be any seats for a while."

Several people at the table picked up their coats and ran outside.

Huang Bo hesitated whether to follow along, but as soon as he stood up, he was stopped by the landlady: "I haven't paid yet."

Huang Bo was in great embarrassment: "How much is it?"


Huang Bo swallowed his saliva, gritted his teeth, took out his wallet and paid. Looking at the only 5 yuan left in change, he felt helpless. He decided to eat faster next time.

In fact, he has a very calm mind.

He knew that since he had a bad image and no background, good things usually wouldn't happen to him.

But he also has dreams, so he usually works harder than others.

He believes that as long as the opportunities are fair, he will be able to perform better than his classmates.

But now, the situation is really helpless.

He has deeply realized that the so-called fair opportunity is a false proposition.

Paid the money and left the restaurant.

It's close to October and the capital has become much cooler after the rain.

Just when I didn't know where to go, my phone rang.

Huang Bo was immediately excited, maybe there were places in the dubbing class.

But when he saw it was home, he was instantly discouraged.

After twenty minutes of phone calls, Huang Bo also returned to the rental house. The school had no plans to go to the school to select candidates. Since it was based on quotas, he basically had nothing to do with himself.

Entering the room, it was a bit difficult to move around in the cramped space.

Charge the mobile phone battery with a universal charger and replace it with a new battery.

During the start-up period, he was thinking about whether he should try out with other crews during the National Day.

But before I could finish thinking about it, my phone rang again.

At first glance, it was an unfamiliar number.

When the call was connected, the other party asked: "Is this Huang Bo from Nortel?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I am the assistant of Director Lu Ping'an. Director Lu wants to invite you to audition. Dududu."

Huang Bo's hand shook, and the phone was hung up.

Huang Bo's forehead was congested on the spot.

He really didn't mean it.

Although I had doubts about whether he was a liar just now, what could he be deceived about?

So even if he is a liar, he is excited.

But this excitement, well, future pills!

In the blink of an eye, he called back.

Fortunately, it's not a big problem.

"Hey, okay, okay, no problem, no problem this afternoon..."

After confirming the good news and hanging up the phone, Huang Bo found that his forehead was already covered with sweat.

At this moment, he had many questions, and his mood was completely indescribable, but he had no time to think about these, because there was only one thing to do now, and that was to take a shower, get a haircut, and perform well in the afternoon!

Next to Chaoyang Trade City, the studio of "Wonderful Night" is closed.

Huang Bo came outside the set dressed in new clothes, checked the information with security, and was brought inside.

He looked at the set in front of him that was separated by a curtain, and his anticipation and tension were also overwhelming.

Hang up the phone to Lu Ping An. If this gets out, this person will be in great disgrace.

He didn't know what Lu Pingan's character was like, so it would be bad if he was punished after entering.

It's normal for him to have such thoughts. In the past few years, he has been on the set and been punished and insulted many times.

Once again, I went to the set to play a robber, and the assistant director insulted me all the way, saying, "Why did you find such a thing?"

At that time, if director Yang Yazhou hadn't given him a chance and he had striven for success, he would have been a shadow for the rest of his life.

With this in mind, he followed the security personnel into the curtain.

After entering, there are two layers of curtains and security checkpoints.

Huang Bo couldn't help but sigh, this commercial blockbuster is different, the confidentiality measures are adequate.

Then he walked through the last door.

As soon as the door opens and people enter, their eyes suddenly open up.

Good guy!

Huang Bo almost exclaimed.

Because after entering the "museum", the first thing he saw was the huge dinosaur skeleton.

If he comes here unexpectedly, everyone will be shocked!

"This is a prop, don't touch it. It was assembled with great difficulty and cost hundreds of thousands."

The security reminded at this time.


Huang Bo nodded, his eyes continuing to fall on the dinosaur skeleton.

This is Tyrannosaurus Rex, I saw it in Jurassic Park.

After admiring it, he continued to look. He found that this was a huge lobby with a front desk and various guides, such as the African Wildlife Museum and the Aquarium.

So this is a museum?

Without thinking much, the security took him through the hall and to the set behind.

Here is another hall shrouded in a large green screen.

Huang Bo didn't have time to look at the green screen because he saw Lu Ping'an talking to someone among the props on the set.

"Guide, the people are here."

Following the assistant's reminder, Lu Pingan ended his conversation with the staff, paused his handwork, and turned to look at Huang Bo.

Huang Bo immediately greeted: "Director Lu, I'm sorry, I was too excited just now."


Lu Pingan smiled and nodded, and then said, "So the protagonist originally given to you can only be replaced by a supporting role now."

Huang Bo: "..."

Seeing the constipated look on his face, Lu Ping'an laughed.

Huang Bo also reacted and laughed sheepishly along with him.

After a brief acquaintance, Lu Pingan began the audition.

The audition went well.

After all, what he wants to play is not the real Zhao Kuo, but a funny guy with a bad mouth.

The reason why it doesn't look good is because it accidentally fell to the ground while making a portrait.

Huang Bo yelled in Qingdao accent: "You think I want to look like this? If you tell me again, believe it or not, I will destroy you with an army of 400,000!"

"On paper!"

"What I hate most is when people say that I am just talking on paper. Where is my army? Let me destroy him!"

Huang Bo jumped to his feet, furious.

One second he was still elegant, and the next second he looked funny.

Improvisational, nice.

Lu Ping'an expressed satisfaction.

This character doesn't need any special personality.

Just be responsible for being cute.

When he is serious, he looks like a nobleman from an ancient palace. He is a little arrogant, but remains polite. He jumps when his weakness is poked. No one likes his rival, but he will fight together when something happens.

This is the cuteness of the character. Although Huang Bo's acting skills are relatively young now, it is enough for this role. His comedy talent is pretty good.

"Okay, it's up to you, go back and think about how to act."

Lu Ping'an finally made the decision.

Huang Bo bowed happily, but instead of leaving, he offered to stay and help.

Lu Ping'an asked him to sign the contract and come back tomorrow. Tomorrow he would set his makeup and customize his armor and clothing. He was very busy during this period.

Huang Bo left with great gratitude, and Lu Pingan shook his head with a smile.

He was not the only one who hung up on his first call, Xu Shanzheng also hung up.

It's just that Xu Shanzheng called back quickly. He obviously reacted much faster than Huang Bo. After all, he is now famous, and the possibility of being selected by Lu Ping'an is already high.

Xu Shanzheng said that the crew would wrap up filming in three days and come back for auditions after finishing filming.

The milk tea week will be here tomorrow at noon.

Lu Ping An is now considered a newcomer in the domestic mainstream awards, but this is because the mainstream awards have not yet fully recognized commercial films, and they are still putting on airs.

In the field of commercial films, Lu Pingan's reputation is on the same level as Feng Dapao and Lao Mouzi.

Milk Tea Week now also has plans to enter the film and television industry. He had made a guest appearance in "Looking for Jay Chou" before. Now he received a guest appearance from Lu Ping'an. Knowing that the role was not many, but it was relatively important, the other party quickly decided to come over and talk.

Lu Pingan plans to let Milk Tea Week write a promotional song.

For commercial films, various promotional methods must be used.

Ge You is also very interested, and Lu Ping'an will chat with him at the private kitchen in the evening.

Fan Wei's side is similar. The two sides have arranged to chat tomorrow afternoon.

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