I suddenly had a toothache the day before yesterday, and the painkillers didn't work. I took leave this morning and went to see a doctor, who said the tooth was cracked.

The doctor said you must have bitten something hard.

I said no.

The doctor asked me how my daily routine has been lately.

The schedule I mentioned is very fixed. I go to work during the day, code at night, and go to bed at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night.

The doctor continued to ask if he had been under a lot of stress recently and if he was in good spirits.

I said big, extremely big, and the energy is average.

Especially these days, I don’t know how to write when I’m typing every day. I stare at the screen in a daze for hours, and my hair starts to fall out.

The doctor said that's right. Disordered work and rest, and high stress are also causes. If your teeth continue like this, they will become inflamed and the nerves are picked. First, apply medicine to make up for it, and then do a crown. Your sincere benefit is 1,800 yuan.

After filling the tooth, the toothache disappeared and I felt much refreshed.

When I got home and looked at the computer screen, I felt stressed again.

Teeth are just the mark, the pressure of writing is the foundation.

But this book is really difficult to solve.

I feel very tired from writing recently, and the pressure is really great.

Currently, the book is ordered at 5,000, but I always feel that I am not worthy of this achievement.

The previous books were all ordered at 1,600, which is not a huge hit, but it is basically the same. Such results actually have a good side for new authors, that is, they will not be under great pressure.

So my mentality at that time was actually quite relaxed. It was my first book anyway, so I could write whatever I wanted. I didn’t have to think too much about whether the plot was reasonable or whether the characters would be fleshed out. Once I finished the book, it was a success.

But now the results have more than tripled, and the number of words is only tens of thousands to win the high-quality bid. Following this, readers' requirements will be higher.

But my writing power is limited, and the character creation, plot rhythm, etc. are not as good as I think, or what readers think this achievement should be.

The key is that my brain is not that bright and my talent is limited. I cannot summarize quickly and make rapid progress.

As a result, the feeling of moral incompetence became even stronger.

It’s very difficult to write like this. The number of words every day feels like constipation. The promised 10,000 words per day seems like a fantasy.

The pressure of updates, the quality of articles, the pressure of disappointed readers, and the worry about gains and losses due to unstable grades have made me feel very depressed these days.

At noon, I thought I could take advantage of my leave to temporarily solve my dental problem, but I was not in the mood to write, so I took out my bicycle that I hadn’t ridden for a long time and went out for a walk. I went to Shaxian County, which I hadn’t been to for a long time, to eat duck leg rice and add another portion. Pork belly and duck soup.

As a result, not long after I went out, the rain started again, and it quickly turned from drizzle to heavy rain, and I was soaked like a dog.

After being so upset by God, I went home and took a bath, and my head became much clearer.

I opened the news on my mobile phone and glanced at today's stock market, and suddenly I figured it out.

Just subscribe to this thing. Like stocks and futures, it has a price discovery function.

Just because the price is high for a while, doesn’t mean you’re really worth it.

After waiting for a long time, the price gradually stabilizes, and that is the real price.

My talent is limited and my writing skills are not very good. I have only entered this industry not long ago. I don’t have much time to write articles every day. The quality of my articles is also limited. It is normal that I am not worthy of my current results.

So don’t always think about how your grades are, whether you have been scolded by your book friends again, or how much you need to update every day.

Slowly improving your own value is the most important thing.

So I thought, I will write slowly and don't put too much pressure on it. It doesn't matter if the performance of this book goes up or down, or it will continue to rise in the future.

The process of writing is the process of learning.

Therefore, if you are not good at writing and learn slowly, please bear with me.

Don't worry about eunuchs. Since it's on the shelves, I will never be eunuchs.

Book friends who have suggestions are welcome to continue to submit them. I will delete and permanently ban those who criticize or criticize others. I will not delete those who make suggestions.

That's it, I took a nap, woke up and started typing again.

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