China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 145 Good times, auspicious days, beautiful life

After it was basically confirmed that "Batman" would not be handed over, everyone at Summit began to devote themselves to the project.

According to the current plan, the actual production cost of "Batman 1" currently seems to be far less than the $135 million of the original version.

At most 100 million is enough.

Among them, actors' salary accounts for tens of millions, and Morgan Freeman and other big names are not cheap.

If you add that the special effects are outsourced to Akers in China, and some scenes are placed in China.

In this way, you can save a lot of time and money.

In terms of location, in the original plan, Nolan actually wanted to shoot the location in Iceland and other places.

But that's obviously not possible now.

Because if Warner really does something dirty next, Nolan will be replaced. After all, Nolan is Warner's contracted director, so they have room for maneuver.

So just in case, Lu Pingan decided to try his best to move the production process to his home stadium.

He decided to talk to Han Sanpin when he went back and seek support.

I believe Han Sanpin will be so happy after knowing about such a big project.

After making some plans, Lu Ping'an looked at the time and boarded the plane in the afternoon. After landing in Beijing, it would be the early morning of the 18th, so he could catch up with the wedding at noon.

So he paused post-production work on "Insidious" again.

"I'll leave the final part of the editing to you, is that okay?"

After stopping his work, Lu Pingan asked Wen Ziren.

"it should be OK."

James Wan's answer was more conservative.

Lu Pingan was relieved, he knew that Wen Ziren could handle it completely.

After all, this is his movie.

Even if it doesn't work, he can just come back and change it after a week.

"Okay, feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

Lu Ping'an said and went out.

When we arrived at the airport, Watts sent news that the final North American box office of "Death Day" was 60.5 million.

"Death Day" did 56 million in the first three weeks and only 4.5 million in the last week.

This is no surprise to Lu Pingping, because "Lord of the Rings 3" has been launched this week.

In the face of this kind of super movie, all movies have to be crushed, and "Death Day" can have 4.5 million, which is already good.

Besides, according to the accounting rules, the studio’s accounting ratio for the last week is only 20%, so it’s not a pity that the box office is low.

"Death Day" has grossed 60.5 million in North America, and the global box office has now reached 95 million. It is not a big problem to break 100 million.

Lu Ping'an, who has two low-budget movies worth over 100 million yuan, has completely consolidated his reputation in Hollywood.

I don’t know if the news has been received in China. Before boarding the plane, Director Jiang from the Domestic Olympic Organizing Committee personally called him and once again informed him of the meeting on the 20th.

Han Sanpin had told him about this before, and later relevant people from the Olympic Organizing Committee did call him to inform him.

Now that Director Jiang has informed him again, one can imagine how seriously he takes it.

But Lu Pingping had a bad feeling.

Is it possible that you really want me to jump into a trap?

He decided to talk to Han Sanpin again after he went back. Han Sanpin must know more information.

At 10 o'clock in the morning on the 18th, Beijing time, Lu Ping'an had just landed in Beijing when his uncle called.

"The phone is on. Hello, safe. Are you here?"

"The plane just stopped."

"As long as it's not late, your cousin will pick you up outside, don't miss it."

"I understand. By the way, uncle, when is the auspicious time today?"

"Auspicious time? It's noon, that's all."

"Oh okay, see you later."

“Be careful about your safety”

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ping'an set the alarm clock on his phone.

Today is an auspicious time at noon, a good start.

I hope there is an easy adaptation!

Putting down the phone, brave passengers gathered around me.

"You are the road guide, please."

As the only mainland director who has achieved great success in Hollywood, Lu Pingan is currently attracting a lot of attention in the Chinese circle.

So it's not unusual to be recognized by fellow passengers who came back together.

After patiently and gracefully signing autographs and taking photos with all the fans, Lu Ping'an and several fans left the airport together.

When I saw the cousin, I exchanged pleasantries for a while, and under the coercion of the other party, I handed over the gift brought by the American girl. After the cousin was satisfied, she drove off.

The car radio once again reported the news that Wanwan artist Ke Shouliang had passed away due to illness.

On the morning of December 9, Ke Shouliang died at the Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital due to alcohol-induced asthma. He was 50 years old.

Guorong changed his life, and as soon as Ke Shouliang left, the sad atmosphere seemed to have been given to Ke Shouliang.

The entire Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment circles were shocked and then observed a moment of silence, and even the domestic entertainment industry also launched a period of commemoration.

Lu Ping'an didn't feel much about it. After all, he didn't know him and wasn't a fan of him, so he didn't have much idea.

The same goes for the eldest cousin. She even felt that it was a bit unlucky to hear this on her special day.

When we arrived at the hotel, it was decorated with lanterns and festoons.

Wedding ceremonies here in the capital are all held at noon. It is said that those held in the evening are "second weddings", and first weddings will not do this.

Entering the venue, an elder shouted: "Safety has arrived!"

Then a group of relatives gathered around.

As the only star in the Lao Lu family, he will naturally shine on such occasions.

The relatives of the man present sighed with emotion: "Ping An is a good name. When Ping An arrives, Ping An will arrive."

The uncle's face lit up after hearing this. Today should be his happiest day.

The younger sister is happily married, and the nephew is promising again.

How happy I must be for my dead mother and brother!

Lu Ping'an greeted his relatives one by one, and the man's relatives and colleagues were not left behind either.

My uncle is a policeman, so naturally all my colleagues who come here are policemen.

It doesn't matter if the police or not, Lu Ping'an is innocent and not afraid of this, so we don't have much worry about chatting with him.

After a brief exchange of greetings, he and his eldest cousin went to the hotel room to see the bride.

Before leaving, his peripheral vision passed by a corner of the banquet hall and stayed on a square face for a few tenths of a second.

He already recognized who this was, and felt that the world was really small, but that was all.

In the corner, Yang Mi, who came with his father to eat and drink, also paid attention to his back.

After Lu Pingan disappeared, Yang Mi turned around and said excitedly to his friends who were also coming to eat and drink with their families: "I see, I see, Lu Pingan is so handsome."

"Yes, yes, he is still very tall and much more handsome than Xie Tingfeng."

The two high school girls soon started gossiping.

Near 12 o'clock, the ceremony began.

Lu Pingan sat down and chatted quietly with his relatives and leaders at the same table.

After a while, the lights dimmed, the emcee entered, and the various decorations on the scene lit up. The effect was very dreamy, making the entire wedding scene very high-end.

He asked Wu Guohua to be responsible for the on-site effects. This was considered a gift to his sister-in-law on behalf of the original owner.

It actually didn’t cost much, but it was pretty good for a wedding like this for ordinary people.

Now in 2003, stage effects of this level are not common.

Therefore, guests at more than 50 tables at the scene were amazed.

In addition, the emcee is also the host of Beijing TV station. He is famous, but not particularly famous.

Lu Ping'an originally wanted to find someone more famous, but his sister-in-law refused, saying that it would be better to keep it simple, don't go too far, and take care of the man's face.

Now it seems that this is indeed just right.

The aunt, aunt and others are full of pride.

Only the cousin was trying to conquer Lu Ping An: "Ping An, I treated you well when you were a kid, right?"

Lu Pingan smiled and promised: "Don't worry, we will make arrangements for you when you get married."

"That's pretty much it."

The cousin was satisfied, while Lu Ping'an held on to the super reward and waited for the lottery to be drawn when the auspicious time came.

After a while, the ceremony began. The uncle in a suit stood under the spotlight, and the sister-in-law in a wedding dress was held by the uncle's hand and slowly approached under the arrangement of the emcee.

The original owner's grandparents were gone, so the eldest brother took his place.

The emcee started to stir up emotion: "A brother is like a father, and he has worked hard for more than 20 years."

There were indeed two brushes, and the atmosphere of the scene was perfectly enhanced. My sister-in-law's tears fell instantly.

Then the uncle handed his sister-in-law's hand to her uncle, and at the same time blessed her: "I hope you can have a beautiful life of your own in the future."

Didi didi.

At this time, Lu Ping'an's cell phone also buzzed to tell the time.

The auspicious time has arrived.

Open rewards!

Lu Ping'an thought.

The next second, Goldfinger popped up a message:

[Congratulations on winning the 1997 movie "Life is Beautiful" with a score of 9.6]

"Life is Beautiful" with a score of 9.6! !

Lu Pingan's eyes instantly locked on the uncle on the stage.

Could it be that the result of this lottery was influenced by my uncle?


The ceremony on the stage ended and applause broke out.

Lu Pingan also smiled and clapped, feeling very satisfied.

Today is indeed an auspicious day!

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