China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 148 Co-production, mobile phone

"The film is finished."



Han Sanpin was a little surprised after hearing this.

How long has it been? It’s not even 15 days.

It seems that the project is indeed very small and cannot be any smaller.

At this time, Lu Ping'an added: "But there is another project that I need some help from, Uncle Han."

"What project?"


Except for the matter of the peak investment, Lu Ping told the truth as he told Hu Qingquan.

There is no need to hide it, and there is no way to hide it.

If Warner really wants to cause trouble, this kind of thing will definitely be exposed.

Just in case, just say it in advance so that you don't end up in a bad situation.

In addition, around Lu Ping'an, the roles of Han Sanpin and Hu Qingquan are actually similar, and they are both trustworthy, so it is not a big problem to tell them.

And Han Sanpin went from disbelief to shock, and finally turned into "worry" that warmed Lu Ping'an's heart.

"You are too courageous!"

Han Sanpin didn't know what to say.

If you rent IP for 16 million US dollars, you can spend it as promised.

The key is still the gambling of taking advantage of others.

If you lose the bet, at least tens of millions of dollars will be wasted.

This is a posture to lose all the money earned over the years!

He couldn't help but wonder if Lu Ping'an had been deceived by someone.

"I am confident that the movie can be profitable."

Lu Ping'an explained a little bit.

Han Sanpin asked: "After all, this is Hollywood. You are a dragon crossing the river, and others are local snakes. If something goes wrong, how can you deal with it?"

"So I just told you this."

Lu Ping'an smiled and talked about Warner's matters and the expected risks.

In fact, Lu Ping'an basically has nothing to worry about now.

The contract for renting IP is very clear and you are not afraid of lawsuits.

The money is enough.

Watts and others are most worried about possible temporary replacements of actors, directors, etc. He is not afraid either.

There are so many actors in Hollywood, although the top ones are basically not replaced, but as a reborn IP, in fact, the top actors can be replaced by anyone, and they are all starting from scratch anyway.

Not to mention the director.

Safe road itself is the greatest guarantee.

That is to say, he is not that interested in filming the complete Batman trilogy now.

What he values ​​more about the trilogy is actually the financial gain.

Of course, if you can do one less thing and get more protection, you must do it.

So the first reason I talked to Han Sanpin about this was to get some green light for the domestic production of the film.

On the other hand, I also want China Film to come forward and communicate with Warner from a higher level if something goes wrong.

Next year China Film will establish a domestic company with Warner and Hengdian in a few days, and Warner will use this to enter the domestic production and distribution market.

With this relationship, Warner will have more considerations in doing things.

In fact, the last time Barry Meyer and Lu Pingan met, Lu Pingan felt that this was probably the reason for this.

Regardless of whether there is or not, it won't do any harm to Lu Ping'an if this relationship helps him.

After Han Sanpin heard this, he directly expressed his position: "The contract is clear. Warner wants to enter the country and must consider this aspect. I will say hello later, but there is no guarantee that nothing will happen."

"What if the other party really wants to cause trouble?"

"They can't control other places, but they can't even think about doing business well in China."

Han Sanpin is very tough.

Although he is only the second-in-command now, he is not without great means.

Of course, it would be best if we can negotiate. After all, Warner is one of the top eight companies in Hollywood. The scale between Hollywood and China is one and the same. Now in 2003, it is not easy for domestic parties to think hard.

The two talked about the matter and then started talking about how to cooperate.

For Han Sanpin, if the movie is made into a co-production, it is a sign of political achievement, and promoting more levels of communication is the real gain.

He talked about the needs, and Lu Ping An also gave appropriate suggestions, which was "co-production."

Currently, Sino-US co-productions are not new.

"The Last Emperor" in the 1980s was a co-production.

It’s just that the co-productions at that time were mainly Chinese collaborations.

After 2000, the co-production model became dominated by private companies, with both parties adding capital, manpower, and materials. At this stage, the Chinese people who appeared in the film were basically soy sauce.

It was only after 2010 that co-productions entered the "joint shipbuilding" model. Both parties began to intervene from the creative and script stages, and then slowly Chinese capital began to take the lead.

What Lu Pingan and Han Sanpin are currently proposing is the intermediate stage.

It only participates in investment and obtains rights in production venues, manpower, and individual roles. The rest is still dominated by the United States.

"Batman 1" is special in that it is not easy to include yellow people in it.

There were only a few yellow faces in the original film, and apart from a few or two who were doing soy sauce, the one who had the most scenes was the stand-in for the big boss "Lei Xiaogu".

But that plot was "Shadow Dancer League," it was Neon Ninja style, it was the villain.

Lu Ping'an didn't want to change this element to Chinese, as it would attract scolding.

Therefore, the only thing that can be cooperated this time is to add some domestic scenes and insert a few harmless Chinese character faces.

But this also made Han Sanpin very happy.

After all, it was a Hollywood film, with a big IP and a big production.

It’s my first time to collaborate with Hollywood. Hollywood is very powerful, so we must focus on them.

Moreover, the project is "life-threatening" for Lu Ping An, so the requirements should not be so big.

Now this is actually pretty good.

"Batman" is such a big IP and such a big production that it will be filmed in mainland China. This is big news.

Some Chinese elements and Chinese faces can appear in it, which is extremely flattering in this era, and of course it is also extremely beneficial to political achievements.


"No problem, you can chirp whenever you want."

The matter is settled, simple and easy.

Then Han Sanpin asked: "Do you have any ideas to make public?"

"Not yet."

"You can't hide it even if you really want to."

"Then we'll talk about it then."

Han Sanpin nodded in approval.

The project hasn't started filming yet, and there's no shortage of money, so there's no need to rush to announce it.

Then the two talked about investment. Lu Ping An was open to it, and anything up to 10 million U.S. dollars was acceptable.

Han Sanpin said that he would discuss it with the company first.

The project is too big to decide.

Domestic distribution can be settled first.

After the matter was settled, the two drank tea for a while, and at 5 o'clock, they went to the premiere of "Cell Phone".

Today Feng Dapao's "Mobile Phone" held its premiere at Haidian Theater.

Feng Dapao invited Lu Pingan in advance and made a phone call. He had come to Lu Pingan's two premieres in the past, so it would be inappropriate not to go this time.

When we get to the place, it’s still the same, red carpet, interviews.

Lu Ping'an showed up and the red carpet was over. Reporters cheered and surrounded him.

Lu Ping'an has achieved success in Hollywood. This is his first appearance. The attention on the scene is extremely high. As a director, he has more exposure than the stars in front of the stage. The other stars are very envious.

Of course, they were more interested in chatting with Lu Ping'an and getting on the line, but they didn't know if there would be a chance.

During the interview, Lu Pingan set the tone when he came up: "Today we will talk about "Mobile Phone", I will not answer other questions."

"What do you think of the movie? You have to watch it before deciding, but I think Director Feng will not disappoint."

"Box office expectations? You still have to watch it before deciding. I think it will definitely not be low. It will definitely exceed Director Feng's own record."

I briefly answered a few questions related to today’s topic, and did not answer the rest that were irrelevant.

The interview about watching the movie "Mobile Phone" will be like this later.

You still have to pay attention to human nature.

Besides, there is no need to break things up.

This made Feng Dapao and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

After entering the venue, Feng Dapao and others greeted him enthusiastically.

After a brief chat, Feng Dapao talked to Han Sanpin, while Xu Fan and Fan Xiaopang stayed to talk to Lu Pingan.

Xu Fan joked:

"Gang Xiaofan was still asking if you would come."

Lu Ping'an looked at Fan Xiaopang: "Did you say that? You will have to drink as a penalty that night."

Before Fan Xiaopang could say anything, Xu Fan answered: "Ping An drinks a lot, so I have to punish Xiao Fan with a few more drinks."

Fan Xiaopang didn't show any weakness: "Okay, I'll just keep an eye on Director Lu tonight."

Lu Ping'an finally noticed, Xu Fan seemed to be happy to push Fan Xiaopang towards Lu Ping'an.

Lu Ping'an thought to himself, maybe something went wrong during the filming?

Without thinking much, Ge You and Fan Wei arrived.

They are all acquaintances. The two have just finished filming Lu Ping An's "Wonderful Night" not long ago, and they have a good relationship.

After a brief chat, someone brought an actor to talk to Lu Pingan.

"Director Lu, this is Zhou Jie"

"Director Lu, I am short and tight."

"Road guide."

Everyone has a very upright attitude, but Hollywood is different.

After chatting one by one, the premiere started soon.

Yang Kun came on stage and sang the theme song.

The main creator came on stage and spoke.

After a while, the lights dimmed and the movie started.

There was nothing to say in the movie. Lu Pingan was only curious when Xiao Cui would start bombarding Feng Dapao.

Tonight or tomorrow?

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