Lu Ping'an finally spent money to poach Nolan.

Warner has no problem with this.

It's just Nolan, he's leaving, and he can still make 4.5 million US dollars in vain. This deal shouldn't be too cost-effective.

They would be more relieved if Nolan continued to direct the trilogy.

After all, Nolan is not as good as Lu Pingping.

So the poaching negotiation only took 15 minutes to complete, which was very fast.

Nolan was even more chilled by Warner's attitude.

"I thought Warner Bros. was the best studio in the world, and now I feel a little stupid."

After returning to the set, Nolan shook his head and laughed at himself.

After saying that, he expressed his sincere gratitude to Lu Ping'an.

He didn't think his script idea was worth so much money. After all, it was just an idea that hadn't yet been formed.

Strictly speaking, he currently has no idea how to implement this idea into a complete, high-quality script.

So at this moment, he naturally thought that Lu Pingan's request for a script was just an excuse.

The actual purpose is to cherish talents.

"Lu, I don't know how to thank you."

"Thank you, thank you. It's too much trouble. Just get things done."

Lu Pingan waved his hands casually, not wanting to continue on this topic.

Nolan was not a shy person. He signed the contract with Summit, chatted for a few more words, and then turned around and got into work.

After Nolan left, Watts was a little confused: "Is he really worth this price?"

Lu Pingan replied casually: "There are not many people who can follow my thinking. Wen Ziren is the first one, and he is the second one."

After hearing this, Watts asked no more questions. He believed that the road was safe.

The same is true for Hu Qingquan.

But he was more interested in the gift, Nolan's creativity.

Hu Qingquan still understands Lu Ping'an better than others.

So he has already discovered that Lu Ping'an's real purpose may be this script.

But he didn't ask too much. He would naturally know when the script was actually completed by Lu Ping'an.

After the matter was settled, Lu Pingan spent two days meeting the two protagonists in the film.

One is Christian Bale. This guy is still building muscle and is still two months away from his goal, which is just right.

The other is Morgan Freeman, who was also the first actor to agree to participate.

The two people's reaction to seeing Lu Ping'an was not particularly big.

Because they have long known that the idea for the trilogy came from Lu Ping'an.

Hu Qingquan has already communicated with them.

It is said that the director has changed, but the rest of the script, salary, roles, schedule, etc. remain unchanged and will not have any impact.

This isn't much of a problem for the actors.

The most I can do is chat with the new director Lu Ping'an to see if it's reliable.

But now that I have met him, chatted with him, and found that Lu Ping'an is even more reliable than I thought, that's enough.

Of course, there is still something to worry about.

But generally speaking, compared to Nolan, they were actually more relieved about Lu Ping An. I won’t say the reason. Anyway, Nolan had to hide his face and feel sad when he found out.

The next "Batman" project will proceed step by step. With Nolan and Hu Qingquan here, there is basically no need to worry.

During the preparation period, Lu Ping An also arranged for the filming of a documentary.

The "Batman" IP that Lu Pingan received only had filming rights and partial distribution rights.

The discs will not be affected, and the derived income from the trilogy itself will not be affected either.

For example, props from movies can be auctioned, and movie documentaries, posters, etc. can all be sold.

With good works, documentaries will be able to sell for a lot of money in the future.

The behind-the-scenes production documentary of "Lord of the Rings" is now on sale, and the disc is said to be selling well. Lu Ping'an will naturally follow suit.

While planning these spin-off projects, it is actually a further step into the film industry.

So the domestic Wu Guohua team was called to Hollywood.

The domestic promotion of "Wonderful Night" has not started yet.

Lu Ping An's goal is to strive to make more commercial profits than "Source Code" or even "Hero" after the movie is launched, from promotion to release, from box office to peripheral products.

It’s actually not easy to count on the box office alone at this time.

So I have to study hard and learn from Hollywood.

Linking all the commercial elements that can be linked is what a successful commercial movie should do.

Of course, the degree here still needs to be carefully grasped.

Not too much.

However, Lu Pingan feels that when the time comes, with Zhang Weiping who is very good at over-marketing at the front, his pressure will be much less.

Two weeks later, the production progress of "Dead Silence" passed 70%.

That afternoon, Lu Pingan and Hu Qingquan returned home.

"Batman" will start domestic filming.

This time the setting will use real scenes plus special effects instead of Nolan’s real shots.

This will leave a lot of money and time, but the disadvantage is that it will make Nolan feel uncomfortable.

But now that the director is Lu Pingan, there is nothing Nolan can do.

But when he found out that the location shooting would be in XZ, that little regret disappeared in an instant.

Nolan has longed for it, but it is difficult for foreigners to enter XZ.

So not only Nolan but also Bale was very excited to be able to shoot there this time.

But Hu Qingquan also said in advance that whether he could go or not would have to be discussed after communication.

Lu Ping'an's main task when returning to China is to focus on the later stages of "Wonderful Night".

According to the current plan, "Batman" will be launched at the end of February this year.

It is now early January 2004, and two months are enough to complete the post-production process.

On January 8, the two landed in Beijing. They didn't ask for a pick-up, so they just took a taxi and left.

In 2004, every aspect of Beijing was much faster than before.

The Olympic city has entered a faster development fast lane from the moment it successfully applied for the Olympics.

But the price is that the air quality is worse.

But for Hu Qingquan and the others, this is normal. Construction is going on everywhere, so how can the air not be bad? In the year of the Olympics, the entire capital will be shut down, and by then the blue sky and white clouds will be back.

"The first snow in 2002 came later than usual."

At this time, a call from DNA came over the radio.

Lu Ping'an's eyes lit up.

Daolang makes his debut!

I haven’t listened to it for many years, and the memory of the dead suddenly came to life.

"This song is great!"

Hu Qingquan was caught on the spot, which made the taxi driver resonate: "Right, this singer is bound to be popular."

But he added: "Young people may not like it very much."

This was obviously meant for the silent Lu Ping'an.

Lu Pingan smiled and said, "I think it sounds pretty good."

I really like "Punishment of Impulse" from this album, even more.

"Good taste!"

The driver was happy, and Hu Qingquan also came to chat.

The two old men, who were about the same age, quickly started chatting about music, movies, and politics. They didn't end until the car arrived at China Film and Television.

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