"House of Flying Daggers" became like this just a week after its release, and its reputation collapsed.

The biggest benefit for "Wonderful Night" is that it saves a lot of publicity and distribution costs.

As one of the "two heroes" of mainland commercial blockbusters, it is also one of the "two heroes" of this summer's movie.

Lao Mouzi and his films have basically been sent, so the only thing left is Lu Pingan and his films.

Of course, the collapse of Lao Mouzi's reputation will also affect Lu Ping An.

But the wonderful thing is that Lu Pingan and Lao Mouzi are not even the same as all Chinese directors.

Everyone else is making feature films, even blockbusters are still feature films.

But what Lu Pingan has established from the beginning is the "imaginative" brand.

This brand has become even tougher after the two recent movies.

Therefore, "Wonderful Night" has, to a certain extent, become a place for movie fans to vent their desire to watch movies.

A lot of people are expecting that.

Lu Ping'an, please don't behave like Lao Mouzi!

Of course, Ping An Lu will not be ruined.

He also knows what to do when promoting.

So the promotional theme this time is not a "blockbuster", but "Happy Summer."

A comedy movie should look like a comedy movie.

We also don’t care about how much spiritual sublimation you will have after watching the movie, and how much your aesthetic ability will be improved.

What we want is for you to come to the cinema happily, try the new and fun 3D movie viewing, watch the interesting and changed version of "Wonderful Night", and leave a happy memory of this summer.

This is enough.

As for the huge publicity extravaganza, these are even more unnecessary.

After being baptized by "House of Flying Daggers", movie fans already have a rebellious mentality towards this kind of "excessive deceptive marketing".

And it would cost a lot of money to do so.

Of course Lu Ping An would not do this.

Of course, he won't really do a simple and light promotion.

Strictly speaking, the scale of his promotion may be larger than that of "House of Flying Daggers".

It's just a battlefield invisible to traditional media.

Starting from the 28th, when countless QQ users across the country went online, a pop-up window popped up on their computers.

"Jay invites you to experience the 3D "Wonderful Night at the Museum" together, come and see it together!"

In the pop-up window, there are stills from the Milk Tea Week.

Currently, Milk Tea Week has a very large domestic fan base.

Such a jump attracted the interest of countless fans of Milk Tea Week.

After clicking in, I found out that you can get discounts on tickets when you go to designated theaters with your QQ number verification code.

You can save at least ten yuan with one ticket, and you can also get Coca-Cola snacks!

This has made countless netizens ready to take action.

"Wonderful Night" has already attracted a lot of attention, and the 3D version has attracted even more attention.

Now there are more discounts.

So for a while, everyone thanked the Milk Tea Week

In fact, "pop-up ads" are not just a star of Milk Tea Week.

There are also various versions by Lu Ping'an, Fan Wei, Northeast Lao Zhao, etc.

Within a day, nearly 10 million active users across the country received advertising alerts.

And this reminder will continue for another week in the future.

The cost was less than 3 million.

Because this was Penguin's first attempt, they didn't know how to charge.

Therefore, Lu Pingan was given a preferential price. As a shareholder accounting for 10.8% of Penguin, Lu Pingan deserved to get the internal price.

Of course, this kind of promotion method also has its limitations. For example, discounts cannot be obtained in other theaters and can only be used in Luping's own theaters.

But in Lu Ping'an's view, this would save much more effort and money than "House of Flying Daggers" which had so many branch venues.

It’s July 30th.

At this time, "House of Flying Daggers" has been released for two weeks, and the announced box office has reached 95 million.

In fact, there must be moisture.

Because the data of Lupingan’s movie theaters cannot be faked.

But Lu Pingping didn't care about it.

Your own movies are the most important.


At this time, there were a lot of people outside the No. 3 store of Planet Cinema in Beijing, and it was very lively.

In an hour, the premiere of "Night at the Museum" will be held here.

The premiere of "Wonderful Night" was not as grand as "House of Flying Daggers", but a simple one, starting at 6 p.m. nationwide.

This seems a bit petty.

But not many people really feel that way.

Because the premiere of "Wonderful Night" was different from many previous movies.

This time, it’s the premiere of the 3D version.

Xingchen Film and Television said that because of the screening technology, it is not suitable to choose places such as the Cultural Palace.

Only in Planet Cinema can you watch movies in 3D for the first time.

Many people don’t know much about technology.

And this thing sounds very high-end, so everyone quickly accepted this reason and showed greater interest in the premiere than other previous movies.

In fact, if you want to achieve perfect 3D viewing, you don’t have to choose a particular place. Lu Ping An has the technology at hand, and the employees of IMAX Technology have been familiar with various technologies in the past few months. When the time comes, it will actually be possible to slightly modify the new theater. can be realised.

But Lu Ping'an is the theater owner after all, so he has to take care of his own business.

And the more mysterious you promote this thing, the fewer theaters support watching movies, and the higher everyone's expectations are.

The publicity in recent days has made everyone very enthusiastic about watching the 3D version of the movie.

So much so that movie fans and reporters were so busy vying for the spots for today's premiere that all the movie tickets in the remaining 20 theaters that support 3D viewing were almost sold out in the first two days.

Many people in the industry are also inquiring about quotas from various parties and want to try it out in advance.

Among them are potential customers from theater chains.

When launching 3D movie viewing, Lu Ping An would not just use this as a publicity stunt, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

To do this, we must not only achieve publicity effects, but also promote technology.

The good effect produced by a 3D viewing is used to promote the technology.

"Avatar" was a case in point.

Of course, Lu Ping'an also knows that "Wonderful Night" is not particularly suitable for 3D movies.

And even if "Avatar" is released now, it will be difficult to promote this kind of technology nationwide or even globally, let alone lead the 3D trend, because the overall market has not reached that point yet.

The time is not yet ripe and it is inappropriate to forcefully push.

But there is a point in doing so.

In addition to being used as a gimmick to stimulate enthusiasm for movie watching and boost the box office.

The most important thing is to stand in front of international film studios and peers.

If Lu Ping An makes a similar movie again in the future, at least other theaters will have to ask him to join if they want to get a share of the pie.

If industry practitioners want to try this kind of movie, they have to find his company.

This can lay a good foundation for the commercialization of technology.

Having said that, just after 5 o'clock, Huang Bo and Zhu Yawen were sitting in a taxi wearing suits.

Passing by the museum set in the Trade City, the two of them turned their heads.

At this time, the museum set had lifted the curtain that had been sealed for nearly a year, revealing the true face of the museum's grand entrance.

There were already many people taking photos in front of the gate.

The two of them knew that starting tomorrow, the museum would officially open for business.

Zhu Yawen was envious: "It's great, everyone can see your statue."

Huang Bo laughed and said: "What a statue I had back then. It was not much bigger than a peanut. Uncle Ge was so talented."

"The most majestic one is the dinosaur. Tell me, will someone actually come up and break the bones?"

"Haha, I guess there will definitely be!"

The two were chatting and laughing, and after a while, the car arrived at the entrance of the theater.

After getting out of the car, the two of them looked at the bustling scene in front of the theater and suddenly became nervous.

Zhu Yawen is nervous because his first big screen work is about to be released.

But the tension is not particularly great, after all, he is just a guest appearance, only appearing for a few seconds.

Huang Bo is different. He plays a big role in the movie, which is related to his career.

Now, my career doesn't look good.

Because after the final makeup photos of the main cast were released earlier, everyone received praise, especially Zeng Li. Everyone said that Hua Mulan is very heroic and beautiful.

But it was different when it was Huang Bo's turn.

Many people feel dissatisfied, saying that "Zhao Kuo" is not a handsome guy. Why did he find such a thing to play?

Even if the prototype is not a handsome guy and the movie is a comedy, you can't make such a joke, right? So shameless!

Such words are indeed very hurtful.

No matter how thick-skinned Huang Bo was, he was still depressed for many days.

But when Lu Ping'an found out, he told him, don't worry, no one will say that about you after the movie.

Huang Bo himself also knows how he performed in the movie.

But you should still be nervous.

What if the audience doesn't like it.

What if the movie flops like "House of Flying Daggers"?

Thinking of this, Huang Bo immediately slapped him in the face.

Bah, bah, bah, you don’t want to say such unlucky words!

With this in mind, the two entered the theater.

Following the guidance of the staff, the two came to the rest area.

Many people are already here at this time.

When Zhang Songwen saw Huang Bo and the two of them, they laughed and joked: "They are dressed so formally."

"That's a famous brand. I bought it specially."

Huang Bo lifted his collar, feeling a little proud. This was not cheap.

However, Zhang Songwen's next sentence was: "Then you bought it for free, and everyone will wear the same T-shirt in a while."

"...Huh?" Huang Bo was confused.

"Ah, what? When the movie becomes a hit, won't you also become popular? Then why do you still need to worry about the money?"

When Huang Bo heard this, he immediately recognized the subtle meaning in Zhang Songwen's tone. He asked: "Brother Wen, have you seen the movie?"

Zhang Songwen smiled and nodded, then patted Huang Bo on the shoulder: "Be mentally prepared! By the way, if you are hungry, eat something first. We have three games tonight."


Half an hour later, the main creators arrived one by one, and Zhang Songwen began to distribute clothes.

The red T-shirt has the gilded text ""Wonderful Night" Happy Summer" printed on it. It is simple but not simple.

Everyone put them on one by one. Although they no longer had the unique characteristics of each other, looking at them this way, the entire creative team became more united and festive.

This form became more popular only after many years.

Now it seems that there is no sense of violation.

Then Lu Ping'an also came, wearing the same clothes.

After saying hello, Lu Ping'an clapped his hands: "Get ready, let's go on stage!"

The main creators walked out the door chatting and laughing.

At this time, everyone in the premiere hall was basically in place.

In addition to leaders, there are also film producers, advertisers, investors, various film and television companies, etc.

There are 300 movie fans, 200 reporters, and nearly 100 film producers, investors, advertisers, theaters, relatives and friends.

There were nearly 600 people in total, making the theater packed to capacity, with many people sitting on the steps.

Then the main creators appeared, and the cheers in the theater were deafening.

Everyone was refreshed by the way the creators dressed, and felt a sense of down-to-earth and unity and confidence.

There are still many fans who are wondering whether this T-shirt will sell.

Not long after, following the opening introduction by the host of the premiere, Sa Beining.

The premiere begins.

Jay sang "Dance of Spring and Autumn" and won bursts of applause.

Guorong, who came to cheer, sang a song "Dongfeng Break" by Jay Chou, setting off a climax.

Then Sa Beining began to control the field and distribute 3D glasses, and at the same time began to explain the difference between glasses and spectacle lenses.

Finally, Lu Ping'an came to conclude: "I know you still have many questions to ask, but let's watch the movie first."

Still crisp and neat.

After a while, the movie started. (End of chapter)

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