China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 189 Movie-watching craze, stealing box office, overthinking!

"Old Wang, why are you going on the weekend?"

"Isn't this summer vacation? Let's take the kids to watch a movie and spend time with my wife and kids."

"What movie are you watching?"

"Lu Ping'an's "Night at the Museum." I heard that this movie is suitable for the whole family to watch."

"Oh, I've heard about this. It's a very funny comedy. Lao Cui and the others in the building next door just watched it and they said there is also a third brother mode?"

"Yes, what we are watching this time is 3D."

"Okay, come back and tell me about it after you finish it. If it looks good, our whole family will go too."

"Didn't you just watch House of Flying Daggers?"

"Hey, why are you bringing that thing up? It's not suitable for children. I'm telling you, it's best not to take children to watch this kind of movie. I won't say any more. You can go quickly."

Conversations like this are happening all over the country these days.

Question: When did the first family-style comedy film in domestic film and television that catered to both north and south and was suitable for all ages appear?

Answer: Now.

You don't know if you don't do some research. Once you do some research, you will find that "Night at the Museum" is really the first movie of this type mentioned above.

There are many family-friendly movies, but there are very few that are suitable for all ages, both from the north and the south.

"Wonderful Night" did it.

Not only did it happen, it did it well.

The plot creativity, film and special effects quality, and audio-visual effects are all top-notch.

There is also positive energy in the film.

Educate people to do things bravely.

There is a warm father-son relationship.

The character creation is also full and three-dimensional to the point, but does not overwhelm the protagonist.

Of course, the most important thing is that the movie is fun and you can experience it in 3D.

In addition to these, it also has a "super bad movie" to set it off.

In the case of word-of-mouth, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

"Amazing Night" is one of the two summer blockbusters.

It’s hard not to think about it now.

Furthermore, it goes without saying that a family of at least three people will have an impact on the box office.

This is like the later "囧".

When word of mouth started to spread, there were no particularly good movies at the same time.

That's when it's time to explode.

So it was released for nearly 3 days.

The box office data for the first three days has not yet been compiled.

But Lu Pingping already knew.

The data is definitely not bad.

The reputation of "Wonderful Night" is really good.

Coupled with the right time, right place and right people, a movie-going craze has emerged.

According to the data reported by Planet Cinema.

The average attendance rate of "Wonderful Night" has exceeded 75%.

This is a scary number.

The occupancy rate of the 3D cinema has reached over 95%.

Among them, 40% of the audience came with their whole family.

The praise rate for the movie also remains high.

On the Tianya movie rating post, hundreds of people gave "Wonderful Night" a high score of 8.6.

This score is definitely artificially high and will definitely drop to around 8.4 in the future.

Lu Ping An also knows the reasons for such false highs. One is the novel experience of new technology, and the other is the contrast of peers.

But no matter what, this is enough to show that the audience loves it.

Of course there are people who give bad reviews.

Some say it doesn't respect history, while others say there are bugs in the plot, etc.

Fortunately, overall, there are mostly positive reviews.

And as long as you are good enough, only the great Confucians can argue for you.

Some of the negative reviews currently have dissenters.

In fact, Ping An does not particularly care about these bad reviews.

Movies without bad reviews don't exist after all, right?

At 12 o'clock in the evening, China Film Group sent statistical information.

"Wonderful Night" grossed 53 million at the box office in the first three days!

Less than House of Flying Daggers, but for a reason.

It is currently the third week of the release of House of Flying Daggers.

Although the two-week protection period has passed, there are still many films scheduled.

At present, the overall film schedule on the market is probably that "Wonderful Night" and "House of Flying Daggers" each account for 40%.

You know, when "House of Flying Daggers" was first released, it alone accounted for 80%!

Therefore, the film schedule was reduced by half, but the box office in the first three days was only a few million behind.

Many media already know this.

As time goes by, "Wonderful Night" will be unstoppable!

Sure enough, four days later.

"Wonderful Night" was released for a full week, and the box office reached 122 million.

And "House of Flying Daggers" claims to the outside world that it is only 120 million.

120 million in three weeks, which looks good.

But "House of Flying Daggers" had 60 million in the first three days!

It can be said that "House of Flying Daggers" has suffered a cliff-like defeat.

And "Wonderful Night" surpassed "House of Flying Daggers" in three weeks in just one week, winning completely!

And "Amazing Night" still has at least three weeks left in theaters.

What kind of box office height can it reach in the future? Authoritative media gave a number: 220 million!

This number is conservative, but makes sense.

The first is piracy.

Currently, "Amazing Night" has been released for a week, and there are already pirated copies on the market. Like "House of Flying Daggers" a few weeks ago, this will cause a certain loss in box office potential.

Secondly, the Olympic Games will open in a week, and there will be one more small screen to compete with "Amazing Night" for the audience.

This would also lose some box office potential.

Therefore, the figure of 220 million has been recognized by most people in the country.

But even so, 220 million is already an extremely high number, already surpassing "Source Code".

Lu Pingan has two movies with box office exceeding 200 million.

He is the number one commercial film director in China, and he truly deserves his title.

Just when many people in the industry were envious, our old rival Zhang Weiping couldn't sit still.

In his opinion, I can't survive, but don't even think about it being so easy.

So a few days later, Lu Ping'an received news.

Zhang Weiping asked for filming protection!

Who cares about him?

Lu Ping An will never agree, and other theaters will rarely agree.

Zhang Weiping still didn't understand the situation and thought he was very good.

But within a day, Lu Ping'an received news again.

"You actually stole the box office?!"

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but laugh.

He found Zhang Weiping really interesting.

He really can do anything.

The key is that this kind of thing can actually be done to him.

You know, Lu Ping An is also a theater operator now!

Fortunately, as someone who has experienced the whole world, Lu Pingan has naturally been prepared to guard against such a move.

In the open world, he has 16 planetary cinemas. This is not the cinema that is publicly said to be his. In addition to these, there are more than 30 private cinemas that have not been renamed.

In addition to this, he also invested in two theater lines in the names of two companies. Outsiders did not know that he was the shareholder.

In addition, more than 400 part-time investigators were spread out.

While they are investigating the movie's reputation, they will also pay attention to the ticket sales.

Although it is not easy to know the latest news in the market.

But as long as you do something like stealing box office, I will know. It's just a matter of time.

Therefore, less than two days after Zhang Weiping's plan was implemented, Lu Ping'an received the news.

What else is there to say?

Just leave it to Zhuo Wei and Feng Ke and let them attract traffic!

So that night, a shocking news appeared on the Internet.

""House of Flying Daggers" stole the box office, there are pictures and the truth!"

The news reported strange things that happened to at least ten netizens across the country.

Someone went to the movie and bought a ticket for "Amazing Night", but the ticket turned out to be a ticket for "House of Flying Daggers".

The author then checked the box office data.

Sure enough, the box office of "House of Flying Daggers" has bucked the trend in the past two days, while the box office of "Wonderful Night" has dropped significantly.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Lu Ping'an immediately became furious.

United Han Sanpin directly put pressure on Zhang Weiping to explain.

Lu Pingan also accepted interviews with the media and angrily denounced this disgusting behavior.

"If we don't stop him today and let him receive the punishment he deserves, will there be a fair environment in the industry in the future?"

This kind of words is the most recognized by other peers.

On the bright side, they all said: If you don’t follow martial ethics, one piece of shit will ruin the whole pot of porridge. How will we drink from it in the future?

The superiors also attach great importance to it.

This period was when the film market was booming.

This is not digging the roots!

For a time, media from all sides followed up with reports.

Lao Mouzi and Zhang Weiping suddenly fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Reputation has hit rock bottom again.

Zhang Weiping probably never expected that this kind of thing would be dug up so quickly.

But there is no point in thinking about it now, the most important thing is to deny it.

How can you admit this?

But soon, Zhang Weiping realized one thing, that is, without Lao Mouzi, he really was nothing.

You know, Lao Mouzi is now under protection.

The Athens Olympics are about to begin.

You Zhang Weiping took it upon yourself to make our Olympic director’s reputation like this. You are very brave!

The superiors were not happy, and neither was Lao Mouzi.

He gave the movie to Zhang Weiping, and now he has turned it into this.

It’s strange that Lao Mouzi is happy!

As a result, it is said that an unprecedented quarrel broke out between the two.

I really don’t know.

Just two days later, Han Sanpin informed Lu Ping'an: The new picture was warned, and the relevant theaters were fined. As compensation, "Wonderful Night" received more support for the film schedule. In addition, the higher-ups were studying the cancellation and postponement of "House of Flying Daggers" .

Han Sanpin said that there is a high probability that it cannot be extended.

After all, Zhang Weiping did too much in this new picture!

Lu Pingan nodded to express his understanding.

It's already good to be able to do this.

After all, Lao Mouzi is in a period of protection.

And this doesn’t involve any laws, so it’s not easy to handle.

Zhang Weiping thought so too.

Small setbacks are not terrible.

When Lao Mouzi returns from Athens with a great reputation, the new picture will still be glorious.

In this regard, Lu Ping'an could only wish him good luck.

Then turn around and start working on the next thing.

After the box office stealing incident.

Although the film schedule of "Wonderful Night" has increased a lot.

But piracy is also a growing problem.

Movies are booming, and demand in the disc market is also growing.

After all, it costs more than 20 yuan to watch a movie, and the disc is only 6 yuan.

This did have a big impact on the box office.

But fortunately, "Wonderful Night" has another anchor, which is the "3D" version.

If you want to watch 3D, you can only go to the cinema.

The ticket price for 3D movies starts at 50 yuan!

At present, 3D viewing is still in short supply.

Lu Ping'an immediately added thirty more halls.

It is expected to be fully deployed within a week.

After all, there is technology, and this thing is indeed not as difficult to deploy as imagined.

At the same time, Ping An has also joined forces with disc manufacturers to continue to put pressure on pirates.

As a result, the subsequent box office decline of "Amazing Night" may not be as large as the market expects.

As for where the final box office will be.

Lu Ping'an himself is also very curious. (End of chapter)

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