China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 193 Beware of arrogance and impetuosity

As soon as the box office data comes out.

There was cheering in the Star Film and Television Company far away in the capital.

In just two weeks, "Wonderful Night" took in a box office of 235 million yuan.

It is very likely that the box office will exceed 300 million in the future, and it may even break the record of 360 million set by "Titanic".

This is naturally a huge victory for the Xingchen team.

Outsiders don't know it, but people inside the company know that the whole company actually put in a huge amount of work for the announcement of "Wonderful Night".

You know, the cinema coverage of "Wonderful Night" is comparable to that of "House of Flying Daggers".

It is really not easy to achieve this level without support from above.

There is also Lu Pingan’s own cinema. From the purchase of the store to the decoration, construction or renovation, to the promotion of a single cinema, Xingchen employees spent a lot of energy.

Moreover, the above tasks are less than half of the workload of this announcement.

Most of the rest were carried out on the main battlefields of Xuanfa.

For example, the main creative team’s road shows, cooperative media reports, and QQ and the Internet occupy a large share.

Especially on the Internet.

Safety on the road is particularly important.

Now it seems that the success of "Wonderful Night" is inseparable from the popularity of word-of-mouth on the Internet.

From movie ratings to review control to how to stay popular.

This is not only new to Xingchen employees, but also new to practitioners across the country.

During this period, there was also time to steal the box office, which would bring many surprises to the entire work.

Fortunately, such efforts are worth it.

Not only did the movie achieve impressive results at the box office, the team also gained excellent experience through this time.

So at this moment, many people in the company were about to cry with joy.

This is team honor, bonus and future!

"The boss said, double the bonus!"

Wu Guohua announced to everyone at this time.

This time the employees cheered louder.

The bonus was good originally, but now it’s doubled, I’m even happier than during the Chinese New Year.

However, Wu Guohua also reminded him at the right time: "Don't get too happy too soon. There are still at least two weeks until the painting is started. There will definitely be negative public opinions in the future. Don't take it lightly."

Everyone expressed their understanding and continued working.

What Wu Guohua said is indeed correct.

Domestic movies have a good box office record, but the position of being the first to win is not so comfortable.

Lu Ping'an knows this, and everyone around him also knows this.

So what we need to do now is actually to stabilize the rhythm and not drift away.

So the road show team in Shenzhen just celebrated briefly that night and then went back to their rooms.

Have a good sleep and calm down, accept the interview tomorrow morning, and then continue running as planned tomorrow afternoon.

The next day, after the media obtained the data, news about the film history record swept the entire domestic entertainment industry.

This directly shocked the eyes of countless people in the industry.

Have you ever thought that "Wonderful Night" would have a high box office.

Some media have previously made predictions of 220 million.

But unexpectedly, the 220 million banknote was broken in just two weeks.

It has been a month since "House of Flying Daggers" was released, and its final box office was only 123 million.

"Wonderful Night" can actually open up so much of "House of Flying Daggers"!

And the environment faced by "Wonderful Night" is actually not very good.

First of all, arranging the film is a hurdle.

No matter how bad the box office and reputation of "House of Flying Daggers" were, the film schedule was later reduced due to time stealing from the box office, but even so, it can still account for at least 20 to 30% of the film schedule.

Moreover, many pirated copies of "Wonderful Night" have appeared on the market.

Finally, it is already two days since the opening of the Olympic Games.

The small screen is so popular, how many of them will steal the big screen market?

So how did you achieve this result in "Wonderful Night"?

There is something fishy, ​​there is definitely something fishy!

Faced with doubts from the media and some netizens.

China Film released the data immediately.

In one word: the data is not fraudulent.

Soon afterwards, relevant authoritative media also provided analysis immediately.

The movie has been released for two weeks now, and there are currently 75 large screens across the country that support 3D.

The 3D ticket price for each big screen is 50 yuan. In the past two weeks, the occupancy rate of the 3D version has not been less than 80%.

Except for the 3D version, the occupancy rate of ordinary screens in other places is not less than 50%.

Investigating the reason, "family fun" movies have become one of the most important factors in its success.

This is different from usual movies. The number of people watching the movie "Wonderful Night" with the whole family is more than the audience of all previous movies.

"Wonderful Night" succeeds because it brings joy and laughter.

The plot and character design in the movie make it possible for the audience to spend a pleasant time in the theater.

Comedy is a film genre that can transcend cultures and languages, and "Wonderful Night" made the audience laugh through creative imagination, humorous dialogues and funny plots, as well as Lu Ping'an's masterful business techniques.

The Night of Wonders was heavily promoted ahead of its release, including television, advertising and social media promotions.

These promotions attract more viewers and motivate them to buy movie tickets.

In addition, the film also benefited from word-of-mouth communication. Audiences told others through word-of-mouth that this was a very interesting film after watching the film, thereby attracting more viewers to the theater.

In general, there are many reasons for "Wonderful Night" to achieve high box office results.

The success of the film itself, bringing joy and laughter to the audience, the use of new technologies and its success, as well as effective publicity and word-of-mouth communication all played a positive role in its success.

This time, industry insiders felt the severe impact of the box office success of "囧" 7 years in advance.

Why was "囧囧" able to gross more than 1 billion at the box office back then?

Many experts have done analysis.

But no matter how you analyze it, one thing is certain.

That is, no one thought that this movie would achieve such good results from the beginning.

But reality slapped everyone hard in the face.

Isn't it the same with "Wolf Warrior 2" later?

At the beginning, no one thought it would hit such a high box office.

It wasn't until the results came out later that experts began to analyze the results in hindsight.

And after analysis and analysis, there is still one sentence: the audience likes to watch it.

It's just the truth.

People who are jealous of you will not let you go just because of this.

Soon, after questioning the data, more negative comments came.

Some people say that the movie has no nutrition, some say that Lu Ping An has made a bad start, and some say that the cultural relics in the film are full of errors and mislead the public.

There are also all kinds of negative comments.

Some of them really want to blackmail you, and some of them just want to gain popularity.

Who makes you number one now?

When you are "number one", you naturally have to accept more criticism and doubts.

Ping An and the team have already made corresponding preparations for this.

Generally, I won't care about it unless it's particularly excessive.

At the same time, you have to be calm and low-key when facing interviews.

As a winner, such a statement is in line with domestic trends. Lu Ping An does not want to be independent.

When facing the interview the next day, Lu Pingan was very low-key and sober.

"Actually, I was a little surprised by this result. I thought the movie would do well, but I never thought it would be so good."

"If you ask me to tell you the reason, I think it has to do with the script, the actors' dedicated performances, the use of new technologies, and the efforts of the entire behind-the-scenes team."

"Also, the current movie market is much larger than last year. The number of big screens alone has increased by 15% compared with last year, and it has increased by nearly 1,000 compared with 2002."

"If you think that in 2002, "Source Code" could get more than 200 million at the box office, it would be almost 300 million this year. If you think about it, it is not particularly surprising that "Amazing Night" has 235 million."

"Of course the most important thing is that the fans support me. I would like to thank all the fans here. I will try my best to make more good-looking movies in the future."

The reporter asked again: "How much box office do you think future movies can achieve, and will they break the record of "Titanic"?"

Lu Pingan: "I am actually very satisfied with the current results. If the box office increases by one dollar in the future, that will be the joy of having one more dollar. I am not greedy."

Don't be arrogant or impetuous, and win a lot of praise. (End of chapter)

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