Since the current filming progress of "Crazy Stone" is coming to an end, Lu Pingan's guest appearance did not accidentally fall on this scene:

A man opened the door to kill and took away "Brother Dao" who was riding a motorcycle to commit robbery, leaving the robbed "Brother Bao" in a daze. And "Brother Dao" happened to die in the manhole where "Heipi" was trapped. Cover.

All the clues come together and it's very interesting.

What Lu Ping'an wants to do is to sing "All the flowers I've been waiting for have faded" in the back seat of the car, and then kill the guy who opened the door to kill him.

After Lu Pingan knew the role, he felt it was a bit difficult, but he could challenge it and just treat it as fun.

And Lu Ping'an was confirmed to make a guest appearance, which made the whole crew very happy.

Lu Ping'an is the big boss after all.

Just like when Han Sanpin came to the set of "Looking for a Gun" to make a guest appearance.

I don’t have any confidence or strong support, so I can make a guest appearance?

Huang Bo started to exaggerate there.

Said: "It's rare for Director Lu to make a guest appearance. This is his second guest appearance."

Someone soon asked: "What was your first guest appearance?"

""Source Code"!"


Everyone became more confident.

In fact, strictly speaking, Lu Ping'an had a guest appearance before "Source Code", and that was in "Looking for a Gun".

It's just that "Looking for the Gun" only shows half of the face, which is not considered a guest appearance, but more of an extra. And many people haven't noticed it yet, and Lu Ping'an himself doesn't want to mention it.

So it's pretty good now.

Lu Pingan decided to make a guest appearance, and the next step was to arrange filming.

It was also a coincidence that Xu Shanzheng was about to make a guest appearance at this time.

The reason for Xu Shanzheng's cameo appearance was different from that of The Original Spacetime. Ning Hao of The Original Spacetime sent an email to Xiao Taohong, planning to let her play the role of the protagonist's wife. However, Xu Shanzheng, who shared the same email address, read the email and decided to make a guest appearance for free.

Now, because of "Wonderful Night", Ning Hao and Xu Shanzheng have known each other for a long time, so when Ning Hao called Xu Shanzheng to invite Xiao Taohong, Xu Shanzheng came directly.

But Xiao Taohong still didn't come, she was quite busy.

But things are different now.

Xu Shan wants to make a guest appearance, and the scenes will be resolved within a few days. Xiao Taohong will also come to take a look.

Then, Lu Pingan's opposite actor became Xiao Taohong.

Lu Ping'an was a little surprised: "Xu Shanzheng agrees?"

"Why don't you agree? The opportunity is rare, and there are no intimate scenes, so it's too late to snatch it up."

Ning Hao comforted him with a smile, "But if you want a large-scale scene, Ping An, I, Director Ning, can satisfy you. You can choose any actor you want and the set will be cleared when filming starts."

"Forget it, am I that kind of person?"

"Don't worry, no one will know."

"Go! Go! Go"

The guest scene has finally been finalized. Since Xu Shanzheng and his wife will arrive in the mountain city tonight, the guest scene is scheduled for midnight tomorrow, and Xu Shanzheng's scene will be filmed tomorrow morning.

Now, Lu Pingan's mission is to make a high-profile appearance in front of the media.

"Crazy Stone" is the key project of Star Film and Television next year, and Lu Ping'an will naturally not keep a low profile like "The Condor".

Good movies rely on shouting.

The original "Crazy Stone" did not have an advantage in terms of publicity and distribution, but still relied on word-of-mouth to achieve box office miracles.

This time with the blessing of Lu Ping'an, the situation will naturally be different.

In fact, "Crazy Stone" is already more attractive than the original time and space.

On the one hand is Ning Hao.

As Lu Ping'an's royal photographer, Ning Hao has already become famous after filming so many scenes together.

Now that Ning Hao has started filming his first movie, this scene is almost the same as that of Lao Mouzi and Gu Changwei.

Both were born in photography.

The former has now become a great director.

The latter's first movie "Peacock" started filming this year, and it also received huge attention.

Now Ning Hao has become the third "royal photographer" to transform into a director, and his attention is actually related to the director they originally served.

So to a certain extent, in the eyes of the media, this is already a competition between the three directors, Lao Mouzi, the great poet and Lu Ping'an.

On the other hand, there are now some "big names" in the crew.

And this "big guy" is none other than Huang Bo

"Wonderful Night" set a record at the box office.

This matter is not something that can be easily dealt with in just one sentence.

Super high box office, phenomenal movie, the influence brought by it is not small.

And Huang Bo's "Zhao Kuo" is currently one of the most eye-catching characters in the entire movie.

Everyone likes this ugly but cute character.

So Huang Bo has already gained considerable popularity.

In market terms, Huang Bo now has a certain box office appeal.

Therefore, relying on these two people alone, the future box office limit of "Stone" will not be low.

In addition to them, there is also a guest appearance by Xu Shanzheng, which is another box office appeal.

Finally, I added Lu Ping’an’s words:

"'Crazy Stone' is my most anticipated Chinese film next year."

Good guy!

The reporters on the scene and the creators who attended the press conference were all a little confused.

Everyone thought they would say nice things about safe travels, but they never thought they would be so nice.

Where does this leave "The Promise", "Seven Swords" and Cheng Long's "Myth"?

Apart from anything else, wouldn't "Initial D" also start filming next year and is also very likely to be released next year?

Lu Ping'an didn't think there was anything wrong at all. He just added: "You will know when the time comes."

Seeing the confident Lu Ping'an, reporters familiar with him quickly realized the seriousness of the matter.

Lu Ping'an is not Zhang Weiping.

Because road guidance is never without aim.

The reputation accumulated over the years has now paid off in positive ways.

So most people at the scene felt that the small-budget movie "Crazy Stone" must be taken seriously!

Although Lu Pingan is still scrutinized by some people who claim to be mainstream in the film industry.

But no one can deny that the road is safe now, and one sentence can make the film industry tremble.

Just like back then, a word of praise from a great poet could bring huge help to Lu Pingan's movie.

Now Lu Ping'an said, "Crazy Stone" changed from obscurity without any pre-publicity, and soon became the headlines of the film industry in the next few days.

In response to this, Ning Hao sighed with emotion during dinner in the evening: "Ping An, I am so stressed!"

"Where is this?"

Lu Ping'an raised his glass, "Don't say you don't think so."


Ning Hao smiled and clinked his glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he clinked the cup to Xu Shan who had just arrived: "I will wrong you tomorrow night."

Xu Shanzheng didn't care: "Don't worry, you can do whatever you want!"

. . . . . . .

"All the flowers I have been waiting for have faded."

Car back seat.

Lu Ping'an was dressed as a slut, with a teasing look on his face, and kept moving his hands to hold the little Taohong in front of him in his arms.

Xiao Taohong is very professional, and she keeps pace with Lu Ping'an even when she wants to refuse, making this rivalry scene very life-like.

As a result, something happened behind the car, and Lu Ping'an was furious. He picked up a baseball bat and went out to teach, but "bang", the car door was broken into pieces.

"Click! Passed!"

Ning Hao's voice sounded.

The audience burst into applause.

"Director Lu is so good!"

"Thank you for your hard work, guide."


Everyone praised him repeatedly, and Lu Ping'an finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For a small guest role, I practiced it twice and shot it four times before passing it. In fact, for someone who has never acted before, it is pretty good.

Lu Pingan feels that he is quite talented, but he doesn't know if his image will be affected after the movie is released.

He feels that he can have more serious guest roles in the future to offset the situation.

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