China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 216 Assets of 3 billion are still not enough

January 31st.

There were 8 days left before New Year's Eve, and Liu Qianqian happily called to tell her that "Sword and Sword One" was on the air.

Lu Ping'an asked cooperatively: "Which channel? Let's watch it now."

As a result, Liu Qianqian replied very embarrassedly: "They are local channels, one is from the mountain city, and the other is from the magic city."

"Sword of Sword 1" is the same as the original space and time. Because of the problem of game adaptation, it is temporarily unable to be released on the star. It will have to wait until 2008 before it can be officially released on the star.

But even so, it still can't stop "Sword of Sword 1" from becoming popular in the future.

It's just that Liu Qianqian currently doesn't know that she will really become popular all over the country because of "Ling'er". Others also didn't expect that such a drama that failed to achieve stardom would actually become a memory for a generation.

"Brother Ping'an, they said the TV series is likely to be banned."

Liu Qianqian was a little too worried on the phone.

Lu Pingan comforted: "Don't think blindly, maybe you will become famous in a few days."

"If you become famous, you will have to be busy again."

"Then it's better to ban it."

"No, by the way, Daju is in heat."

"Then let's breed them."

"If you can't find a suitable partner, you will be born into a bunch of children."

"Then castrate."

"Brother Ping'an, you are so cruel"

We chatted on the phone for about ten minutes with Liu Qianqian, who was suffering from boredom while filming, or simply had nothing to talk about. We agreed that after Lu Pingan would come to Lu Pingan's house for New Year greetings on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Lu Pingan would continue his year-end financial settlement summary.

For Lu Ping An, 2004 was a year of spending a lot of money and making a lot of money.

This year, he spent nearly 1 billion just to buy 11.5% of Penguin's shares.

The average price of Penguin is about 4.5 Hong Kong dollars, and the total cost is 960 million yuan. The current stock price is still more than 4 yuan, but Lu Pingan knows that Penguin’s stock price will start to rise sharply starting this year, and will reach a maximum of more than 9 yuan this year, and then next year. , soaring all the way.

In addition to Penguin, there are still about 500 million yuan in other Internet potential stocks such as NetEase. In the future, they will also provide confidence to Lu Pingan like Penguin.

This is a big, big confidence.

With them around, Lu Pingping basically doesn't have to worry when doing other things.

So much money was spent, plus the expenditure on "Batman" and the reserved publicity funds, the total amount was 90 million US dollars.

These two items basically spent all the US$260 million earned from NetEase.

Fortunately, Lu Ping An has other income.

The box office profits of several small-budget movies at Summit are very impressive.

Three low-budget movies brought it nearly $150 million in revenue.

After the remaining part was transferred back to China, it was basically spent within a year.

In 2004 alone, Burger King opened 106 new self-operated stores, all with property rights, with a total cost of nearly 60 million yuan.

103 movie theaters also have property rights, with a total cost of nearly 300 million.

Ignore these two valuations, they are all false, and Lu Ping An will not look at them for the time being.

There is also 500 million reserved for building construction in the capital.

Another nearly a billion.

Fortunately, the actual utilization of funds is not like this, but with the help of loans.

There are loans for fried chicken restaurants, movie theaters, and building construction.

It’s just that the loan ratio is huge. To ordinary people, Lu Ping An is playing with fire.

The next one is Evergrande.

However, Lu Ping An has calculated that as long as domestic housing prices continue to rise as before, within five years, these problems will no longer be a problem.

This is the dividend of the times, and it is also Lu Ping An’s biggest reliance for his boldness.

Another reliance is that the movie market continues to be booming.

According to the 2004 financial report, one summer slot plus one Lunar New Year slot, the first 42 theaters to receive the 3D dividends will be able to completely recoup their losses without waiting for the 2005 summer slot!

The money earned can continue to expand.

Anyway, when it comes to real estate, even if you are still buying and selling in 2015, there is no problem.

The real estate dividend cycle is quite generous. As long as a single project is done independently and don't mess with others, it won't be a big problem.

After calculating the expenses, the next step is the benefits.

Xingchen’s income in the mainland this year is also considerable.

In terms of movies, for the movie "Wonderful Night" alone, the total box office split, copyright income, peripheral income and other items totaled 230 million.

There are also "Hungry Platform" and "Death Anniversary".

The income of the two movies in the mainland is not much, but the total revenue is about 30 million.

In addition, IMAX also received two orders, "Kung Fu" and "Seven Swords", with revenue of 30 million.

A total of about 290 million funds are lying in the account.

With two to three billion lying on his account, Lu Ping An can now say that he is the best film and television company in the country.

"not bad."

After reading the financial report handed over by Xiang Guoqiang, Lu Pingan nodded calmly.

Not counting valuation, the actual assets are around 3 billion.


After reviewing previous transcripts, the next step is what to do in the future.

There will be a lot of money to spend in the future.

Some miscellaneous items are indispensable.

For example, various expenses such as buying a house, paying wages, renting, purchasing equipment, etc. cost nearly 10 million a year.

For example, there are several projects that will be launched in 2005: "Painted Skin" and "Initial D".

Based on retaining half of the share, after leaving funds for these two, Xingchen will still have about 200 million left in its account.

The money was used for various investments such as "Soldier Assault", "Crazy Stone", "Blue and Red", etc., and the total amount was only 25 million.

The rest is enough to fully support "Pacific Rim".

These projects can create more profits for him in the future.

The future is bright for the stars.

However, Xingchen will also encounter the problem of shortage of funds in the future.

Because there are still some projects that cannot generate profits quickly and need to be invested.

For example, Lu Ping An will launch talent and film industry plans next.

The "Pacific Rim" project has been in preparation for about a month, and many problems have been exposed.

Fortunately, the process of solving these problems is actually the process of establishing our own industrial system.

It has to cost a lot of money, a huge amount. For example, the cost of building a top-notch studio can make the current domestic production companies collapse.

A top-notch studio that integrates a series of systems such as server, shooting, tracking, screen, lighting, sound, and motion capture.

Not to mention developing it yourself, even importing it will cost a lot of money.

Just a camera can be incredibly expensive.

Lu Ping An's budget is 300 million.

Including buying land, purchasing equipment, training and recruiting teams, establishing your own systems, etc.

As a result, the production costs of "Pacific Rim" skyrocketed.

And in the end, 300 million may not be enough.

But there is no way, this must be spent.

Fortunately, the money spent will be used for many years in the future.

And there is no telling when the system will give rewards in this area, and the cost will be saved again.

For example, "X", the split software can become Xingchen's core special effects and animation auxiliary software.

Whether you have it or not is not a question of money, but whether you will be stuck.

Now, Xingchen has its own core special effects software. Even if it is a castrated version, it is the only one in the country. You don’t have to worry about foreigners causing trouble for you. It can also become its own school. In the future, it will output reversely to provide support for the domestic animation and special effects industry. .

In addition to this, there is also photography technology, which is also a core competitiveness.

With these, although the rest still has to rely on imports, the costs in all aspects have been greatly reduced.

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but look at the system, looking forward to the system providing relevant "puzzle pieces" in the future.

In addition to the establishment of an industrial system that requires large investments.

There are also projects that do not make money.

Such as charity.

There are also projects that Jiang Wen and Jiang Wen agreed on early in the morning.

Thinking of this, Lu Ping'an couldn't help but remember that he and Jiang Wen seemed to have not been in contact for almost a year.

As he was thinking about it, Jiang Wen called: "Where are you?"

"In the company."

"Let's stay at the same place. Are you busy? If not, I'll come over now."


Here comes the one asking for money.

Fortunately, if you lose 10 to 20 million, you can get a blockbuster movie in the future, which is still a good deal.

But it does have to be given now.

So after thinking about it, Lu Ping'an thought that depending on the situation next year, if there is a shortage of funds and he doesn't want to misappropriate funds from other industries, he can make a few more small-cost and high-profit movies.

Anyway, this is his old profession, and there are so many films to be collected.

If you don’t pick it up, you won’t pick it up.

Money is still very important. (End of chapter)

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