"Initial D" ended after finishing two shots on the first day of filming. In the evening, everyone had dinner as usual to get to know each other.

The current lineup of the movie is similar to what was originally planned. Jay Chou, Edison Xi, and Huang Bo were already confirmed.

The two "dads" are played by Tony Leung Ka Fai and Zhong Zhentao.

The original version of Zhongli Yi was played by Deng Chao.

Shawn Yue + Edison are like the combination of "Infernal Affairs", Lu Ping'an is naturally not a bird.

He didn't like Shawn Yue. He had already said that, so now he was replaced by Deng Chao.

In addition to Huang Bo, the movie also needs a good-looking young man from the mainland, and Deng Chao came just right.

Deng Chao's professional skills are also passable. It's not a big problem to play Zhongli Yi who only needs to be cool. At least he can do it better than Shawn Yue.

Of course, the box office appeal will definitely be much worse than Shawn Yue.

But the movie was all made by Lu Ping'an, and the protagonists are Zhou Tianwang and Edison Xi, two top-notch celebrities. How many fans are there compared to Shawn Yue?

This is the second time that Deng Chao and Lu Ping'an have collaborated. He played a terrorist in "Source Code" before. The two of them interacted a lot later, so when they came here, they felt familiar and without any restraint. They integrated into the crew at the speed of light, and interacted with Huang Bo. I was busy helping out, and my attitude was very upright.

The rest of the guest actors, such as Chen Xiaochun and Liu Genghong from the original version, have not changed. They were also confirmed early.

As for the heroine, Suzuki An is still the actress recommended by Neon.

Lu Ping'an was too lazy to change, mainly because he was not familiar with Neon Actresses and would not regret not working with so-and-so, so it didn't matter.

During the dinner, Lu Pingan once again deeply experienced the enthusiasm for neon.

I have to say that Xiaoli did a pretty good job in this regard.

That flattering smile, that nodding and bowing attitude.

Especially when faced with Lu Ping'an, a "strong man" who has conquered the old and American film industry, his service attitude is beyond seven-star!

The service to other people is also very good. Anyway, everyone feels like they don't want to leave after coming.

It’s no wonder that so many people are instigated by Xiaozhi PR.

Lu Pingping naturally learned from Ning Hao.

Eat the sugar coating and return the cannonball.

So whether it was true or false, he would definitely refuse the "bed service" in the evening.

Not only did he refuse, Huang Bo and others were also reminded by him.

It's better to be careful, especially with little ones.

During the dinner, Lu Pingan had a good chat with Liang Jiahui and Zhong Zhentao.

"If there are any problems during filming in the future, let's communicate more."

The two responded immediately: "Don't worry, as long as the filming starts, I will be an actor, and everything will be under your command, director."

This is the first time for both parties to meet, so if you leave a good impression, future filming will go much smoother.

As for the crew, they themselves pay for it, so harmony is of course the top priority.

At this point, Lu Ping'an doesn't think that since he is a big Hollywood director, he doesn't take it for granted that everyone will be obedient.

Sometimes the greater the reputation and the higher the status, the more "courteous and virtuous the corporal" is.

For example, Liang Jiahui is very useful now.

Before, he was indeed worried that Lu Ping'an would be arrogant and arrogant.

After all, among people of the same age group, Lu Ping An's achievements are indeed unparalleled by others.

Moreover, he is still a boss and a big-shot figure in the mainland. If he really targets himself, he will have no choice but to swallow his breath.

But now, Tony Leung is relieved.

In this way, you don't have to be too smooth when agreeing to Lu Ping'an's next request.

"Don't worry, Director Lu, I am also a veteran actor, and it is my duty to help the newcomers on the crew."

The two clinked glasses, and Jaylen's back suddenly felt cold for some reason.

Shooting started the next day.

Currently, there are only two difficulties for him in the filming of "Initial D".

The first one is the training issue of Jay, an amateur starring.

Now that I have an acting talent like Tony Leung Ka Fai helping me with him, I believe it will be much easier during filming.

Another difficulty is how to shoot car scenes well.

The original car scenes are still very technical.

Special effects + real shooting.

The special effects are easy to handle. As for actual shooting, Lu Ping'an is relatively inexperienced. Although he has filmed similar scenes in "Batman", it is still very different from "Initial D".

The main directions of the two films are different. One is just to show the car chase effect. The car chase scene serves the plot and is an embellishment.

Now, in this case, the car chase scene is the theme and the main highlight of the film. The requirements are also more competitive, so the difficulty will naturally be very different.

And this is one of the reasons why Lu Pingan insisted on filming "Initial D".

Shooting more different types of subjects is also enriching the toolbox of myself and my team.

So I said this movie was just for fun and to adjust my mood. It's just a talk. Great directors never make movies blindly.

After entering the official shooting stage, the days became busy and fulfilling.

For "Initial D", Lu Ping'an has a clear purpose, which is to transcend.

If this movie wants to achieve transcendence, Lu Pingan has already listed the breakthrough points.

It is relatively easy to achieve the goal compared to other movies.

This has been done many times in the small simulation world.

The original film is the work of Hong Kong director Liu Weiqiang, and has a very fast-paced style in Hong Kong.

But in fact, the overall look is relatively rushed, and it may be a bit difficult for non-comic fans.

What Lu Ping An needs to do is to build an extra step in front of the threshold to make it easier for ordinary viewers to enter.

The operation is also very simple, just adjust based on the original film.

For example, make the opening explanation clearer, and don’t try to save trouble.

In the first scene of the opening scene, two major riders, Satoshi Satoshi and Takahashi Ryosuke, competed against each other, each challenging the mountain top, and finally competing for Akina Mountain.

Don't be like the original version, where Edison and Shawn Yue say a few words on the top of the mountain and it's over.

Now that Lu Ping'an is here to shoot, the first scene of the future film will be a racing scene.

The thrilling racing scene explodes right from the start.

The two drivers are very awesome and show off their personalities at the same time.

He is handsome, skilled, seasoned and mature.

One is cool, slightly irritable, and also extremely skilled.

The two competed separately, each won three games, and then gathered in Qiu Mingshan to decide the winner.

In the next scene, the protagonist Fujiwara Takumi, who didn't know he was a hidden master, appeared.

While Zhongli Yi was practicing driving, he was stunned when he was knocked out by the neon Wuling Hongguang (AE86).

The plot begins to officially unfold at this point.

This is the beginning, and there will also be some more racing scenes in the final climax.

Just like "The Fast and the Furious", the competition between cars is part of the theme of the movie, so naturally it needs to be filmed more.

With these two points alone, the film can achieve transcendence.

Of course the price is more money, but not much more.

And there is a lot of money now wanting to invest and sponsor.

Lu Ping'an has become a major Hollywood director, and his ability to attract money is far greater than before, so he doesn't have to worry about money at all.

In addition to the adjustments to the plot content, the performance of the actors is also a major breakthrough.

Put it this way.

Even if nothing changes, as long as Jay's acting is just a little bit better than the original, the film will be able to surpass it.

Therefore, Lu Pingan feels that this super reward is not a big problem.

Speaking of which, it has been almost two years since I last received a super reward. I really miss it.

. . . . . .

Filmmaking is full of passion for some people, such as Lu Pingping.

But it is painful for some people, such as Jaylen.

Five days after filming started, Jaylen had already mentally backed down several times.

He found that Lu Ping'an was starting to get serious and he couldn't keep up at all.

This is very different from the requirements in "Wonderful Night"!

There is no way, amateurs are just amateurs, and the reputation of the singing king is not easy to use in the film industry.

Compared with the professional actors around him, he felt that he was just having fun.

Compared with Guan Xi, who also had little academic training, he felt that he might not even be as happy as he was.

In this regard, Lu Pingan, Liang Jiahui and others certainly know the dilemma faced by Jay Chou.

However, everyone still maintained great patience with him.

In the words of Tony Leung Ka Fai: "As long as you work hard, it's fine. It doesn't matter if you are almost talented."

Lu Ping'an agreed.

Let’s not talk about talent or not, at least if someone is really willing to put in the effort, it’s pretty good.

When it comes to performance, it mainly depends on subjective psychology at the beginning.

If someone teaches you, if you are willing to learn, and if you can be open-minded, you will definitely be able to perform well.

Although Jay still hasn't fully understood the actor's sense of belief.

But at least the celebrities have put down their airs of being top-notch and are willing to open up and work hard as required, which is worthy of recognition.

Of course, some things have to be talked about in a relaxed manner.

After being scolded for five days in a row, Jaylen barely met Lu Ping An's requirements, but his condition seemed to have begun to decline.

Just take this moment to let him take a breath and adjust his digestion.

It just so happened that "Batman" was about to be released in mainland China, so Lu Ping'an simply took a day off to let everyone adjust.

After coming back, I started shooting the dangerous and technically difficult racing scenes. After finishing these scenes, I finally finished the main literary scene.

I hope Jaylen can perform better by then.

On the 10th, the mainland entertainment industry was very lively.

The most explosive news among them is undoubtedly the "one horse that flattened the wave of the century".

Miss Lin Chiling fell from her horse while filming a commercial in Dalian and was reportedly trampled to pieces.

This kind of news is extremely intense in the entertainment industry.

Everyone likes to see this.

Then we discuss how big it was before it exploded and whether it was fake.

Jay felt a little guilty because Lin Chiling asked him if he could come to visit the class a few days ago.

The two had a good relationship, but he didn't think Lu Ping'an would agree.

Because Lu Ping'an rejected many visitors, he didn't ask.

So he was thinking that if he had asked at that time, maybe Lin Chiling would not have been exposed.

Fortunately, news came that afternoon that Lin Chiling's injury was not particularly serious, and Jay was relieved.

After the news of the century, the second-ranked movie was the mainland premiere of "Batman."

"Batman" has a different meaning to Chinese people because the director is a Chinese with a well-established background.

The current global box office of "Batman" has reached 395 million US dollars.

If you include the mainland box office, it is probably certain to exceed 400 million.

The success of "Batman" also means that the Chinese people in the film industry truly have a commercial director who has gone global.

Therefore, the public's attention to "Batman" is very high.

It's just that the premiere of "Batman" in the mainland was not very big.

It's not as good as "Source Code", let alone "Heroes" and "House of Flying Daggers".

Its scale can only be said to be similar to that of "Crazy Stone".

Not many celebrities were invited, and the venue was only Planet Cinema No. 1.

This makes some netizens feel that China Film Group is really a bit petty.

But what they don't know is that this is all required by Lu Ping'an.

American movies, American heroes.

That's pretty much it. It's really not appropriate to make it bigger.

But the reason must not be that. After all, this is indeed his work, and the interests are related.

Therefore, what Lu Ping An releases to the outside world is “IMAX”.

Currently, only Hall 1 of Planet Cinema supports IMAX screens in the country. If not, where could I put it here?

The theme of the promotion has also changed from the controversial "promoting old America" ​​to "technology promotion."

Although this still cannot stop some people's criticism, it can be regarded as the most appropriate balance.

At the premiere, Lu Ping'an's relatives and friends all came.

What attracts more attention is the crew of "Crazy Stone".

Yesterday was the last day of "Crazy Stone"'s one-month release. Today's box office statistics are out, and the total has reached 102 million.

Ning Hao successfully entered the billion-dollar director club.

While this made Ning Hao's reputation soaring, it also attracted countless poachers.

But they will definitely be disappointed, because Ning Hao is already the first director in the partnership plan of Star Film and Television.

In the future, the cooperation between the two parties will be based on the model of remuneration + share. This model will later be the model of Huanxi Media.

It can take care of friendship and not hinder development, a win-win situation.

"The Stone" was a big hit, and so were the actors in the film.

With the role of Hei Pi and the previous role of Zhao Kuo, Huang Bo has successfully joined the ranks of well-known comedians in the mainland, and his future is bright.

When he entered the venue, some fans were already shouting his name.

Half of them called "Heipi", 30% called "Zhao Kuo", and the rest called "Huang Bo".

This made Huang Bo laugh out loud.

Advertisers' favor again -1-1-1

Guo Tao, Liu Hua and others also received huge dividends.

When entering the venue, someone smiled and teased Guo Tao: Lao Guo, is your prostate healed?

Guo Tao burst out laughing, and the whole audience burst into laughter.

When Lu Ping'an entered the venue, many female fans cheered.

Just shout "Safe!" and "Director Lu!" more normally.

And fanatical ones.

Shout: "An'an!"

Lu Ping'an suddenly became excited.

Patting his Vasaki on his body, he signed his name and entered the venue. Yan Danchen and Zeng Li, as well as Gao Yuanyuan, Yu Feihong, and Dong Xuan were all there.

The five of them all know each other, but except for Dong Xuan who knows a little more, the rest of them have no idea about each other. Here in Lupingan, there is a breath of dark forest blowing against their faces.

He communicated with each other with eyes, and then turned to greet his friends and bosses.

The main creators coming to the mainland today include Bale and Liam Neeson, as well as the mainland members Wu Jing and Kou Zhanwen.

Bell and Bell were also the leading actors during filming in mainland China.

Before the show started, the two showed off their Chinese.

One said he was really good, the other said he was awesome.

It made the whole audience burst into laughter.

Then the two of them confessed the culprit Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wenxin in the audience said that she should come earlier today to teach them some civility.

After the "explosion" opening, there was a regular exchange of blows.

Anyway, the movie has almost exceeded 400 million and has achieved great success. Now it can be boasted no matter how hard it is.

The two protagonists said how good Lu Ping'an was, and Lu Ping'an also said how great they were.

Then he boasted about the delicious Chinese food, the beautiful scenery, the warm people, and how professional the cooperative company was.

Han Sanpin modestly said that there are still many shortcomings, and he also hopes that this time can bring help to the national film industry.

That’s today’s topic.

"Batman" didn't do very well at the box office in the Mainland, mainly because it didn't have that level of emotion.

Just like foreigners don’t quite understand the shock of “The Return of the Great Sage”.

Therefore, Lu Pingan does not have much expectations for the mainland box office.

If it can be released, just boast about the technical blessings.

Now Han Sanpin thinks the same way, not talking about American culture, but only about the technological and industrial improvements it brings.

Then the whole house applauded.

Then the movie is shown.

As expected, everyone thought it was good-looking, but not so good that it aroused great resonance.

The biggest shock, not surprisingly, comes from the giant screen.

So after the movie screening, everyone's applause was as enthusiastic as expected.

Finally is the question and answer session.

Still all kinds of blowing.

Of course, there are also some more complicated issues.

Such as action scenes.

The action scenes of "Batman" have not changed much.

This naturally won't be highly rated by Chinese audiences.

Lu Ping'an just explained: "This is what I think is the most appropriate."

The director still has to take the blame, otherwise it will be difficult for Kou Zhanwen and Wu Jing to get along in the future.

So Lu Ping'an followed up with another sentence: "The main thing is to see the market response, and we will consider increasing it in the future. I have to apologize to Lao Kou on this point. Lao Kou is very talented, but many plans have been rejected by me. Hope you understand."

Of course Kou Zhanwen understood how important Batman was to Lu Ping An. He couldn't mess around when it came to his career, and it was enough for him to get himself into the group.

Then the Q\u0026A continued, everything was normal, except in the final finishing stage, there was a rather sharp question:

"Director Lu, as a Chinese, why do you want to film American heroes?"

As soon as the question came out, the whole place fell silent.

Lu Pingping thought that what should come will always come.

In this era, although the superficial trend seems to be that the moon of foreign countries is round and good foreigners are really good, you can't really take it seriously.

The inner mentality of the Chinese nation is still "we are the best."

This is the fundamental characteristic of the nation.

Otherwise, there would not be a great revival and there would not be so many exciting moments of forging ahead.

Lu Ping'an knew this deeply, so he had already prepared his answer.

"I think your question is, why don't I film our own heroes as Chinese people and fascinate the whole world, right?"

The audience member nodded.

Lu Pingan began to explain:

"First of all, I have to explain something. I make American superheroes, or make movies in Hollywood. This is a job that can broaden my horizons and learn other people's advanced technologies."

"Content production is only one aspect of the composition of commercial films, or the future competition of commercial films. What is more important is the infrastructure of the film industry."

"Through our studies in Hollywood, we Xingchen have mastered some visual effects technology, animation 3D technology, 3D projection technology, as well as many basic industrial technologies, as well as many related talents."

"A large part of these technologies have been domestically produced. With the accumulation of these technologies and the efforts of the first batch of talents, we can produce "Wonderful Night" nationally and export 3D technology and special effects technology. In the future, We can also produce our own superhero movies nationwide, or other big science fiction and big-budget movies."

"Yes, in the future I will make our own super blockbusters, which will have our own cultural elements. You will see Chinese elements combined with super production to go global, I guarantee it!"

After hearing this, everyone clapped excitedly.

Everyone has no doubt, because if you really want to shoot this kind of science fiction blockbuster, there is really no better place in the country than Lu Ping An!

Then someone quickly asked: "Will you create your own superhero?"

Lu Ping'an replied with a smile: "You can try it, but we will still give priority to existing ones, such as Sun Wukong, and if you want to export culture, you don't necessarily have to use a superhero method. I am also exploring the specific details. I hope everyone can Support."

Everyone applauded, nothing unusual happened next, and the premiere ended smoothly.

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