"Lu Ping'an hits the feature film award for the fourth time"

“In the main competition of this year’s Venice Film Festival, Lu Pingan’s “Brokeback Mountain” and Kwan Jin Peng’s “Song of Everlasting Sorrow” are both shortlisted.”


News about the Venice Film Festival begins to be reported.

At this Venice Film Festival, "Brokeback Mountain" was undoubtedly shortlisted.

It's just that the response was no surprise and not big at all.

Lu Ping'an's spirit is commendable, but that's all.

Now the fourth impact, except for the encouragement from some old timers in the literary and art circles and some fans from relatives and friends, has had very little impact.

Many people actually already think that Lu Pingan will miss out on the award this time.

After all, he is now recognized as a great commercial director, and there is currently no one who can match him in the country.

But this does not mean that the literary and artistic genre is also unrivaled.

It is indeed difficult to cross two different fields.

Lu Ping'an's past works have also verified this.

Interestingly, most of the netizens who follow this topic on the Internet are curious about the theme of "Brokeback Mountain".

Why does this name sound like a thriller?

If it were a thriller, there would probably be no awards.

But you can still watch it.

Lu Ping'an's suspense thriller movie is one of a kind.

The media didn’t quite know what the subject was for a while.

But this situation did not last long.

At noon the next day, someone finally made a report.

It is said that this is a gay-themed love movie, and it is about gay men. It is adapted from a foreign novel.

What, what about men? !

Don’t look at it.

That's the first reaction of most people.

This kind of subject doesn't attract much attention.

Of course, there are two things to say about women.

Because movies about women are often accompanied by R-rated scenes.

Of course, we cannot ignore the fact that there are still many women who express their expectations.

In short, the news about Lu Ping'an's four European awards was like a shooting star streaking across the night sky, fleeting and then silent.

Of course it doesn't matter if the road is safe.

No time to pay attention.

Now he is busy.

Venice is shortlisted, and the specific matters will be handed over to Hu Qingquan and Dell's public relations team. This is the first stop on the road to winning awards for "Brokeback Mountain," and Hu Qingquan takes it very seriously.

You only need to go there once when necessary.

Next, before starting to get busy, Lu Pingan participated in major domestic entertainment events.

Fu Biao passed away, and many celebrities in the industry expressed condolences.

Lu Pingan also spoke a few words at the scene.

As a character in Lu Ping An's first movie, Lu Ping An expressed his deep remembrance.

It seemed that the sky had something to do with it. It rained continuously for more than a week after the memorial service, and the capital seemed to have become Jiangnan.

Lu Ping'an doesn't like rainy days very much. Fortunately, he doesn't have to go out or film for the time being, so he can stay at the company and work without any worries.

First of all, it's the later period of "Initial D".

In the later part of the movie, the most difficult thing for Lu Ping'an was the extra 15 minutes.

It was the first time that he edited such a long original clip independently, and Lu Pingan also experienced Ning Hao's original entanglement.

But it’s not a big problem. After all, this is just a simple racing scene. It will not particularly affect the plot, but will only affect the visual experience of the racing scene.

When it comes to drag racing scenes, there are many movies with excellent editing that we can learn from.

Learn from it, maybe people will say in the future that this is Lu Ping An’s style! You are honoring him!

It's quite interesting to think about.

The overall later stage is expected to be completed in about one and a half months.

The efficiency is relatively high, mainly because Jay has already done most of the music.

In November, Jay Chou's "Chopin in November" album will be released, which will include several songs from "Initial D".

By then the film project will also begin its first wave of publicity.

It's officially released. If you can catch it soon, it will be released during the Lunar New Year. Of course, it would be better to do it during the summer next year.

On the 2nd, Uncle Dong called and said he wanted to come to the company to have a look.

Lu Ping'an certainly welcomes him. This is Uncle Dong's first time coming to his company.

That morning, Uncle Dong came alone, and Lu Pingan took him to visit various departments of the company.

Uncle Dong praised him repeatedly.

Then we drank tea in the office, and Uncle Dong talked about business.

Or for the Olympics.

As expected.

Uncle Dong asked Lu Ping'an to take out the plan and look at it again.

Lu Pingping did not refuse.

Then he called over the middle-level people in the company who were responsible for the matter.

September 20th is the first round of the election.

The people in the company are quite positive, after all, Guangzong Yaozu is.

Lu Ping decided on the general creative direction and let them do the rest.

Ning Hao also joined in this time, hoping to have a chicken and dog ascend to heaven by himself.

But he actually also understood that Lu Ping'an's chance of succeeding in the election was very small.

But he didn't care, he had nothing to do anyway, so he just went along and got busy.

Ning Hao's current mental state is very full.

"Crazy Stone" was a box office hit and he made a lot of money.

With the salary + dividend model, he is now several millionaires.

As for the next movie, in his words, just take it slow.

Lu Ping'an was not in a hurry. Anyway, if he hadn't polished it off when the time came, we would force him to complete it and then tell him to get out and start filming.

Having said that, a group of people laid out the prepared models and presentation files in the large conference room.

Then Lu Ping'an held a mock election campaign in front of everyone.

Is the plan good? It is certainly mature and feasible at present.

As for the effect, it's a matter of opinion. This is not a real demonstration after all, most of it depends on imagination.

So while Uncle Dong was listening, he also imagined the bird's nest in his mind and began to associate it.

After the introduction, Uncle Dong applauded and praised the maturity of the plan. Then he gave some opinions and corrected some obvious inappropriatenesses in the wording of the copy.

After the introduction, continue drinking tea.

Uncle Dong then talked about the current situation of Lu Ping An.

In a word, if you want to say that Ping An has a big advantage, it is indeed not big.

Personal honor, ability, experience, etc. are not at the bottom of the list among the 13 companies, but they are definitely not at the top either.

You must know that there are many national players in the 13th family.

For example, Chen Weiya’s joint team of the National Song and Dance Troupe CCTV and Beiao Company, Zhang Jigang’s People’s Liberation Army team, China International Culture Group, etc.

This time Lao Mouzi found the Jack Morton team responsible for the opening ceremony in Athens.

There are also famous directors such as Brother Kai, French director Evans, and Li An, who have hired teams with rich experience in the international stage.

Compared with these people, Lu Pingan and his Xingchen team are certainly difficult to stand out.

But the good news is that the first round was only about creativity, and Lu Ping An’s creative plan was the best among all teams.

The maturity, feasibility, and theme made it popular among certain leaders.

So in the end, Uncle Dong gave way to peace of mind and performed normally, and the next round was very promising.

In the next round, it will be about quality in all aspects. Uncle Dong will naturally not be naive about this.

However, he has a keen sense of smell in official circles and has already sensed that the atmosphere of this election campaign is different.

The superiors' impression of Lao Mouzi was not as strong as expected.

Lu Ping'an is rising slowly, and he is mentioned most frequently by the superiors.

So Uncle Dong felt that something could be done about this matter.

It's just that it's still unclear at the moment, and Ping An's various conditions do have obvious shortcomings.

But it does not prevent him from focusing on step by step.


Do your best to obey fate.

As for destiny, what if it really comes just in case?

Uncle Dong felt that this kind of thing did not seem so fantasy in Lu Ping'an's case.

Knowing that the next round was promising, Lu Pingan continued to nod to express his understanding.

Then they chatted for a while, briefly asked about "Brokeback Mountain", and after letting Lu Ping'an continue to be normal, Uncle Dong left the company. This time he came just to take advantage of the lunch break to take a look. Things were busy over there, and he couldn't Been gone too long.

After seeing Uncle Dong off, he returned to the company. Lu Pingping was blocked by a group of people from the company.

"Boss, what do you say?"

"Director Lu, do we have hope?"


Everyone in the company's eyes are gleaming.

The allure of Guangzong Yaozu is indeed boundless.

If Lu Pingan really becomes the chief director, these people will definitely set off firecrackers in their homes and praise the smoke rising from their ancestral graves.

Looking at them, at this moment, a feeling of "wanting" grew in Lu Ping'an's heart.

But he still understands.

I still can't think too much about this kind of thing.

"Get to work and stop thinking about what you have and what you don't have."

In one sentence, everyone dispersed, but they were still excited.

Continuing to work, Liu Qianqian came to the company to play the next afternoon and happened to meet Cheng Long.

Cheng Long's "The Myth" is about to be released, and mainland promotions have begun.

This time when he came over, he not only talked about the filming schedule of "The Myth" and 3D, he also talked about "Kung Fu Panda".

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Cheng Long and his party were surrounded by people entering the company.

Lu Ping'an and him have known each other for a long time, and they are no strangers to each other.

After a brief greeting, let’s get down to business.

There is no need to talk about film arrangement and 3D. The former is a matter of one sentence, while the latter is what they want to talk about about finance.

After a brief chat, the two moved to the "Kung Fu Panda" production center, and Liu Qianqian followed.

After a round of visits, the two of them expressed their surprise without any surprise.

Cheng Long sighed: "I didn't expect that domestic animation is almost as good as Hollywood."

"It's not bad, after all, it cost a lot of money."

Lu Pingan was humble, and then asked, "Which one do you want to match?"

"Anything is fine, Lu will just arrange it for you."

Cheng Long was very polite, and Lu Pingan introduced his plan accordingly.

If "Kung Fu Panda" wants to go global, in addition to production, the dubbing also needs an international cast.

As for the selection of voice actors, the Chinese business card of Cheng Long must not be ignored. Lian Jie and Guorong are also coming. For foreigners, Angelina Jolie and Dustin Hoffman (playing Rain Man) are also included in the original time and space. That one) and so on.

These are all on Ping An’s list.

Hearing this, Liu Qianqian raised her hand: "I want to be a match too."


Lu Ping'an agreed directly, then showed a drawing of a little rabbit and said, "You deserve this."

"This is so cute. What role does it play in it?"

"Oh, what a cute little kid."

"Do you have a lot of lines?"

"There are still quite a few, enough for one sentence!"

"Just one sentence?"

"Work hard, and I'll let you play the leading role when you become a superstar one day!"

"You're drawing a pie."

"Yeah, if you don't like it, give me the rabbit back."


Liu Qianqian put away her sketch and ran away, leaving space for Cheng Long.

The rest went smoothly.

Cheng Long is naturally willing to support "Kung Fu Panda".

He even offered to invest.

Lu Ping'an also agreed that this film was meant to be open to investment, but the share would not be large.

And Cheng Long is absolutely top-notch in the field of kung fu movies. With him, "Kung Fu Panda", now a domestic co-production, will have a much brighter future.

Then we continued chatting, and after talking about dubbing, it was time to move on to the action scenes.

"Kung Fu Panda" is currently 70% complete in terms of drama and drama, with the main focus being the action aspect.

This is one of the essences of the cartoon, and its production is much more difficult than that of a literary drama.

In terms of action guidance, Lu Pingan plans to let Kou Zhanwen and his team join. Through the cooperation with "Batman", Lu Pingan feels that this person is still very good and has a deep understanding of action scenes. The actions of "Batman" The film was not well received in the Chinese-speaking market, which cost Kou Zhanwen some life and lost some reputation, which he can make up for this time.

Kou Zhanwen and Lu Pingan got along very well. They understood Lu Pingan's meaning quite well, kept up with his ideas, and worked hard without complaining.

The key is that he's not busy and it's cheap.

So there's nothing wrong with picking him.

Cheng Long is also happy to join, but the biggest drawback for him and his family class is that they are too busy.

In the future, "Kung Fu Panda" will need to collect real-person parameters for at least three months for action scenes. Cheng Long probably can't accept it if he is so busy.

Cheng Long was curious as to why it took so long to collect parameters.

Lu Pingan directly explained to him his new invention: the virtual photography system.

Cameras can follow or monitor virtual characters created using "performance capture" technology and instantly composite them into a live performance environment.

This is a great help for making science fiction films and three-dimensional animated films.

This thing was originally invented by Cameron when he was filming "Avatar". It is a concentrated expression of the deep integration of the Hollywood film industry and technology.

In other words, Cameron may have invented it, or he may not have invented it, but one thing is for sure, that is, it has not been released on the market yet.

After Lu Pingan received the super award "Complete Photography Technology" in "Wonderful Night", he also acquired this technology.

But there are still several difficulties to overcome between having the technology and producing the finished product, all of which are related to industry.

After all, there is a gap in technology and manufacturing levels between China and the United States.

The good news is that the first generation, which has been in production for nearly a year, is about to take shape, just in time to shoot the action scenes of "Kung Fu Panda".

After hearing this, Cheng Long was surprised again.

He originally thought that Lu Pingan was catching up with Hollywood, but he didn't expect that Lu Pingan had already surpassed Hollywood in some aspects.

What a great guy!

No wonder he can achieve such great achievements at such a young age.

He decided to get closer to Lu Pingping more in the future.

He has already seen that Xingchen Film and Television will definitely be far ahead in the future.

"When it's ready, you must tell me. I want to experience it myself."


Then the two chatted until dinner time, and everyone ate together. After that, Lu Pingan continued to work in the company.

At present, everything in the company is generally going according to plan.

"Pacific Rim", which requires the most investment, still takes about half a year. The main reason is still the construction of the studio and waiting for the finished virtual camera and system to be released.

Lu Ping'an is not in a hurry. Industry is about rigor. Once this thing is done, it can form a separate industry in the future.

So a little patience is a must.

At 9 o'clock, Lu Ping'an got off work and went to Zeng Li's home.

Zeng Li is currently preparing for the role of "Pei Rong".

For "Painted Skin", the interior scenes in Hengdian have been completed, and the exterior scenes in Yinchuan have also been completed. Wu Jing has just finished filming "Slaying the Wolf" and can join the set at any time.

Chen Kun is always available.

Now we are waiting for Mr. Zhou’s schedule, which is expected to take another two weeks.

So the start-up time is also two weeks later.

Zeng Li has been preparing for the role of Pei Rong for a long time.

Like Yan Danchen, she was under a lot of pressure.

Lu Pingan had no choice but to resort to the same trick:

"If the performance fails, let me take care of the harem."

Zeng Li's reaction was different from Yan Danchen's. She smiled and replied: "Then you have to give me the power of life and death."

There is murderous intent!

Lu Pingan continued: "It is illegal to kill someone, but don't worry, I will definitely find someone virtuous and kind, and I will never find a goblin like Xiao Wei."

"It would be great if it's a goblin. It's not illegal to kill animals."

"It's still edible. Do you think it's better to stir-fry or steam the fox meat?"

"How can you eat this? It's so naughty."

"If you don't say that the whole family doesn't enter the house, I like people who are not slutty."

Lu Pingan slowly approached, Li Zi smiled and turned her head to refuse, but she lay down obediently.

The rental house will soon be filled with spring.

The countdown for the filming of "Painted Skin" has begun, and the countdown for "Twenty Again" has also entered.

Lu Ping An chose the opportunity to start filming after preparing for the first round of election.

It's a low-budget movie that can be shot quickly.

So now we mainly focus on solving issues such as casting and framing.

In this regard, Lu Ping An delegated power to Yan Danchen to a limited extent.

Yan Danchen, who was experiencing being a producer for the first time, was full of passion and felt everything was new.

Such as casting.

Who should she choose as the elderly version of the heroine? Who should Lao Li Tou choose? While thinking and weighing, the feeling of life and death made her very comfortable.

The same goes for song selection. Which of the ready-made songs is better? If it’s not a ready-made song, who should I find to write it?

When singing in a movie, should I sing it myself or hire someone to replace me?

When I think about various questions, it feels like creating a movie, and I start to think about the praises of future movie fans.

Of course, it's not always happy.

Especially when it comes to money.

A project, even a small-budget film, can easily cost millions.

The production budget of "Twenty Again" is 8 million, excluding Lu Ping'an's salary.

Yan Danchen thought it must be too much at first.

But after actual calculation, she realized that if she, a novice producer, operated it, she would only overspend.

Yan Danchen also knows that filming requires money, but in the past this was not an issue that he had to consider.

Things are different now. Only the boss realizes that oil and rice are expensive. He quickly let Yan Danchen know how good Lu Ping'an must be to be able to set up such a big stall and make money from so many movies.

Apart from the money, the most unhappy thing is when I think about the movie hitting the streets.

You can't think too much about this kind of thing. Most people can't bear this kind of pressure.

Fortunately, Lu Ping'an will comfort people: "The film producers have already begun to inquire about the adaptation rights."


"Of course, South Korea and Neon have come to ask."

The original "Twenty Again" and the South Korean movie "Strange Her" are "twin sisters" movies developed simultaneously by China and South Korea. They are the first time that a South Korean company has tried the "one source, multiple uses" model, that is, the same script. Let the teams from the two countries shoot two movies respectively.

Later, a total of 7 versions of this story were filmed in China, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, and India.

The latter are all purchased remake rights.

It is enough to show the audience's high acceptance of the story.

Lu Ping An currently has a lot of resources for film producers. After the relevant news leaked a few days ago, South Korea and Neon quickly came to consult.

The asking prices have reached US$600,000 and US$1 million respectively.

This is just the first wave of quotations, and they will be even higher after the movie is completed. It is expected that double or triple the quotation will not be a big problem.

This was also one of Lu Ping An’s purposes for setting up the project in the first place.

There is also a movie called "Perfect Strangers" that is also preparing to sell its copyrights to make money. The film "Original Time and Space" has been remade 9 times around the world in 3 years. It is a blockbuster movie that swipes the copyrights. Lu Ping An will definitely catch this kind of movie in the future. inner.

Having said that, Yan Danchen felt much more relaxed after knowing that he could basically get his money back if he sold the copyright now.

However, Lu Pingan quickly poured cold water on him:

"Don't be happy too early. If your character pounces, the situation will not be good."

Lu Pingan smiled and pointed at the picture on the TV.

Yan Danchen took a closer look and found out that CCTV had released a trailer related to "Lotus Lantern", which would be officially aired next month.

I saw her Chang'e appearance flash across the TV.

Yan Danchen immediately laughed.

"It's impossible to plop!"

"So confident?"

"Of course, I don't understand movies, but TV series, huh."

"Sister Chang'e is a bit narcissistic."

"Isn't my Chang'e beautiful?"

"Hmm~~I forgot."

"Just wait, I have to make you remember it today!"

Yan Danchen's tone was vicious, but with a wicked smile on his face, he got up and went back to his room, where he took out his costume.

When he woke up the next day, Lu Pingping packed his luggage. He was going to the Venice Film Festival.

"Didn't you say we'd go back on the 8th?"

Yan Danchen helped clean up and said doubtfully at the same time.

The Venice Film Festival awards ceremony is on the 10th, and the BJ time is on the 11th.

If you go, it would be early to go on the 8th.

But today is the 6th.

Hu Qingquan was watching over there again, and it seemed a bit early for Lu Ping'an to go now.

Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "I'll help you negotiate with the film company."

Yan Danchen's doubts immediately disappeared.

This is the perfect answer for Yan Danchen.

Lu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, with his current status, there is no need to discuss with the film in person.

Just like South Korea and the neon film dealers in "Twenty Again", people are afraid that you won't meet them, so they prepare to come to the capital early in the morning.

However, Lu Ping'an forcefully set the meeting place in Venice.

Winning awards for "Brokeback Mountain" is one aspect of raising his net worth.

More importantly, it’s just for running away.

Zeng Li and Yan Danchen are both in the capital now. They have pushed all the announcements and focused on the movie.

How can I sleep at night if I don’t run away on a safe road?

The surprise phone call mode becomes ineffective if used too much.

Therefore, before the situation opens up, we can only "escape" first.

"I am leaving."

"Be safe and wait for your good news."


Waving his hand, Lu Pingping went out. (End of chapter)

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