"The Promise" began to promote, and various reports came to light.

Regarding the old and new news about "The Promise", various media have reviewed them all from the time when the great poet had the idea three years ago to now.

Starring actors such as Zhang Baizhi and Xie Tingfeng have directly become the most talked about stars at the moment.

In addition, "The Promise" released the copyright transaction status.

It is said that the North American rights have been sold to Weinstein Films for 200 million yuan to prepare for the Olympics.

Chen Hong shouted out the goal: The ultimate goal of "The Promise" is to win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film!

The media immediately posted a headline: "Brother Chen Kai single-handedly picked two major directors."

Also released around the same time as "The Promise" was Lao Mouzi's artistic film "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles".

In addition, Lu Ping'an's "Brokeback Mountain" will also compete for next year's Oscar.

So it is indeed reasonable for the media to choose such a title.

And it is indeed quite eye-catching.

For a time, "The Promise" gained momentum again.

And this is just the beginning!

Lu Ping'an knew that the film "The Promise" would be promoted by CCTV.

This is a naked declaration of the great poet’s strong connections and background!

In fact, from the perspective of laymen, the promotion of "The Promise" is very strong and relies mostly on connections and prestige. But from the perspective of insiders, the entire project team of "The Promise" is actually quite powerful.

A little trivia: "The Promise" is the first fully industrialized film in China.

Production team, marketing process, brand development, distribution channels, contract management, cash flow management and more.

Everything is of a Hollywood industrial standard that is rare in China today.

Krypton gold is not white krypton, and the cost is close to 400 million.

For this reason, Chen Hong said: This is a brand worth 2 billion!

If it succeeds, the great poet will really become a real big brother-level figure in the country in terms of personal honors and industrial status.

But unfortunately, everyone who understands understands.

"The Promise" did everything well, but the screenwriter, the most critical member of the team behind the scenes, couldn't tell a good story.

Under the influence of this, "The Promise" has become an existence in the current blur of literature and art and business. Both sides want to take advantage of it, but both ends are unhappy.

Sometimes Lu Ping An actually feels that this movie is really a pity.

But he just held a moment of silence and then did his own thing.

As "The Promise" was finalized, Lu Ping'an soon received a call from Han Sanpin, inviting him to China Film to discuss a meeting related to the theatrical screening of "The Promise".

Lu Ping'an was very familiar with this kind of meeting. In the past, when his movies were released, Han Sanpin would organize them to ensure that the movie's box office results would not be too outrageous.

The difference now is that in front of "The Promise", Lu Ping'an has become a theater operator.

As for business, of course Lu Ping An would not refuse.

But I won’t go.

"Uncle Han, let me send someone over. He doesn't want to see me, so I won't go there and be an eyesore. But don't worry, although I don't have a good relationship with him, I won't be careless about business matters."

The great poet has committed suicide unilaterally for a long time, which makes Lu Ping'an's current reasons very strong.

Han Sanpin expressed his understanding after hearing this.

Lu Pingan then dispatched Wu Guohua, while he continued to work.

The next day Wu Guohua went to China Film Studio, and acquaintances from the company also came.

Kang Honglei came and brought good news, saying that "Soldier Assault" could be started.

Kang Honglei came to the company in the morning and briefly talked about the current status of the project.

In short, the military reform has been completed, the cooperative troops have been vacated, and filming can begin in Yunnan.

Next, the actors can train as early as December, and then start filming around February next year.

Before the training camp in December, we can film the scenes before Xu Sanduo enlisted in the army.

At that time, Xu Sanduo had never experienced a military camp. Just like Bao Qiang, who has no trace of training now, it just fit the bill.

Lu Pingan directly agreed, and the matter was settled, and then called Baoqiang.

Baoqiang was very happy when he heard the news.

He has been waiting for this role for almost a year.

During this year, I studied acting while working in the company.

Although it is fulfilling, it is always unsettling that the project is not yet decided.

Now, the project is about to begin, which not only means that the salary of more than one million yuan is about to be received, but also means that the career is about to embark on a new journey.

Seeing Bao Qiang who was very happy, Kang Honglei laughed again.

The more he looked at this kid, the more he looked like Xu Sanduo, and he couldn't wait to start filming.

After the matter was settled, Kang Honglei talked about other actors.

It’s basically the same as the original time and space.

Many actors have worked with Kang Honglei for a long time, such as Chen Sicheng and Chen Guoqiang.

Some are from August 1st, such as Wang Dazhi.

There are also characters such as Yuan Lang and Xu Sanduo's father. Lu Pingan and Kang Honglei have already given the list.

Kang Honglei decides for himself whether he wants it or not.

Duan Long, like Yuan Shikong, rejected Kang Honglei twice. He only accepted after Kang Honglei moved out of Lu Ping An for the last time.

Na Kyung-min is similar.

Kang Honglei was not jealous of Lu Pingan at all. He only felt that Lu Pingan's vision was a real thief!

There is Xu Sanduo, Yuan Lang, and Xu Sanduo's father.

This is the character in the play!

Of course, this version also has different people from the original version, such as "Wu Zhe", the character played by Li Heiniu.

Huayi did not invest in "Soldier Assault" this time, and Li Heiniu, a subsidiary of Huayi, naturally did not get such an opportunity in the first place.

Kang Honglei didn't decide on this role, because although this role didn't have many highlights, it was really not easy to find, so he wanted to listen to Lu Ping'an's suggestions.

"Am I here to recommend again? Didn't you get back everything I gave you?"

Zhang Songwen and other friends were all on the list that Lu Pingan had given him before.

In the end, Kang Honglei was basically dismissed, leaving only Zhang Songwen as the third company commander.

Kang Honglei said with a smile: "This character needs to have a better image, he must not be short, and he needs to be gentle but also sharp. The person I have is not qualified."

After finishing speaking, before Lu Ping'an spoke, Baoqiang smiled and said, "Brother, don't be angry if you say it. I think your image fits your image very well."

Lu Ping'an laughed directly when he heard it, but didn't take it seriously.

However, Kang Honglei seemed to have listened. He looked around at Lu Ping'an with great interest, and then laughed and said, "It's true!"

"What the hell, I don't have time."

Lu Pingan waved his hand to stop the topic, "You can look for it yourself, it's still early anyway."

In fact, Lu Pingan is quite looking forward to participating in "Soldier Assault".

He likes this show very much.

In addition, he also yearns for the military, but is not very willing to actually join the army.

So if he could spend a few months to experience military life and leave an image in this masterpiece, he would naturally be willing to do so.

Unfortunately this is probably not possible.

So forget it!

Then Kang Honglei asked: "The actors have basically been decided, do you want to talk to them first?"

Lu Pingan waved his hand and refused: "Forget it, you are the director. I'm going, where is your prestige?"

Kang Honglei laughed loudly, and then said, "You are the employer and a great director. They also want to see something new."

"Then let's wait until the phone is turned on."

After talking about the matter, Lu Ping'an finally asked about the bodyguard.

Kang Honglei gave two business cards, both of which were bodyguard companies run by retired soldiers. Lu Pingan accepted them to express his gratitude and decided to send someone to investigate soon.

After the two had a simple meal, Kang Honglei left.

. . . . . .

After Kang Honglei left, Wu Guohua also came back, and the two talked about the "The Promise" theater chain meeting in the office.

The first is sharing.

Like Zhang Weiping's approach in the past, "The Promise" also requested an increase in the film's share.

But this matter is indeed not easy. The current share of the film studios in theaters has reached 43%. If it is higher, everyone will really rebel!

Han Sanpin must have known about the situation, so he just mentioned it at the meeting, discussed it for a while, and then moved on to the next topic after listening to a lot of complaints from theater bosses from all sides.

Lu Ping An knows that there is no agreement on unified improvement, but each company will discuss it independently and then cooperate in a confidential manner.

Ping An is also open to this.

Although "The Promise" has a bad reputation, it is very popular and the box office in the first few days was very high.

Of course he is willing to make money.

But if people who are great poets are not stupid, they will not talk to him.

Lu Ping'an still has his handle.

Ping An has not yet exposed the issue of falsely reporting prices in its 3D business.

The great poet who loves face most can't keep that face off.

Then there’s movie fare.

This is easy to discuss. After all, it is in everyone’s interest.

But the great poet still exceeded Wu Guohua's imagination: the ordinary ticket price of "The Promise" must not be less than 40 yuan!

Nowadays, for a domestic movie that is not 3D, the most expensive ticket price in ordinary cities is only about 30 yuan. If it is 40 yuan, the increase is higher than the original increase of "Hero"!

The great poet is probably happy again.

In addition, the ticket price for the 3D version, the great poet hopes to be at least 120 yuan!


Theoretically speaking, with the current momentum of the movie, this price can indeed make a lot of money.

But Lu Ping'an, who knew the result, naturally wouldn't think so.

It might be okay to say that it just came out, but if the price is not reduced after a week, it will be shown to ghosts!

The heart is really big enough!

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but complain again.

But in fact, this price is still not exaggerated for a great poet.

Because the original poet of time and space also launched a high-priced ticket of 1,888 yuan for high-end audiences in Beijing and Shanghai, allowing the audience to talk to the film's main creators, the poet, Chen Hong and others, attracting middle-aged people and people with "aristocratic mentality" High-end consumers such as foreign audiences.

The reason is also very simple. In addition to creating a sensational effect, launching a high-priced ticket of 1,888 yuan is also a "high and high" strategy, which is intended to send a message to the public: people who watch "The Promise" have taste and status. The high-end consumer group satisfies the requirements of consumers with a "petty bourgeoisie" mentality, effectively strengthens the positioning of the film itself, and draws more viewers into the cinema.


Lu Ping'an shook his head. He really didn't understand that class very well!

But he didn't refuse directly.

120 is actually not bad.

You definitely make more money in the first week at least.

After that, Lu Ping'an was not the one who got scolded in the end anyway.

The old American technology company you find is none of my business.

If you expose that this is my technology, then I will also expose that you falsely reported the price, and 8 million becomes 4 million. How will everyone think of you then?

As for how high the price will be, what impact will it have on the 3D business in the future?

Lu Pingan is not worried at all. When Lu Pingan's super blockbuster comes out, it will be nice to have a wave of rational and civilian pricing. It is such a simple matter. The technology is ours anyway.

And the majority of moviegoers are looking for cheap and high-quality movies.

In addition, I believe that after the market has experienced the impact of super-invincible parallel blockbusters such as "The Promise", movie fans will also become rational.

When you make a real blockbuster masterpiece, you will definitely achieve an excellent "eye-wash" effect.

Then we will further establish our own brand of "Lu Ping An's products must be high-quality products".

So from this perspective, we have to thank the great poet!

Then Wu Guohua said: "The guaranteed box office requirement for each copy of "The Promise" this time is 450,000. How many copies do we need?"

"450,000 guaranteed, so confident?"

"They said that the goal of "The Promise" is at least 400 million box office, and at least 400 have been sold so far."

Lu Ping'an almost laughed.

At present, domestic film distribution copies generally have task indicators to ensure a minimum box office. Some are provided by China Film Corporation, and some are negotiated by other distributors.

If the theater chain fails to meet the target, it will have to compensate losses in proportion.

For example, a copy has a guaranteed box office of 100,000 yuan. If the theater does not complete the film, it must compensate the film distributor according to the contract.

Lu Ping'an's earliest "The Tuner", with China Film on board, had a box office target of 80,000 per plate, and sold 120. If the tasks are continued, the box office of "The Tuner" will be around 10 million if the targets are met in various places, and "The Tuner" finally With a box office of more than 30 million, everyone is happy.

If the target is not met, the final revenue received by the film studio will actually be higher than the theoretical revenue from the box office share.

The higher part is the compensation from the theater.

If theater chains are unable to complete their tasks and do not want to lose money, they may take desperate risks and divert the box office revenue of some relatively loose films.

More importantly, theaters are also responsible for screening domestic films. Theaters that perform well in screening domestic films will enjoy certain preferential policies and rewards once they are rated as outstanding screening units.

Therefore, if normal screenings cannot complete the task, the only option is to move the box office, mainly from imported films to domestic films.

And now the minimum guarantee requirement put forward by the producers and distributors of "The Promise" is that each copy has a box office of at least 450,000, which will cost the lives of many weak theater chains.

So based on this, judging from the final word-of-mouth performance of "The Promise", with a box office of close to 200 million, there is basically no need to guess. The moisture is definitely there, and it will not be small.

You must know that before today, the domestic film with the highest guaranteed amount was only 300,000.

"Lord of the Rings 3" has 250,000, "Heroes" has 200,000, "Source Code" has 200,000, and last year's "House of Flying Daggers" and "Amazing Night" both also had 300,000.

The original "House of Flying Daggers" from The Original Time and Space has reached 400,000, but this is also related to the market. After all, there is no way for the catfish of the Original Time and Space to be safe.

Obviously, Zhang Weiping in this time and space only has that much confidence.

This is indeed the case. In this time and space, "House of Flying Daggers" had a guaranteed base of 300,000 yuan, and the final box office was 120 million yuan. The big theaters made money, and the small theaters could only draw a tie.

And if it's 450,000, the box office would be over 180 million anyway.

This number is the same as that of "The Promise" in the original time and space, so accurate!

Lu Ping'an said to Wu Guohua: "Let's look at other companies' averages first. Buy film copies at 70% of the average. Let's continue talking about the 3D version. It's impossible to guarantee the minimum. The 3D version is different from the ordinary version. He If you’re not willing to talk, we won’t follow.”

I have 60% of the 3D projection units here, and I have your leverage. How can I still give you unjust money? Dreaming!

Wu Guohua took the order and left. Lu Pingan ignored him and continued to work.

At noon the next day, Han Sanpin took people from Wuji to Xingchen Film and Television to talk to Lu Ping'an.

3D is still very good, and the other party really doesn't want to leave it, and at first he didn't want to equate it with ordinary film.

In addition, although the great poet has some conflicts with Lu Ping'an, he will not be stupid enough to make fun of "The Promise" at this juncture. The excuse is still there, and it is really unwise to explode at this time.

Lu Ping An also gave Han Sanpin a face. Although there is no guarantee, it can keep it confidential, and it also guarantees 30% of the 3D film arrangement in the first two weeks, and also has the authority to adjust prices, with the lowest price being 80. In this way, Lu Ping An can still guarantee harvests despite droughts and floods. You can still make a lot of money in two weeks, which is a perfect solution.

After the matter was settled, before leaving, the people on "The Promise" were still a little unconvinced, saying that they would have to queue up to get a new copy.

Lu Pingping didn't care at all.

Their stud "The Promise" was a big hit, and Lu Ping'an already knew how "The Promise" was going to be, so she was still afraid of him?

Han Sanpin also seemed to see that Lu Pingan was confident. After they left, he asked Lu Pingan: "What if "The Promise" really explodes?"

"I apologize, kneel down and beg for a copy. I'm making money, it's not shabby."

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