China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 247 245 At best, the Highland Tower was pushed down

As the Cong Fei incident continued to be turbulent, Lu Ping'an felt that this was all fate. Before he could calm down, the gear of fate also turned to Gao Yuanyuan's side.

Just like the original time and space, Gao Yuanyuan's health deteriorated further due to her advanced age and she gave birth to Gao Yuanyuan. Next, Gao Yuanyuan will begin a ten-year medical journey.

In Gao Yuanyuan's view, Lu Ping'an should not be told about her mother's critical illness, for fear of bringing out his "old wounds".

But she also knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden. Because her mother was ill, her original plan to go to Xiangjiang to join the "Baby Project" in two days was delayed.

Lu Ping'an will definitely know about this.

And as a woman, she really hopes that her man can comfort her when she is most helpless.

So after nearly a whole day of hesitation, she called Lu Ping'an and burst into tears again.

That night, Lu Ping'an came to the hospital where Gao's mother was staying.

Not bad, it’s Uncle’s Xiehe.

This also saves some trouble.

Of course, this also made the uncle smile meaningfully.

He watched Gao Yuanyuan see Lu Pingan coming over, and then threw herself into his arms and cried again. Sure enough, this was what he thought, and then he sighed that Pingan had grown up!

But the uncle didn't say anything. After all, there's no finality in young people's affairs.

So don't get excited, just treat it with a normal mind.

"You guys chat, I'll go out for a walk."

The uncle in a white coat left his independent office and closed the door.

Lu Pingan and Gao Yuanyuan were left alone in the office.


After a moment of silence, Gao Yuanyuan looked at Lu Pingan pitifully and said.

"Sorry for what?"

"I shouldn't have bothered you to come here."

"Actually, I didn't even want to come."

Lu Ping'an sighed, then looked at Gao Yuanyuan and said, "But who makes you the mother of one of my children in the future?"

The scumbag never forgets to deepen his brand.

Especially Gao Yuanyuan's vulnerable moments, she will naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

Gao Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, shaking off the tears that had just brewed.

The roller coaster feeling made her blame Lu Ping'an again for being too bad.

But she didn't know that Lu Ping'an's previous words were indeed true.

Because before Gao Yuanyuan called him, Cheng Long had already called him, saying that Gao Yuanyuan suddenly had something to take off for a week and postponed joining the crew. He then said that everyone understood this kind of thing and asked Gao Yuanyuan to handle it with peace of mind. Cheng Long would handle it when she came to the crew. A welcome party.

Obviously this was trying to sell Lu Ping An's face, but Lu Ping An was a little unhappy after hanging up the phone.

As her man, her mother didn't tell her when she was sick, and she had to find out through others. This might even cause other troubles, such as whether Aaron had other reasons for giving face like this. It's hard to say, so Lu Ping'an can't have any objections.

For a moment, Lu Ping'an thought of using the topic to his advantage, and then simply broke up and pulled him down.

But this thought was quickly suppressed by him.

It's true that he is a scumbag, but he is not a scumbag.

At this juncture, he really couldn't add salt to Gao Yuanyuan's wounds.

In addition, Gao Yuanyuan called not long after Cheng Long called.

She cried and was very sad, and then talked about things intermittently, and then apologized over and over again, saying she didn't want him to know, but she couldn't help it.

Lu Ping'an could tell that she hesitated for a long time.

The reason is the so-called "old injury" on Lu Ping'an.

Lu Ping'an didn't expect that she would care so much about the old injuries she made up.

But he also had to admit that at that moment, Gao Yuanyuan's attitude truly qualified him as "the mother of a certain future child". In the future, Lu Ping'an felt that he could be a little more serious about her.

So what else can I say.

Just do what a son-in-law should do.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go and see how my mother-in-law is doing."

Lu Ping'an cursed, but he gently took Gao Yuanyuan's hand. The halo of her boyfriend's power flashed and started to work at full power. Gao Yuanyuan froze at that time, and then held it tightly, her heart full of emotions. sweet.

Then the two of them moved to the ward. Fortunately, Gao's mother had just fallen asleep, and the expected meeting between mother-in-law and son-in-law did not happen.

This couldn't help but make Lu Ping'an breathe a sigh of relief for Yan Danchen and Zeng Li.

Lao Yan, Lao Zeng.

Calculating this way, you two are not completely robbed.

At most, the Highland Tower was pushed down.

After seeing Gao Mu, the two returned to the uncle's office again.

Gao Yuanyuan talked about today's experience.

Just after dinner in the morning, Gao's mother suddenly fell ill.

Gao's father was visiting friends in other places, and her brother was working out of town.

In short, Gao Yuanyuan was extremely helpless at that time.

What was even more helpless was that after he was sent to the hospital, a critical illness notice came out.

Fortunately, I finally found out that this is not a particularly fatal disease, but I still have to take care of myself after being cured this time, and I have to be careful at all times, because there is no telling when it will relapse.

"I was completely panicked at the time. I couldn't believe that I was going to lose my mother."

Gao Yuanyuan cried again.

Lu Pingan wiped her, but it was not very effective. She couldn't stop her tears. Gao Yuanyuan simply buried her head in Lu Pingan's chest, not to show him her embarrassment.

The air became quiet, and the two felt each other's heartbeats until there was a knock on the office door.

The two quickly tidied up and opened the door to let the uncle in.

"It's not a big problem. I'll check the situation in the evening. I'll almost be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

The uncle said to Gao Yuanyuan with a smile.

Gao Yuanyuan was puzzled: "So fast?"

From admission to discharge, it didn't even take a day.

Lu Ping'an smiled and comforted: "You forgot, this is Xiehe, just listen to uncle."

How awesome is Concorde?

Have you ever heard a saying that "a history of Union Medical College is half the history of Chinese medicine"?

So if the uncle says that he can be discharged from the hospital, then that’s no problem.

Gao Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then thanked her uncle repeatedly.

The uncle smiled and waved his hand: "Go and eat something, don't be nervous."

After hearing this, Gao Yuanyuan realized that she had not eaten all day.

Lu Pingan also took Gao Yuanyuan away with these words.

It's not cool to stay in my uncle's office all the time.

The two said goodbye to their uncle and left the office.

After a while, the uncle's text message came on: "You are still young. If you are not fully mentally prepared, you should still pay attention to measures."

Lu Ping'an put down his phone with some embarrassment.

"You go and get busy."

Gao Yuanyuan saw this and showed her kindness.

"Eat something with you."

"It will be photographed later."

"Isn't it common knowledge in the circle that I have an uncle who is a doctor here?"

This is indeed something everyone knows.

Even if Lu Ping'an is not famous, his uncle is already the number one figure in the capital.

Jiang Wenli had used connections to seek medical treatment from her uncle before.

Now that Lu Ping'an's fame is at its peak, it's even more important.

There is an endless stream of people who come to seek medical treatment, or who want to make connections in the name of medical treatment.

It's a pity that my uncle's main department is not gynecology or psychology.

Otherwise, I’ll eat Lu Ping’an melon until I vomit!

"My dad is almost here."

Lu Ping'an didn't want to stay as soon as he heard it.

It does make sense to go strong and then falter.

Seeing that his momentum had weakened, Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Okay, you are busy with your work, the days are still long."

Lu Pingan gave her a thumbs up in his heart.

Then he went to the small shop to buy her some food and then ran away.

The next morning, Feng Ke, who had not been in contact for a long time, called and said that someone had taken photos of Lu Pingan and Gao Yuanyuan at Union Hospital. The photos were normal and there was no intimate behavior, but it was not ruled out that something else had not been leaked and asked how to deal with it.

This is the benefit of having a cow pen paparazzi in your hand.

Lu Ping'an reviewed it again and it was true that the two of them had no intimate behavior when they got along outside the office last night.

Then he said: "Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal."

The incident was characterized as a member of Gao Yuanyuan's family being sick, and she sought treatment from Lu Ping'an's uncle. Lu Ping'an went to visit after learning about it.

There may be scandals.

Lu Ping'an doesn't reject scandals either. As long as it's not about spreading rumors or having a big belly, he will let it be reported. If he really wants to cause trouble, he will dispatch the Star Pizza Hut. The legal team is not a living wage.

In fact, if there is a scandal, it would be a good thing.

Can be used as a stress test.

If you want to hug each other, or even sleep several people in a big bed, you have to do it step by step.

In the early morning, relevant reports appeared on the market.

Lu Ping'an also liked to mention the first serious scandal in his career.

However, the influence of this scandal is not particularly great. After all, there is an explanation in the article. The matter involves life, old age, illness and death, and Lu Ping'an and his uncle are in the hospital. Everyone in the circle knows him as "uncle". The two people in the photo are also generous. In addition, Lu Ping'an and his uncle are in the hospital. In a safe position, only those who don't care about their lives will mess around.

Of course, scandals still have some effect. For example, the relationship between Lu Ping'an and Gao Yuanyuan as "childhood sweethearts" was further confirmed, and there was a lot of envy on the Internet. Then sporadic reports of "the hatred of the husband is irreconcilable", and then "the hatred of the wife" appeared sporadically. Hate" and other interesting jokes.

Maybe there are some admirers who have given up their minds because of this.

Generally speaking, everyone just knew that the two had a good relationship, and then out of interest, they started to pull the red line and appeal to promote the relationship. Everything else was normal.

Then the next afternoon, as photos of Gao Yuanyuan and her family escorting suspected patients out of the hospital were exposed, the topic of the scandal turned to sending blessings, and the heat quickly dissipated.

The first scandal lasted less than a day and ended.

It’s not a melon, so naturally everyone won’t eat it all.

If I really want to say that the impact is not big, then it does exist.

For example, Yan Danchen and Zeng Li called immediately and asked briefly, but in fact they circled Gao Yuanyuan and decided to observe more in the future.

After the two of them finished talking on the phone, my sister-in-law called again and started talking about gossip.

She didn't know Gao Yuanyuan's identity on the phone, and it was obvious that her uncle had a very strict mouth.

My sister-in-law said that she likes the star Gao Yuanyuan very much and likes her role as Zhou Zhiruo. Being a local is also a plus, but she prefers Yan Danchen because Yan Danchen and Lu Ping'an cooperated early. At that time, my sister-in-law had just returned to China, so she knew Yan Danchen. The first mainland actress, I have slowly watched her grow up in the past few years.

Then my sister-in-law started to compare on the phone and said that Chang'e was better because Gao Yuanyuan had been in love and was afraid that Lu Ping'an would not be able to handle it and would suffer in the end.

Lu Ping'an couldn't say anything, but he was not angry. Instead, his eyes lit up and he felt that he could use it in the future, such as asking her to deal with Yan Danchen if necessary.

Then came the aunt and the original owner’s mother’s relatives. The aunt and uncle called and gossiped like the aunt.

Some said that Gao Yuanyuan was okay, some said that it was not suitable, some said that so-and-so was good, and some said that anyone would be fine, but be sure not to choose so-and-so.

Obviously, the two families don't have much contact with him at ordinary times, but when it comes to Lu Ping'an's life events, both families pay close attention to it, and this explosion caused them to explode.

It's understandable that Lu Ping'an is almost 24, so he always has to consider these things.

Among them, the aunt was the most active. Once the topic started, we chatted for a while. She said it was best not to look for people in the circle. If you really want to look for someone, I will introduce to you which company has a very good daughter, and whose father is the leader of which company? .

Lu Ping'an once again had nothing to say. Although he was also curious about which leader he was and whether he would have a big future, he still refused decisively.

Then he couldn't help but sigh again, the inertial thinking is really terrible, the image of the original owner as a cowardly and introverted white rabbit is still strong in the eyes of his relatives.

But Lu Pingping didn't care much.

We are all relatives. It is better to treat you as a child than to treat you as a fool, a cash machine or something like that.

So as long as they don't do anything disgusting, just let them be. (End of chapter)

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