China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 25 Artist, Summit Entertainment

The awards ceremony in Cannes lasted nearly two hours.

It's just that the results of this award were not as big a surprise as Jiang Wen said.

The Palme d'Or for Best Film went to "My Son's Room", which scored a 3.3, making it the only film this year with a score of more than 3.

"The Piano Teacher" won the Jury Prize and the Best Actor and Actor Award, becoming the biggest winner this year.

The Best Director award came with a double yolk, won by the Coen brothers for "The Absent Man" and David Lynch for "Mulholland Drive."

Later, Lu Ping'an found out that "Mulholland Drive" won the Best Director award because of the noise. At first, no one among the judges except Wanwan director Yang Dechang was very optimistic about the movie. Yang Dechang directly I was anxious, and then I started to talk, and then it triggered a chain reaction, and they argued about all the awards. In the end, Yang Dechang won the argument. This is why Jiang Wen said that there were five arguments.

Chinese films also won two awards this time.

Two Taiwanese films, "The Name of the Rose" and "What Time Is It Over There", both won technical awards, which can be regarded as consolation prizes to a certain extent.

So in this way, Lu Pingan's short film Palme d'Or can really be regarded as the only one among Chinese films.

At this time, domestic portal websites have released the first wave of news.

"A Mainland film director wins the Palme d'Or again after 8 years!"

"Lu Ping'an wins the Palme d'Or in Cannes after the Silver Bear in Berlin!"

“Chinese short films are king again!”


The gold content of the short film Palme d'Or and the feature film Palme d'Or are naturally different.

But the media doesn't care about that now.

Aren’t they all Palme d’Or? Let’s talk about the title grabbing attention first.

So relatives and friends who were safe in China immediately sent text messages and phone calls.

It’s just a pity that Ping An still forgot to enable roaming. . .

In addition to friends, netizens who saw the news were also instantly excited.

When I clicked in and took a look, I realized it was a short film.

But being the first in everything means something different, especially from a domestic perspective.

So after the award ceremony, Lu Ping'an was already surrounded by reporters.

As the first Chinese director to win the Palme d'Or for a short film, Lu Ping'an's attention to the domestic media at this moment is actually not much different from that in 1993.

"What do you think? I would like to thank the organizing committee. This award really surprised me. I will keep up my efforts."

"Will you make a feature film in the future? There are no plans yet. If I have the chance, I think I will try it."

"Why should you give your acceptance speech in Chinese? Speaking your mother tongue is the only way to show respect for this award."


The interview lasted more than twenty minutes.

Then Hu Qingquan came over and said that he was going to attend the dinner, and all the reporters let Lu Pingping go.

At the dinner party, all the people I met this time were real celebrities.

In addition to the big directors and big stars who won awards, there were also a lot of stars who came to walk the red carpet.

The most familiar ones are veteran movie kings and queens such as Chao Wei and Manyu, as well as famous directors such as Wong Kar-Wai who were invited.

However, Lu Pingan did not chat with them immediately. Instead, he followed Hu Qingquan and Jiang Wen to meet several judges on the short film jury.

"Hello, Lu, we finally meet. Congratulations."

The first person to speak was an old man.

"This is British director Ken Loach, a British film master who has been nominated for the Palme d'Or six times. He is the judge of this short film and the main judge who strongly recommends you to win the award. He wants to say hello to you."

Hu Qingquan on the side then explained the identity of the visitor to Kong Kong and Lu Ping'an who were translating.

Lu Ping'an's pupils trembled slightly, he is such a great person.

He also quickly extended his hand to say hello: "Hello, Mr. Lodge."

"I have watched two of your short films, and they are both wonderful, especially "Black Hole". The idea looks simple, but is actually very sophisticated. I still regret it, why I didn't come up with this idea, and how did you come up with it? Thought-of?"

Ken Loach smiled and said a lot, using a standard British accent.

Lu Ping'an's English is passable, but he is a mute in English. He can listen but not speak well.

So I still had to let Hu Qingquan translate: "That day there was a hole in my wardrobe, and I was thinking, what would happen if I had a universal hole."

"Wow, yes, creativity comes from life." Ken Loach nodded and praised again, "There is actually no difference between simple things and complex things. Complex human nature can be expressed in simple things, and simple things can evolve. It has become a complex social incident, Lu, it seems that you understand human nature very well."

Ken Loach's words made Lu Ping'an feel a little hot.

He didn't think so much at all, it was all made up by your own minds.

But since he is already a vested interest, he will naturally not pretend to be "sane in the world."

So Lu Ping'an quickly put a label on himself.

I am now a humble and studious artist!

"Mr. Rocky, I actually don't understand human nature. I'm just curious, and then I took a photo of it and asked someone who knows better to help me clarify my doubts."

"Lu, if you can say that, it proves that I was right to choose you."

"Thank you, Mr. Lodge. Can you tell me more about the reasons for choosing me? I would like to hear more about your interpretation of "Black Hole"."

"Of course, that's right..."

When chatting with people, look for what they are interested in.

Lu Ping'an knows this truth well.

So the two of them chatted happily.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that the two ended the chat and then exchanged numbers.

After they separated, Hu Qingquan praised Lu Ping'an and said, "Ping'an, in addition to being a regular at Cannes, he is also a regular at Venice. If you want to win a prize at Venice for your next short film, it will be much smoother for you with his help."

"Yeah, I really don't know that."

"It's not too late to know now. How about it? Do you have any plans for Venice?"

"Can you make it?"

"It seems like it's too late. The submission deadline is in three days."

"Forget it, next year will be fine."

"Trying to win a short film Grand Slam?"

"I dare not say that. The important thing is to participate."

Hu Qingquan also smiled and nodded: "Yes, the important thing is to participate."

He is already imagining the scene of Lu Pingan winning the Grand Slam. . .

Next, Lu Pingping continued the dinner.

With the Palme d'Or in his hand, even if it was a short film, Lu Pingan clearly felt that his weight had become different.

He just stood there, and without moving much, someone came up to talk to him.

This was the second time we met Shu Qi, and she seemed a bit familiar: "I didn't expect you to actually win the award. Come on, show me the trophy. Can we take a photo with you?"

Manyu was very elegant: "Lu Sheng is only 19 years old, right? It's true that a hero emerges from a young age."

Chaowei responded as usual: "Hello, congratulations."

I briefly chatted with a few Chinese celebrities, and during this period I met some of the later famous directors, such as Li Yang who made "The Blind Shaft". The two also chatted briefly, and after exchanging numbers, Lu Ping'an turned his attention to The focus is on the film producers.

The most important purpose of participating in a film festival, besides winning awards, is to sell films.

This time "Black Hole" is still a short film that can't sell for much, but it won the Palme d'Or, so the price won't be that low. Maybe someone will still keep an eye on the adaptation rights. If it does, this time it will be better. Ping An planned to sell out directly, but he did not plan to take pictures himself because he had no reference.

In addition, unlike last time, all film sales were left to China Film Group Corporation, this time Lu Ping An is preparing to develop in-depth relationships with film producers in person.

There are some connections and channels that you have to keep in your own hands. Hu Qingquan thought so too, so he actively helped translate.

The first person I met at the dinner was the North American film producer who bought the adaptation rights to "The Tuner" last time.

From Wattsberg, head of Summit Entertainment.

"Hu, Lu, we meet again."

Under the introduction of Mr. Cui of China Film Group, the two parties met.

Hu Qingquan smiled and stepped forward: "Hello Mr. Wattsberg."

"Congratulations, Lu, the Palme d'Or is not easy to win."


"Are the adaptation rights for sale?"

Wattsberg went straight to the point, and Lu Ping'an smiled: "Of course, I'm going to sell out this time. You can be exclusive if you want, as long as the price is right."

"Great, that's what we meant." Wattsberg said, and then asked, "By the way, Lu, are you preparing for your "The Tuner" movie?"

Lu Ping'an smiled and replied: "It's already taken."

Wattsberg was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and then asked seriously: "You didn't lie to me?"

"Of course, 70% of the later stage has been completed and it will be ready in a few days."

The two parties had an agreement before that if the Chinese-language adaptation of a major movie was not filmed and released within a year, then the foreign distribution rights for five years would have to be given up to him.

As a result, Lu Ping'an's speed immediately confused him.

But fortunately, there is a clause in the agreement. If it is filmed, they also have the right of first refusal. Whether to buy the finished film for distribution or the adaptation rights will be decided later.

"Then can I watch a movie?"

"Of course, you are welcome to come to China. The price is negotiable."

"So, our adaptation work really doesn't need to continue?"

"I have this confidence."

"Okay, we'll make arrangements in a few days."

"Yes, you are always welcome."

He would certainly not let go of this kind of thing.

The two parties reached a verbal agreement and then left.

Hu Qingquan was confused: "This company doesn't seem to be short of money at all."

Lu Ping'an shrugged and said he didn't know.

In fact, he actually has some understanding.

Summit Entertainment is a top Hollywood player positioned to be on equal footing with major studios, rather than a small-time production company.

They have a good vision. Since their establishment in 1993, they have produced two classic independent films, "Two Smoking Barrels" and "Memento".

Later, their works also included the "Twilight" series, "The Hurt Locker", "Prophet", etc.

But that was later, and now Summit Entertainment is not having an easy time in Hollywood.

It has money, but it is not as rich as a top company and cannot hire big-name stars and directors, so it has never been able to do full damage at the box office.

So their positioning is a joke in Hollywood right now.

But this kind of company is a good thing for Lu Ping An.

If you have a good vision, are willing to spend money, and the situation is not very good yet, in-depth cooperation is possible in the future, which is good.

Thanks to "You Have to Hold It" for the 500-coin reward!

Thanks to "Looking Back and Smiling, Old Dreams Are Like Smoke", "Book Friends Tail Number 1806" and "Book Friends Tail Number 1282" for their monthly votes.

Thank you!

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