China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 264 Four years of sharpening a sword

These words deserve a beating.

But still very powerful.

Now in 2005, it is already known to everyone that domestic animation has been in decline.

In fact, it is not that it has really failed to recover, but that it cannot keep up with the top international standards.

Compared with Neon, its industrial scale and industry maturity are incomparable.

So many works are familiar, but domestic animation is childish.

There is no need to compare it with Hollywood.

Three-dimensional animation technology alone is a huge chasm, and no one would foolishly compare it.

Now, "Kung Fu Panda" seems to have caught up with Hollywood standards.

But if the technology is not your own, it will indeed weaken a lot of brilliance.

However, most netizens are open-minded.

"It's better than nothing. There wasn't a similar movie before, but now that it exists, it's worth encouraging."

"Don't our country's technologies all start with learning? Take your time."

"That's right, don't worry. Being able to cooperate with DreamWorks now is already a good start."

Everyone comforted themselves and looked fine, but there was indeed a sense of desolation that could not be wiped away.

After all, the current situation of animation is also the current situation of almost all industries in China.

The world's industrial crown is still full of pearls, and few of them have been picked by China.

And I don’t know how many years it will take for this situation to change.

However, at this moment, many netizens suddenly shouted excitedly on the Internet:

"Hurry and check out Xingchen's official website. There is a lot of information released on it. I just want to say, Lu Ping'an is awesome!!!"

For a time, countless netizens and everyone entered the Xingchen official website.

Soon I saw that in addition to the trailer, there was a lot more information.

The first is the story overview of "Kung Fu Panda": a panda who always daydreams about becoming a hero, but is actually a bit clumsy and greedy, accidentally becomes a candidate to fight in the holy land of martial arts. , he will face a peerless master.

The story outline is nothing special.

People who are familiar with Lu Ping An don’t think this profile is important.

When was Lu Ping'an's movie released in summary, wasn't it always "just average"?

So let’s take a quick look at the next message: “Origin”.

Click in and take a look, the information is densely packed.

It introduces in detail the birth process of "Kung Fu Panda".

"On December 6, 2000, as the giant pandas Mei Xiang and Tian Tian were staying at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., Lu Ping'an, who was appreciating Xiangjiang's classic Kung Fu movies, came up with the idea of ​​Kung Fu + Panda. He wanted to make a good-looking and fun movie that would impress the whole world. Animated movies that are loved by movie fans have become one of Lu Ping An’s goals.”

"In July 2001, Lu Pingan reached a cooperation with Shanghai Art Studio to produce his first animated short film "Employment Life". This was Director Lu Pingan's first attempt at animated film production."

"In February 2002, "Hired" won the Golden Bear Short Film Award at the 52nd Berlin International Film Festival, marking Lu Ping'an's first success in animation."

"Through this animation production, the Star Film and Television animation team has initially taken shape. The original members are: Bao Qingqing and Bao Dahai."

The origin stage introduces in detail the inspiration for "Kung Fu Panda" and the path it took before its birth, followed by dozens of photos and character information from the time.

This is called having pictures and truth.

It was also at this time that everyone really knew that Lu Pingan’s purpose of making an animated short film was to make it a big one!

Then many media people and movie fans quickly remembered it.

Lu Ping'an seemed to have really said these words.

For example, one of the current photos is a photo of Lu Pingan and Hayao Miyazaki.

Lu Pingan said at the time: He would make feature-length animations in the future.

It's just that after so many years, everyone has either forgotten it, or they just think Lu Ping'an just talked about it.

Unexpectedly, he already had a plan and achieved it now.

So many people lamented that Lu Ping'an was only a few years old at that time, and he had such a long-term plan. Sure enough, there is a reason why he is outstanding.

Then continue, and the next stage is the “journey”.

"In March 2002, the first draft of the script for "Kung Fu Panda" was completed, but it encountered difficulties in the form of animation. Is it 2D hand-drawn or 3D animation? For this reason, Lu Pingan decided to use two short films as an experiment, a 2D hand-drawn short film " "The House of Memories" and a three-dimensional animation "Dinner for a Few", I am delighted that both short films won awards."

An Oscar for Best Short Film and a Golden Lion for Short Film.

When everyone saw this, they were surprised again.

It turns out that Lu Ping An’s short film Grand Slam was won by the way during the experiment?

What else can I say, it can only be said to be "awesome".

Then continue:

"In the end, the animation team decided to use three-dimensional animation to present "Kung Fu Panda", but there is still a long way to go before we can make animation comparable to Hollywood standards."

The following text details various obstacles such as software, technology, experience, talent, and environment.

After watching it, netizens did not think it was exaggerated. After all, it is still the same sentence. The current gap between China and the United States is like this. All walks of life are similar, and animation cannot be a representative.

But then, everyone saw how powerful the Xingchen team was.

"In November 2002, Xingchen team conquered animation production compatible software"

"In December 2002, the Star Animation Team was established next to the Bashu Wenchuan Giant Panda Protection Base"

"In March 2003, the Star Animation team overcame 12 production difficulties such as hair, water waves, and light."

".More and more professional talents are joining, the team is getting stronger, and the technology is becoming more mature, making the production of "Kung Fu Panda" faster and faster."

"In April 2003, the characters of "Kung Fu Panda" were finalized"

"In May 2003, Guorong named the protagonist 'A Bao' in Bashu, which means national treasure."

"In January 2004, "Kung Fu Panda" started shooting nationwide."

"As of July 2004, Star Animation has conquered 43 technologies, and its overall level is on par with Hollywood."

What follows are various technical illustrations, such as hair, water waves, various models made with new technologies, etc.

And these technologies are indeed not made up by Lu Ping An.

The animation staff of nearly two hundred people are all outstanding people in this era.

Chinese people never lack creativity.

If the salary is enough, I can really do anything for you.

The technical director of "Ice Age" is still Chinese, but he has immigrated now.

Moreover, animation technology is indeed not a particularly difficult thing, especially since the most difficult problem of compatible software has been solved.

Therefore, the Star Animation team has indeed achieved many results.

"In August 2004, the literary and theatrical parts of "Kung Fu Panda" were completed."

"In October 2005, the Xingchen team developed the world's first virtual camera. "Kung Fu Panda" entered the action capture and production stage. The motion capture stage is the focus of "Kung Fu Panda". The film will invite digital martial arts champions to participate in the production, striving to achieve perfect presentation. The beauty of Chinese martial arts”

"Cheng Long, Guorong, and Jiang Wen joined the Mandarin dubbing team, and Cheng Long and Cate Blanchett joined the English dubbing team."

"So far, 180 million funds have been invested in "Kung Fu Panda"." (End of Chapter)

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