Two days later, on January 24, 2006, the second round of the election for Olympic Director was held secretly at the Beijing International Conference Center.

When Lu Ping'an and his team members arrived here, they were immediately arranged to wait in a conference room. They were unable to communicate with people outside and could not see the other four companies.

I think it will be the same after the four families arrive.

Not long after arriving at the place, the staff knocked on the door: "Guide, you are ready to start."

"Am I first?"

Lu Ping'an was a little surprised.

"Yes, tell me what equipment you need. You have half an hour to prepare."


Lu Pingan waved, and the eight-person team behind him took action quickly.

He also calmed down and took a deep breath.

Now that we have reached this point, we no longer think about messy things.

Just do what you have to do.

After adjusting for a while, he and his team stepped inside.

When we entered the venue, we saw a lot of big shots.

The second round of presentations was still hosted by Liu Qi, chairman of the BJ Olympic Organizing Committee. Compared with the first round, the judges included several leaders from the Disabled Persons' Federation, the Ministry of Culture and the State Sports General Administration.

"Hello, leaders, I am Lu Ping'an."

Lu Ping'an introduced himself seriously and politely.

"Guide, please sit down."

Liu Qi smiled and gestured.

Lu Pingping sat down, and the team members began to fiddle with the equipment for presentations.

Then several leaders started chatting very easily.

"Director Lu does look young."

"It's only 24 after the New Year."

"It happens to be Huo Qubing's age."


Lu Pingyang pretended not to hear, and prepared his own statement.

After a few minutes, team member Lao Lu reported that it was ready.

Liu Qi immediately said: "Let's get started."

Lu Pingan stood up, stood under the projection screen, and made a simple opening statement to the leaders:

"The biggest uniqueness of our idea is the integrity of all aspects. We start from the naming of the venue to the final torch extinguishing, and consider it as a whole."

Just like the previous times, he explained his plan conscientiously and steadily.

In addition to him, several leaders of the team also explained their main areas of responsibility.

The plan given by Lu Ping An is also extremely complete.

After all, it is the original version.

Countdown while singing on a gou, Big Footprint fireworks, movable type printing of the word "harmony", Tai Chi for thousands of people, thousands of smiling faces of children around the world, lighting ceremony, paper main torch, etc.

There are not only verbal introductions, but also model introductions and even 3D special effects animation demonstration files.

Each plan, the meaning of the plan, and the people, objects, and even props production and plans to deal with emergencies need to be involved behind it.

People in the Star Olympics team have already reviewed it N times.

At the same time, Lupin also emphasized one point, which is "cost-effectiveness".

"At the same time, what we are pursuing is the ultimate cost-effectiveness. How to use the same money to produce two effects. This is the core that runs through all my previous film works."

Of course, there are costs to consider when opening and closing ceremonies.

By 2007, due to the spread of the financial crisis, the superiors gave hard targets, that is, the budget for the opening ceremony should not exceed the total cost of the opening ceremony in Athens, that is, it should not be higher than the figure of 800 million yuan.

But before that, the word cost was not actually taken seriously.

For the Olympic Games, the country is expected to invest hundreds of billions in total, with almost no upper limit, and there will be no strict cost requirements for the opening ceremony.

But it was different a year or two later. At that time, there were cost overruns everywhere, so the cost of the opening ceremony was cut again and again, causing the Lao Mouzi team at that time to suffer a lot.

So now that Lu Ping An emphasizes this in advance, it may become a deduction item, making people feel that Lu Ping An is too timid.

But it doesn't matter. Lu Ping An is really doing good for the Olympics, and that's enough.

Just like stating the plan with extreme concentration now.

Now that it's reached this point, Lu Ping'an won't think about anything else.

Since you let me go all the way to the final round of the election, I will use my best ability.

Being worthy of my name and not letting myself regret it is the purpose pursued by Lu Ping An and the entire team.

The presentation took a total of two hours of question and answer time from start to finish.

At the end, Chairman Liu Qi asked a question: "We all know that Director Lu has no experience in directing live programs. How can you ensure that these creative ideas can be fully presented?"

A thousand people print movable type, a thousand people do Tai Chi, a thousand people strike the fou, a thousand people.

Everything is a huge scene.

Shocking, super shocking.

The original version of Lao Mouzi is not just talk.

In fact, these ideas finally took shape after Lao Mouzi became the chief director.

Now Lu Ping'an has taken it out and displayed it with animations and special effects. Needless to say, it's shocking.

But for Lu Ping An, who is good at doing big things in a small space, it is indeed a bit subversive of the image.

Obviously, these people also know Guolu Ping An in detail.

Lu Ping'an thought for a while and confidently gave a panacea answer: "I am confident that I will do a good job. My confidence comes from everyone involved."

After finishing his statement, when Lu Ping'an went out, he met the second person who made the statement, that is, Lao Mouzi.

"Road guide."

"Director Zhang."

The two smiled and nodded when they met.

Lao Mouzi added: "Brokeback Mountain is very beautiful. I wish you an Oscar."

"Thank you. If I lend you auspicious words, someone will take it and treat you to dinner."

"Haha, okay, we should have a drink."

While Lao Mouzi was talking, the staff called him, and he apologized and entered the door.

Lu Ping'an also returned to the waiting room and continued to wait.

At this point he breathed a huge sigh of relief.

The mission is finally completed.

"Boss, do you think we can succeed?"

the team member asked after sitting down.

"have no idea"

Lu Ping'an shook his head.

Although in terms of plans, Lu Ping An is confident that its plans will definitely be among the top ones among the five teams, or even number one.

From the perspective of the overall plan, the team should have thought of everything they can think of, rather than simply copying plans and talking about concepts.

The design, meaning, service production, cost, etc. of each program were simulated and calculated N times.

And it’s not just the show itself, either.

From the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony, which spanned more than half a month, almost every detail was planned.

It can be said that the team did everything they could.

But this kind of thing is not a trivial matter after all. In addition to creativity and team, it also depends on qualifications.

What Lu Pingan lacks most is qualifications.

Anyone can just say: What live programs has Lu Ping'an directed? It doesn't have to be large, as long as it is a live program. How many times?

The answer is a big "not even once."

At this point, the other four have at least 5 times! And it's large.

Or someone else might ask: How old is Lu Ping’an? Can he do it?

This sentence alone might be able to cover all the past glory and then directly sentence him to death.

It's cruel, and it also adheres to certain "rules".

Of course, Lu Ping An also has good expectations.

We look forward to really getting a fair and just result based on our strength this time.

After all, he had no other choice, and if the official opening ceremony couldn't attract people's interest, then that's a big deal.

It's just that he doesn't really believe that this kind of thing is really "fair".

But there’s no need to think about that now.

After working for so long, at least I am quite satisfied with the plan I handed over. It is worthy of the trust of my superiors and worthy of my "talent" and hard work.

This is enough.

Then you can devote yourself wholeheartedly to your career.

Of course, this is for Lu Ping An, and I still need to give some comfort to the team.

"The opening ceremony will not be done by a single team. I can't be the chief director. You may also be appointed to other errands and become the head of a certain department."

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