Walk out of the conference room.

Lu Ping'an and Lao Mouzi looked at each other.

Neither of them spoke much, but they both said tacitly: "See you then."

Between clear competitors, it's the ultimate in grace.

For a moment, Lu Ping'an still felt ashamed.

After all, he was serving Lao Mouzi.

Lao Mouzi will not comment on other aspects, but there is indeed nothing wrong with the Olympics.

It's just that when things got to this point, there was no way for peace of mind.

To say that Lu Ping'an didn't have much thought when he learned that he had lost the election half an hour ago.

Anyway, if you work hard and live up to your title of "genius director", that's enough.

But now, choose one or the other.

That Lu Ping'an had to use all his strength!

He doesn't want to regret it.

Of course, then again.

When things have reached this point, there are actually very few places where we can exert our strength.

It still depends on the plan and personal ability.

Because according to what Liu Qi said, it will not just be a few leaders listening to your statement.

Who else doesn’t know, but I think there will be a lot of questions when the time comes.

At this time, experienced people will have the advantage.

In addition to this, there is another point that Lu Ping An is most worried about.

What if I don’t lose the election?

But what to do if you really choose.

In the eyes of others, he is a super genius, young and dazzling.

But I still know how much I weigh and how much I am safe on the road.

Inexperienced means inexperienced.

A major event involving tens of thousands of people, years of preparation, condensed into a few hours.

A minute or second of error may have extremely serious consequences.

But if you want to achieve perfect results, people who are not very capable or have strong resource integration capabilities will not be able to do it.

How can a idiot come to power without strong management and scheduling capabilities?

Lu Ping'an felt that he was not a real idiot. Over the years, his own abilities and network resources had become much stronger than at the beginning, but there was indeed a gap between him and Lao Mouzi.

There is also the metaphysical aspect.

For example, the floor LED module of the original space-time venue.

When it was used countless times before the opening ceremony, not once did all the modules light up.

Repairs are still underway before the official start of the opening ceremony.

As a result, it happened to be fully lit during the opening ceremony without any mistakes.

There are many more incidents like this.

When it came to metaphysics, Lu Ping'an felt that as someone who relied on plagiarism to get to the top, he might not be able to withstand many "tribulations".

So overall.

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh deeply again, is the hexagram true?

This is really a super bottleneck.

In other words, if he really gets the title of chief director, it will be a stroke of luck, a pie in the sky, the luck of stepping on the biggest piece of shit.

Ordinary people who get undeserved wealth and become officials who are far beyond their abilities usually end up not being much better.

Therefore, the challenge to Ping An Road is also all-round.

If you want to rush over, the difficulty is indeed hellish.

But then again.

Human potential is unlimited.

Faced with the big event of opening a single genealogy.

If you don't push yourself, who says it won't work?

The hexagram also says that it is a bottleneck but also an opportunity. If you overcome it, you can stand on another level.

Lu Ping'an clenched his fists. At this point, he didn't want to regret it anyway.

So now there is only one way!

If you really want to give it to him, it’s nonsense.

Yes, rush!

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Lu Ping'an and the team returned to the company.

It wasn't until the door was closed that everyone cheered excitedly.

This made other team members who didn’t go look excited.

But soon everyone knew the situation.

It turns out that I haven’t decided yet, and I still have to choose.

Only this time there were only two people.

The odds of winning changed from 20% to 50%.

Everyone cheered again.

Lu Pingan raised his hand: "You don't want to give up, do you?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Then work harder. Lao Mouzi, if nothing else, at least directed the closing ceremony for 8 minutes. We can't underestimate the enemy. We have to prepare well and try to win it in one fell swoop."

Everyone immediately said that they would not go home during the New Year.

There will be another debate in February. Although the time has not yet been determined, January 28th is the Chinese New Year, and there are only a few days left. We are afraid of delaying things, so we simply stay in the company.

In fact, there are still many things that need to be improved in the plan, and many wider-ranging things have not been considered before.

Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, I can take a good look at it.

Before Lu Ping'an agreed, this resolution was supported by everyone.

Lu Ping'an didn't say much, just agreed directly, and turned to allocate funds for everyone to deal with household chores.

Those who want to come to the capital can come, and food and accommodation will be arranged. Those who don’t come will receive a discount.

In short, all worries are solved.

Everyone happily accepted it and then held a summary meeting.

Until one o'clock in the morning, everyone made the next plan, which will be officially implemented tomorrow.

Afterwards, everyone went home, while Lu Pingan continued to work in the company.

The matter concerns the chief director.

Then the next step is to prepare a plan for the company's development in the next three years.

There is a lot to adjust.

Today is two and a half years away from the opening ceremony.

The actual time I can move freely is only about half a year.

After receiving the appointment letter in April 2006, Lao Mouzi announced that he would "suspend his film work from 2007", and then took care of the Olympics while filming "The Golden Jacket". In fact, he started working in the second half of 2006. Intensive work phase.

Therefore, if there are really important projects, they must be completed within this six months.

Other projects can only be placed after September 2008.

Being unable to make movies for about two years is not a big problem for Lao Mouzi. At most, Zhang Weiping is free.

But the price for Lu Ping'an was high.

There are so many people in Xingchen Company, and it is impossible to leave them empty for two years.

But even if he doesn't leave, Guangfa's salary is still a huge amount.

Lu Ping'an scratched his hair with the penholder and quickly thought of a solution.

Simple and easy.

Just keep working.

Anyone who can make the Olympic team should do so.

In other parts, the animation team will continue to work on "Kung Fu Panda 2" recently, so as long as the script is finalized.

Other departments can also work on projects, such as Baoqiang's "Shun Liu" TV series and "Leader" after "Soldier Assault".

Ning Hao can also start a project here. If he still can't hold back his "Crazy Racing", then help him look decent.

Or start a few small projects that are not very consistent with Lu Ping'an's status as a great director and let everyone work on them.

In this way, spending two years will not be a big problem.

Then there are the existing projects.

Among the existing projects, "Kung Fu Panda" is being worked on by the animation team and does not require Lu Ping'an to keep an eye on it at all times. There will be no impact this year.

"Pacific Rim" was a problem. He had to shoot it himself. The equipment was already in place, so it definitely couldn't be delayed, so it had to be shot during the relatively free period at the beginning of 2006.

"Those Years" can only be postponed. Anyway, the heroine of "Pacific Rim" has been given to her, so there is no rush to film it slowly. It seems that "The King of Kung Fu" will also start filming next year, so let her and the original space and time Participate in the same way, so that one film is good and one is bad, and then it will be just right to start filming "Those Years" after 2008.

There is no rush for Yan Danchen and Li Zi's "The Wind". The original novel of this film has not been released yet. It will be released in 2007. At that time, their "Painted Skin" and "Twenty Again" have also been released, so by 2008 Shooting later won’t be a big problem.

There are also many projects in the United States.

For small-budget movies, I have no choice but to give up directing myself.

As for "Iron Man", he had a meeting with Marvel when he was in the United States a few days ago. Now it seems that unless he buys it, he has no choice but to give up.

If you want to buy it, you have to look at the attitude of Marvel. Currently, they have plans to make their own movies, but whether the first movie will be "Iron Man" or another character has not yet been decided, because the copyright of "Iron Man" is still in the new movie. line, it hasn’t expired yet.

Lu Ping'an decided to work harder. There was no big problem in paying a high price. It was the best he could buy. If he couldn't buy it, it would be up to the Olympics to decide whether to make the film or not. If he really became the chief director, he would definitely not make the film.

There is also "Wonderful Night". Needless to say, the mainland version will be filmed after 2008. The American version can be considered to start filming within the next two years.

He will definitely not make the film himself, just replace it with the original creators.

For this project, 21st Century and Paramount both intend to cooperate.

Lu Ping'an prefers Paramount because the cooperation with "Brokeback Mountain" is quite good now.

With Paramount here, Summit will have a strong boost in distribution.

Speaking of distribution, the peak is still a long way off. There is nothing we can do about it. This kind of thing depends on the company's strength and foundation, so just take your time.

Finally, there’s “The Dark Knight.”

Speaking of this project, Lu Ping'an couldn't help but frowned.

The original "The Dark Knight" started filming in June 2007, wrapped up in November, and was released in July 2008.

The key issue is Heath Ledger.

This young man died of a drug overdose in early 2008.

Therefore, if Lu Pingan does not want to miss the title of "Billion Dollar" director, then the film must be completed this year.

Unless an actor can be found to replace Heath Ledger's Joker, or Heath Ledger changes his destiny again, or simply abandons this billion-dollar project.

In fact, the best way is to let Nolan take over.

But Lu Ping'an was not very willing.

He thought about it and realized that if he really wanted to take a photo, it wouldn't be impossible. At worst, he could do it three-way.

Shaking his head, Lu Pingan laughed himself.

It's not that easy to have sex, and it's not something that happens in bed.

So he put a question mark on this project for the time being, and then continued to think about other matters.

Then there is the project reserve.

During the two-year window period, the lost two-year advantage will cause him to miss out on many excellent movies and investment opportunities.

So you have to think carefully and prepare in advance now.

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