China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 293 No one can change my script!

At 7 o'clock, Lu Pingan met Cheng Long in the hotel restaurant.

"Peace, it's hard for you to ask you out so late."

"It's no trouble, just be idle."

"How's your movie going?"

"It will be completed in about twenty days."

"So fast, I remember you just turned on the phone not long ago, right?"

"Special effects account for more than half, and most of the work is done in post-production."

"No wonder, don't forget me at the premiere."


The two chatted familiarly for a few words, coffee was served, and then Cheng Long started talking about business.

At present, Lu Pingan has not communicated with Cheng Long about the script adaptation of "Peak 3".

So Lu Pingan thought Cheng Long would ask questions about the new script.

But unexpectedly, Cheng Long was talking about the old script: "A few days ago, Brett Ratner, the director of the first two parts of the Peak series, came to me and said he wanted to talk to you about adapting the script. I could hear his Meaning, he wants you not to change the script."

After hearing this, Lu Ping'an refused directly and said firmly: "It must be changed! This matter is not negotiable! And it must be changed drastically!"

Cheng Long was a little confused: "He said that he and the screenwriter had been working on this script for more than two years, and it was his hard work."

After Lu Pingan heard this, he shook his head directly:

"It took two years to develop such a thing? Brother Long, you have read the old script. Let me put it bluntly, this script is just a post!"

".Isn't that the case?"

"Just send it! I'll give you a few examples."

As Lu Ping'an spoke, he raised his fingers and said one by one:

"The main villain in the old script is the Chinese Triads, and it is also the world's largest criminal organization with more than 500,000 people. Let's not say whether it is in the underworld, just look at this setting, and then look at the script. no problem?"

"First, why would such a large criminal organization be so brainless as to assassinate a country's consul?"

"Secondly, why does such a large organization have a hideout that can be wiped out in one fell swoop? And these people only have one big villain and a few people without weapons. They actually rely on hands, feet and cold weapons to fight?"

"It's not that there are no hot weapons, but for such a large organization, the weapons they use are these old-fashioned machine guns?"

"Also, why would the world's largest criminal organization write its top secrets on a woman's head and design a plot to behead her immediately after reading?"

"Let's put aside all these plot flaws for now, and let's get back to the most critical domestic issues. The script clearly mentions the 'Chinese Triad', with 500,000 members worldwide, involved in drugs, weapons, smuggling, organ trafficking, pornography, etc. You guys, you’ve completely blackballed the Chinese! Why didn’t he talk about the Neon Yamaguchi-gumi that already existed?”

"Let me tell you directly, the entire script is based on stereotypes of China!"

"If we really do what he does, will it be released in the mainland? Not only will it not be released, but you and I may be in trouble."

"Brother Long, you are a world-renowned kung fu superstar, and I am also a pretty good director. It is true that we are in Hollywood, but we are Chinese first, right?"

Lu Ping'an said a lot in succession, with a somewhat excited tone.

In fact, the script structure is still complete.

But Lu Ping'an just can't stand this kind of rotten thing that hides dirt and evil.

No wonder this film was banned from being imported into the Mainland.

But from another perspective.

The current general social atmosphere in the country is not as it was later, and movie fans will pay so much attention to this.

To be precise, the light of Hollywood is still very dazzling, and it can easily cover up many dirty things hidden under the glossy surface.

The simplest example is that the way Chinese people view "Saving Private Ryan" now is completely different from the way people in the country will feel when they watch the film more than ten years later.

The same goes for "The Peaky Blinders 3". The movie's reviews were not high. But at that time, some domestic critics said that the main reason for the film's box office failure was that the perspective was too low. A black man and a From a Chinese perspective, this kind of film is not mainstream, just like Jews are not recognized by mainstream American society.

Everything else is fine, but the Jewish point of view is simply thunderous.

But don’t believe it, this is really the mainstream thinking in China during this period.

Simply innocently possible!

This can be said to be that Chinese people during this period were more "tolerant", or it can also be said that the Hollywood filter during this period was too thick.

Therefore, "Peak 3" was not introduced into the country, and many people felt that the authorities were too sensitive.

Do you think the main theme of the movie is Chinese and you don’t support it?

For people like Cheng Long, this is generally the same idea.

I think it would be great if a Hollywood movie can have Chinese elements.

After all, it didn’t exist before.

Sure enough, Cheng Long asked tentatively: "Is it not that serious?"

Lu Pingan shook his head directly, not knowing what to say.

"This is not a matter of having something or not having it. There is no room for compromise when it comes to culture."

It would be fine if this was a project that Lu Ping An couldn't manage, but since it was in Lu Ping An's hands, it definitely couldn't be done like this.

So Lu Ping'an continued to say to Cheng Long firmly: "Brother Long, I know that you are more concerned with human kindness. You have collaborated with him on two movies and they have been successful twice. You are already friends, so I can speak for him." I understand, so be it. If he is willing, let him be the screenwriter under his name. The remuneration can be the same, but it is impossible for me not to change the script. My script is almost finished, so I won’t change it. My script , and no one can change it!”

"That's not necessary."

Cheng Long smiled and waved his hand, "I'm conveying my message to him today because we have known each other for so many years. After our project was finalized, he sent me emails and phone calls every three days, trying to keep the project consistent. But I actually don’t have such a good relationship with him, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked you to be the director in the first place.”

"That's good." Lu Pingan nodded after hearing this, and then said to Cheng Long, "Don't worry, the new script will only be better, not worse. This time, let's make a real blockbuster."

"Let's talk about the new script."


More than an hour later, Cheng Long no longer had any place in his heart for the old script.

All he could think about now was a few action scenes in the new script.

Flying on a plane, twice!

The tanks fire in the air, and the tanks fire cannons in the air!

There are also mid-air fights and tanks, which are exciting enough!

There are also car chases and fights, and drifting and shooting.

There are also various interesting action scenes.

So much so that he felt that he no longer wanted to film "Baby Project" which is still being filmed.

Lu Ping'an looked calm.

The "Peak 3" of the original time and space actually doesn't feel like a "blockbuster". It seems that it is completely unable to meet the production cost of more than 100 million.

This was one of the reasons why the original film failed at the box office.

Fans came in with the mood of watching a blockbuster movie, but it turned out that Cheng Long couldn't move, there were few action scenes, and the few remaining action scenes did not strongly stimulate the senses.

The most important thing is that although the script is complete, it seems a bit naive and old-fashioned to the American public.

If the advantages are not utilized, the disadvantages will naturally be magnified.

The box office performance wasn't much better.

But now, Lu Ping'an has changed the character and made a twist, turning the villain into a larger international criminal organization.

The trigger was not the assassination of the consul, but the stealing of nuclear bombs, a crisis that was relatively old-fashioned later but is now very new.

In addition, these action dramas alone can make movie fans feel that it is completely worth the price of admission.

In this way, even if the movie is not a huge hit, it will probably be no problem surpassing the first one.

The key is that it’s not that difficult to shoot, and it can even save money.

For example, for a tank scene, the literary scene is inside the tank and the exterior is made of CG. How much can it cost?

The excited Cheng Long came to his senses and asked: "How to solve the problem of airplanes?"

"You are Brother Long, it's up to you."

"Haha, I'm not that capable, but I can try."

The two clinked cups of coffee and the matter was settled.

At this time, Lu Ping'an's cell phone rang, and it was the widowed sister: "It seems that you are not very concerned about whether you can get the statuette?"

Lu Pingan laughed, and then said to Cheng Long: "Let's do this for now, Brother Long, I have to go burn incense."

"Oh, it's half past twelve. It's time to take a rest. By the way, what did you say, burn incense?"

"Yes, give the goddess of luck some incense."

"Oh, yes, the awards will be given tomorrow, so attend well and be pious. We are all waiting for your good news!"

"Haha thanks, let's go, see you later~"

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