At noon on the 9th, Lu safely landed in Beijing, and reporters and fans lined the streets to welcome him.

As the first person in domestic history to win an Oscar for Best Director, Lu Pingan felt the highest courtesy in his life.

"Thank you. This is another achievement in life. I am very happy. First of all, I want to thank my alma mater."

"Thank you for coming. I heard that someone came yesterday. I'm really sorry, but my flight was delayed."

"Thank you, be careful, don't crowd"

After a set of standardized speeches, Lu Ping'an hurriedly stepped away.

On the one hand, it was low-key, mainly because the flight was delayed, making some itineraries very tight.

One of the biggest things is that leaders will come to inspect the Xingchen production base soon.

Got on Nortel's Coaster.

Principal Zhang from Beidian talked about today’s situation:

"Today two leaders from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education will come. Lao Hu, you are familiar with this kind of scene. Please help more in a while. Lao Dong is also here. You two cooperate."

"Uncle Dong is here too?"

"Of course, old secretary."

Hu Qingquan asked: "Can the matter be settled?"

"That's pretty much it. Just look at where they go as their first stop. If they go to school first, why should I be so nervous?"

"That's a good thing. Lao Zhang, you are going to be promoted again."

"Where can I get promoted? It's you and Lao Tian. You two can't run away even if you want. Oh, and Ping An, Ping An. Do you have any idea of ​​graduating early? Graduate school is of no use to you. Graduate early. You can choose to study for a Ph.D., or simply open your own major."

"Me? Forget it."

"This matter is meant to benefit you. If you really have any ideas, just bring them up."

Hu Qingquan on the side reminded him after hearing this: "Lao Zhang, don't get excited. You haven't even written your horoscope yet. Don't let your breath slip first. Then it will be all in vain."

"That's not possible. How can I say that if I don't have any idea in my heart? Tsk, Lao Hu, why are you still wearing this suit? Change your clothes. You are meeting the leader. Pay attention."

Principal Zhang was very positive and started to relax in the car.

If Coaster's space wasn't okay, Lao Hu would have been unable to move.

Lu Ping'an saw it and felt very emotional in his heart.

This time he won the Oscar for Best Director.

When it comes to the biggest gain, actually the improvement of personal status is not the most important thing.

But because of winning the award, some things that have been agreed upon for a long time have been doubled.

For example, Lu Ping An mentioned the talent development plan with Nortel last year.

At that time, President Zhang of Nortel was very supportive, and he had indeed sent some talents to Xingchen for more than a year. Xingchen continued to train them after taking over, and now the Xingchen team has grown a lot.

The cooperation between the two parties is not bad.

But really speaking, the nature of this cooperation is currently limited to normal cooperation between fresh graduates from schools and private enterprises.

But it's different now. The president of Nortel called yesterday and said that the superiors were very positive about some of the more in-depth ideas that Lu Ping'an mentioned before.

What idea?

That is to officially set the goal of establishing a domestic film industry system.

Regarding the Nortel part, it is possible to add related majors in the future, such as special effects, production, editing and other professional directions that are the basis of future movies.

Then, we will cooperate deeply with top private companies such as Xingchen, mainly Xingchen, and use the influence of Hollywood to cultivate talents.

Speaking of which, it doesn't seem like a big deal to just establish a few majors.

But you know, the meaning behind this is completely different.

If it can be established, it will not only be the stars, but the entire domestic film industry system that will benefit in the future.

For example, in terms of editing, it is unimaginable that Nortel, the number one film school in the country, does not have an editing department.

The editing-related teaching is only a side branch that is rarely mentioned and is not independent.

Nortel's focus in recent years has actually begun to slowly develop in the direction of "performance".

Later, there was an unpleasant saying that Nortel was the originator of various "pheasant performance classes".

Of course, at this time, Principal Zhang was not without intentions to change the status quo.

For example, in 2003, Zhou Chuanji, a well-known domestic film educator, wrote to him, telling him about the problems related to Nortel not having an editing department, and reminding him that Nortel's future direction should not be based on money.

But Zhang Huijun had just taken office at that time, and he was often helpless in the face of such things, especially when the entire film industry in the original time and space was in a state of chaos.

All kinds of blockbuster movies are very popular and pay special attention to marketing, but not to quality.

Those who have benefited the most are actors, stars and directors in various film and television works.

The relevant staff behind the scenes are the fish under the sword.

The movies produced in this way, except for comedies with strong local characteristics, basically have no room to compete with Hollywood.

This trend in the film industry lasted until the 1910s. After the film industry experienced various pains and adjustments, it slowly began to focus on the establishment of the film industry system and basic talent cultivation.

For example, until 2013, in order to shorten the gap with Hollywood and improve the industrialization level of domestic films, the Film Bureau of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, which was still affiliated with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, reached an agreement with the American Film Association and was hosted by Paramount. Five domestic films were selected every year. Famous directors went to Hollywood to learn advanced film techniques.

Among the first few batches of people were Ning Hao, Chen Sicheng, Guo Fan and others.

By 2015, it had successively cooperated with Disney, Universal, and Fox, and its personnel had expanded from film directors to animation talents, film and television company executives, and other roles.

Basically, those who studied abroad will have become the backbone of the industry after 2020.

In addition to sending people to learn, they also gave people the opportunity to perform. At that time, the production manager of China Film went to Guo Fan with a bunch of copyrights and asked him which one he wanted to film. In the end, Guo Fan chose "The Wandering Earth", and then China Film assumed the largest responsibility for the film. Investment and production management.

Later, Guo Fan formulated three five-year plans to establish a film industry system, saying, "This must be done, otherwise there will be no Chinese films in ten years!"

Only then did the "Wandering Earth" series realize the great strides forward of the Chinese film industry.

And now it is 2006. In domestic movies, even commercial blockbusters are still stuck in the "author's movie" situation, and the appearance of Lu Ping'an is like a depth bomb with a completely different style.

Over the past five years or so, the gap between him and other Asian directors in terms of style and performance has widened.

Not only is his personal ability outstanding, Lu Ping'an's contribution to domestic films and the film industry is also huge.

Just like in "Batman 1".

Lu Ping An allowed people from Nortel and China Film Group to deeply participate in the production of the project. What is this concept?

No one in the country can do it except him.

Without his connection with Hollywood and his strong record in Hollywood, mainland filmmakers would hardly have this opportunity.

To the superiors, Lu Ping'an was also a super soldier.

Just like everyone is still stuck on whether to make semiconductors, and it will not be until a few years later that they feel that it is necessary to do it no matter how difficult it is, Lu Pingan has given various drawings of 7 nanometers many years in advance.

And it’s not just given, the work has already started, and we are taking everyone to do it together.

But so far, no real results have been seen.

But how can the higher-ups not see this?

Another point is that in the past, Ping An was still not recognized by the "mainstream".

The reason is that there are no big prizes.

Everyone just thinks you are a commercial film director.

Some people don't think so.

But now, there are awards, and they are the most important ones.

In addition, in recent years, various blockbusters with high hopes have failed one after another, which in turn has promoted the change of thinking.

This opened a big window for the "reform" above.

So people around Lu Ping An, such as Principal Zhang, Han Sanpin, Uncle Dong, etc., had been preparing silently, and it was not until Lu Ping An officially won the major award that they officially launched their efforts.

Things were moved very smoothly.

The first step on paper is formal cooperation between universities and top companies such as Hollywood and Star.

Of course, the premise is that you still have to let the superiors see the results you make.

So today, the leaders’ first stop was Xingchen’s Hollywood-level production base.

"Peace, don't be nervous when the time comes. You're not a big leader, just perform your normal duties."

When they were almost there, Principal Zhang pinched Lu Pingan's shoulders, as if Lu Pingan was going to fight.

Lu Ping'an smiled: "Do you want to hand over the cigarettes first when you go up?"


Everyone in the car laughed. (End of chapter)

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