Lu Ping'an didn't know why Old Dong mentioned the Olympics again, but he still followed the words and asked: "Can it change the result?"

Uncle Dong shook his head: "No, but it will make it more difficult for the superiors."

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Uncle Dong added: "But Lao Mouzi is probably feeling very uncomfortable now. I think he should still be thinking of ways to weaken you. I will change my creative ideas and mention you less often in publicity in the future. In short, he will be able to take over his position." He will feel at ease when the Olympics are his alone."

"What can I do? He is the chief director. It is not difficult to do this. Unless the superiors fully support me, but now it seems that this is more difficult, otherwise the chief director would have given it to me."

"It's easy to handle. Let me ask you, do you want to participate in the Olympics?"

"It would be meaningless if I wasn't the chief director."

Lu Ping'an continued, "Actually, I was thinking of simply contributing my creativity and then doing my own thing. Anyway, the superiors looked at my qualifications and wouldn't give me a chief director. If I stayed in the team, I would most likely watch the plan be changed. I had no other choice, so I might as well quit, but I was afraid that doing so would cause trouble. After all, the position was directly confirmed at that time, and if I refused openly, I was afraid that I would end up in a bad position."

After hearing this, Uncle Dong smiled and said:

"If you did this in the past, you would definitely suffer a loss. There is a high probability that the plan would be in vain and you would gain nothing. Maybe your team would be kicked out and you would not be able to stay either."

"That's exactly what I thought at the time."

"It's right to be careful, but it's different now. Your qualifications have reached a higher level. It's not high enough to completely influence the upper management's decision to change, but it will indeed be more difficult. Now you say you want to contribute the plan. , but it is more comfortable for the superiors. Believe it or not, if you really want to do this, the superiors will mention and retain your contribution more diligently. By then, no matter how Lao Mouzi changes it, it will be useless unless the new plan is completely changed. It's different and much better than you, and it will still be characterized as inspired by you. Lao Mouzi can't get rid of this, but after thinking about it, he probably can't come up with a better set of ideas, so when the time comes You don’t have to do anything, just keep making movies, the opening ceremony has nothing to do with you, but it has everything to do with you, Lao Mouzi can’t even say a damn thing!”

"In other words, the superiors have also taken into account Lao Mouzi and I's respective opinions, and feel that Lao Mouzi will definitely change, and I will definitely not accept it?"

"Of course, so the higher-ups are actually thinking of ways now, you know, but you will definitely suffer in the end, because the chief director cannot give it to you. Then you will have wasted the same time, delayed your own career, and won nothing." If you don’t win many places, the meaning of participating in the Olympics will not be great.”

Lu Ping'an said and then asked: "What if my qualifications jump up in the past few years?"

"It's useless even if you win the world's four major Grand Slams all at once next year. The chief director has already decided. How can it be changed? To tell you the truth, the chief director chose to be non-institutional. This was decided from the beginning, because No one wants to take the blame. If it weren't for special circumstances, outsiders, including Lao Mouzi, would have no chance of being elected. Among non-system directors, Lao Mouzi is the closest to the system, but you are not. Don't really think that the chief director Very good, this is the burden of decapitation.”

"All right."

"So now your situation is still the best. Your status has improved. It may still be difficult to advance, but if you want to retreat, if you do it according to your ideas, you can retreat in a leisurely way, gain fame, and return the favor. It won’t affect your normal work, just have some fun.”

When Lao Dong said this, he looked very calm, as if he had everything under control.

Lu Ping'an looked at his calm look and suddenly came back to his senses. Old Dong's political space seemed to be larger than when he was running for chief director, and he was more confident in speaking.

Then with a sudden jolt, he realized that it was all because of himself!

Think about it, the old director was promoted from secretary of Nortel to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and was later seconded to the Olympic Organizing Committee.

From now until the end of the Olympic Games, although Uncle Dong used to laugh at himself, he lived with his head in his waistband and licking blood from the edge of a knife.

But as Principal Zhang said, just listen to what this old fox has to say.

Regarding the Olympics, for Uncle Dong, Lu Pingan was recommended by him, and Lu Pingan was able to win the overall creative idea, and the idea was unanimously recognized by everyone. This has actually achieved the goal for the old Dong and made enough capital.

Of course it would be best to become the chief director, but the old director obviously would not set his goal at such a high level.

In addition, Ping An has achieved great results in the film industry in the past few days and is laying the foundation for the national film industry system.

The old director was so active in inviting leaders to inspect yesterday.

Thinking about it, after the Olympics, he will eventually return to his original unit, and may even be promoted to gain greater power, because he has already made enough capital.

So by extrapolation, Uncle Dong is very likely to be able to manage movies in the future, and he is probably sure now.

From this point of view, no matter what I do next, I really don’t have anything to worry about?

Lu Pingan then asked: "Is it really okay?"

"Peace, you still don't know the weight of what you have fought for!"

The old director pointed to the character draft of "Kung Fu Panda" that he took from Xingchen Company yesterday on the desk, and then said, "You are actually not much different from a national treasure now! You gave the best plan, but the superiors did not You are the chief director, and now you have to contribute plans, do not fight for power, and make selfless contributions. Will the higher-ups allow you and your team to be bullied again?"

Lu Ping'an didn't answer the call.

But actually what Uncle Dong said does make sense.

The most talented director, the builder of the country's modern film industry system, the only filmmaker in the country who has the ability and strength to catch up with Hollywood, and there are also people from above.

Perhaps there is another point, that is, doing charity quietly is also noticed.

It is indeed Jingui with a bright and prosperous foundation.

It's not something that can be fooled easily.

So now if it is like what Lao Dong said, Lu Ping An will of course choose the most comfortable way.

Anyway, his qualifications are not enough for the position of chief director.

The plan may be changed again and again by others.

It's better to take advantage of the best stall now and build a solid reputation that no one can take away.

The old director smiled and gave his final advice: "Make a decision before the appointment letter is issued on April 15. If you don't want to quit, then work hard. Put the movie on your back for a while. If you quit, just do what you said and then make movies with peace of mind." , I can tell you clearly that the result will not be bad."

Lu Pingan nodded in agreement.

If you really want to make a decision, at least wait until you go to Hengdian for the first meeting with Lao Mouzi in a few days.

Anyway, it was still early before April 15th, so there was no rush.

Then the two drank tea for a while, then had a simple family dinner and prepared to leave safely.

Looking at the time, it was 8 o'clock in the evening. Master Liu sent a text message: "Are you here?"

Just as he was about to reply, Han Sanpin called: "Ping An, are you not in the company?"

"Oh, Uncle Dong, is there anything going on?"

"There is something."

"Okay, I'll go back to the company now."

Director Lu Da is very busy. As for Liu Shishi, he can only ask someone to send gifts first.

So he replied to Master Liu: "It's still early."

Then put away the phone and go to the company.

Half an hour later, Lu Pingping returned to the company.

Han Sanpin is currently watching a few minutes of newly produced action scenes from "Kung Fu Panda" in the animation team.

"Peace, you're back. Is this the finished film?"

"Yes, it's basically settled."

"It's very good, this is totally Hollywood level."

Lu Ping'an said proudly: "Qi Ping, there is still a little bit beyond."

"Yeah, okay, okay!"

Han Sanpin was very happy. After watching it for a while, he finally remembered the business, "By the way, I have something to tell you. Let's go to your office."

After a while, the two sat down in Lu Ping'an's office, and Han Sanpin asked: "I heard Old Hu said that you are planning to win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film?"

"That's the idea."

"When will you do it? This year Lao Mouzi will also apply, but if the quality of your film is not bad, the quota will be yours." (End of Chapter)

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