China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 31 Beijing Circle, Relatives, Premiere

BJ National Culture Palace is a frequent visitor to director premieres in Beijing circles in this era. Feng Dapao has held his movie premieres here in recent years. Both the premiere business and reporters are familiar with it.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, a group of guests arrived at the reception hall behind the screening room one after another. Jiang Wenli, Jiang Wen and other main creators came.

Jiang Wen also attracted Wang Shuo, the soul figure in the Beijing circle.

There are also great poets, Huayi King, Feng Dapao and Hua Jie.

There are also some familiar celebrities, such as Huayi's Li Binbin, Xia Yu, etc., and others from other units, such as Xu Qing, Xu Jinglei, etc.

Lu Pingan's friends also came, including Gao Yuanyuan, Chen Kun and Uncle Liao.

Speaking of which, a lot of big shots and celebrities from Beijing came here today.

Lu Ping'an naturally wouldn't think that they were all here for him, but that China Film Group had used its strength.

Of course, a large part of it is due to the circle.

The circle is like this. Although there are some people who don't like each other, most of the time they are united when it's time to unite.

Although Lu Ping'an did not officially declare that he was from Beijing, others already thought so even if he didn't say it.

He is a student of Beijing Film Academy, a pure Beijing native, his late father was an official in the capital, and he is also a student of Jiang Wen, so he is a direct descendant of the Beijing circle.

The key is that he won two awards in a row in half a year, including the Palme d'Or for his gold-rich short film.

Therefore, a group of people in the Beijing circle will definitely absorb him automatically.

Lu Ping'an had already been mentally prepared for this. He had discussed this issue with Jiang Wen, and Jiang Wen's answer was the same: just make good works.

Lu Ping'an had the same idea, just make good works.

His future works will not be limited to the country. They are destined to be different from directors in various domestic circles. He will form his own circle, which may be the "Lu Circle" or the "Safe Circle", but there is no need to say this yet. That’s all.

Before the premiere ceremony, it was time for the guests to communicate. After welcoming the guests at the door, Lu Pingan first met with relatives whom he had not seen for almost a year.

Relatives are relatives after all. Even if Lu Pingan is not used to it, he will eventually have to face it. Besides, they don't owe Lu Pingan at all. They don't have any bullshit and they still care about him. Now that Lu Pingan has released his debut novel, they still have to deal with it. There was a premiere, so of course I had to send them invitations, otherwise it would be ridiculous.

Relatives also specially formed a group to come here. In addition to cheering, they just wanted to see how Lu Ping'an was doing. After all, in their impression, Lu Ping'an was introverted and shy, and it was really difficult to get over a tragedy.

Fortunately, it seems now that Lu Ping'an not only walked out, but also walked very well. Even his body shape has changed, from being in his early 170s to over 1.8 meters tall. He no longer wears glasses. He looks much more confident. , which made them very happy.

They were not particularly surprised by Lu Ping'an's body shape change. Even if it was strange, they no longer found it strange after a few words from the uncle. The uncle was a doctor and an expert. This is a case of sudden growth during secondary growth at the age of 18 or 9. He had seen a lot, and of course he also asked Lu Ping'an to take the time to go to his hospital. He wanted to check it himself, so as not to know about any hormone or pituitary gland abnormalities.

Relatives were not afraid when they came to this occasion, because they knew Uncle Liao very well, and they had all seen the world.

Jiang Wenli recognized the uncle as soon as he came in. Not long ago, she had used a relationship to register a relative. The target was the uncle, an oncologist at Union Hospital. Now that she knew it was Uncle Lu Ping'an, she was very happy, and she still had this connection in her heart. , it seems that there is some protection for future medical treatment.

My aunt is an ordinary high school teacher, but my eldest uncle works in the customs and is also a moderate official. Although he is not very good at dealing with this kind of situation, he can handle it easily.

My sister-in-law is closer to the original owner. She is also a doctor. She has studied abroad. She is very fashionable and well-informed. Her personality is relatively Westernized in current terms. She will only go up to chat with celebrities openly and will not be timid. Now because of her family Her nephew is also a director and star in the industry, so she is even more at home.

The uncle-to-be was a bit shy, not tall, and looked like a teacher. Lu Ping'an wouldn't have believed that he was a policeman unless his sister-in-law introduced him.

After chatting with relatives and their families for a while, Lu Pingan felt relieved that he didn't feel any strange eyes.

Then he was pulled by Jiang Wen to greet the guests one by one.

Feng Dapao was very polite, and he always smiled with big buck teeth when he spoke, which reminded him of the kid who always smiled with big white teeth. I wonder if he is squatting in front of the Beijing Film Studio now.

After a brief chat, Jiang Wen took him to meet some big shots.

The biggest names among them should be Wang Shuo and Ye Daying beside him. These two are the soul figures in the Beijing circle.

Lu Ping'an continued to be humble. The advantage of being humble is that you don't have to say too many words to expose your ignorance.

Being a quiet handsome man may not have the benefit of having both sides, but with his works, he will have confidence.

This is also what Wang Shuo said to him: "If your movie doesn't work in a while, you'll have to drink as a fine at night."

He already knew that the film was good, and Jiang Wen had told him, otherwise he wouldn't have come, but his tone was still the same, almost the same as when Jiang Wen saw Lu Ping'an, "If your film is not good, , don’t blame me if you get scolded.”

Sure enough, they were in the same boat.

When dealing with these big guys in the industry, it pays to be modest. You are a junior, so even if you are talented, don’t jump too far. This is not only the culture of Beijing circles, but also the culture of domestic entertainment and even domestic and East Asia to a large extent.

But for the film producers who came to watch the film, Lu Ping An's behavior changed.

"Watzberg, have you brought Dao Le? I specially added English subtitles to today's movie. I believe you will be satisfied after watching it."

Summit Entertainment's Wattsberg patted his suit pocket when he heard this: "Daole is here, Lu, just use your strength to get it."

That's the best thing about chatting with foreigners, it's straightforward, no need to waste words.

So the same conversation continued among the dozen or so film producers invited by Hu Qingquan.

If everyone is willing to come, it means they have prepared a budget, and Lu Ping An will naturally not be polite to them.

After going around in a circle, the premiere ceremony began and everyone moved to the front hall.

At this time, there were already more than 300 ordinary movie fans and reporters waiting in the front hall.

When the stars came in, the flash lights clicked on. It looked like a big scene, but it was not particularly big. China Film had a good grasp of this aspect.

Then the main creator came on stage and started interacting.

Lu Ping'an still said, "I want you to feel full of energy after watching it!"

The publicity is still TM's publicity. A box office of 30 million is currently a hurdle in China. There are only a few movies a year. Lu Ping An has ambitions.

Then the main creators shared some interesting things about filming. Zhang Songwen stuttered, not excited, but scared. Jiang Wen and Fu Biao spoke highly of him, but he felt that he might have moved too fast. Like this The mood actually started after the movie was finished. The closer it was to the release, the more frequently he texted Lu Ping'an. It was obvious that he was under a lot of pressure.

What a good actor!

Ning Hao stood stupidly, baring his teeth, and looked very proud, because both Jiang Wen and Jiang Wenli specifically called him out, saying that his skills did not match his appearance.

Zhou Yiwei was standing on the edge of the stage as a minion. He was a minor supporting character and had no personal status. Such a position was normal, and Zhou Yiwei understood it. He even felt that just being able to stand up was worth showing off.

Yan Danchen and Jiang Wenli stand together. She came back from taking leave from the Xi'an crew yesterday and is now quietly being a beautiful woman.

Jiang Wenli, Fu Biao and Huang Lei were talking freely, just like cross talk, which was very interesting.

The great poet also came up and said some kind words, saying that he hoped for a safe road.

Lu Ping'an put his hands together and expressed his gratitude modestly.

He knows that a single sentence from a great poet can be worth countless publicity at this time, so this is also a sincere thank you.

Of course, he was even more grateful to Jiang Wen. Jiang Wen was invisible at this time. He only talked about acting and not about directing. Obviously he didn't want to take credit.

Lu Ping'an respected him more and more, and after considering it, he stopped collecting his works.

More than twenty minutes later, Lu Ping'an finally sat back down. When the lights dimmed, he grabbed Yan Danchen's little hand beside him.

Long time no see. Originally, Lu Ping'an wanted to take advantage of these few days to get close to Yan Danchen, but then he went to Xiangjiang to deal with copyright issues, and even just now he couldn't say a few words properly. At this time, he could only use a little The intimate gestures express your feelings.

Yan Danchen also understood that if a man is busy, a woman should be sensible, so her little hand playfully hooked Lu Ping'an's palm, with a silent and playful smile on her face.

Soon, the movie starts.

. . . . . . . .

"What is live, it depends on the liver"

At the beginning, the unedited English subtitles lit up.

The following two sentences are translated into Chinese:

"Life depends on the living person" can also be translated as: "Life depends on the liver."

This is the essence of the original film. After it was translated into Chinese, Lu Pingan thought about it for a long time and still didn’t know how to translate it into Chinese.

Finally, it was Jiang Wen who made the final decision and put up this simple and straightforward translation of this English "famous saying" that Lu Ping'an found out somewhere.

I don’t know what the effect will be, but Lu Ping’an believes that at this time, as long as film critics are somewhat competent, they will be interested in interpreting it after watching the film.

Then the plot begins. Zhang Wen, played by Zhang Songwen, is a blind pianist, but he is pretending. . .

After communicating with the editor, the details were adjusted, and the copyright aspect was avoided. There were some adjustments to the previous content, but the overall content remains unchanged and will not affect future reading.

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