China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 304 I’m just struggling to survive

Next, continue shooting.

"Pacific Rim" only has four or five days left in mainland China.

After it ends, I will move to Laos and continue filming in the United States.

During these four or five days, since Yan Danchen and others were not in the capital, Lu Pingan spent the night at Liu Shishi's place with peace of mind.

There is one more woman.

Life doesn't seem to have changed much.

In the future, we will gather less and stay apart more, and try not to disturb Lu Ping An's work in the future.

Not public, less trouble.

Lu Pingping mentioned these things, and Liu Shishi understood.

In fact, she has already been mentally prepared for this.

One is a great director in heaven, and the other is a little-known actor.

Once exposed, there will be more trouble than imagined.

Of course, Master Liu will also have great expectations for the future.

Lu Ping'an's answer was the same: "I don't know how long the shelf life is, just cherish it within the shelf life."

You don't have to put any effort into organizing your nonsense when you say it.

Master Liu nodded obediently.

Lu Ping'an likes sensible people.

Therefore, it is certain that some resources will be allocated in the future.

Over the past few days, he slowly drew a big pie for Master Liu.

Lu Ping'an said that she would become a popular little girl in a few years.

In fact, it’s not a pie, it’s basically her original career progression.

Just stick to the Tang Dynasty first and accumulate experience. Then it will naturally become popular. If necessary, just provide other resources.

If you say this, any actress with a bit of ambition will be moved.

The key is that Lu Ping An can really do it.

So Master Liu flew into the sky again.

In addition to career, I really want to talk about something further.

Let’s talk about this again.

Now he actually doesn't think much about women.

The only people who think about most are Yan Danchen and Li Zi.

But even for Yan Danchen, he has not yet let her disclose it in front of friends.

On the contrary, because of special circumstances, Cheng Long and others found out that Gao Yuanyuan was their pony.

So it is still early to talk about the future with Liu Shishi.

. . . . . .

"Lu Ping'an's new movie "Pacific Rim" has finished filming the mainland scenes"

"The mainland scenes of "Pacific Rim" have been completed, and tomorrow the crew will move to Los Angeles to continue filming."

""Pacific Rim" will meet fans around the world as early as the Lunar New Year holiday"


Arrived on the 15th.

The cast of "Huan Tai" has finished filming the mainland scenes.

A final press conference was held in the morning, and the news came out at noon.

Needless to say, this once again dominated domestic entertainment headlines.

What followed was another wave of speculation about the heroine Liu Qianqian.

After all, she is the only weak point that the crew of "Huan Tai" can attack.

Liu Qianqian and her team also have plans for this.

In Huantai Middle School, Liu Qianqian's performance is very good. I believe she will not have a great reputation by then.

In addition, "The Condor" will premiere in a few days, and "Little Dragon Girl" can also gain more popularity for Liu Qianqian.

In short, everything depends on strength.

After the wrap-up banquet at noon, Lu Ping'an stopped staying and set off directly to the United States with the crew. Liu Qianqian didn't go, her role was over, and her next task was to run "The Condor".

A week later, the non-special effects scenes of "Pacific Rim" were completed.

According to system rules, movies with more than 50% special effects will not be settled until post-production is completed.

Ping An naturally understands this.

Finishing the live-action scenes is only the first step, and then the special effects are the highlight.

Some special effects can take several years to complete for just one shot.

Fortunately, because the project started production early, it seems that the probability of "Huan Tai" catching up with the Lunar New Year release is about 70%.

On the contrary, "Kung Fu Panda" may be delayed.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Ping'an is not in a hurry, after all, he has been doing it for so long.

After "Huan Tai" ended, Lu Pingan, Matt Damon and others said goodbye.

Wattsberg said at this time: "Lu, you are probably going to leave the stars."


"The Hollywood Walk of Fame."

"Yeah, when?"

"Not necessarily, maybe in June."

"Okay, let's talk about it then."

Lu Ping'an didn't care much, it was just a star, it wasn't a big deal.

Then he left the crew to finish the work, and he moved to another set.

The US version of "Amazing Night 1" has started filming.

The script, main creative, setting, etc. are basically the same as the original time and space.

Of course, there are also some Chinese parts in it.

But overall there are not many "private goods" mixed in.

It's a little different from what I thought at the beginning.

At first, I felt that there needed to be more Chinese elements.

But now that I think about it comprehensively, it is actually enough to indicate that this is a remake for China.

Movie fans who like it will go see the original version, such as "Infernal Affairs", and the current version of "The Tuner" by Lu Ping An is selling well on CD.

Generally speaking, it is still a movie for the West, and its mission is also to win the box office.

So now just add some elements.

For example, there will be an extra giant panda in the wildlife museum.

There aren’t many shots, just a few seconds.

He doesn't have any acting roles, he's just responsible for being cute.

There are also terracotta warriors, horses, stone lions and other figures that will have more screen time.

When the time comes to compare, the historical depth of the Chinese and American versions will directly widen the gap, and it will be enough to achieve this goal.

There is nothing the Americans can say. After all, this is the only part of your history.

As expected, the American version of "Wonderful Night 1" will be released in time for this year's Christmas season.

Lu Ping'an thought about the hundreds of millions in box office around the world, feeling happy.

Then I thought, if the Olympics can really escape without injury, then "Iron Man" can be arranged early, instead of waiting until three years later.

Just as I was thinking about it, I received a call from China and Lao Mouzi summoned me.

Coincidentally, "Young General Yang" will be finished in the next few days, so you can come there if you go to Hengdian.

Three days later, Lu Ping'an arrived at the "Golden Armor" crew in Hengdian.

At this time, the "Golden Armor" project is very popular.

Lu Ping'an's arrival was inevitably photographed by some reporters.

Everyone knows that these two are rivals, and at the same time, the Olympics have not been made public yet, so the appearance of Lu Ping'an has attracted a lot of attention.

The brave reporter came up and asked: "Director Lu, can you tell me why you came here?"

"Come to visit the class."

Lu Ping'an answered with a smile, and then went directly into it.

The reporters were a little confused. Didn't they say that these two couldn't deal with each other? Then quickly write a press release.

After entering the crew, Lu Pingan did not meet the actors because he went directly to the Olympic directing team through another channel.

There was a simple awning, two tables, Zhang Jigang and others were already there.

When Lu Ping'an arrived, everyone looked a little off at first, and then deputy director Zhang Jigang stood up first to welcome him.

Lu Pingan's attitude is also very low. They are all big bosses, and mutual respect is a must.

After sitting down, Lao Mouzi said a few words briefly and then said: "Director Lu, these are some of my suggestions for revising the plan. You can take a look first."

After hearing this, Lu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh, Old Dong was right!

He took the document and flipped through it briefly, and realized that half of the entire plan had been changed.

Overall, I feel that Lu Ping An is not as good as the original version.

How does this work?

So how can Niu’s opening ceremony be changed?

So needless to say.

He has already made up his mind.

At this time, Zhang Jigang tried to smooth things over: "Ping An, the most important thing about the plan is whether it can be implemented. Lao Mouzi has also weighed this."

"Director Zhang, you don't need to say anything, I know."

Lu Pingan closed the file with a smile, and then said to everyone, "I came here today to tell you something, that is, I want to quit the directing team."

In one sentence, the scene fell into silence.

Before everyone could think about it, Lu Pingan said again: "I'm too busy. I have seven or eight projects in hand this year. I don't have time to take care of it, so I decided to give the plan to the director team."

After saying that, everyone continued to be stunned, including Lao Mouzi.

Then Zhang Jigang, Chen Weiya and others started to persuade:

"No, peace, calm down!"

"Speak well if you have something to say."

"Don't be too impulsive."


But Lu Ping'an didn't care. He just said that he would treat him another day and left first.

In fact, at this time, the active mind already knows how it will develop next.

For example, Lao Mouzi is so silent now.

The look in Zhang Weiping's eyes next to him was as if Lu Ping'an was being taken aback.

But Lu Pingping still ignored it.

After leaving, he told Uncle Dong about it, and Uncle Dong said he knew.

That night, Olympic organizing committee member Liu Qi personally called Lu Pingan.

The content of the call was the same as Uncle Dong predicted.

Liu Qi still advised Lu Pingan.

Anyway, after chatting for a while, Liu Qi expressed high recognition of Lu Ping'an's contribution.

The next day, Uncle Dong called and informed the Olympic Organizing Committee of the outcome: "The position will be removed, but you will be hired as a creative consultant and a cultural and artistic consultant. The plan is the same as before, and it is still yours. No matter how you change it, it will still be yours on the surface anyway, so don’t be late when the appointment letter is issued in Beijing on April 16th."

Pretty good results.

Really lying down and reaping the rewards.

At this point, this "farce" has finally come to an end.

Of course you still have to work.

In the future, he will work with many Chinese and foreign celebrities, including Ji Xianlin, a master of traditional Chinese culture, and Spielberg, a great poet who was later banned by the country.

Generally speaking, compared to the original situation, his free time will be greatly increased now without losing face.

As for Lao Mouzi.

Then I'm really sorry.

Who asked your "Hero" to mess with my "Source Code" first?

I was still so weak then.

If you do that, what a psychological shadow it will have on a child!

Just think of it as if I’m back this time!

As for saying it’s even, everything will be fine in the future?

Of course that's impossible.

One yard owned by a yard.

I can't compete with you as the chief director because of force majeure, but can I still make you feel comfortable in the movie?


Am I double standard?

Others are not allowed to bully you, but you can bully others?

Lao Mouzi is so good, why should you bully him?

Lu Ping'an, you are too petty and vindictive!

Hey, hey, you have to speak responsibly, I tell you!

I'm not targeting the Imperial Master, I'm just looking at Zhang Weiping's displeasure, okay?

You looked at his cannibalistic look before.

It's so scary!

Let's take a look at the "Golden Armor" he saved. Good Guy, directed by the national master, Fa Ge, Gong Huang, Jay Cun, the film industry's king and queen, plus a music industry king, and Liu Ye, the film industry's little actor, the lineup Breaking through the sky, the production cost is high, the plot is excellent, and there are so many white buns

Why does such a strong movie have to be put on the same schedule as my movie?

What, I may not even get a movie during the Lunar New Year?

That's not easy, let's take the photo now.

In short, I'm just struggling to survive.

There are only three things to do next, make a movie, make a movie, or make a movie!

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