"86 is going up the mountain!"

"A Hollywood-level movie, awesome!"

"So what if Jay stars in a Hollywood-level blockbuster? Isn't it still Lu Ping'an who climbs the tree?"

"Strongly condemn Director Lu, how could you do this to Jay?"

"No matter how fast Jay drives his AE86, he can't catch up with Natsuki who is driving on the road."

"Yesterday I lost to a Wuling Hongguang in Qiu Mingshan. He was very fast and used inertia to drift around corners. I didn't see the license plate clearly. I only remembered that it said 'Repair House Leakage' on the rear window of the car. If you saw him, Please tell him that I will be waiting for him at Qiu Mingshan on Friday night."

"I just rode in your car, and I noticed something. Every time I took a corner, it felt unnatural. Don't you think? Although your car has a lot of horsepower, the front end of the car is very heavy. There are so many cars on Qiu Ming Mountain. In sharp corners, you must push your head every time you enter a corner, especially the last five consecutive hairpin turns. You are not sure of the best route every time. Unless you can overcome this problem, you will not be able to beat my Wuling. Hongguang’s…”

"When you eat secretly from now on, remember to say: I'm going back to the countryside for a few days."

"Director Lu is a young man after all. I am really grateful to Director Lu for making such a movie that we young people love to watch."

"Do you think the road guide likes racing?"

"Domestic movies finally have a Hollywood-level drag racing blockbuster. Jay Chou did not go to Hollywood, but he is one of the few stars in Asia who has participated in Hollywood-level movies."

"It has to be Lu Ping'an. Why don't other directors learn from it and stop making costume films?"


The next day, various film reviews about "Initial D" came out.

It can be said that "Initial D" of the original time and space is a very funny movie.

And movies with strong "meme-making" ability can also show to a certain extent that the movie has indeed a very wide audience.

Strictly speaking, the original "Initial D" is really good-looking, or really artistic, but it certainly lacks some.

The original score of 7.8 is slightly high from a movie perspective, a few tenths.

But the reason why "Initial D" is so popular is that it performed so well at the box office.

In fact, in addition to the flow of actors, the quality of the movie itself, and the accumulation of IP fans, there is another reason that cannot be ignored, and that is that the film hit the G-spot of young movie fans of that era.

You must know the original time and space in 2005.

Almost all Chinese-language films on the market are either mainstream mainstream productions, art films, obscure "blockbusters", or pee-pee comedies from Hong Kong filmmakers, or some Kung Fu films that have lost their glory.

There are few movies that truly target the young pioneer group.

Drag racing, underground competitions, starring young "traffic" stars, beauty feasts, etc.

Everything is loved by young people.

Just like later films such as "Tiny Times", it is important to hit the G-spot of the "ignored" people.

And young people in this period of 2006 were very rebellious.

And the object of rebellion is not only academics and family, but also rebellion against the mainstream world.

This is an era when the term "generation gap" is taken seriously.

Under the tide of the times, with the rise of the Internet, the right to speak begins to change. The new and old generations have conflicts in their views on new things and their aesthetics. The gap between the rich and the poor is rapidly widening, and the gap between the country and the world's powerful countries is desperate.

In such an environment, there are countless new groups who want to gain mainstream recognition.

It has spawned various things that are not widely recognized in the mainstream, such as "Shamate", "Internet Singer", and "Prank".

Therefore, a film that follows the trend and is not so mainstream is aimed at a group of viewers who have never been treated as a major audience. But the consumption power of these audiences has increased again, so the results will naturally not be bad.

In fact, it is similar in places such as Xiangjiang and Wanwan.

"Initial D" represents youth, and it represents that the new generation of stars can still make better-looking movies than the older generation. It actually has nothing to do with being "produced by the original cast of Infernal Affairs" or anything like that.

Now, this movie has been processed by the great director Lu Ping'an. On the basis of the original version, the original version is not enough to have the atmosphere of a Hollywood-level blockbuster and has some "rustic flavor", and it has been directly replaced by a high-end version with a "Hollywood flavor". feel.

This can amplify the enthusiasm of young movie fans.

Many people feel that they are being noticed.

Many people feel that their fantasies about domestic movies seem to have been realized by Lu Pingan.

After all, Director Lu Da is not as arrogant as other great directors. He doesn’t show people killing people but just for steamed buns. He also mocks you for not being able to understand or understand how the protagonist died. Don’t think about Sansu. A blockbuster of its solution.

Director Lu makes simple movies that can stimulate your adrenaline and connect you with the world.

Compared with Hollywood movies, "Initial D" may have no difference except for those yellow faces.

. . . . . .

As expected, "Initial D" was a hit at the box office in many places after its release.

The box office in Mainland China exceeded 100 million in one week, including pre-sale box office.

Xiangjiang also exceeded 13 million in its first week of release, aiming for 40 million and ranking first at the box office of Chinese-language films by the end of the year.

It also achieved box office success in Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other places.

It's just that the relevant people did not jump to conclusions easily, because "Mission: Impossible 3" is coming.

On July 19, "Mission: Impossible 3" will be released in Asia.

It's just as Lu Ping'an expected.

"Mission: Impossible 3" did not show the strength predicted by the media.

"Black China", the plot is not exciting enough, the publicity is also lacking, and the film schedule is not advantageous.

The most important thing is that the "dimensionality reduction attack" of Hollywood blockbusters on Chinese-language films has been basically offset by the Hollywood-style performance of "Initial D".

In less than a week, all the media on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places are basically convinced that "Mission: Impossible 3" no longer poses a big threat to "Initial D".

It’s July 25th.

"Initial D" has been in theaters for two weeks, with a box office of 165 million in Mainland China, HKD 25 million in Hong Kong, NT$75 million in Taiwan, a total of RMB 63 million in Southeast Asia, and a total of US$21 million in Neon and South Korea.

Among them, the box office in Southeast Asia, South Korea and Japan is particularly rich.

Because "Fast and Furious 3" has not been released in mainland China, it has just been released in many other regions.

"Initial D" versus "Fast and Furious 3", to be honest, it's not easy to compete.

But fortunately, "Fast and Furious 3" is also the lowest-grossing film in the series. The plot is a little off the main line and fails to make good use of the advantages of the series. Of course, if you look at it from a later perspective, this film is actually very good. There are a lot of foreshadowings, but it is 2006 after all.

So in general, "Initial D" relies on Hollywood-level production, IP fan base, and director's star appeal. It is still stronger than "Fast and Furious 3" and has completed its box office dominance in Southeast Asia, ranking first on the current box office list. one!

At the same time, Lu Pingan's "Twenty Again" was released in the mainland for one month and five days, with a box office of 201 million. Xiangjiang and Wanwan were officially released, with a box office of 20.5 million and NT$62 million, also achieving impressive results.

It is basically confirmed that both movies will exceed 200 million. According to the media, Ping An has basically succeeded in dominating the summer season.

In fact, he dominated the entire Southeast Asian summer season.

Lu Ping'an expressed satisfaction with this, but also had regrets.

He felt that it was not appropriate to use "Initial D" to expand the market. After all, this was an IP from his childhood. "Pacific Rim" or "Kung Fu Panda" were more suitable.

But after all, the last two films were not done well, and the matter has come to this, so let’s forget about it.

Then when I thought about it again, I felt that the situation was actually pretty good now.

After completely revitalizing theaters and distribution in East Asia, oriental fantasy films such as "Painted Skin" will benefit from it, as will Future Stars and other Chinese-language films.

On the 26th, Yan Danchen returned to China after filming the scenes of "Peak 3" in 12 days.

At this time, "Twenty Again" has exceeded its goal and entered the final promotion stage. After Yan Danchen returned to China, he started the final stage of feedback mode.

Movies that care for the elderly can't just talk about it. In the next half month, Yan Danchen will join hands with Han Hong, Guorong, the main creators and various charities to participate in various elderly care activities and make donations.

This was planned long ago. Lu Pingan's original intention was not only to take the opportunity to help Rongan Fund, but also to support Yan Danchen.

For Yan Danchen, box office, works, and awards are just one of them, the more important thing is to create a good image.

Of course, it sounds utilitarian, but in fact real money is invested in it, not just for show.

But I didn't expect that in this way, some discordant voices would be extinguished.

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