China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 34 Successful Olympic bid, finalization, super reward

On July 3, Lu Ping An returned to the Shangmei Factory.

July 13th is getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere about the Olympic bid is getting stronger and stronger.

On the radio and TV, you can see real-time reports on the Olympic bid from time to time.

Cheng Long’s interview, Gong Li’s interview, and various interviews in Moscow ahead.

Various slogans to cheer for the Olympic bid were also displayed in the SAMI factory.

Director Cao said that the whole audience would watch the live TV broadcast on the night of the Olympic bid, and invited Lu Ping'an to also participate.

Of course Lu Pingan agreed. In his previous life, he had never seriously experienced the process of successfully bidding for the Olympics. At that time, he was still young. He only knew that the sound of firecrackers suddenly rang out on the street outside for a long time. I picked up hundreds of firecrackers and planned to save them until the New Year, but none of them lasted until the next day.

Upon entering work, Shangmei Factory assigned Lu Pingan a team of five.

There are three men and two women. The eldest is called Master Hao, 49 years old, and the youngest is Bao Qingqing, a graduate of the China Academy of Art, 24 years old. Her father is also in the five-person group, and everyone calls him Lao Bao.

After everyone got to know each other briefly, the first day's task was to determine the script and style of painting.

The first short film script that Lu Pingan came up with was called "Employment Life". The information given by the system was a 7-minute short film from Argentina in 2008.

The plot is probably about a magical world where all the tools are completed by people. Whether it is floor lamps, dressing tables, dining tables, chairs or clothes hangers, they are all done by people. These people have expressionless faces and work conscientiously. They have no complaints about their own affairs and form an important part of this cold world.

The metaphor is that people just play the role of screws in a highly functioning and complete social system, and are forced to do things they don't want to do.

Although the person who plays the role of the desk lamp chooses not to be a desk lamp at the end of the story, there will still be a new desk lamp to replace it, and the entire society will still operate coldly.

This short film, like "The Tuner" and "Black Hole", had a deep impression on Lu Pingan at the time.

All the objects are made by people, and people are more powerful than horses and oxen. Lu Pingan, who was about to graduate from college and faced with the problem of choosing a career, was deeply shocked after watching it. He felt that his life should not be like the characters in the film, so he came up with it later. The idea of ​​being a boss eventually led him to open a fried chicken restaurant.

He has read some interpretations and said that if he saw this short film in 2020, he would definitely not have the same amazing feeling as seeing it in 2008.

Because in the past ten years, the number of works reflecting social reality has continued to increase.

"Hired Life" was published as a forward-looking and creative work at the time, so it received high praise.

And now that it's 2001, this sense of amazement will naturally be deeper than in 2008.

Sure enough, after Master Hao and Director Cao read the official script and understood Lu Pingan's theme and intention, they looked at Lu Pingan in a different way.

"Those who can win the Palme d'Or really have a few brushes!"

Master Hao had a relatively good personality and praised Lu Pingan on the spot.

Then, before Lu Ping'an could be humble, he called the group of five to start working.

"Everyone takes a section and finalizes it first..."

The work unfolded so smoothly.

But I soon encountered a problem, which was the problem of character modeling.

The original version of "Life for Hire" is from Argentina, and the characters are also foreigners.

Lu Pingan actually thinks that it is better to use a foreign image. After all, it is a satirical metaphor. It may not be appropriate to use an Asian face. He is also a little afraid of certain mysterious powers.

But Master Hao and Director Cao felt that since it was a domestic animation, it was natural to use Chinese images.

Lu Ping'an still felt something was wrong. He called Hu Qingquan and asked. Hu Qingquan smiled and said, "Why don't you just use it?"

So the matter was solved, black, yellow and white were all available in "Life for Hire", and the layout became bigger.

The next work becomes smoother.

Set the shape, tone, and frame number.

It took a day to finalize it, and in terms of frame number, "Life for Hire" will be 24 frames.

At present, the general commercial animation is mainly 16 frames, and the better one is 24 frames. The number of frames will affect the number of original paintings to a certain extent. Commercial animation generally adopts "one shot three" as the mainstream, that is, one frame is placed every three frames. 8 pictures per second. In special cases, "one shot and two" will be used. One picture is played every two frames and 12 pictures are used per second. The more advanced one is "one shot and one". One picture is played every frame and 12 pictures are used per second. 24 photos.

In most cases, the same original painting is used for three frames. It is rare that a different original painting is used for each frame.

In fact, even using eight frames per second is very labor-intensive. An animator draws 800 frames per month, and the finished product only takes less than two minutes.

So animation is really expensive!

However, for the sake of the quality of the work, Shangmei Factory insists on using 24 frames per shot. Master Hao even said that it would be fine if it was higher, and 30 frames would be too extravagant.

Lu Ping'an felt that it was enough now, otherwise he didn't know when he would have to do it.

So the production of the short film was on the right track.

Time flies by quickly, and it’s the 13th in a blink of an eye.

At 9 o'clock that evening, everyone in the factory stopped working and gathered in the cafeteria, looking at the TV in the cafeteria.

Lu Ping'an was quite familiar with Shangmei Factory, and sitting with him was the production team of "I'm Crazy About Singing".

Painter Xiao Li asked Lu Ping'an: "Director Lu, do you think we can succeed this time?"

This question is raised the most these days.

And Lu Ping'an's answer was the same as most people's: "Of course it will succeed."

As for the reason?

There is no reason. What reason is needed to support the country?

Sure enough, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, there are still 9 minutes before the results of the Moscow vote are announced.

At this moment, everyone in the cafeteria, along with the billions of people in China and hundreds of millions of Chinese people around the world, are holding their breath and waiting for the final results to be announced.

At 22:09, International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch pronounced a name with a strong pronunciation: "BEIJING!".

At this moment, all the members of the Chinese BJ Olympic bid delegation sitting below jumped up excitedly.

At the same time, countless people were waving flags, beating gongs and drums, and blasting firecrackers at the Millennium Monument in Beijing.

Phoenix TV's live broadcast of the Olympic bid, when the results came out, Zhou Xingxing hugged Li Wen excitedly and went crazy.

In the cafeteria of Shangmei Factory, hundreds of people cheered loudly, fruits flying everywhere, and they were very excited.

Magic City, Chengdu, Xiangjiang. . .

Countless people across China shouted: "We won!"

At this moment, China is boiling!

. . . . . .

The successful bid for the Olympic Games became the biggest hot event in China throughout July.

Amidst the excitement, Lu Pingan's "The Tuner" movie also came to a perfect ending.

As of July 21, "The Tuner" has grossed a total of 32.5 million box office, temporarily ranking first in the box office of domestic domestic movies in 2001 and second in the box office of mainland Chinese movies.

Second only to Cheng Long's "The Lost City" which was released in February with 40 million.

According to the current number of big movie screens, it is really not easy for a movie to hit more than 30 million.

However, it is not surprising that "The Tuner" took 32.5 million at the box office.

In addition to the good quality and popularity of the movie, the failure of competitors to put much pressure on it during the same period is also a major factor.

During the entire release period from June to July.

A total of only 6 Chinese-language films competed with "The Tuner" at the same time.

Shi Ke's "Who Will Listen", Yang Ruoxi's "It's Hard to Say", Pan Changjiang's "The Strike", Gigi Leung and Jiang Wu's "My Brothers and Sisters", Xi Meijuan's "Full Moon Tonight" and Feng Gong's "Who Say I don't care".

Except for "My Brothers and Sisters" and "Who Says I Don't Care", each one is less famous.

"My Brothers and Sisters" was released in Guangdong Province on June 9. Its box office was good, 23 million, but by the time "The Tuner" was released, it was already in the middle and late stages.

The box office performance of "Who Says I Don't Care" is also very good. It was released on July 7 and has now reached close to 12 million. China Film said that if there are no Hollywood blockbusters blocking the way, it is very likely to exceed 20 million.

With a box office of 20 million, it has already ranked among the top 8 in this year's list.

But everything has surprises, and "At the Gate" and "Pearl Harbor" came soon. . .

The popularity of "Who Says I Don't Care" has to a certain extent divided the schedule of some "The Tuner" films. In the end, the box office of "The Tuner" was fixed at 32.5 million.

This is a pretty good result.

The current box office share ratio for producers is 40%. After deducting some fixed fund ratios that must be paid, it can be calculated as about 37%.

With a box office of 32.5 million, the producer can get a share of about 12 million, minus 4 million in costs, making a huge profit of 8 million.

Among them, Lu Ping An accounts for 40%, which is 3.2 million.

2 million was paid out and 5.2 million was taken back. This deal made many people jealous.

In fact, of the 2 million, the total he paid was only more than one million, because 500,000 was her director's salary and 500,000 was special effects income.

In total, including the purchase of computer room equipment, he only spent 12.3 million yuan this time, and got back 5.2 million yuan. Including the income from the adaptation rights and overseas distribution rights, he probably earned nearly 20 million yuan.

Make money with blood!

Lu Ping'an made a lot of money, and China Film Group naturally made a lot of money too.

So a few days ago, China Film Group called and asked if they would hold a celebration party. If so, they would contact the reporters in advance.

Of course we have to do this.

It’s already 2001, and next year will be the beginning of the blockbuster era.

The age of great strife belongs to yes.

At this time, you have to be more high-profile.

So it was finally agreed that there would be a celebration banquet in the capital on July 31st.

Before that, he had to completely complete the animated short film.

On July 29, the animation part of Lu Pingan's "Employment Life" was completed.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the "Hired Life" animated short film, the completion rate is 96%, and the rewards have been distributed]

[Because the host has completed the achievement of the first animation work, the reward has been upgraded to a super reward]

[Super reward of "Employment Life": three offers. . . 】

Yesterday's two chapters have been revised, and today's two chapters have also been added. Thank you very much for the suggestions from book friends, and I look forward to the next chapter.

Then, vote! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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