China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 341 The wealth code that is too lazy to learn

"When will our movie be promoted?"

The crew, Zhang Songwen also asked this question.

Lu Pingan asked back: "'1937' or 'Bucket List'?"

"All of them."

"It doesn't have to be a big deal if it's a bucket list, just follow the plan."

The post-production of "Bucket List" is now complete, and the schedule is at the end of December, where it will be paired with "Ink Attack" and "Golden Armor".

According to the common practice of film studios, the other two companies have already started publicity, so their own company will definitely start a publicity war.

But this is different for Lu Ping'an.

He has an online ticket purchasing system, Douban website, theater chains, and various Internet channels, so he doesn't have too many cards in his hand.

Of course, the most important thing is that he now has a very strong reputation.

Therefore, it is scheduled to be released later than the other two movies, so it is still not a big problem.

Come to a screening and get some word-of-mouth, and the box office will basically be stable.

A film with an 8.9 score is not afraid of a reputation collapse.

All that's left is to see how bad the opponent is.

In fact, Lu Ping'an hopes that "Ink Attack" and "Golden Armor" can learn from it and shoot better than the original time and space.

After all, over the years, Xingchen's movies have been winning. The key point is that no matter how bad the script is, the lower limit will not be too low.

Telling a good story is more important than anything else, followed by special effects, artistry, etc.

This kind of wealth code must be learned by colleagues.

But at present, it seems that this general trend may not be easy to change.

September's "Night Banquet" is still the same, nothing has changed.

After "The Night Banquet" failed to meet expectations at the box office, Feng Dapao used "Assembly Number" to talk to Guo Lu Ping An.

Lu Ping'an also came from the same circle, and there was no conflict between the two. As friends, he gave two suggestions. First, the weapons and equipment should be in line with historical facts. There are many military fans among netizens, so they should be able to withstand scrutiny.

The original version was criticized for having tank models that should not have appeared, as well as flaws such as anti-tank mines.

The second is the problem of the rally itself. Is it really appropriate to use deception?

Feng Dapao readily accepted the former, but his attitude towards the second suggestion was intriguing. He seemed to want to change but was afraid of trouble, and seemed to think Lu Ping'an's suggestion was not worth considering.

Lu Ping'an didn't say much. Although Xingchen also invested money in this film, the contract stated that he would not interfere in the creation, just as it was always stated in Xingchen's projects.

In addition, this film was also profitable in the original time and space, and the box office was not low, so it was just a suggestion. It was his business to listen or not, and he could just make his own money.

Having said that, even if Feng Dapao's status is not as good as Lu Ping'an's, and Lao Mouzi is probably even worse, the plot may still not be optimized by then.

Lu Pingan analyzed that in addition to the ideological constraints of the director and the constraints of the project production team, this is actually related to the general environment.

Now they are still the top directors in the country, and although Lu Pingan's domestic movies have high box office, they don't seem to be much higher.

"Wonderful Night 1" 400 million?

Because this is a family comedy and the first of its kind in 3D, the reference value is not high due to these factors.

Dominate this summer season?

This is a schedule bonus!

"Painted Skin" is the best example.

This film was not directed by Lu Ping'an, so didn't it also get excellent results?

So the big directors may still not feel that Lu Ping An is on a different path than they are.

The reason why I can keep winning is just because of my excellent production skills, heavy investment, and good luck.

Of course, some people will notice core problems such as scripts, but only a few can make blockbusters. The market structure has not changed, and it is difficult for them to get ahead.

However, this is fine. Several directors still play this way. For Lu Pingan, the information gap still exists. Doesn't this allow him to keep winning?

Zhang Songwen then asked: "What about "1937"?"

"We'll talk about this later when it's almost finished."

Although "1937" has been officially announced, only part of the information has been disclosed.

The director, Nanjing theme, and film title are all kept secret.

On the surface, this is all the public knows.

In fact, the core content of "one shot to the end" is still covered up.

When will it be made public? It depends on whether the movie can catch up with the Oscar window period.

If you can't catch up, you can keep it secret for as long as you want. If you can catch up, Lao Hu has already prepared a plan, the funds are complete, and a publicity budget of 20 million US dollars is ready. By then, the news of "1937" will be Sweeping the world by storm in a very short period of time!

"Okay, let's start shooting, all departments are in place"

. . . . . . .

As filming continues, there is still news coming from the outside world.

India's "The Tuner" has been released, and it is said that the response has been very good.

The Korean version of "Twenty Again" has also been completed.

The Indonesian version is also about to be finalized.

Everyone wants Director Lu to make an appearance.

But Lu Pingping refused.

Because time is really tight.

After entering October, some difficulties gradually increased during the filming.

For example, there was an equipment problem. The prototype broke down on the 16th and it took two days to repair it.

Fortunately, these two days were just enough for Ning Hao to take a breather.

After one month of filming, his back injury was already scarred.

After the machine was repaired, the car responsible for loading the camera arm broke down again.

There was also a lack of makeup, which resulted in the clothes being worn, so it took 4 days to re-do 99% of the shots.

There are also cases where unexpected circumstances lead to reshoots.

For example, in a long shot that required the assistance of a car-mounted camera arm, the sound engineer was running along and accidentally fell, causing him to be hit by a car at the same time.

That means the buff is there, otherwise it would be another serious accident instead of a minor scratch.

In fact, such minor injuries happen all the time.

It's all normal bumps and bruises.

For example, Baoqiang and Zhouyiwei scratched the soles of their feet.

An extra sprained his foot.

There was also a lighting engineer who got his head smashed by the equipment.

There were also burns during the fire scene and so on.

In short, various unexpected situations happen almost every day.

The most difficult thing is actually the weather.

The weather is not good. If it rains, it will be over.

The weather in the south is really unpredictable.

Fortunately, there was a plan beforehand to make the ground unified into a muddy field, otherwise it would really delay a lot of things.

So now it’s just a matter of waiting for the rain to stop before we can play again.

But when will the rain stop?

As a last resort, the crew could only shoot two indoor scenes first.

It turned out that it rained intermittently during the shooting. I thought I could shoot outdoors, but it rained again.

We waited until the indoor scenes were filmed a week and a half later. Well, the continuous drizzle began to stabilize again. It continued for three days. I don’t know when it will end completely.

The crew, Lu Ping'an and everyone were having a barbecue while looking at the rain outside.

Zhou Yiwei lamented: "Isn't the rainy day in the south in the first half of the year?"

Hengdian Xiao Xu answered: "This year is indeed a bit abnormal."

Zhang Yifan, who was in charge of editing, sighed: "What is this called? This is called a general from heaven conferring a great responsibility on this person. How do you say the next few sentences?"

Zhou Yiwei: "You must first work hard on your mind, work your muscles and bones, and starve your body and skin. Let's get chicken wings."

Everyone laughed.

Although the weather was not good, it did give the crew another rare break.

It has been nearly a month and a half since the shooting started, and the overall process is 5 days ahead of schedule.

Now we have lost three days due to rain, but we still have two days left, so everyone is actually quite relaxed.

With such a relaxed atmosphere, everyone simply took advantage of another barbecue time to make some summaries and brag.

Friends from all over the world gathered together. In addition to professional actors, everyone had different accents and different experiences. The scene was also very joyful.

Two days later, it seemed that God had determined that the crew would have five extra days. After the rain stopped that morning, it stopped raining again.

Everyone in the crew was cursing inwardly, but the movements in their hands were still deft.

The five days were not wasted. We have already rehearsed several times.

Lu Ping'an also spent these five days going through post-production, which was very efficient. Because it was one shot to the end, the editing of the shots taken so far has basically been completed.

So although the next step is to "start from scratch", everyone is still confident that everything can be done before the scheduled date.

Sure enough, it was November 13th.

After 58 days, "1937" ushered in its final final scene.

I saw Lu Ping'an giving an order.

Monday, whose makeup looked even more miserable than at first, entered the painting.

The camera scanned among the wounded soldiers, conscripts, wounded soldiers, gauze, blood, corpses, soldiers, and refugees, all in a hurry, orderly and chaotic.

The protagonist walked through the scenes of the wounded soldiers camp and the refugee camp, questioning the target people one by one, and finally found the widow of the journalist the officer just mentioned.

He came to the female reporter played by Yan Danchen and told the news of Zhang Songwen's sacrifice. Yan Danchen collapsed and burst into tears. The protagonist did not interrupt and handed the film to the baby in her hand.

Then he continued walking and came to the foot of a big tree. He looked towards his home in the distance with a resolute look in his eyes. Then he turned back firmly and came to the officer just now and asked to join the team.

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