China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 345 There seems to be something wrong with this shot

In fact, this is not the first time this has happened.

Related incidents have occurred frequently in Hollywood's decades-long history.

Is it useful?

It is actually useless for normal movies. The most it can do is block the release schedule, and then make it lose some of its first-mover advantage and stumble at the box office.

But it does work for movies that are really shitty and are on the threshold of Oscars.

For example, there are still two weeks until the Oscar registration deadline.

Before that, "1937" still needs to be released for a week.

If the relevant designated theater is blocked by public relations and refuses to show it to you, causing you to miss the time, then you will naturally be ineligible.

This is also the biggest disadvantage of "1937" participating in the Oscars without going through the three major European agencies.

Because according to the rules, those who have won awards in the three major European competition units will automatically be qualified to compete for the Oscars, and there is no need to go through the process of being released in a designated screening unit for a week.

So if "1937" doesn't have some connections this time, the road to the Olympics will be in jeopardy.

Just the matter of connections is naturally not a problem for the current Lu Ping An team.

Hu Qingquan and Dell immediately visited this year's Oscar chairman Sidney Gannis, who is known as the invisible godfather of Hollywood and has single-handedly created "The Godfather 3" and "Forrest Gump".

During the years when he was re-elected as chairman of the Oscar jury, the Oscar's status soared, being on par with or even faintly surpassing the three major European awards.

This time the two parties can meet so quickly. On the surface, Dell is the public relations matchmaker. In fact, the most important thing is that Lu Ping'an's reputation is here.

Lu Ping'an is already a famous international director, so he will naturally have some conveniences.

His film is competing for the Olympics, and it is a film with the participation of Hollywood capital and team. It is impossible to block him indiscriminately.

But Sidney Gannis also said: "Hu, I'm not interested in your conflicts. We are not the United Nations. We only care about movies."

The meaning is obvious, don't mix the movie with anything else.

In other words, it's okay if you mix it in a little. After all, it's really impossible for a realistic-themed movie to be completely divorced from reality.

But you can’t go too far. After all, this is America and it’s the Oscars.

Regarding this, Hu Qingquan said confidently: "We had no other intentions. We also understand the rules of the Oscars. Lu is just a simple director, a director who devotes his life to art. The same goes for this movie, but The other party has been being aggressive, and now they are anxious even before it is released. I think you also know what is going on, right?"

"I know, but I said I only care about the movie."

"I understand, then please believe me, "1937" will definitely surprise you! Lu has been preparing for this movie for five years!"

"Five years?!"

Sidney Gannis's eyes widened when he heard this.

Hu Qingquan packaged it like this, so his interest naturally aroused.

In fact, according to conventional procedures, he should be one of the first people to watch the movie.

But who wants to rush the movie? So far, only a few people from the Film Association responsible for grading have seen it, so Sidney thought about calling and asking later.

"Believe me, Lu is a genius and will never disappoint international filmmakers."

Hu Qingquan continued to show confidence.

The result is also very smooth. Two days later, Sidney will organize some people to watch the movie together and witness this "movie that will surprise people" in person.

After temporarily taking care of the chairman, Hu Qingquan and others continued to take care of others.

Oscar-related, well-known film critics, directors, media people, etc.

They are also invited to watch the movie.

In fact, this is actually public relations.

And speaking of it, I really have to thank Xiaozhi again.

Without their efforts, "1937" would not have attracted such high attention if it was so hastily completed.

Of course, what the relevant forces have done is not ineffective.

About a quarter of the many people invited by Hu Qingquan explicitly refused.

Regarding this issue, Lu Ping'an, who rushed to Laomei that night, probably knew that this actually had something to do with the market.

The largest ticket warehouse in Asia now is Neon, not China, and Hollywood has not yet fully developed to the point where the producer later said, "We dare not offend the Chinese, but we don't care about Japan."

The impact of the market is naturally not small for a business consortium.

But that's enough for now, because "1937" has its own uniqueness.

If you're artistically inclined, you might still be able to tell lies, but with technical prowess, it's really hard to deny.

Soon it was screening day.

The invited people arrived at the scene, and there were fewer people than originally scheduled.

Hu Qingquan and Wattsberg didn't look very good.

Fortunately, Oscar chairman Sidney came anyway.

He can clearly distinguish what is light and what is important, otherwise he would not have achieved Oscar's reputation as one of the "Big Four" in just a few years.

After arriving at the place, Lu Pingan met Sidney. Sidney was very friendly to Lu Pingan. After shaking hands, he smiled and blessed: "I hope this movie can really surprise the whole world."

Apparently he already knew that this was a "one shot" movie.

It’s very difficult to capture flowers in just one shot.

But he was very confident in Lu Ping'an.

This is a genius director after all.

At the same time, he also made many contributions to the Oscars.

Without him, Oscar's influence in China would not be what it is now.

"Let the movie speak for itself."

Lu Ping'an replied confidently, and then invited the other party to come in.

Soon, a group of more than 60 people took their seats in the theater.

The attitudes of these people vary, some are supportive, some are neutral, and some have other purposes, with the latter two being slightly more common.

In short, the future of Lu Ping An and "1937" really depends on the movie.

If the movie is good, there’s nothing to say.

It's just that "good", at least for now, is still very subjective.

Soon, the screening began. Hu Qingquan came on stage and thanked everyone for coming, and then started the screening without any nonsense.

With the lights dimmed, most people present looked calm.

It seems that no matter what happens next in the movie, the outcome has already been decided.

But as the main film began, everyone's expressions quickly changed.

The film opens with a dilapidated town.

The ruins of broken walls, thick smoke, and the sound of gunfire coming from far and near created a chilling feeling.

Then the camera moved, and a group of Japanese soldiers trotted past. The camera moved down, and it was a pile of corpses?

Without thinking much, a certain corpse moved, and the two surviving protagonists stood up.

Corpses, two protagonists covered in blood, and a blue sky.

The overall picture instantly conveys a sense of torn yet harmonious fragmentation.

The main color of the ground is gray-red, showing the cruelty of the blood of war, while the blue sky represents the insignificance of human beings under the sky.

The eyes of the film critics at the scene lit up.

The artistic visuals of this movie are awesome.

The cruelty of war and the beauty of nature can be so perfectly combined!

Without thinking much, the protagonist moved, and the two survived. After talking, they found out that the tall protagonist had just become a soldier and was originally pulling a rickshaw in Nanjing City, while the short one had been a soldier for three months. The tall man's hair was small, and it was he who drew the tall man into the team to serve as a soldier.

After a while of sighing, the two began to discuss escaping.

At this time, Japanese soldiers approached in the distance, and with the cooperation of BGM, a sense of tension rushed over.

The two protagonists began to hide in mass graves, avoiding sight while looking for a way out.

At this time, many people have been attracted by the plot.

But professional film critics have been attracted elsewhere.

How many minutes has it been? It’s been more than 3 minutes, right?

There seems to be something wrong with this shot.

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