China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 347 Why does this scene look so familiar?

The story of the whole movie is actually very simple.

It’s a story about two protagonists on the run.

The journey of the two protagonists in the overall film can be basically divided into four scenes.

The first one, from mass graves to abandoned trenches.

The second one, from the abandoned trench to the backyard of the farm.

The third one, escaping in the dark night, encounters a dying reporter.

The last one fled from waterfalls, rivers, and forests to the final rear area.

It's a very simple story, but the overall plot and transitions of the movie are arranged very cleverly.

Under the overall tense rhythm, the director also arranged relaxed environments and scene settings, making this escape story look so simple, but there is no boring plot for a minute.

In addition, every picture is beautiful.

It's amazing that there can be beauty in a brutal Holocaust movie.

But it is what it is.

People at the scene have noticed that the film's technology is meticulously crafted and very exquisite. The cruelty of war and the beautiful blend of romance will definitely shock the audience in the comprehensive visual and auditory presentation.

In addition to being beautiful, it’s just one shot.

It's okay to say that the entire film is shot in one shot, and it's not uncommon in the world.

Films that have a true shot to the end include "Russian Ark", which won the Palme d'Or.

Pseudo-long-shot movies, as the name suggests, are high-tech jobs that use post-production special effects and hidden editing to turn several shots into what appears to be only "one shot." Such a movie can be seen in "Rope of Souls" in the past four years.

Now, there is "1937" again, and among the people present, even if some people don't want to admit it, the fact is that "1937" is really the best, and it is a good one for establishing a huge figure!

Because of its unprecedented difficulty, actors and cameras need to continuously traverse nearly six or seven major scenes such as trenches, courtyards, ruins, rivers, and woods. With post-production editing, special effects background replacement, and digital processing, more than a dozen shots Integrated into "one" long shot.

In this way, it brings an extremely immersive feeling to the people present.

Imagine you are in a battle royale game. There are various levels, enemies, and traps in front of you. You only have one chance and cannot come back. The only advantage is that you have two lives (two soldiers), but The game ends when you die.

For the two hours of the film, the camera surrounds the two protagonists. Their every move, their breathing, fear and hope are all included in the camera.

The audience becomes them, their fears become the audience's fears, their despair becomes the audience's despair, their heroism becomes the audience's heroism.

I have to say that "1937" really pushed the lens language of "one shot to the end" to a technical level that has never been reached in human film history!

In addition, "1937" does not stop at technology and aesthetics.

In the movie, from enemies to comrades, the corpses everywhere they pass are the background of the entire movie.

In the close shot, there is a photo of a woman in the enemy trench, the reporter's redemption and revenge, and amid the flames, the protagonist sees a hungry woman and a newborn baby in the basement.

All this was sublimated when he finally climbed out of the water and heard the ballad in the wounded barracks.

He was originally an innocent rickshaw puller who became a soldier because of his short stature. As a result, he encountered a disaster as soon as he became a soldier.

Then from the initial complaint, to the escape of life and death, to being saved by comrades, and finally witnessing even more cruel atrocities, and being entrusted with a sacred mission by reporters. After being saved again, he has the courage to move forward with a heavy load, and finally wins Get up and grab and become a real warrior.

These are the most memorable things about the protagonist as an individual in the war.

From a Western perspective, personal growth is the most valued.

For the same thing from an Eastern perspective, perhaps the protagonist finally takes a gun and joins the group, and heroic resistance is the key.

But in Sidney's opinion, the beauty of this last scene is that Westerners see what Westerners like, and Easterners see what Easterners like.

It can be said that Lu Pingan has perfectly solved the balance between individualism and collectivism this time, and at the same time cleverly used ultra-high technical standards to show history in a special form.

And no one can turn a blind eye to such a display!

Sidney couldn't help but sigh: It's a safe road indeed!

Then the applause started.

Then the rest of the group applauded as well.

Blah blah blah blah

The theater lights come on.

Everyone applauded.

This is the purest respect given to the movie.

A very difficult one-shot movie.

It perfectly demonstrates technology and aesthetics, and can achieve a perfect combination with the plot.

Worthy of everyone's respect!

As for whether the film can still participate in the Oscars?

In Sidney's words: "If a movie like this cannot participate in the Oscars, this Oscar will be nailed to the pillar of shame!"

That afternoon, news about the movie viewing also spread in the media.

"Sidney: I'm glad that Director Lu can participate in this Oscar!"

"Coppola: This is another peak of film technology!"

"One shot to the end, Lu's new attempt is so perfect that it's unimaginable! - Los Angeles Times review"

"The perfect combination of art and technology. After "Brokeback Mountain", Lu has another masterpiece, which will also be another masterpiece of Hollywood technology in the world - Oscar Film Report Review"

"The tension brought by the film is indescribable. Every war is a hellish experience. Although the story of "1937" has little relevance to today's world, this does not prevent it from becoming the best movie since "Saving Private Ryan" war film – Observer review”

"The director of "1937" Lu Ping'an will definitely succeed again with this film, and the key to his success in the film lies in his thorough technical preparation and strong emotional presentation - Cable News Network review"


There is no doubt that the industry is shaken.

When everyone is still stuck in one shot to show the plot of an ordinary small scene.

A one-shot movie that shows great scenes of war and perfectly combines technology, aesthetics and plot will definitely have an extremely shocking effect on the world's film industry.

As various film reviews came out, North American movie fans, general media and the general public were shocked.

Lu, who was being questioned not long ago, broke the doubt again?

Why is this scene so familiar?

Fans who are familiar with Lu Ping An are already making noise online.

"Never question Lu! He is the man who successfully resurrected Batman!"

"How many times has it been? Lu's movies seem to be questioned every time before they are released. I feel sorry for Lu."

"The key is that he gets slapped in the face every time. How can a real man like Lu be knocked down so easily?"

"You are so excited. Have you seen the movie? Why are you so excited if you haven't seen it?"

"I'm in Los Angeles now and have finished watching it. All I can say is that Lu deserves to be the best director at the Oscars!"

"Where is it showing? Why isn't it here?"

"The movie hasn't been fully released yet at the Sheffield Theater in Los Angeles. It's only being released here for a week to prepare for the Oscars. But I've watched it and it will be released soon."

"I know, come now"

Countless movie fans and industry insiders began to walk into the theater with expectations, curiosity and doubts.

For a time, the entrance to the Oscar-designated theater in Los Angeles was overcrowded. (End of chapter)

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