China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 36 Mountain Eagle, Visiting Team

At the end of the celebration banquet, everyone took a group photo, received red envelopes and went back to their homes. The "Tuner" project was completely over. The beautiful memories will remain in our hearts. It's just a pity that Jiang Wen didn't come.

Since he couldn't come since "Searching for Gun" has started filming, Lu Ping'an decided to post him later, so there would be no regrets.

After the show, Lu Ping'an and Yan Danchen looked at each other in tacit understanding.

But there was a lot of apology in his eyes, because Yan Danchen's roommate He Lin was here again today.

This big light bulb made Lu Ping'an very heartbroken.

Tomorrow Yan Danchen will return to the set to continue filming.

So tonight I can only use the phone porridge to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Fortunately, there are solutions.

There are still five days left for Yan Danchen's play, but what she and He Lin said was eight days.

Lu Pingan decided to postpone the housewarming party in the courtyard until seven days later.

So, uh-huh!

Early the next morning, Lu Ping'an drove Yan Danchen to the airport, and then went to his uncle's hospital for a checkup. Everything was fine and he was in excellent health. After having dinner with his uncle, Jiang Wen called.

"The movie has been drawn, are you okay?"

This is to urge him to visit the class.

Jiang Wen is sometimes very heroic, and sometimes very childish.

If you don't do what you promised, if he doesn't get angry, it means he doesn't take you seriously.

But if he takes you seriously and you dare not do it, then fine, he will definitely not look good next time you see him.

This is what Zhang Yifan told him, and Lu Pingan has already seen some of it.

Jiang Wen had said before that Lu Pingan would look good if he let go.

Lu Ping'an felt that he was already very handsome. No matter how good-looking he was, he might alarm the United Nations, so he was not prepared to give up.

So he immediately replied: "Come to Guiyang tomorrow!"

I had nothing to do during this time, so I just treated it as a tourist trip.

Jiang Wen hung up the phone with satisfaction, but called back half an hour later: "Awen and I also said, by the way, the third master is coming too, you can come with him, I asked the third master to book a ticket for you. "

The third master is Han Sanpin, so this should be the time for Han Sanpin to make a guest appearance.

Just as Lu Pingan was thinking about it, his cell phone rang. It was Han Sanpin.

So at noon on the third day, Lu Ping'an and Zhang Songwen, Jiang Wen's students, and Han Sanpin got on the plane to Guizhou.

On the plane, Ping An was seated next to Han Sanpin. He knew everything about Han Sanpin. He is the future head of Chinese movies and the true big brother of domestic entertainment. There is no one and no one can rival him. In front of him, those Hong Kong entertainment bosses They are all younger brothers.

Lu Ping'an and he had only met a few times before and didn't talk much.

Now we can chat while we go to the set together.

But it was Han Sanpin who talked a lot.

Lu Ping'an could see that Han Sanpin was very optimistic about him. He expressed his understanding. He had won two awards and made a lot of money from major movies. The cooperation between the two parties was quite pleasant.

In addition, he is also the most outstanding director among directors of his age. It would be abnormal for him not to be optimistic about him, and this is also of great benefit to Lu Ping'an.

Again, this is a mountain eagle, unless you want to 404, don't offend him.

Along the way, Han Sanpin also began to understand Lu Pingan's views on the future film market.

Lu Ping'an looked serious and told the truth: "The potential of our country's film market in the future will definitely be huge, and commercial films will definitely take over the mainstream. It's just that our current filmmakers seem to be somewhat discriminatory against commercial films. I don't think this is right. Those who are not commercial , How will we compete with Hollywood movies in the future? I have learned about this WTO negotiation. In the future, we will introduce more Hollywood movies every year, and it will be fierce..."

These words directly hit Han Sanpin's itch.

He asked many directors about their opinions on commercial films.

It's just that most of them talk more implicitly, saying that movies are art and should not be too profit-seeking.

At present, there are really few people who are as direct as Lu Ping An.

"You really think so?"

"Of course, why the box office of Hollywood movies always crushes domestic movies by a cliff is that people like to watch such commercial blockbusters, and in my opinion, making commercial movies is not just a matter of a single movie, but the entire Mr. Han, you don’t know anything about the film industry. I went to inspect special effects companies before, and after seeing their industrial system, it was really scary..."

What will happen to domestic films in the future? Who in this world knows better than him?

So he took this opportunity to explain the special effects and his personal strategic vision in front of Han Sanpin.

Han Sanpin really likes to hear it. He has blockbuster plots. His goal is to use blockbusters to activate the mainland market and make the mainland market the largest and most dynamic film market in Asia.

Now it seems that Lu Pingan is not only talented as a director, but also has a very good vision, and he can also see that Lu Pingan is ambitious.

It’s good to be ambitious.

Han Sanpin likes this kind of ambition, no, it is the drive of young people, and it is also the drive that the domestic film and television industry should have.

So now the two of them had more topics to talk about.

The two had a lively chat along the way.

After getting off the plane, Lu Ping'an had already called Han Sanpin from "Mr. Han" to "Uncle Han".

And Han Sanpin has already regarded Lu Ping'an as a real seed player.

After the fifth generation of directors, the seeds among the younger generation deserve more attention.

Lu Ping An also knows that although this brings better support, it also comes with greater pressure.

Fortunately, he has a golden finger, so he is really not afraid of this.

. . . . . . .

After landing at the airport, he got on the pick-up car. Two hours later, Lu Ping'an arrived at Qingyan Ancient Town and met the crew of "Looking for a Gun" more than 20 minutes later.

Han Sanpin came to visit the crew in person, and the entire crew stopped.

"You are busy with your business."

Han Sanpin smiled and waved his hands, but everyone knew they were polite words.

Jiang Wen, Lu Chuan, Jing Jing and others came up to say hello, and after meeting Lu Ping'an and Zhang Songwen, they went back to continue filming.

It wasn't until an hour later that the crew really took a break, and the creative team went to a restaurant for dinner.

Jiang Wen was very happy about Lu Ping'an's arrival and enthusiastically introduced everyone that this was his student. Of course, he did not forget Zhang Songwen.

Then he brought Lu Ping'an and Lu Chuan together.

"You two are from the same school, so communicate more."

It can be seen that Jiang Wen is very optimistic about Lu Tailang.

Regarding Lu Tailang, Han Sanpin had already roughly introduced him on the way here.

Lu Ping'an also learned about it in his previous life. The media said this:

Before he came up with the script for "Looking for the Gun", Lu Tailang was originally just an obscure screenwriter at Beijing Film Studio, an unknown person who had never made a movie.

Later, he asked a friend to bring the script to Jiang Wen. He didn't dare to hold out any hope. He just fulfilled his wish without leaving any regrets.

As a result, a human comedy was staged.

Jiang Wen read the script and said he wanted to act, and then reported it to Beijing Film Studio. Jiang Wen joined the film studio, causing a sensation in Beijing Film Studio. Han Sanpin also took it seriously and gave the green light, so the project was established.

The nobles stepped in to help. Jiang Wen took on the starring role and also served as the producer. He used the reputation and connections accumulated over decades of hard work to guarantee Lu Chuan and attracted investment, actors, and venues. . .

Han Sanpin serves as the producer. He also personally went south to raise money. He is expected to make a guest appearance as the police chief tomorrow.

It can be said that Riku Taro reached the sky in one step.

The media is still powerful, as if there is nothing behind Riku Taro. . .

Having said that, Han Sanpin said unabashedly that among the younger generation, he was most optimistic about Lu Chuan and Lu Ping'an.

Of course, now he is more optimistic about Lu Pingan. That's because he has already achieved results and knows that Lu Pingan has a good vision. Lu Tailang is just filming his debut film and has not really gained momentum yet.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Lu Chuan should be very proud of himself now.

But in fact, during the meal, Lu Ping'an could see that Lu Tailang seemed a little depressed.

Now "The Gun Hunt" has been shot for less than half a month, has it entered a tug of war so quickly?

Lu Ping'an was not interested in paying attention to Lu Tailang's matter, and he didn't have time to think about it, because Jiang Wen was really good at causing trouble, so he called several local Miao girls.

Seven or eight girls were dressed in national costumes, each holding a big pottery bowl and singing songs. The man who was trying to persuade people to drink wine came one after another in a menacing manner.

The first one is Jing Jing, because she is from Guiyang.

“Let you see the local enthusiasm!”

When Jiang heard his voice, half of the crew's faces instantly turned livid.

Sure enough, under the quiet control of the field, the lively drinking ceremony only went through one round, and everyone was filled with three points.

But this also has its advantages. As the wine gets more intense, the conversation becomes extremely lively.

Except for An Jing, the people present were all old men, and the topics were very wide-ranging, with a few naughty jokes popping up from time to time.

Ning Jing seemed to have been used to this kind of scene for a long time. He didn't feel any discomfort at all and could even fight back a few times.

No wonder she has been able to cooperate with Jiang Wen for so long.

The banquet lasted until 12 o'clock in the evening. Zhang Songwen was already numb. Like Lu Tailang, Lu Ping'an was also rarely drunk enough.

After a good night's sleep, Lu Ping'an and Han Sanpin returned to the crew at 8 o'clock the next day. By this time, the crew had already started working for half an hour.

Lu Ping'an watched from the side, looking at Jiang Wenyan and the script in his hand.

Sure enough, the current script is very different from the final film.

After watching for a while, Jiang Wen came over and asked Han Sanpin: "Third Master, are you interested in making a guest appearance?"


Han Sanpin agreed directly. He was a little eager to try, as if he was addicted to drama.

Jiang Wen then asked Lu Ping An: "Do you want to act in Ping An?"

"I can't act."

"It's okay, just follow Awen."

"Okay, don't blame me if your performance fails."

"Don't worry, I won't give you a role."

Half an hour later, Lu Pingan, Zhang Songwen and Han Sanpin were all wearing new black police uniforms.

Lu Ping'an and Zhang Songwen are both second-level police superintendents, with two four-pointed stars on one bar, and Han, a third-level police officer, with two olive leaves and a four-pointed star.

"So handsome!"

Jing Jing immediately praised Lu Ping An.

"Isn't Third Master handsome?"

Jiang Wen reminded him, and Ning Jing replied: "Of course he is more handsome than you who throw away a gun!"

Another dirty joke.

Open your mouth and come.

Everyone laughed wildly.

Then Jiang Wen began to arrange the scenes.

The roles of Lu Pingan and Zhang Songwen are the followers of the director, Han Sanpin.

They don't have to do anything, just follow along, stand in position, show a solemn look on their faces, and don't look around.

And Han Sanpin's role is even bigger.

He wanted to point his nose at Mashan (Jiang Wen) and scold him.

This requires quite a lot of acting skills.

But after getting the improvised script, Han Sanpin frowned a little: "Why, just these few sentences, a little more, I'm not leaving today."

Jiang Wen smiled and said, "Third Master, just watch and scold me to death."

"I don't know how to curse."

Han Sanpin laughed and cursed, and then he and Jiang Wen pondered the lines. Lu Tailang soon joined in.

It's just that for a while, a few people couldn't think of any concise and good lines.

At this time, Jiang Wen pulled Lu Ping'an in: "Ping'an, please tell me your thoughts. The director should scold as harshly as possible, but not dirty. He has to train people, and the training should be well-founded. It's best to add a little humor. Do you have any idea?"

During the movie "The Tuner", the two of them often pondered their lines. Lu Ping'an would occasionally come up with a few interesting lines, and his mind was relatively quick.

"Should I forget it?"

Lu Pingan refused at first, but Jiang Wen didn't care, "Don't hide it, think about it quickly."

"All right."

If you can't refuse, then don't force me to pretend. . . Show your talent!

Lu Ping'an simply moved the original version up.

So Lu Pingan wrote a few words and handed it over: "How about trying this?"

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