Among the three women, Gao Yuanyuan cannot cook, only Lizi and Liu Shishi can.

So Lu Pingan naturally threw the two of them into the kitchen.

"The ingredients are all here. You two can make your own special dishes. Don't compare. We don't like this in our family."

Lu Pingan continued to be shameless, as if he was living in his own world.

Lizi and Liu Shishi looked helpless and embarrassed, but with Lu Ping'an here to help them, the antagonism between their love rivals was really bridged a lot.

The two of them have things to do and are not acting like monsters for the time being. Gao Yuanyuan is different.

She locked herself in the room, folded her clothes angrily, and wanted to leave immediately, but she was unwilling to do so.

At this time, Lu Ping'an knocked on the door.

Gao Yuanyuan ignored it.

Lu Pingan kept knocking until she got tired of it, and then she opened the door with a huff.

"What are you doing? Uh-huh."

Lu Pingan didn't give her any chance and pounced directly.

Naturally, he got slapped several times.

Lu Ping'an didn't even block, he took over everything, then continued to press Gao Yuanyuan and asked: "Are you comfortable now?"

Gao Yuanyuan turned her head and closed her eyes: "Don't talk to me!"

"If you feel uncomfortable, just give it a few more blows. I won't feel any pain."

"Stop pretending to be pitiful."

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful, then why don't you leave."

Gao Yuanyuan glared at Lu Ping'an and continued to look away without speaking.

Lu Pingan continued with a smile: "I will arrange a private jet for you and it can take off tonight."

Gao Yuanyuan still didn't speak.

"Okay, now that you have made up your mind, we will still be good friends from now on."

Lu Ping'an stood up and started to make a call. Seeing this, Gao Yuanyuan finally spoke, but naturally she would not give in directly: "You fight, fight now, I don't want to see you for a minute."

Seeing this, Lu Pingan put away his phone with a smile: "Since you said so, I won't fight. Let's go down and cook together."

"You fight! Why don't you fight?"

"Okay, you still can't get down the stairs. Do you really want to leave?"

Gao Yuanyuan gritted her teeth, knocked Lu Pingping away, and went downstairs angrily.

By the time Lu safely went downstairs, the three of them were already busy in the kitchen, but Gao Yuanyuan was the one causing trouble.

After a lot of fuss, the meal was finally ready.

After sitting down to eat, Lu Pingan took a sip of the soup and said, "It's salty. Who made it?"

Pears: "Eat it if you like!"

With that said, he scooped out an extra bowl for Lu Ping'an.

"Okay, given your attitude, I'll sleep in the master bedroom tonight. What about you, Yuanyuan, do you want to stay with me tonight?"

"Bah! Who wants to sleep with you!"

Gao Yuanyuan ignored him and continued to eat, her face feeling a little hot.

Lu Ping'an ignored him and turned to Master Liu. Master Liu answered directly: "I'll just sleep in the small bedroom on the third floor."

"Don't be like this, we are all one family, it's too alienating!"

"Who wants to be a family with you!"×3

"Haha, it's morning and evening, let's have some food."

Lu Ping'an's shameless attitude of talking about things directly does have some impact on his outlook.

But having said that, even with this unabashed attitude, the overall atmosphere did not reach the point of tenseness. On the contrary, there were some small signs of harmony.

After finishing the meal, in which Lu Ping'an was basically the only one talking, the three of them went back to their respective rooms in tacit agreement.

Lu Pingan was not idle and followed Liu Shishi directly back to his room.

Master Liu acted very calmly just now, as if he had accepted everything, but with Lu Pingan's understanding of her, she should be the most unbearable.

Sure enough, Master Liu burst out after entering the door.

"Why lie to me."

Master Liu burst into tears.

Lu Ping'an, who received several slaps on his chest, endured it silently and continued to coax the others after they calmed down.

Little lions can be coaxed.

Of course, you have to coax out the truth, even if it's a crooked way.

"Look at my current situation, even without them, how much time can we spend together in a year? How many days a month is a big deal, I promise, the time will not be shortened in the future. As long as you call, I will No matter how busy you are, come here, just like before."

"You don't want me to miss my food and tea, right?"

"Don't worry, no one will bully you in the future."

"If you really can't stand it, you can leave now. I respect your choice."

The scumbag Lu Ping'an really tried his best.

The dizzy Master Liu was calmed down and stopped crying.

Lu Ping'an saw this and moved on to the next one. Master Liu showed his will for the last time: "You are not allowed to go to their place today."

"Don't worry, the first thing you see when you open your eyes tomorrow morning will definitely be me, I promise!"

The halo of boyfriend power flashed.

Master Liu nodded.

Lu Pingan kissed him with satisfaction and then left.

When they came to Gao Yuanyuan's place, the door was unlocked this time, but Gao Yuanyuan still ignored people. When she noticed that Lu Ping'an had entered the door, she buried her head directly in the quilt.

Lu Ping'an lifted the quilt and lay down in it, hugged her with his back, and started to move her hands and feet.

Gao Yuanyuan finally spoke: "Why don't you go to them?"

"I have to touch you first."

"Do not touch me."

"Truth or lies? Think about it before you speak."

"Asshole you!"

"Okay, okay, I'm a bastard"

Lu Ping'an continued to behave like a bastard.

Gao Yuanyuan soon became confused.

Then it's just normal.

After the clouds cleared and the rain stopped, Lu Pingping began to talk about the truth.

It’s the same as what Master Liu said.

He really didn't tell lies.

Anyway, hasn’t this been the case over the past few years?

There won’t be any big changes in the future.

The time, affection, energy, etc. that should be given will not change.

Gao Yuanyuan, who was on top of her head, was the most able to listen at this time.

But I also made a request: I have to get married and have a wedding in the future, so my mother can’t worry.

Lu Pingan neither refused nor agreed.

When it comes to negotiations, it can't be settled without procrastinating for a while.

Anyway, her attitude has changed for the better now, and she will take her time in the future.

After another half hour, Lu Pingan got up and got dressed.

Gao Yuanyuan was not prepared to let him go so easily, so she pounced on him and bit him hard on the left shoulder.

Lu Ping'an still suffered and still showed his gentle side.

After she finished the bite, she touched the bite mark with a distressed face: "Does it hurt?"

"You can bite me anytime if you want. No matter how hard you try, I won't complain."

Click, click, click, the boyfriend's power aura is about to explode.

Gao Yuanyuan, who had been sucked so much, was in a good mood and pushed Lu Pingping: "Go quickly and come back early."

It wasn't until he left the door that Lu Ping'an started to grin.

This girl's biting force is so strong that I won't dare to do anything to her in the future!

Then, he came to the master bedroom.

Li Zi also fell asleep at this moment.

Lu Pingan lifted the quilt and held her in his arms.

Lizi's reaction was very different from the other two.

She turned around and leaned on Lu Ping'an's arm as usual, drawing circles on his chest with one hand, and then asked: "If someone really wanted to leave just now, would you really not keep him?"

Lu Pingan nodded: "Except you."

"Tell the truth."

"Okay, I am indeed the bastard in this matter, so I can only handle it this way."

"That's how it should be handled."

Lizi said understandingly, "It's a pity that no one left."

After saying that, Lizi said again: "In the future, there won't be another one popping up anytime, right?"

"No, four is enough. With my physical strength, it's just right."

"Don't talk too much. Who knows if you will meet someone new in the future."

"Then I'll try my best?"


My chest muscles feel a little sore from the small slap.

Women are really fickle.

Li Zi then asked: "Dan Chen, when are you going to explain? She should be the one you feel most sorry for."

"I had a plan, but who told you to disrupt the rhythm in advance?"

"What if she doesn't agree? Do you want us or her? Tell the truth."

Lu Pingan thought for a while, sighed and said, "I'm ready to be a bachelor anyway."

"It's quite true."

Li Zi was quite satisfied.

Lu Ping'an's answer is either all together or none.

It was a bit cruel to her, but it was exactly what she wanted to hear.

If Lu Ping An's choice now was to give up Dan Chen and get these three of his own.

So needless to say, Li Zi will leave tomorrow.

Anyone who has been with him for six years can just give up. This kind of man is too cold-blooded and not worth it.

Fortunately, now it is the best answer in a mess.

"You are just too affectionate!"

"I have to have flaws, otherwise I would be too perfect, wouldn't I?"


"Thank you for understanding."

Lu Pingan smiled, hugged Li Zi tightly, and said again, "Thank you for understanding."

"Don't be too happy too early. Let's wait until you take care of Danchen."

"We'll get it done when we get back this time."

"Don't use your hands and feet to take a shower, it's all other people's smell."

"Let's come together~"

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