"Teacher Yang is back?"


"Going home this year?"

"If you don't go home, your parents will come to the capital to celebrate the New Year."

"Well, it saves trouble. It's different for me. I still have to squeeze into the train."

On the last working day of a university in Beijing, Yang Yazhou said goodbye to a colleague he met by chance and walked out of the campus.

After leaving the campus, he walked a little further and came to the shopping mall parking lot next to the school, where he used the key to unlock his newly purchased crown.

As a university lecturer, in his early 30s, without family support, he would not be able to afford such a 400,000-level luxury car according to normal development.

But it’s not a big problem for Yang Yazhou.

He does not need support from his family, and his family has no ability to support him.

But he's great.

Although it was still a loan, and although there was some external funding, I still bought it myself.

Yang Yazhou is proud of this.

I came to the car, walked around the car carefully, touched a little mark on the passenger door, and cursed. Fortunately, it was not a scratch, just a little dust, otherwise I would definitely call the police and call for monitoring!

Got in the car, started the car, put on sunglasses and a peaked cap.

Yang Yazhou carefully drove out of the basement.

I just bought a car and I’m not very familiar with the driving skills yet, so I have to be careful.

Of course, you have to be more careful not to let acquaintances see it, otherwise it will get annoying.

Yang Yazhou thinks that he can go get a mask tomorrow, but it’s best to find a store further away, not an acquaintance.

More than an hour later, Yang Yazhou returned to his home in the Fourth Ring Road.

Three bedrooms and one living room, also bought by myself.

Although it is still a loan, it is also something to be proud of.

Now in the entire capital, how many migrant workers of his age can own a car and a house?

I, Yang Yazhou, am one of them!

After locking the car, I went upstairs and opened the door, and smelled the aroma of food.

"I'm back."

Yang Yazhou shouted.

His wise wife immediately came over to help him get his bag and take off his coat.

That look made Yang Yazhou feel happy.

When the former class beauty became the wife of an unattractive middle school student, many of her classmates were extremely envious.

Yang Yazhou wanted to say that if he showed his bank card balance and monthly income, all these people would probably be autistic!

Had a wonderful meal.

The wife suddenly said: "There is something I want to tell you."

"you say."

"I have someone."

Yang Yazhou: "!!!"

Before she could say anything, her wife smiled and took out the pregnancy test stick.

Yang Yazhou stared blankly for a while, and then the room burst into the most joyful laughter.

In the next two hours, the young couple had a series of fun conversations about the new member.

It's a good time that the baby has arrived. His parents will be coming to Beijing to celebrate the New Year in a few days, so they can share the good news.

But after the joy, pressure also followed.

The wife worriedly expressed that raising children requires money!

Fortunately, Yang Yazhou doesn't think the problem is big.

To him, it was nothing more than a little tired.

So that night he started the milk powder money plan.

Open QQ, click on the familiar avatar, and enter: I want to make more money.

The other party quickly replied: You still have one article left to write this month.

Yang Yazhou: It’s a matter of minutes.

Recipient: Okay, let’s talk after we finish writing.

After closing QQ, Yang Yazhou started directly.

As a lecturer majoring in international relations, it is not difficult to make extra money by writing articles as long as you have a platform.

In three years, he earned millions by writing articles.

It’s not about subscriptions and tips.

Instead, he became famous through writing and became a public intellectual. Just like in the entertainment industry, he also gained some fans and prestige.

With this kind of popularity, he can go out and give lectures every month to make extra money if he wants to.

Universities, some institutions and even television stations, etc.

You can earn at least 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in a month.

In addition, the platform he is currently working with can also remit him US$3,000 every month.

This is US dollars!

The exchange rate of one to eight is over twenty thousand!

And the base price is still $3,000.

The cost is just to write some special articles and pass some designated, seemingly unimportant data to the platform.

Although it is difficult to remit the money back to the country, it won't be long before he can own a house in the United States!

That is the American dream, a dream shared by so many Chinese rich people!

Apart from money, the biggest gain is actually in other aspects.

For example, increased fame can lead to job promotions and annual travel benefits.

He still misses Neon Meiko

Shaking his head, Yang Yazhou started to write without thinking too much.

Click on your favorite documents.

At a glance, there are various "accomplishments" that have caused many discussions and reactions.

"Manufacturing Standards for Neon Water Pipes"

“Developed countries never cut down their own trees. They import wood from China, process it, and then sell it back to China.”

"Neon's nuclear power coverage is something that China will not be able to catch up with in two hundred years."

"Neon can create nuclear weapons in a few days"

“When it comes to our country’s aerospace industry, we launch launches every day, but what about medical issues and housing issues?”


He ignored the achievements that brought him fame and money.

Yang Yazhou wrote:

“Domestic films seem to have made great progress this year, but can they solve the poverty problem and education problem?”

Same taste, same pattern.

Writing these things came easily to him.

The topic is required by the platform.

Although Yang Yazhou would feel something was wrong.

But this idea has long since become immune to itself after three years.

Money is the most important thing!

In less than an hour, the article of about a thousand words was completed.

After finishing writing, Yang Yazhou was not satisfied and continued writing.

"Making a movie on related themes is not conducive to the development of relations between the two countries at all."

It is still a platform requirement.

No need to say who it is targeted at.

But Yang Yazhou was not afraid at all, since no one cared about him anyway.

In another hour, I finished writing it eloquently and sent it on QQ.

Five minutes later, the other party replied: Great, just do it this way.

Yang Yazhou breathed a sigh of relief. With these two articles, he wrote one more article this month. According to the rules, he could get hundreds of dollars more this month.

Not bad!

At this time, QQ flashed again: Please read this news, temporary task.

Yang Yazhou's eyes lit up. Temporary tasks meant more extra money, so he clicked on the link immediately.

And soon, like many ordinary people, he was shocked.

"Lu Ping An encountered death threats"

At this time, the international film industry was also in a state of shock due to this news.

The Ping An team disclosed "death threats" in Laos and the United States.

Los Angeles police confirmed the news and released a photo of the threatening letter and the envelope containing the bullet.

Combined with the current impact of "1937" on the Oscars, the overt and covert resistance of some neon right-wing forces has also been completely brought to the forefront.

Relevant people immediately turned their attention to Lu Ping'an and "1937".

For a time, the industry was in an uproar.

After all, Lu Pingan is not an ordinary person. He is much more famous than Mr. Zhang.

Now that a great director like him has directly disclosed such news, it will naturally arouse a huge public response.

Domestically, as soon as the news came out, it caused an uproar from all walks of life in the country.

Many media people reacted immediately.

They had speculated earlier that "1937" used one shot to bypass the earlier resistance of "promoting populism".

At that time, they guessed that things were not simple here.

Now that I see this news, I will solve the case directly.

It turns out that Lu Ping'an didn't want to make such a movie because he simply didn't have time.

At that time, "Peak 3" was still filming, and after filming, "Batman 2" had to be filmed.

As a result, the domestic media made a mistake by changing "Land" to "Road", which attracted the attention of neon parties.

Then a death threat letter was sent.

This time, Lu Ping'an was completely annoyed.

Then it only took Lu Pingan two and a half months to produce "1937" that shocked the world!

For a moment, the media people shouted that the road was safe, awesome!

Then start writing articles.

Soon, the domestic people also shouted loudly after knowing the whole story.

At the same time, another round of condemnation of neon began.

Celebrities from all walks of life immediately began to express their support.

For something as big as right or wrong, someone who is not well-known would not be able to support him.

The entertainment company was shocked.

The rest of the circle was equally shocked.

It's just that cynicism is inevitable at this time.

Such as Yang Yazhou.

After reading the link, a message came from QQ: 5,000 US dollars per article, see how much you can earn.

Yang Yazhou swallowed.

How could he not know the risks of writing relevant rebuttal articles at this time?

So he replied: less.

The other person responded quickly: 8,000 US dollars for one article, no less than 1,000 words.

Yang Yazhou: I want RMB.

Opposite: Yes, payment will be made upon release.

Yang Yazhou: Deal!

An hour later, Yang Yazhou submitted an article titled "A perfect self-directed and self-acted Olympic marketing".

While waiting for a reply, his wife poured hot milk for him: "It's already 12 o'clock. Go to bed early. We have to prepare New Year's goods tomorrow."

"Yeah soon."

Yang Yazhou is in a very good mood at the moment. With an income of more than 60,000 yuan, he can buy Neng Kejin.

"Honey, how about we buy a king crab tomorrow."

"King crab? Why buy such expensive ones?"

"Buy it first and try making it yourself. If it tastes good, wait until your parents come to make it again."

"It's too expensive."

"If you have money, the year-end bonus will be given out. Don't worry, I will buy you a bag when the time comes."

"Okay, listen to your husband, he is the best."

Tonight, Yang Yazhou is happy.

It's just that the happy time won't last long.

Early in the morning a few days later, two men in uniform came outside the door.

"Yang Yazhou, please come with us."

But at this time, Yang Yazhou was still taking chances.

He even didn't think what he did was wrong.

So he said impatiently: "Did you find the wrong person?"

The Yang family's parents and wife in the room were also curious.

Why did this Chinese New Year guy come out like this all of a sudden?

But he didn't want to subdue his uncle and directly showed the arrest warrant: "You are suspected of colluding with foreign forces."

Yang Yazhou didn't listen much to the rest of the words.

At this moment, the Yang family has already collapsed.

Yang Yazhou's head was also buzzing like a thunderbolt, and he remembered the beautiful girl he met while playing in Neon three years ago.

Shouldn’t I regret it at the beginning? (End of chapter)

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