"A few words to the audience in front of the TV? Then I wish everyone good luck, youth and prosperity in the new year! I wish all Chinese and overseas Chinese good luck and prosperity in the Year of the Pig."

"Of course I am in a good mood now. What I want to do most is to take advantage of the Spring Festival to take a good rest. I have been working hard since the end of the year before last, making plans for the Olympics, filming "Bucket List", "Peak 3" and so on. I filmed "1937" and now I'm still filming "Batman 2," so I really want to take a break."

"What do you want to eat most? You want to eat them all. Wow, we can't talk about this. I haven't had a decent Chinese meal in months. Don't ask and just skip it. I won't be able to sleep at night."

"What are your expectations for the Oscars? Of course it would be best to win an award."

"What do you think of the social impact of "Bucket List"? It also promotes tourism? First of all, I hope everyone can be healthy. Secondly, I think as a director, my work can be loved and highly praised by the majority of movie fans. , and have an upward effect on the public and society. This is really a very meaningful thing. I will continue to work hard in the future and strive to shoot more works that are meaningful to society."

After the award ceremony, Lu Ping'an held the Golden Bear trophy in his hand and was interviewed in front of a group of reporters.

After the brief interview, Lu Pingan went to take photos with a group of filmmakers.

The foreigners were very enthusiastic. Not only did they take photos, but they also took the opportunity to say a few words, as if Lu Ping An was a superstar.

It is understandable that what "Brokeback Mountain" brought to him before was basically making him a major international director.

Now, through a difficult work, which was filmed under special circumstances, this has directly made him a well-known figure in the ranks of international directors.

This also gave Lu Pingan himself a layer of legend.

After all, which famous director here doesn’t have some legendary stories?

Some people have invented movies, some have made great contributions to film technology, some have won honors that are difficult for others to achieve in their lives, some have won the highest box office in the world, some have particularly bizarre love stories, and some have entered the most dangerous places in the world. Place to film the movie.

In short, those who become legends have different "legendary colors".

Lu Pingan spoke out for the anti-war in Asia and encountered death threats. This is the highlight of his legend.

Of course, there are big and small highlights. Lu Pingan's shine this time is not very bright in the entire international film history. If Lu Pingan really wants to become a legend that must be mentioned in the international film industry, there is still a long way to go.

A safe journey doesn't matter.

What is legendary is not legendary.

Anyway, being happy is the most important thing.

Lu Ping'an smiled, walked among relatives and friends, and enjoyed the joy

After the award ceremony, Lu Ping An attended the reception, which lasted until 12 o'clock in the evening.

At the cocktail party, he had a good chat with everyone present, especially those from China.

The atmosphere was very good, including when chatting with Chen Hong.

The fact that Chen Hongneng came here has already explained some positions.

Although Chen Hong must have a reason to get together with a great poet, she is not a great poet after all. In short, she looks more sober. When talking to Lu Ping'an, she didn't hold back and said directly that there was actually no conflict between them. But Lao Chen is like that, holding himself up, and it's not easy to think about it. However, he has become much more awake after the failure of "The Promise". I hope everyone can sit down and have a good cup of tea in the future.

Anyway, that's what it meant. Chen Hong had a very good attitude and said a lot of good things to the great poet.

Regardless of whether the great poet is really as "sober" as she said, on this occasion, Lu Ping'an would definitely not show off towards Chen Hong. After all, there was no need for confrontation.

Not only that, Lu Pingan also gave Chen Hong enough face in front of everyone, saying that we could communicate more about future projects. Anyway, it was confirmed that the one who acted the devil was the great poet himself, and it had nothing to do with me, Lu Pingan.

Chen Hong is very happy. Now she is no longer a simple actress, but a producer.

Being able to formally communicate with the stars on behalf of the great poet is great for both the great poet and her own interests.

After chatting with Chen Hong, Lu Pingan and Han Sanpin chatted alone.

Han Sanpin said directly that he would officially take over as the top leader of China Film Group in March.

Lu Ping'an also said directly that "Pacific Rim" and "Kung Fu Panda" will be scheduled to be released this year!

With a few simple words, the two of them toasted, everything was said without saying a word.

We chatted all the way until 12 o'clock, and when we returned to the hotel, Hu Qingquan, despite being slightly tipsy, talked to Lu Ping'an about his gains in Berlin.

The money scenes in "1937" are excellent.

The film has already been released in Germany and North America.

The remaining places will wait for the rights to be sold before they can be fully released.

Hu Qingquan said with some pride: "152 countries and regions, according to the original plan, profits will be put later and coverage first. The current total copyright quotation is US$27.65 million."

"152? This time it's amazing."

Lu Ping'an was very satisfied.

Among these 152, North America is not the big one, so it is really impressive to be able to reach close to 30 million.

At present, the investment in "1937" is relatively large.

The production cost nearly $10 million.

The budget for public relations expenses is $20 million.

Although this money has not been spent yet, it has been included.

The total is 30 million, not including Lu Ping'an's own director's salary and so on.

Now that the copyright is sold, the money is basically recovered based on the current expenditure.

In addition, in North America, the movie has been released for nearly a week, and the box office has reached nearly 20 million.

North America is split, so "1937" will definitely have no problem making money this time, and it is expected to make a lot more.

Hu Qingquan continued: "If we follow the normal process, we can earn at least 10 to 20 million US dollars more in terms of copyright, but the price is that the coverage will be reduced by at least 50 countries and regions."

"Also, neon cannot be sold. I heard rumors that neon may ban you as a whole. If this really happens, things will be big. It will not only affect this movie, but also you in the future. Films in Hollywood may also be restricted."

"That's to be expected."

Lu Ping'an didn't care, but he also said, "I might not be able to deal with his American dad in my childhood."

"That's what I say, but you have to prepare for the worst."

"I know, but what else can we do after the matter has been done? Let's leave it like this. By the way, if the neon side really can't sell it, we will give it away for free. If we can't give it away for free, we will just post the resources online. Well, this time I want everyone in my childhood to see this movie."

"Then we have to do it after a while. The goal has been achieved at this point, and we have to take care of money."


After talking about external copyright matters, Hu Qingquan asked about the domestic release plan.

The two of them had discussed this matter before, and the plan was very simple.

Since "1937" has a certain mission, someone will definitely come to morally kidnap it in the future.

Don't talk about the future, someone is already saying that since your movie is a voice for the country, why do you still need to collect money?

It is impossible to be completely free, and it is impossible for Lu Ping An to be truly selfless. If he really wanted to do it, it would not be selfless, but stupid!

Everyone knows the allusion of Zigong redeeming cattle. Otherwise, it would be a good thing turning into a bad thing. No one in the circle would be willing to do this, nor would they encourage you to do it.

Therefore, Lu Ping'an couldn't be kidnapped, and these people couldn't do anything.

However, it is still possible to slightly adjust the domestic release model.

Don't be too obsessed with box office profits, you can put some of it out to give back to the public.

For example, it will only be released for one month, and the ticket price will be lower. After the theatrical release, it will be sold to the Sixth Princess at a cheaper price, so that the Sixth Princess can be released on TV as soon as possible.

This is the most balanced.

Let's continue chatting, and then there is only the last level left in "1937".

It's February 18th. The final votes for the Oscars will close in two days, and the Oscars will begin eight days later.

Judging by time, the results have basically been determined at present.

The team has the same attitude as to whether they can win the award. Anyway, they have tried their best, and they have tried their best, so no matter what the result is, they can accept it.

Hu Qingquan said: "Then I will go to Laomei tomorrow. You should come here early."

"Okay, I'll go there in my third year of junior high school."

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