The long-awaited Oscars have finally begun.

The journey of "1937" has also reached its last stop.

After "1937" passed the Berlin Film Festival, it became much more famous than before.

After the Berlin Golden Bear was awarded, "1937" did not cause much controversy in the international film community.

In other words, the international community basically recognizes this movie.

In North America, "1937" has been released for a week now.

The box office was 21 million, which is a very good result and represents public recognition.

Professional film critics also praise and marvel at the film's technology.

Regarding issues other than technical aspects, although some people are bad-mouthing them, they are generally good.

Although Neon is still acting like a monster, they seem to have understood that after Lu Ping An broke the "death threat" window paper, what they did was more of just bringing popularity to Lu Ping An.

In addition, at the earlier Golden Globe Awards, "1937" also won four technical awards. This was even criticized by some old American media, saying that some judges did not understand technology.

So if the Oscars don't give him a single award for "1937" now, then it's really the Oscars' problem.

But when it comes time to actually start awarding awards, everyone will inevitably become nervous.

What if it's really hanging?

If it really fails, it will be an international joke.

Oscar is shameless, we are shameless.

In addition, the opponent is indeed very powerful.

"Pan's Labyrinth", "Flags of Our Fathers", "Letters from Iwo Jima", "Pirates of the Caribbean" and so on.

They are all strong contenders for technical awards.

So the more you think about it, the lower your chances of winning the prize seem to be.

And it's not just Xingchen who has this kind of nervousness.

Most scenes are like this.

The reason for their nervousness is much simpler.

As for the Oscars, your net worth will skyrocket after you win the award, so don't be nervous.

Such emotions are getting stronger and stronger as the official opening approaches.

It wasn't until the host came on stage that everyone applauded.

The Oscars have officially begun.

Next, various awards were awarded one by one, from small to large.

Best Documentary and Best Documentary Short will go first.

In the Best Documentary Short Film section, Chinese director Yang Ziye won the Golden Award for "Children of Yingzhou".

This is a documentary short about caring for children about AIDS.

Yang Ziye immigrated to the United States a few years ago and was a native of Xiangjiang before immigrating.

Overall, just give me a round of applause.

Then comes the best costume design.

"1937" was not nominated in this category, but "The Golden Jacket" was.

Zhang Weipin's anus tightened at the scene.

He is also ambitious.

The Chinese have already won awards, can we do the same?

If he gets the "Golden Armor" and Lu Ping'an fails in all 11 categories, huh.

As a result, before the levator exercise was completed, the answer was revealed: "Marie Marie" won.

Zhang Weipin OUT!

Next up is the best cut.

In the eyes of almost everyone in the media, there is no suspense about this award.

All the movies with one shot to the end are here, and the completion is so good. So far, many technical experts can't come up with a unified answer to how many editing points there are in the movie. If they don't give it, it's simply sick!

So when the host shouted "1937", Zhang Yifan calmly stood up and accepted the applause.

But Lu Ping'an also noticed that his hands were shaking.

"Don't be nervous, come on!"

Have a safe road and cheers.

Zhang Yifan took a few deep breaths and went on stage.

The appearance of Zhang Yifan can be regarded as another serious Chinese filmmaker in the history of the Oscars. At the same time, Zhang Yifan can basically call himself the number one editor in the country.

After a great start, the best art direction follows.

"1937" was also nominated, but unfortunately it was won by "Pan's Labyrinth".

The next best sound effects went to "Dreamgirls," best visual effects went to "Pirates of the Caribbean," and best original screenplay went to "Little Miss Sunshine."

When awarding the Best Adapted Screenplay, new movie star Helen Mirren and veteran movie star Tom Hanks took the stage to present the award. The big screen immediately released trailers for the five candidate films. When the voiceover introduced "The Departed", he actually said that the film Adapted from a neon film.

This was the same accident as in the original time and space, and Lu Ping'an's face immediately dropped.

Ning Hao and others also felt disappointed after Hu Qingquan explained.

When Martin Scorsese came on stage to accept the award, he thanked Hong Kong, thanked Liu Weiqiang, and praised Asian films. This move made people feel a little relieved, but it still cannot make up for the mistakes made by the Oscars.

The impact of such an accident also made everyone in the Xingchen team lose their nervousness.

Of course you have to do something at this time.

Soon, the opportunity came.

The next one is Best Cinematography, which went to "1937" without any surprise.

It’s still the bonus of one shot to the end.

This award, like the Best Editing, is the two most promising awards for "1937" this time.

At this time, Ning Hao was no longer nervous at the beginning.

Of course, there is not much excitement about becoming the first person in photography in China.

In the camera, he was hugging Lu Ping'an and others, looking just generally happy.

Then he arranged his clothes and went on stage.

He looked calm and composed, and with his appearance, he looked like a gangster.

When receiving the statuette, he first said in less than standard English: "In China, the biggest insult to a person is to call him a neon man, so I am very happy that the organizing committee read it correctly this time." my nationality."

In a word, the scene was somewhat silent.

Everyone knows that this is an attack on the mistake just now.

It's just that many people think that it's just such a small mistake, so what?

So many people on the spot felt that the man on stage did not understand the rules and was not moral.

Of course, there are many people who think this person is quite classy!

Of course, the Chinese people in front of the TV are the happiest.

Ning Hao’s awesome pen!

Ning Hao at the scene continued: "This proves that our efforts are useful. It is not terrible to make mistakes. What is terrible is to do something wrong but not admit it is a mistake. The history of World War II in Asia has been like this in the past few decades. I would like to sincerely thank the organizing committee for giving "1937" fair treatment, thank you, and thank you to my team, to Lu Ping'an, and to my motherland, thank you!"

Finally it was rounded.

I don’t speak much, mainly because my English is not very good.

Ning Hao was a little helpless about this.

There was a burst of applause when he came off the stage.

Some people are afraid to applaud.

Some people play drums very fiercely.

Some of them are Lu Ping'an and the others, some are righteous people, and the rest are people who just watch the fun and don't mind it.

When Ning Hao came back, his legs were a little weak.

Lu Ping'an and others praised him: "He's so handsome!"

Ning Hao kept saying, "It's so miserable. Shouldn't it be banned?"

Lu Ping'an didn't care at all.

"Well, you are messing around with the Oscar, can't we fight back? Besides, we have already won the award, and we have already stopped losing. We are afraid that it will be a 6!"


Everyone echoed in unison.

Lu Pingan continued to comfort: "Don't worry, if you really feel that the limelight is too much, if I can go on stage later, I will say something more harsh."

"No, just accept the award well. I don't have to hang out in Hollywood. I have to do it."

"Stop talking nonsense, I've been threatened with death and why am I still afraid of this?"

Lu Pingan was determined and immediately began to adjust his acceptance speech.

But unfortunately, he had no chance next.

Next, "1937" won two more awards.

For the best sound editing and best soundtrack, the foreigners on stage were the ones in charge.

So far, "1937" has successfully won four technical awards, and the winning projects are as expected.

As expected, we failed to win the last two nominations.

Best makeup was lost to "Pan's Labyrinth". There's no way it can be helped. It's a fantasy movie, and the level of makeup is not on the same level.

As for the best director, it was won by Martin Scorsese of "The Departed", just like The Originals.

And "The Departed" would go on to win the Best Picture, which was regarded as an upset by many media later. Many people also thought that Oscar meant to repay Martin Scorsese's debt.

This is similar to Dell's information. There is indeed a lot behind the scenes in this film.

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