When we arrived at the screening room, "Huan Tai" that Han Sanpin was watching had been playing for half an hour.

This happens to be the scene where the hero and heroine see the car.

As a static picture, the visual impact is not great, and because I am not wearing 3D glasses, the picture is as blurry as astigmatism.

But it didn't stop Mu Xiaoguang and others from shouting "awesome" in their hearts.

They could tell at a glance that this was definitely not an Asian-level movie, but a Hollywood-level one.

Mu Xiaoguang asked: "Did Xingchen do it himself?"

"Of course." Lu Pingan handed over the 3D glasses, "Use 3D, the effect will be better."

Mu Xiaoguang put on his glasses, and sure enough, the look was different.

"What's at stake!"

"It will be better to watch it in IMAX after it is released in theaters."

"Please don't forget me during the premiere."

"Of course, but are you really not going to contribute some movie tickets?"

"Hahaha, of course I will."

Then continue watching, keeping the questions you want to ask in your mind, the plot is the most important.

An hour and a half later, everyone came out with Han Sanpin, their faces glowing red.

Fan Xiaopang and others have truly seen what Xingchen's strongest movie is currently, and they are full of confidence in the future.

For Fan Xiaopang, what is actually more important is to see Liu Qianqian's performance in it.

She envied this little girl again.

What a lucky fate!

After this release, Liu Qianqian may have to go international directly!

Not to mention Han Sanpin was happy.

Before coming here, he was actually worried whether the movie would follow the footsteps of "The Promise".

Although he also knew that Lu Pingan would never miss the plot.

But "The Promise" really gave him great stamina for competition.

It's better now. At this moment, Han Sanpin's mood is like drinking iced sour plum soup in summer, which is so refreshing.

He didn't care about Fan Xiaopang and others, and directly asked Lu Ping'an: "It's summer time, won't you cover it up anymore?"

"There is no need to cover it up. It really wasn't done well. There are still a few things that need to be adjusted in the version you are looking at now."

Lu Pingan retorted with a smile, and then gave An Xin a guarantee, "It's on summer release, and "Kung Fu Panda" is also on summer release."

"Is it all summer time?"

"Yes, let's finish the summer season completely."

"What about the Lunar New Year period?"

"Leave this year's work to others, and we'll talk about it next year."

"That's okay. By the way, can we see pandas now?"

"It's done, but there's no dubbing. It'll take a few days."


Han Sanpin was satisfied, and then looked at Fan Xiaopang and the others.

Han Sanpin and Mu Xiaoguang knew each other, so since they had met, they naturally wanted to have a cup of tea and chat.

After learning about the cooperation between Lu Ping'an and the other party, Han Sanpin also regarded Xingchen as a Chinese movie star and had many words with Mu Xiaoguang as his master.

Generally speaking, you can do business, but you must pay attention to the rules. This is the mainland after all.

Then I wish both parties can cooperate to produce more high-quality works.

Of course Mu Xiaoguang didn't dare to fart.

Of course he understands what it means. A mountain eagle, how dare he make a mistake?

This scene actually made Fan Xiaopang feel more and more happy the more he watched it.

Life is different when you board a high-speed train. The peak of life is almost before your eyes.

Of course, if the road is safe, the speed will naturally be much faster than now.

Unfortunately, it seems difficult to find a safe road.

When the conversation reached lunch time, Lu Pingan asked for food, but Han Sanpin refused, saying he would have a meeting in the afternoon.

Lu Pingan, Fan Xiaopang and others then had a simple meal without much drinking. They chatted about the next plan at the dinner table and then left.

Next, Fan Xiaopang will officially start the road to attack Fan Ye under the control of Mu Xiaoguang.

Of course, Fan Xiaopang didn't give up and continued to conquer Lu Ping'an. After leaving, he was sent his home address in a text message.

Lu Pingan did not refuse or accept, and replied: "Be careful when the killer comes!"

Fan Xiaopang quickly replied: "Then I will just wait and be killed."

Lu Ping'an didn't reply again. After Fan Xiaopang waited for a long time, he threw his phone into his bag, then looked at the street view of Beijing outside the car window and raised his lips again, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Ping'an continued to focus on the last bit of work on "Huan Tai". It was not until Liu Qianqian called that he left the company and went to Liu Qianqian's home.

"What's the dish today?"

At Liu Qianqian's house, Lu Pingan looked at the table of dishes prepared by Liu Xiaoli and moved his index finger.

"Wash your hands first."

Liu Qianqian smiled and pushed Lu Pingan to the bathroom.

Lu Pingan took the opportunity to grab a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. The look made Liu Xiaoli smile like an aunt.

Then we started to eat. Topics were flying around the dinner table, and naturally the topic of "Huan Tai" was inevitable.

Lu Ping'an also knew what Liu Xiaoli cared about, so he didn't keep it secret.

"Last year Sissi had "The Condor" Little Dragon Girl, this year she has "Huan Tai", one film a year, Sissi, if other people knew you were such an idiot, they would be so envious!"

Liu Qianqian replied subconsciously: "Where is the salted fish? I usually read books and practice my acting skills."

And Liu Xiaoli grasped the key point: "Is "Pacific Rim" ready?"

"Yes, it has been done for a long time, but there is no way. There are problems with talent and equipment, so it is indeed a bit difficult to do it."

In fact, according to the current speed, "Huan Tai" is already fast enough.

But this was also made possible by the investment in equipment and personnel regardless of cost.

The ratio of capital investment to production time is quite different from Hollywood.

The production cycle is the same two years, and the equipment is the same. Industrial Light and Magic may only have 50 people, while Stars uses nearly 200 people.

The gap is indeed not small.

"It's the first time, so it's inevitable that you'll stumble. If you can finish it successfully, it's considered a success." Liu Xiaoli comforted her.

"I think so too. Now the movie is expected to be completely finished in a few hours. It is scheduled to be released in the summer. I plan to release it in the United States first and then in China."

Lu Ping'an directly stated the plan.

For a movie like "Huan Tai" that has no national characteristics, the best way is actually to put the outside in first.

As for outside, it would be best to release it in June, before "Transformers" is released, and be the first to launch the gimmick of a big special effects movie.

Movies with big special effects are also a big gimmick in the United States, otherwise the box office of "Transformers" would not be so high.

The global box office of "Transformers 1" in the original time and space is more than 700 million US dollars. The bonus brought by the large number of fans of the original work accounts for the majority, and the special effects of the entire film cannot be ignored.

Generally speaking, this is a very strong opponent, so if "Huan Tai" wants to have a first-mover advantage, it must be released before it. Coupled with 3D and IMAX, it can achieve good results.

As for domestically, let's release it in July, and then "Panda" in August will give "Transformers" a pincer attack.

If "Panda" is released in North America, it can take its time, preferably during the Christmas season.

As a result, it is three months apart from the mainland release date, so there is basically no impact.

After hearing this, Liu Xiaoli's eyes shone brightly, as if she had seen Sissi step onto the international stage.

Lu Ping'an continued: "If you have time later, you can go to the company to watch a movie."

Liu Xiaoli: "Okay."

Liu Qianqian asked: "Am I behaving well in there?"

"Not good, not good at all, just like a fool."


Liu Qianqian, who had been silent for a while, quickly reacted when she saw Lu Ping An's suppressed laughter. Then she stood up and was about to pinch her, but was stopped by Liu Xiaoli, "Qian Qian, don't bully Ping An!"

"Mom, he is bullying me."

"Really? I just see you want to bully him. Sit down and have a good meal!"

Liu Xiaoli was very forceful. Liu Qianqian pouted in annoyance, but then she turned around and became gentle again, "Ping An, try this. Auntie has been stewing it for a day."

An hour and a half later, Liu Qianqian and her daughter enjoyed the movie again in the Star Screening Room.

And Lu Ping'an also received a final reward.

"Pacific Rim" is 102% complete.

It's the first time to create a big special effect, and it's really not easy to surpass it.

As for the reward, Lu Ping'an is also quite satisfied.

The overall acceleration buff during the special effects film production stage.

How to say this skill?

If Lu Pingping works alone, it will be useless because he has "X".

But after all, he no longer works alone. Now that he has a team, this skill is very useful.

With this buff, in the future, the company's special effects production, including animation, can reduce the error rate in the production stage to improve production efficiency. It can also strengthen production inspiration and improve the quality of special effects.

For example, for example, the modeling and rendering of a scene in "Huan Tai" have been re-done more than ten times.

This is extremely time consuming.

With this buff, many mistakes can be reduced and time can be greatly reduced.

At the same time, it is also good to improve production inspiration. On the one hand, this is related to artistry, whether the special effects are good-looking or not. In addition to technology, aesthetics is also very important.

Appropriate aesthetics will create appropriate special effects solutions, and when placed in the right place, they will present the most appropriate visual look and feel. It’s a simple truth.

On the other hand, if the production staff is bathed in buffs, it can also increase the probability of developing new technologies. Although it is small, as the timeline is lengthened, more advantages will naturally accumulate.

Lu Ping'an made the final calculation.

If this buff had been available before "Huan Tai", "Huan Tai" would have been completed in August last year, and the quality would have been slightly improved.

not bad. (End of chapter)

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