"How do you feel about becoming a doctor?"

In the courtyard, Zhang Songwen asked Lu Ping'an while choosing dishes.

"I don't feel anything. It's just a mutual advantage. I don't ask for it for free, and they don't give it for free. Anyway, there are benefits for both sides."

Lu Ping'an threw the green beans in his hand into the basket, grabbed a few new ones, and replied.

Yesterday, I went to the Chinese Theater Company and it was said that I received an honorary doctorate. This is a big deal. Of course, the Chinese Theater Company would not do it in such a low-key manner.

So we just discussed it in advance yesterday, and we will have a formal ceremony in a few days.

And getting an honorary doctorate is more of a false name for Lu Ping'an. In terms of actual effect, it reflects more on the expansion of his social circle. It is usually useless, but it may be useful when necessary. some effects.

For Zhongxi, the benefits are more practical.

For example, Lu Ping'an will give lectures, and some projects can also be coordinated with China National Theater to give students one more opportunity.

"The adult world is so difficult to understand."

Dong Xuan, who was also choosing dishes, couldn't help but sigh.

"Sister, how old are you, and you still pretend to be young?" Zhou Yiwei, who was choosing vegetables together, complained.

"I will always be eighteen!"

Dong Xuan didn't care, and then looked at Lu Ping'an, "Dr. Lu, how did you feel after going to the Chinese Theater?"

Lu Ping'an: "The school is smaller than expected."

It was indeed small, not as good as Nortel, and even felt smaller than the elementary school he had attended in his previous life.

Zhang Songwen said with a smile: "It's funny to say that a great director like you has never been to the Chinese Opera in so many years."

"You can't say that." Zhou Yiwei retorted with a smile, "Ping An didn't go there on purpose. Otherwise, how could he be called the backbone of Nortel?"

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

As a director at Nortel, Lu Ping'an rarely gets cast in films. This kind of "anti-traditional" behavior is now called the "Backbone of Nortel" in Nortel.

However, after Zhou Yiwei finished speaking, he asked again: "Are there many beauties among the freshmen of the Chinese Drama Theater?"

"School hasn't started yet, but there is a stupid student."

Ning Hao, who was lazy, chewed melon seeds and curled his lips to retort, and then asked the same question, "Are there any beautiful Chinese opera teachers?"

Zhou Yiwei's eyes also lit up: "Did anyone put a note in it?"

Lu Ping'an smiled and said: "Of course I don't have the note, but I did get the address book."

Huang Bo slapped his thigh: "Brother Wen, your spring is coming! Boss, please give the address book to Awen quickly and solve his personal problems."

Zhou Yiwei: "Yes, yes, I will be your adviser."

Lu Ping'an: "I'm going there one more time on the 11th. Then I'll be casting with the mouse. You can go too. The students will be there at that time, and the teachers and students will take photos together."

Ning Hao, Yiyiwei, and Huang Bo: "It's possible. Our school will start at that time, so don't let it go!"

Zhang Songwen said, "It's not necessary."

"A bunch of perverts!"

Dong Xuan couldn't stand listening anymore and complained, "One of you, one is an international director, one has the best cinematography Oscar, one is the best actor, and one is already a teacher. And your neck, no matter what, you are a mature person. You are an actor, why are you still so childish!"

Lu Ping'an: "A man is a boy until he dies, you old bitch don't understand."

Dong Xuan directly threw rotten vegetable leaves.

Everyone laughed and finished choosing the green beans in front of them, and were just about to finish the next one, when Liu Qianqian came.

"Here I come! Miss me!"

Liu Qianqian changed as soon as she entered the courtyard.

It's a quiet time when I'm outside making announcements.

When facing reporters, he is generally lively and cheerful, cultured and in-depth.

But in the small circle, she is a crazy woman, shouting her voice, raising her hands to greet everyone, without caring about her image.

"Just in time!"

Lu Ping'an clapped his hands and said, "The only thing I haven't done is kill the chicken. Come on."

"Suddenly I remembered that I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first, 88"

Liu Qianqian turned around on the spot and wanted to run away, but Dong Xuan had already reached her side and was directly controlled.

In the end, Liu Qianqian definitely didn't kill the chicken.

This task was still handed over to Zhang Songwen.

An hour later, a sumptuous dinner was served, and Lu Ping'an's small circle gathered together again after more than half a year.

Today is a small gathering, and it is also a birthday for Liu Qianqian.

Everyone was busy on Liu Qianqian’s birthday a few days ago, so I made it up to today.

There is one more Dong Xuan and one less Baoqiang in the small circle.

Dong Xuan has actually joined the circle a long time ago, but this is the first time for such a gathering. After all, she is usually quite busy.

Bao Qiang is currently in Yunnan because of "My Leader, My Team", but he regrets not being able to come.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a small gathering, it won't affect anything.

After a lively meal, everyone went home, and everyone was very busy next.

Zhou Yiwei, who has become an actor, now has a lot of acting appointments.

The same is true for international movie star Liu Qianxi.

Ning Hao and Huang Bo are preparing for "Wonderful Night 2".

Dong Xuan will make a guest appearance in it.

Zhang Songwen, the only one who is not too busy, is also facing a new semester.

Moreover, he will join the cast of "Wonderful Night 2" in a few days, and Lu Ping'an is also planning to introduce him to Cheng Long's new drama.

Among this group of people, Zhang Songwen is the only one who doesn't have much to gain right now, so he needs to be taken care of.

By the way, I can also adapt to playing a gangster role.

Lu Ping'an continues to be busy with the Olympic directing team.

It was a busy journey until the 7th, when Lu Pingping packed his bags and boarded a plane to Venice.

A few hours later, Lu landed safely and was picked up by Jiang Wen.

"Did you hear that you became a doctor?"

Jiang Wen mentioned this matter when he saw Lu Ping'an.

"low profile."

The two laughed and got into the car. Jiang Wen then asked about the Olympic directing team.

"That's it, the plan is already here, and the next step is the implementation stage. I am just busy with these things. We are just watching, but it will definitely not be easy to leave."

This is what he is like now in the directing group.

As long as there are no major changes in terms of creativity or anything else, there won't be much work for him at the execution level, but it's true that it's not good to leave all the time, otherwise the impact will be bad.

Lu Ping'an finally knows what working within the system is.

So I just drank tea and chatted with several other consultants every day. I worked an 8-hour work day, which was very regular.

"Actually, life like this is quite good. I don't have to think too much about movies these days, and my mind has calmed down a lot."

Lu Ping'an talked about his insights these days.

Jiang Wen smiled and said, "I don't believe you haven't thought about the movie."

"Haha, of course I have thought about it."

"Is there a new script? I want one with the same flavor as before."

"Of course."

"You're not very good at selling people off. You have to say 'no' categorically. Only in this way can I be worried and sleepless at night."

"You know me so well?"

"I don't know you yet? Let's talk later, don't run away."

"That's not possible. I have something to do. Let's wait until the awards are handed out."


"Aren't you scratching your head? Can't you sleep at night?"

"screw you."

"Hahaha" (End of this chapter)

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