The simple audition for the Chinese drama lasted more than two hours.

Not particularly in-depth because this time it’s wholesale.

"Wonderful Night 2" requires the use of many guest roles, and their weight is like an ensemble cast, so there is no need to be too strict.

The remaining important roles will be carefully considered, but they are not necessarily cast in the middle.

If it's really not suitable, the crew will find another actor.

For Chinese dramas, this is no problem. Lu Ping'an is already an honorary doctor anyway, and there will be plenty of opportunities to interact with him in the future, so just take your time.

In the end, Lu Ping'an and Ning Hao took note of a group of pretty good actors and ended the audition.

Later, Lu Pingan had a meal with the Chinese opera teachers and graduates.

I had a brief chat with Wen Zhang, Chen Hao and others, and exchanged business cards.

Needless to say, for them, getting a business card and having a familiar face is already a big gain, even if the number on the business card does not belong to him.

A late meal.

It’s also thanks to the fact that the road is now safe and not busy.

Guorong came to the capital the next day.

The two sat down to drink tea in the office and chatted about Lin Xiaofang.

Lin Xiaofang was the only seed player in Wenchuan County Senior High School earlier.

Guorong said that she was very happy: "With a score of 630, I passed the exam."

"which school?"

"National People's Congress."

"That's not enough."

“Minorities get bonus points.”

Guorong looked happy when he talked about this.

Bonus points for saying okay.

And it’s not just Lin Xiaofang who has good news this time.

In the entire high school, 4 people passed the first class and 32 people took the second class. Among them was Lin Xiaofang, who went to the National People's Congress.

Such teaching results are definitely not good when viewed nationwide, but for a school that has just become a general high school, it is definitely a pretty good result, and there will be no problem with the key points of evaluation in the coming year.

"Then we have to open the champagne!"

Lu Ping'an was also very happy, after all, this was related to him.

Then the two talked about the script.

Guorong said at this time: "I have thought about it in the past two months, and I think your idea is right. You cannot focus on Lin Xiaofang personally."

The script Guorong mentioned at the beginning was based on Lin Xiaofang, expressing the local teaching and life difficulties in Wenchuan, inspiring the audience through Lin Xiaofang's success, and using this to attract society's attention to poverty-stricken areas.

But Lu Ping'an felt that it was inappropriate to do so.

This will cause Lin Xiaofang a lot of trouble.

And who can be sure that Lin Xiaofang will not go bad in the future?

Therefore, instead of focusing on personal growth experiences, it is better to focus on the universal theme of "working hard for a seemingly impossible goal, changing yourself and influencing the people around you in the process of hard work."

Guorong didn't agree at first, but after two months he figured it out.

"How did you figure it out?" Lu Pingan asked with a smile.

Guorong shrugged: "Actually, I had figured it out a long time ago, but I was confused during that period. Later, I found a map and circled the difficult places. I saw that half of China was enclosed, and I was shocked. You know it’s a laugh.”

Guorong smiled and shook his head and said: "You really have to have a broader vision. If you make it according to my idea, this movie will be useful for a few years at most. If you make it according to your idea, everyone can benefit from the movie."

"I didn't think too much about it, I just thought it would be better to shoot this way."

Lu Ping'an answered with a smile.

This is true because that is what the template is about.

Of course Guorong didn't believe it and said with a smile: "What about the new script? Do you have it?"

"It's not sorted out yet."

"It's okay. The Olympics are important. It's good to have a clear idea. By the way, have you decided what I will play?"

"The heroine's most important teacher, okay?"

"That's great!"

The two chatted and laughed until the afternoon, and then set off to the premiere of "The Sun Also Rises."

The premiere was very lively.

As one of the major directors in China, Jiang Wen has directed a film for the first time nearly 7 years after the film was banned, so the attention is naturally not low.

The fact that he failed to win a prize at Venice a few days ago didn't seem to have much impact on him.

Audiences, fans and the media are still very optimistic about his new work.

But after the premiere, many people didn't know what to say.

"The Sun Also Rises" is good.

Of course it's good.

But it's not commercial, it's too esoteric.

Therefore, in terms of market expectations, many people knew at first glance that they would not be high.

In this regard, Jiang Wen has always maintained confidence in front of outsiders.

The current copyright income of "The Sun" has been released. The domestic audio and video copyright was sold for 1.5 million yuan, and the foreign distribution price was over 30 million yuan.

Calculated based on the cost of 55 million.

As long as the box office exceeds 80 million, the film will be able to make back its money.

It was only 80 million. Jiang Wen felt that the problem was not big.

Lu Pingan also gave direct support when being interviewed by reporters: "This is a movie worth recalling carefully. Of course, the more box office, the better."

That was all he could say.

Next, relying on the blessing of my own theater chain, I hope that the box office can be higher.

At the premiere thank-you banquet that night, Jiang Wen got very drunk. Lu Pingan and Ning Hao carried him to the hotel room. Before leaving, Zhou Yun sighed and said to Lu Pingan: "The movie has been released, and Old Jiang can finally I feel relieved, my nerves have been tense every day for the past two years.”

Lu Pingan smiled and said directly to her: "Tell him later that no matter how the box office goes, I have 200 million ready for him. He can pick it up at any time and start shooting new movies at any time."

After saying that, Lu Ping An left and went to Hengdian.

After Lu Ping An left, Jiang Wen opened his eyes as expected. After Zhou Yun conveyed Lu Ping An's words to him, Jiang Wen turned over and fell asleep completely.

Early the next morning, Lu Pingan, Ning Hao, as well as the "Wonderful Night 2" production team, and Hengdian Lao Xu began to inspect the entire Hengdian again.

As mentioned before, "Wonderful Night 2" uses various scenes in Hengdian.

This time Lu Ping An did not break his promise, and Hengdian Lao Xu also paid great attention to it.

The scenery created last time for "Painted Skin" is still used by many crews, and it has now become another filming location.

Now Lu Ping An has to use almost the entire Hengdian, and it is a project of international attention like "Wonderful Night 2".

Not to mention how much benefit it can bring to Hengdian.

So of course I will fully support it!

As a result, Hengdian gave full support to the relevant ideas proposed by Xingchen, just like during the "Painted Skin" period.

So far, two specific scenes that required temporary construction are nearing completion.

The rest of the scenes were made from ready-made objects.

Lu Ping'an came here just to take a look and make an inspection. After that, he would discuss some specific matters with Lao Xu.

Such as site use plans and investment-related issues.

Hengdian Group will definitely invest in "Wonderful Night 2", and Lu Ping'an will definitely come and have a chat with such a big boss.

The motorcade was cruising all the way, and the news quickly spread throughout the Hengdian crew.

So the tourists in Hengdian looked at the stars of each crew, looking forward to when they could meet, talk to each other, and ask for autographs.

The stars, on the other hand, were waiting to see if Director Lu would come over, expecting to meet, have a chat, be favored, and then reach the pinnacle of their lives.

Some are dreaming, some are taking action.

But it was not someone else but Yang Mi who took action.

Outside the Qin Palace in Hengdian, Lu Pingping and everyone were about to get in the car when they heard the sound of "Brother".

Lu Ping'an looked up and saw Yang Mi, who was slightly out of breath. Behind her, there was a middle-aged woman with wide-eyed surprise. (End of chapter)

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