China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 428 Changes to Wonderful Night 2

Once you have the structure and theme, all that remains is how to fill it in.

Lu Ping An has already made plans.

The first step is the easiest.

That is to replace the characters that appeared in the original "Wonderful Night 2" one by one.

The first is the positive role.

Don’t change anything from the first part.

George Custer, the reckless general who first appeared in the second part, can be replaced with a new funny character.

For example, Li Bai.

When the young Li Bai was high-spirited and unrestrained, he made his debut by shouting his own poems.

But it is not very reliable. As a poet, he has never fought in a war, but he is eager to fight, has a proud heart, and has high vision but low hand. It is quite consistent.

Then after appearing, he exited as quickly and comically as in the original time and space.

The protagonist becomes a person again.

Then the original female pilot appears.

The original female pilot was a pioneer in the Western women's equal rights movement.

Here you can replace it with Ban Zhao or Wang Zhenyi, both of whom were famous female scientists in ancient times.

Lu Ping'an prefers Wang Zhenyi because she is from the Qing Dynasty and a figure from the feudal dacheng period. At this time, the gap between China and foreign countries has become very large. Faced with the rapid changes outside and the conservative feudalism at home, this will bring some problems to her character's personality. A greater sense of shock and regret.

Next came the huge statue of Lincoln. Lu Pingan’s first reaction was that of a great man, but due to censorship issues, this was replaced by a huge statue of Confucius.

Einstein can be replaced by Zu Chongzhi or nothing should be changed.

The thinker can be replaced by Qu Yuan who asked the sky.

They are all perfect replacements.

That’s all the main positive characters in the original version.

The remaining villains.

The original Pharaoh's brother, Kamenra, the King of Kings, can be replaced by Chi You.

In folk mythology and the overall impression of domestic audiences, Chi You is a villain, and he can still be a villain here, a perfect replacement.

It also features Kung Fu Panda as his mount.

The three villains summoned by the original Carmenra: Ivan the Terrible, Gangster Capone, and Napoleon.

These three can also be replaced.

But considering that Chi You is the "human ancestor" after all.

Therefore, it is not easy to directly recruit foreigners as subordinates and then conquer the world.

But it can be adjusted.

For example, Qin Hui or a certain great traitor in history took refuge first. This great traitor suggested finding some foreigners and powerful villains.

For example, Japanese pirates, Huns, Dutch, etc., as well as the original guest appearances of the Dark Soldiers from Star Wars and Oscar from Sesame Street, which can be replaced by Fire Cloud Evil God, Lu Bu and the like.

Here, Lu Bu could still shout "How can I stay depressed and depressed for a long time under others", and then he was educated and shouted instead "Bu meets the Lord of the Ming Dynasty."

Then Chi You can also despise why the Japanese pirates are so short, just like the original teased Napoleon for being "short".

That's the overall character.

Next comes scene replacement and the guest roles required for each scene.

There were only three scenes in the original version.

Warehouse, Lincoln Memorial, Aerospace Museum.

There can be more this time.

Because it involves the display of history.

Therefore, the palaces of various dynasties must be displayed.

The Shang Dynasty Palace, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period Exhibition Hall, the Qin Palace, the Tang Palace, and the Forbidden City are all displayed together.

In the palace of the Shang Dynasty, I met the nervous Jiang Ziya who was fishing.

In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States exhibition hall, I met Lao Tzu who was riding an ox and touching porcelain.

In the Qin Palace, the "kill or not kill" scene can be retained again, frightening the protagonist and then running away.

Lu Pingan still likes "Hero" very much.

In the Tang Palace, of course there is a Tang Palace Night Banquet.

The girls who danced "Beautiful People" had to show off, making the protagonist happy and unhappy.

The Song Dynasty can be presented in other ways. For example, the biggest highlight of the original "Wonderful Night 2" is the scene of entering the world in the painting, which must also be retained.

Now you can change to "Along the River During Qingming Festival" in the art exhibition hall.

Let’s take a look at the style of the Song Dynasty.

Let’s play “Curving Flowing Water Drinking Wine” again, and the filming location is more beautiful.

In addition to "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", portraits of the four beauties can also be taken out at this time.

In the Ming Dynasty, they went directly to Zheng He's big ship to sail to the West.

This can be combined with the plot.

The protagonist ran all the way, but couldn't escape, so he just borrowed a boat to escape. This can replace the airplane in the original version.

The world in the painting can also include the Tiananmen Gate Tower from the Founding Ceremony of the People's Republic of China.

This can pass the review as long as the great person does not appear frontally, and the color can also be changed to black and white, which conforms to the characteristics of the black and white photos at that time and makes it more interesting.

At the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, the protagonist can bump into a foreign reporter and leave the phone there, and then Motorola or Nokia is born.

Finally came to the Science and Technology Museum.

Here you can add two bombs and one star.

The ancient scientist heroine is completely excited and her character is sublimated.

In the end, there was a final decisive battle with the foreign villains led by Chi You in the Forbidden City, echoing the Eight-Power Allied Forces

During this period, old friends who could plan to run away together also found their own "home" in their own dynasty, and none of them wanted to leave, so much so that they were arrested.

This can make the situation worse and pave the way for the final outcome.

Up to this point, the theme has not manifested itself.

But there's no rush.

Because starting the theme is the turtle board.

In the original version, Carmenra forgot the password to the gold medal, so the protagonist was asked to find the password.

This version of Chi You could still be forgotten, but in the end Chi You remembered it, but he didn't know that the turtle back plate could summon a great flood. He only knew that this thing was the key to his original failure.

As a result, a big flood came, and all NPCs were in danger.

At this point, the main theme of the movie can be revealed.

. . . . . .

In general, that's what flesh and bones are like.

The specific plot is also basically designed.

The whole movie will use a lot of special effects, especially the final scene.

But it doesn't matter, Xingchen is now fully capable of doing it well.

However, such a movie is actually extremely difficult for any director.

In Ning Hao's words.

At the moment, the only ones who can handle this movie in China are Lu Ping'an and Lao Mouzi.

It's true when you think about it.

There are many scenes in the whole movie.

For example, "Qu Shui Shang", "Tang Palace Dance", etc.

According to Lu Ping'an's requirement, things from each dynasty must have a special flavor.

The Qin Palace wants to show off its momentum.

Tang Palace can capture the color of Lao Mouzi.

Dancing requires "desire" and elegance.

In the Song Dynasty, in order to make pictures that were both lifestyle-oriented and at the same time have the flavor of the budding capitalism.

It cannot be said that the protagonist has the same style all the way through.

Not only that, in terms of characters, each scene not only involves a large number of extras, but also the shots of some main characters have to have a different style.

Generally speaking, the style of the entire movie must be free from freshness, but also unified and consistent to the end.

A wonderful night at the museum.

That's how it has to be.

That is true, but it is indeed difficult for Ning Hao, a new great director.

After all, he is not Lu Ping'an, the world's top director.

But fortunately, the advantages of industrial production can be reflected at this time.

Now the entire movie has been modularized, which is the experience accumulated from "1937".

The entire movie is divided into more than a dozen modules that do not interfere with each other, so that it can adapt to the rhythm of Hengdian. After all, it is not possible to leave Lu Ping'an's crew here for several months at a time, and they also have to do business.

After each module is shot, Lu Ping'an, the chief producer, can check and accept it. If the acceptance is not met, the filming will be re-shot, which will not affect other modules.

At most it's just a matter of spending some money and time.

But what Xingchen lacks most now is money and time.

So Ning Hao is still confident.

Finally, Lu Ping'an said: "Let's do this for now. I'll go back and finish the dance. When all the scenes here are done, we can start setting the angles. Hengdian will be left to you."

"no problem!"

Ning Hao was full of confidence and began to officially enter the state. (End of this chapter)

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