Soon Sister Hua saw Lu Ping'an on the top floor of the stars.

Both of them are old friends, so there is no need to mince words about many things.

So after Sister Hua finished introducing a stack of actor cards, Lu Pingan asked: "Sister Hua, are you still happy in Chengtian?"

Sister Hua was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Director Lu, do you have anything to say?"


Lu Pingan smiled and nodded.

In the original time and space, Sister Hua ran away from Huayi and entered Chengtian in 2005.

By the beginning of 2008, he will leave again and start his own company independently.

During this period, the conflict between the two gradually expanded.

Boss Wu was very dissatisfied with Hua Jie's management company, fearing that he would become the next "Huayi", so he hurriedly established the "Chengtian Shijiu" brokerage company to divide Hua Jie's real power.

However, the artist only listens to Sister Hua.

By March 2008, there was news that Sister Hua was leaving Chengtian.

A month later, Hu Jun, Chengtian's first brother, became a citizen of Xiangjiang through the "Preferred Plan" and established his own film studio to prepare for leaving Chengtian.

In August, Boss Wu wanted to check Sister Hua's account, but was refused, and finally sued Sister Hua.

In the end, Sister Hua ran away completely.

But now, the situation is actually not as violent as it was in the original time and space.

The conflict between Sister Hua and Cheng Tian does not seem to be very big.

At least it doesn't look like it's time to break up.

Investigating the reason, Lu Ping'an felt that this was probably related to his own stars affecting the development of Chengtian.

Starting from the year before last, after Chengtian took over Sister Hua, it began to get involved in distribution and cinema lines, that is, it bought shares of Jiahe Cinemas. Until the second half of this year, it completely bought out all the shares of Zou Huaiwen in Jiahe Cinemas, and Chengtian Jiahe was established.

The original space-time Chengtian was established just a few years ago, and the pace of expansion can be said to be very smooth.

But in this time and space, because Xingchen dominates domestic entertainment, many film companies that are not familiar with Xingchen will naturally encounter many obstacles in their development.

For example, Chengtian communicated with Jiahe many times about acquiring shares but failed because Lu Ping An had already taken action.

Although there are still some shares that have not been acquired back, the owner of the shares, Jiahe’s boss Zou Huaiwen, is not stupid. Unlike Boss Wu, he knows that the small target is Lu Ping An’s company, so compared to the Japanese-owned small companies The company, Chengtian, naturally prefers Lu Ping'an, and even now helps Lu Ping'an hide Cheng Tian's knowledge.

Chengtian, which had not been able to successfully expand its distribution and theater territory, did not have enough confidence, so naturally it would not have too many conflicts with the "arbitrary" Sister Hua, and it was more tolerant to Sister Hua.

But the bad thing about Chengtian is that he shouldn't be a stumbling block for Lu Pingping.

Earlier, Hu Qingquan used his status as a capital to put pressure on a number of producers, and quickly identified the suspects who had played tricks some time ago, and Cheng Tian was one of them.

Therefore, Japanese companies really cannot be trusted.

Earlier, when Chengtian poached Sister Hua from Huayi, various media such as Sohu suspected that it was Japanese capital, and conspiracy theories were rampant.

Now it seems that I would rather believe it.

In this case, Lu Ping'an must take action.

From the upper level of finance to the lower level of business, he will fight for everything that can be done.

On the business side, Sister Hua comes at the right time.

"Are you interested in us starting a company separately? It's up to you to do whatever you want with the new company. I won't interfere."

Lu Ping'an directly showed his cards.

Sister Hua was obviously moved after hearing this.

She had wanted to join Lu Ping'an's stars earlier, but the stars had a special structure and couldn't cooperate.

Now Xingchen's strength is far greater than before, and his own strength is also far greater than before.

Speaking of joining Xingchen, it is actually something worthy of consideration for Sister Hua.

As a result, Lu Ping An said that he would set up a separate company and share resources without interfering.

This is a more relaxed condition than simply joining!

From a profit perspective, this is more attractive to her from a personal perspective.

Currently, she is not doing very well in Chengtian.

As the number one agent in the country, she has her own way of working.

However, Chengtian did not approve of it very much. They felt that she was "arbitrary" and had taken away the right to speak from the original members of the Orange Sky team, causing conflicts to accumulate for a long time.

When she thought about it, even if Lu Pingan didn't propose cooperation, she would definitely have to find a way to leave in a few days.

So now, since Lu Ping'an said it, we can naturally have a good chat.

As for artist collaboration.

This couldn't be simpler.

If there is a suitable one, let someone act it.

After all, aren’t they all from Sister Hua in the end?

The two chatted until late at night, and finally Sister Hua mentioned Chengtian's current layout plan.

In terms of movies, Sister Hua said that Boss Wu might make a big move next: "It is said to be related to Jiahe."

Lu Pingan laughed after hearing this: "Sister Hua, you are selling company secrets."

"It's just chatting between friends, not to mention I'm just guessing."

"Then your guess is really accurate!"

Lu Ping'an gave a thumbs up, and then said, "But he is determined not to be able to handle this matter."

"So sure?"

"Do you think that my movie can be widely distributed in Southeast Asia because it is a simple collaboration with Eagle Emperor and Jiahe as the media said?"

"And you are?"

"I bought the shares of Jiahe a long time ago. I will go to Xiangjiang tomorrow to buy the last share."

After hearing this, Sister Hua smiled and shook her head: "I should have thought of it a long time ago."

Finally, the two of them came up with a rough idea.

The matter is big and cannot be settled so quickly. We have to talk slowly next.

But no matter what, it is certain that Sister Hua will leave Chengtian, and the rest is only a matter of time.

The next day, Lu Ping'an flew to Xiangjiang and, with the help of Xiang Guoqiang, signed the last acquisition agreement with Jiahe.

At this point, Zou Wenhuai cleared his shares and retired completely, Xingchen completely controlled Jiahe, and Xingchen Jiahe was established and officially announced.

The industry was shocked.

Xingchen obtained Jiahe and his strength increased greatly again.

Mainland media hailed it as "the handover baton of the Asian film era has officially changed hands."

In Hong Kong, there are various commemorations of "the end of an era."

At this time, the boss of Cheng Tianwu from the Mainland was hearing the good news from Sister Hua.

Sister Hua takes action and wins every battle. Artists from her own company will participate in guest appearances in "Wonderful Night 2". This is a great thing!

But before the good news was digested, bolts from the blue came one after another, and the Jiahe he was staring at was cut off.

Now, without the channel Jiahe, Chengtian’s future film and television layout will be even more difficult.

However, like many film and television companies, he quickly thought of other tracks.

Such as brokerage business and TV series and other businesses.

It's just that no one knows.

Lu Ping An has begun a major expansion in secret.

There is the brokerage business that everyone knows now, such as Sister Hua.

There is also the future. For example, on the same day, a free video streaming website called "AYT" was launched in mainland China and Hong Kong at the same time.

The online broadcast copyrights of global film and television dramas reserved by this website have already exceeded 50,000 copies.

Next, we just have to wait for Lu Ping'an to finish the Olympics before officially injecting fresh blood into film and television dramas.

In addition to these, Lu Ping An currently has a huge backlog of funds.

There is no way, the financial crisis is coming, we have to avoid it for a while.

Over the years, Lu Ping An's funds in the stock market have been used only once a few years ago to buy theaters, build buildings, and build studios.

Subsequent proceeds continued into the stock market and have never been used again to date.

Looking at the results now, the number is shocking.

Among them, Penguin alone contributed nearly 30 times the increase.

Back then, Lu Pingan bought nearly 200 million Penguin circulating shares for less than 4 yuan.

Penguin’s stock price has now exceeded the 100 yuan mark.

This also makes Lu Ping’s stock assets in Penguin alone exceed HK$24 billion.

Together with the market value of other stocks, the total is close to 60 billion yuan.

Unfortunately, there will be a financial crisis soon, and Penguin and other stocks will also fall a lot.

It is necessary to avoid it, but you cannot take out too much.

So under Xiang Guoqiang's operation, about 800 million US dollars were released from the stock market this time.

How to use the money?

Of course I bought it.

Buy theaters, companies, and copyrights in China

Various layouts to prepare for the future.

During this period, it did not prevent him from taking out a little bit to solve transportation problems.

"Lao Xiang, look back at business jets and see if there are any large jets for sale by bankrupt tycoons next year. You can also look for one yourself."

Before leaving Xiangjiang, Lu Pingan said to Xiang Guoqiang.

The plane does have to be arranged, and it is really not a problem to always catch a flight.

If something happens to a foreigner who leaves first, where will his reputation as a great director go?


Xiang Guoqiang smiled and wrote it down. (End of chapter)

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