After a while, Lu Pingan put on makeup and left the scene.

Everyone gathered around him immediately.

Seeing Lu Pingan's distinctive costume and headgear, everyone began to guess who his guest appearance was.

Soon, Chen Daomin used his profound knowledge and rich experience to guess almost exactly.

"This costume should be from the Yuan Dynasty. I see there is a band today, so it must be related to opera. Director Lu, are you guest-starring Guan Hanqing?"

Zhang Beiguang immediately agreed: "I think so. If Guan Hanqing were a modern writer, he would be either a screenwriter or a director. Wouldn't it be just right?"

Lu Ping'an laughed: "As expected of Teacher Chen!"

Chen Daomin also smiled and said: "I was confused, I didn't expect that I was confused correctly."

Then Mr. Zhou started to chat: "Guan Hanqing, it's in the middle school textbook."

Chen Kun followed up: "Dou E's injustice was probably written by Guan Hanqing."

Others: "Yes, but do we have Dou E this time?"


Everyone started discussing.

Not only is the topic of the cameo discussed, but the history behind the movie is also discussed.

In fact, no one knows the context of the entire movie.

I only know some scattered clues.

Therefore, it has become a pleasure for all the actors to solve the puzzle of the entire movie from the guest characters.

But even if you can't guess anything useful, you won't tell anyone about it, and there will be a confidentiality agreement.

From here everyone once again gained a lot of pride.

The outside world has paid a lot of attention to "Wonderful Night 2".

You see, not only am I participating in the show, but I also know some of the plot, am I cool?

In the discussion room, the first session will soon begin.

I consciously prepared to leave the set because there was no part in the scene. I started watching the performance at the cordon, trying to understand some of the plot from the clips.

But this time Lu Pingping didn't let everyone go far.

Because his role is relatively independent.

Only the playing members of the band will be photographed.

Then add a small panorama, and it is also a small panorama in front of a green screen.

Finally, it appears at the end of the film using editing and special effects.

This is also the smallest module in the entire movie, specially designed for Lu Ping'an himself.

After this module, Lu Pingan's role will be over, and the remaining band members will continue to join the group. The one with the most roles among them will run through this module, which is the "artificial BGM" that Lu Pingan mentioned before.

For this reason, before filming started, Lu Pingan directly told everyone the purpose of this scene.

"This time I will be guest starring Guan Hanqing. Next, I will perform the film's theme music "Floating Light" with teachers and students from Xi'an Conservatory of Music to show off my shame."

After saying that, Zhao Jiping, who was on the scene, followed directly: "Director Ping An didn't say it, but I must emphasize that this song was written by Director Ping An himself."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and then they burst into applause.

Let’s not talk about those who are not looking forward to it, the venue must be praised!

Tang Yan, who was relatively close to the ground, asked Sister Hua, "Can Director Lu still write songs?"

Sister Hua reminded in a low voice: "I haven't done enough homework. Go back and find out more about it. Don't do this again when you meet Director Lu in the future."

"Okay, I get it now."

Tang Yan nodded, then locked her eyes on the handsome guy with an ancient temperament.

Soon, under the command of Zhao Jiping, the band started and the song "Floating Light" was played. With everyone's exclamation, "Wonderful Night 2" entered the official shooting stage.

. . . . . .

The filming of Lu Ping An’s module was quickly completed in the morning.

Later, Lu Pingan and the actors had a meal together and then dispersed.

The actors will join the cast one after another according to the schedule in the future, which is very worry-free.

Lu Ping'an is also going back to Beijing to continue working.

There has been a call from Beijing, saying that there is a meeting tomorrow and it is very important, so it is natural not to be absent and late.

So in the end, Lu Ping'an chartered a plane and returned to Beijing with the leader and the actors who were traveling along the way.

Along the way, Ping An did not chat with Tang Yan and other actors who were passing by, but continued chatting with the leaders.

As a person currently carrying the banner of movies, there is so much to say.

At this time, Lu Ping'an wouldn't show off his temper.

Talking more about many things and letting your leaders know your "beliefs" and "ideas" will be very helpful for Xingchen's future.

The leader praised "Wonderful Night 2" and said it was a good idea.

These are all false. Lu Pingan only listened to the last sentence, "Try to make the movie like "Kung Fu Panda". If you need anything, please feel free to ask."

With this Sword of Shang Fang, there will be no shortage of movies.

So until the plane landed, Lu Pingan didn't care about the actors behind him.

As for Tang Yan and the others, they failed to chat with Lu Ping'an?

The boss is very busy, what can be done, can you still blame him?

So I’ll just have to do it next time.

After landing, Lu Ping'an and Han Sanpin went to China Film Studio to drink tea together, and then continued to talk about things.

Han Sanpin knew that Lu Pingan would officially start working on the Olympics next, and it would be difficult to be free until the closing ceremony, so he discussed many post-Olympic project plans in advance to make sure he had an idea.

In his current opinion, Lu Ping'an's participation in the group for one year was a huge loss to domestic films.

Next year, except for "Wonderful Night 2", there seems to be no other movies in the stars.

Fortunately, there are many blockbusters brewing on the market now.

"Yangtze River No. 7" is scheduled to be released in January, "King of Kung Fu" wants to be released in April, "Red Cliff" will be completed in a few months, and will basically be released after the Olympics, plus Lu Ping'an's "Wonderful Night 2" 》.

Next year looks like it will still be a fruitful year.

Ping An Lu is just wishing this, and I hope everyone can be a box office hit.

Han Sanpin said with a smile: "Those two families are all staring at you."

Those two companies naturally refer to Huayi and Chengtian.

Lu Ping'an said calmly: "Whatever, actually I hope they can surpass me."

"Is it too cold at high places?"

"The overall situation is more important."

"Don't imitate what leaders say."

"No matter what, they are all sincere."

"Come on you."

The two chatted for a while and then went home safely.

The next day I came to the director's team to start a meeting.

The content of the meeting was also expected. The entire director team will begin the formal rehearsal stage, and Lu Ping'an will be busy.

And once we enter the rehearsal stage, all the "consultants" will arrive.

Among them is Spielberg.

At this point, the leader hopes that Lu Ping'an will chat with him more when the time comes.

After all, Lu Ping'an is the most famous, speaks good English, and is considered a Hollywood colleague. Of course, this important task must be placed on his head.

In fact, this person had been here as early as 2006 when the appointment letter was issued.

At that time, Lao Mouzi was a local companion, accompanying him to visit the capital.

Of course you should avoid this kind of thing.

He has no interest in being someone's companion.

After escaping once, they came again. Now I couldn't escape safely because I was named by the superiors.

Lu Ping'an felt speechless.

But it's understandable.

Spielberg's reputation is indeed quite large.

The key is that he now also shows a considerable degree of friendliness towards China.

In the past two years, he has made public statements many times that he will contribute to the BJ Olympics, which has had a huge positive impact internationally.

It's just that no one in the country today would have thought that this guy would change his face at every turn.

By February next year, all Chinese people will know his face.

But it’s only November after all.

So Lu Ping'an could only agree.

In fact, the change of face has already been foreshadowed.

This year the Olympic Organizing Committee sent him a consultant appointment letter, but he did not sign it before the final contract signing deadline in May.

People who are more sensitive should have already had a premonition by now combined with the increasing public opinion slander from the outside world.

But again, until someone changes their attitude completely, they are still "friends".

Of course, since as someone who already knows the future.

The preparations that need to be made must still be made.

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