Bad Monkey's affairs directly decided on several projects in just over a week.

"Bullfighting" by Guan Hu, "Stubborn Carrot" by Tian Meng, "Wolf Fang" by Wu Jing, and "Nightclub" by Yang Qing.

In addition to these four, "People on the Road" from Xiangjiang Wenjun was also assigned to Bad Monkey by Lu Pingan.

If Xu Shanzheng wants to join in the future, he can also serve as a new director.

In this way, Bad Monkey specializes in talent development and nurturing small-budget films.

The Xingchen headquarters specializes in large-cost industrial films, or films directed by Lu Ping'an himself.

In addition, the first batch of funds approved by Lu Ping An for Bad Monkey was 50 million.

In addition to the four films decided by Lu Ping'an, Zhang Cheng and others will also decide on other films and reserve talents on their own.

These movies may make a loss or make a profit.

Not only are my family paying attention to this, but the outside world is also paying attention.

With so many projects finalized in just a few days, everyone was stunned by Lu Pingan's appeal. At the same time, many colleagues also wanted to see what Lu Pingan would look like if all these projects failed.

Of the five films that have been scheduled so far, two of Original Time and Space are losing money.

It doesn't look good.

But first of all, Ping An now has its own channels, so it may not still suffer losses.

In addition, only Lu Pingan himself knows the true value of these four movies.

Therefore, Lu Pingan naturally ignored the opinions of the outside world.

Bad Monkey is following the steps here.

In the following days, Lu Ping'an's rhythm was very stable.

Work during the day and review "Wonderful Night 2" at night.

The cost of sending a hard drive to a company assistant seems high, but it can save a lot of money in the entire movie.

After all, modularization is the most cost-effective approach.

The progress of "Wonderful Night 2" is also very fast. It is expected that the task of Hengdian will be completely completed by the end of January and returned to the Beijing studio to continue shooting. It is finally expected to be completely completed in early March. Of course, the premise is that there will be no problems during this period. .

At present, it seems that the possibility of problems is basically small.

So overall, Lu Pingan is quite satisfied with Ning Hao and Guo Fan as associate producers.

Xingchen is in full swing, and his colleagues are also very enthusiastic.

"The Legend", which was released in early December, has now been in theaters for three weeks. Thanks to the fact that the number of big screens far exceeds the same period in the original time and space, the box office has also reached 262 million, which is also far higher than the same period in the original time and space.

The film "The Original Spacetime" only grossed 202 million at the box office when it was released.

Many media believe that after Lu Ping An, Peter Chan will become the second director to enter the 300 million box office club.

Many media outlets also felt pity for this, because "The Call to Action" was directed by two directors, Peter Chan and Ip Wai-ming.

But some people have said that both can be counted.

So when it really breaks through 300 million, there will be two more directors in the 300 million box office club.

The media is hotly discussing it, and the topic of "Report of Voting" does not end there.

"I've been walking on thin ice all my life" Lian Jie contributed superb acting skills. Fans complained that the mainland version had too many cuts, and the shocking "Ling Chi" scene at the end of the original version was circulated on the Internet.

But this popularity was soon surpassed by Feng Dapao's "Assembly".

At the end of December, the rallying call was sounded. It has only been a week and a half so far, and the total box office has directly exceeded 200 million.

Lu Pingan was not surprised by this number.

The film "Original Time" almost exceeded 300 million, and it was the runner-up that year, second only to "Transformers".

Nowadays, there are so many big screens, and war themes are very popular again.

It's normal for the box office to rise so much.

But in the eyes of the media, this meaning is somewhat different.

The media rushed to report.

Feng Dapao directly replaced Chen Kexin and Yip Weiming and became the "most likely" second director of the 300 Million Club.

And "300 million" can no longer stop him, and even "400 million" may not be able to stop him!

Of course, no one thinks Lu Ping An will feel pressured.

The RMB 750 million of "Huan Tai" is there, and most media have already regarded it as the "Titanic" of the year, that is, it will not be surpassed in seven or eight years.

Of course, some people began to question it, saying that "Huan Tai" is not an authentic Chinese film after all, so it doesn't count.

Among Chinese films, "Bucket List" and "Wonderful Night 1" are the real peaks.

Both movies are in the early 400 million, and "Assembly" has a great chance of surpassing them!

If he really wants to surpass himself, Feng Dapao can become the number one Chinese commercial film director!

At the same time, the "one super, many strong" structure of the Chinese film market will also be completely changed.

Become "two superpowers and multiple superpowers", or even "multiple superpowers".

I don’t know if everyone is too loud or something.

Soon, the situation took a turn for the worse.

By the 12th, "Assembly Number" had a box office of 270 million, and "Vote" had been released for more than a month, officially exceeding 300 million.

The producers of "The Proposal" were very happy. Huayi of "Assembly Number" felt that it was not a big problem because the movie had only been released for more than two weeks and it would be no problem if it exceeded 400 million.

But at this time, a snowstorm hit the south, causing the southern film market to suffer a heavy blow.

The social level has no time to care about Cannon's "400 million dream" and instead devotes all its attention to reporting on the snow disaster.

The south was severely affected.

The community quickly launched a call for donations.

Xingchen immediately organized manpower and material resources and officially announced a donation of 20 million yuan.

Immediately afterwards, Guorong, Baoqiang, Yan Danchen, Liu Qianqian and others also announced donations, ranging from five million to several hundred thousand.

The society was full of praise, and other companies and artists followed suit, and the entire entertainment industry quickly became extremely united.

In addition to its impact on society, the snow disaster also brought a lot of problems to the crew of "Wonderful Night 2".

Since January 26, moderate to heavy snowfall has occurred in the northern, central, southern and western regions of Zhejiang Province.

A never-ending snowfall descended on Hengdian, forcing many crews to shut down.

But "Wonderful Night 2" is not included in this list.

Just before the first heavy snow fell in Hengdian, the crew of "Wonderful Night 2" took 89 days to completely complete the scenes in Hengdian.

When I returned to the capital, I heard that a heavy snowfall suddenly fell in Hengdian that night, with more than 10 centimeters overnight. This is already a heavy snowfall in the south.

This also made Ning Hao and others sigh: God helps me.

Fortunately, the crew has finished filming, otherwise it would have been delayed for a week.

And Lu Ping'an knew that the delay would not be just a week, but the first month of next year.

Snowstorms are no joke.

With the happy mood of "God bless", the crew chartered a flight back to Beijing the next afternoon.

The first thing Liu Qianqian did after returning to the company was to go to Lu Pingan's office to put Da Ju down, then turn on the computer on the sofa to watch a drama, waiting for Lu Pingan to come back from the Olympic directing team, and then set off to cook hot pot with Ning Hao and the others.

Look at the time, there's still half an hour.

Liu Qianqian opened the movie resources sent by her friends and started watching.

I don’t know how long it took, but QQ suddenly rang: “Go and see!”

Followed by a link, it's from Tianya.

Liu Qianqian clicked on it and the pictures loaded slowly.

Then it loads instantly.

Then I saw a person who looked like Edison Xi and a person who looked like Zhang Baizhi.

Liu Qianqian's pupils had just tightened, and she was about to close the notebook, when Lu Ping'an's voice sounded from behind her:

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, Liu Qianqian, you would secretly watch this!"

Liu Qianqian's soul emerged, and then she died

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