China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 465 Just like the spring breeze blowing across the earth

After Spielberg's incident came out, the world was waiting to see China's jokes.

Domestically, there is a cloud of sadness.

This is a shameful thing.

It's also a loss of confidence.

All the world-class directors are gone.

Can it still succeed?

Of course, there are people who express support, but most people are still filled with indignation.

But some clowns also came forward and apologized to Spielberg on behalf of their superiors.

This kind of bridge happens almost every time when encountering such an incident.

While everyone is waiting for the official answer.

Lu Pingping got off work as usual that day, and was caught by a group of reporters.

"Excuse me, Director Lu, what do you think of Spielberg's resignation?"

"I would like to ask Director Lu, if Director Spielberg launches the opening ceremony, will it have any impact on the entire opening ceremony?"

"What do you think of the events in Darfur?"

A group of reporters who had been squatting for a long time were like hungry tigers pouncing on food, and all kinds of questions were flying in.

Lu Pingan, who was surrounded by various microphones, looked calm at this time.

It's not calm, but it looks like I just heard about it and thinks your question is funny.

After he listened again to the first reporter's question, "Excuse me, Director Lu, what do you think of Spielberg's resignation?"

Lu Ping'an said calmly: "I'm very confused, what kind of art consultant is he? He hasn't signed a contract, and he hasn't become a consultant. How can he say he resigned? Did you translate it wrong?"

After saying that, Lu Ping'an put on a slightly impatient look and comforted everyone: "Don't worry, everyone. Even if he is a formal consultant, it doesn't matter if he resigns now. The entire opening ceremony plan has been prepared a long time ago, with or without him." That’s all, I’m going home, please give way.”

As Lu Pingan got into the car and left, the reporters soon stayed and went back to write articles as soon as possible.

Soon, the whole country knew about Lu Ping An’s interview.

There was also a quick response online:

"The director has already said that he is not a consultant at all and has not signed a contract, so Spielberg is just talking nonsense!"

"Director Lu's expression was very cute. He was confused. I was also confused. Spielberg resigned even though he was not a consultant? Hahaha."

"Director Lu's words are domineering. Did you hear that? He is no different than him!"

"Doesn't this mean that we can't listen to opinions?"

"You upstairs are stupid. I'm not a consultant. What advice do you have?"

"You can give advice even if you are not a consultant."

"You're not a consultant, and you haven't even signed a contract. Why should I listen to you, an idle person?"

"It's all over. The plan was made by Lu Ping'an and the director Lao Mouzi. Can the two of them combined not compare to Spielberg? I don't believe it."

"I think some people in China still take Spielberg too seriously. He is just a world-class director. It's not like we don't have any."

"That Lu Ping An is still far behind him."

"Not many. They are all among the top ten directors in the world. One has a global box office of more than 3 billion US dollars, and the other has a global box office of more than 6 billion US dollars. The difference is not much."

"And one is only 26 years old, and the other is 62 years old. There is more than a generation difference."

"Spielberg made a bold statement and made the Olympics zz-like. Only they Americans can do it."


As expected.

Who doesn’t have a world-class director yet?

Lu Ping'an, the most powerful director in the country and the creative director responsible for the opening ceremony, said these words lightly.

The anxious mood in the market was quickly relieved by most of it, just like the spring breeze blowing across the earth.

Everyone quickly gained confidence.

This is the weight of the words of the super leader.

Abroad, Lu Ping An’s interview was also reproduced by many media.

As a world-class director, his words will naturally have many effects.

Many people think Spielberg is right, and Ping An is right too.

Who is right?

The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee quickly issued an announcement confirming that Spielberg had not signed the contract. In other words, in theory, he was not a consultant, and there was no talk of resignation.

Of course, such factual basis is controlled by Western public opinion and can only allow a small number of people to know and believe the truth.

But it did invisibly reduce the impact of the matter by a large margin.

But in this way, Lu Pingan's future in Hollywood seems to be affected to some extent.

Hu Qingquan called to express his concern that day.

Of course, Lu Ping An will also have some concerns about this.

However, judging from some of the things Wattsberg knows, the actual impact on him will be much less than imagined.

On the one hand, this benefits from the way Lu Ping'an accepts interviews.

This time, I was surrounded by many reporters as soon as I stepped out.

Do you really think these reporters are all coming on their own?

And Lu Ping'an is really that anxious to get home?

Also, did Lu Ping'an really just hear about this?

It’s all arranged!

The boss also considered that Lu Ping'an wanted to join Hollywood.

So I didn’t actually want him to show up at first.

The only world-class director in the country, if his career suffers a huge blow because of this incident, his superiors will certainly not feel at ease.

But Lu Pingan insisted, after all, he was the most suitable person for this matter.

Of course, Lao Mouzi can come. In the original time and space, Lao Mouzi was "besieged" and said, "I'm very confused, but it doesn't matter."

But now that Lu Ping'an is here, he is not the chief director, but just one of the directors. At the same time, he is a world-class director and the closest to Spielberg, so his words will have a lot more objective elements.

And it was him who took the initiative, so of course it had nothing to do with Lao Mouzi.

Even so, the way Lu Ping An was arranged to respond was based on a "tactful and gentle" approach.

Let him encounter a blockage by chance, and then say "Wrong translation?" to minimize the intensity of the incident.

In this way, Wattsberg said that there is no news in Hollywood that Lu Ping'an and Spielberg are not on good terms, but more that Spielberg is sick.

Just make money as a director, which is ridiculous.

This is also the second reason why Lu Ping'an thinks the problem is not big.

Hollywood talks about zzzq, but it also talks about money.

Lu Ping An now has interests in many major Hollywood companies.

The Chinese market is getting bigger and bigger, and Lu Pingan has a huge influence in China.

Only those who are heartless would go against Lu Ping'an.

In fact, throughout 2008, the attitudes of Hollywood and various international big names were quite favorable in the country.

Some of the Hollywood bastards who jumped out were basically cast aside by the mainstream Hollywood media.

So in general, the Western public opinion environment faced by China in 2008 was indeed not very good, but compared to later, it was actually still much better.

Therefore, Lu Ping An's future will not have much impact at least for five or six years.

Of course, some people don't think so, such as some people in the industry.

They felt that Lu Ping's road to Hollywood was about to end.

Of course Lu Ping An would not pay attention to these people.

But for Chen Danqing, Lu Pingan still has to take a look.

At this time, Chen Danqing gave Lu Pingan a thumbs up: "People are indeed different, and you and him are indeed not comparable."

In his opinion, Lu Ping was frank and sincere at heart, and he was an excellent boy.

Chen Danqing himself is also very real, so Lu Ping'an is very suitable for him.

Lu Ping'an thought the same thing, but after all the fun, everything comes without a price, right?

So he reached out directly: "A few light words are not enough to heal the pits in my heart that were stimulated by you."

Chen Danqing laughed: "How about giving you a painting?"

Lu Ping'an's eyes lit up.

This guy's paintings were later sold for more than 100 million!

So he immediately made a gesture: "Two pictures."

"Robbery, you."

Chen Danqing smiled and shook his head, then said, "Okay, I'll paint it for you on the spot later."

"make a deal!"

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